Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 146: 145 free access rights

Chapter 146: 145 free access rights

Chapter 146 145. Permission to enter and exit freely

There is a dining hall in the Prime Minister's Tower, which is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people dining at the same time.

Perhaps at the peak of the power of the Prime Minister's office, this hall will be overcrowded, but now the dining hall is so empty that two direwolves can even take a leisurely stroll.

The people who were brought from the north ate at a long table.

There were more than twenty **** teams and more than thirty maids and nuns accompanying the young lady, including Lan En.

In fact, he is now sitting between Arya and Jory Kelso, opposite Sansa Stark, who is blushing and bowing her head.

By the time Ed came back from the royal meeting, a golden hand-shaped badge had been hung on the left side of his chest.

This is why the position of Prime Minister is called the Hand of the King.

His expression is very ugly.

It can be seen that he was really given a slap on the head at the imperial meeting.

But when he walked to the dinner table, this man with a cold and hard temperament still forced out a smile to face his daughter and subordinates.

The affairs of the kingdom are more numerous and complicated than the simple Winterfell, which makes me upset. But on this table, I think its better not to worry about these troublesome things. Lets eat in peace.

Lan En can somewhat imagine how a person who landed in a high position will be ostracized and treated harshly by people below him or colleagues.

There is nothing anyone can do about this.

Ed took his seat at the main table.

Sir, I think I need your help with something.

When Ed started to eat, Lan opened his mouth to him with Aria across from him.

"Can you give me a pass that allows me to enter and exit the Red Keep freely? As you know, I am in pursuit of exotic flora and fauna. If I stay in the Red Keep, I will not be able to explore the harbor markets and markets of King's Landing. "

Before Lan En could finish speaking, Aria, who had just taken a sip of soup, opened her eyes wide, swallowed hard, and continued shouting.

Dad, Im going too! Let me follow Lan En!

Eddard Stark looked at his daughter, who was more lively than most boys, and then at Lan En, who was eating normally, and then nodded.

Okay, Arya. Itll be nice if it saves you some trouble in the Red Keep.

"Lan En, please keep an eye on her. You won the trial by combat for Stark, and the strange animals and plants are the promised reward. I will give you a signed pass. After you buy something outside, You can ask for a receipt, and I will reimburse you when you come back. The total amount is one hundred gold dragons. And what I collected directly here will be kept by you."

Ed did not choose to be confused about Lan En's ambiguous agreement with his little daughter, but instead gave a clear and generous answer.

The purchasing power of the golden dragon is higher than that of Oren.

Lane can buy a suit of qualified heavy armor for almost 300 oren in Temeria, while in Westeros, a suit of plate armor plus an ordinary war horse armor only costs about 100 gold dragons.

Robert's tourney prize amounting to tens of thousands is a prodigal level of consumption.

As for Ed, Lan En felt that he was obviously a man who emphasized rules and credibility, and in short, he had a traditional sense of honor.

"It's enough, sir. I will take good care of Aaliya. In the past, we have actually been working together very happily."


Aliya wanted to laugh happily, but as soon as she started to laugh, she was glared at by an old woman across the table and stopped.

Lan En also had a free hand, stretched out to the side and pressed down the wolf's head that Nymeria was leaning towards with her tongue outstretched.


Early the next morning, Arya led Nymeria and knocked on the door of Lan En's room, and walked out excitedly toward the gate of the Red Keep. Lan En carried the Bear School steel sword and Arondette on his back, and Aaliyah carried the 'sewing needle' on her waist.

"Lan En, I think something will happen if you go out with this sword given by the Lady of the Lake. It is so gorgeous! The place we are going to is the market. I heard the bard say that there are fish and dragons there. Mixed up?"

Its a mixed bag

Lan En pursed his lips and patted his forehead, not wanting to admit that this girl had been following him for more than a month.

After acquiring this long sword, Lan En once tried to cut it when he was alone.

Its center of gravity and edge are impeccable, and it feels even more comfortable in the hand.

But the problem is, as Alia said, it is too gorgeous for a weapon that is really going to be used in combat.

Just the weighted ball on the hilt is a three-headed roaring bear facing three sides.

The lifelike carving craftsmanship is definitely expensive from a human perspective.

After drawing out the sword blade, the runes all over the sword surface will gradually light up as you slash, accumulating power.

The light is filled with runes from the position close to the hilt of the sword. After filling up to the tip of the sword, the next slash will directly consume the light, and the power of the slash will be doubled!

Lets not talk about this exaggerated practical effect, lets just say that the visual effect is amazing.

Do you think its better in the Prime Ministers Tower? Or in the Red Keep? Arya, its because I dont trust these people that I always carry a sword with me.

While talking to Arya, Lan smiled and nodded to say hello to a passing gold robe, the King's Landing guard.

"You're back in your family, and you feel safe. But I'm telling you, Arya, keep the intensity and sensitivity you had 'over there' and don't lose it. I can't feel it over here. A little bit of safety.

Lane's words evoked Arya's feelings on Vizima.

Even though it was only one night, the experience of being cornered in a hotel by a cannibal leader and a group of elite warriors that night, without knowing anything and without any warning, was still very stimulating.

The feeling as if your every move is being seen by others, and a sword is put to your throat.

This is the power of intelligence and power.

Aliya's originally bright smile gradually narrowed, and she also lowered her voice and spoke softly without turning her head, just like she did at Vizima.

You sense the problem here?

Heh, tell me something you dont know. Yesterdays kings decision was spread throughout the Red Castle before being discussed by the royal council. I guess these people know exactly what we had for dinner last night.

Lann put his hand on Aaliyah's shoulder and patted it.

You have to carefully observe, analyze, and learn to deal with it. I cant always be here with you. You know it.

Speaking of farewell, Aaliya no longer reacted as strongly as before.

She has a strong heart and has been prepared in the magical world. She is very happy that Lan En can come to stay with her for a while.

Ill pay attention, Lan En. Please teach me how to use a sword!

.When I say learn to cope, I dont mean for you to just chop it down like me! You are just an ordinary person. You shouldnt have dreams that reach the level I do, right?

You should learn more! Although its a bit late.

"Okay, I'll teach you for a while. After I leave, your father will find you another teacher to continue teaching. You still have time, so don't be in a hurry."

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