Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 130: 129Talents that lead the times

Chapter 130: 129Talents that lead the times

Chapter 130 129. The talent to lead the times

Berengar himself was doing various actions with a surprised look on his face to test his body's ability to restore vitality.

The toxin accumulation on his face, which was originally so dark and frightening, actually subsided quite a bit after being helped up by Lan En.

It takes less than two minutes for a person to recover from the state of weakness when he first drank the potion to the peak of physical strength.

You mean effective? Then why did you look like the toxicity was beyond your ability to bear?

Lan En put the lid back on the [White Honey] on his hand, put it back into the alchemy leather bag, and asked in confusion.

Berengar was still experiencing the feeling that the "new magic potion" brought to him, and responded with his eyes closed.

"It's not that the toxicity exceeds the tolerance, but the improved potion you made takes effect too quickly, at least 70% faster than the normal [Maribo Forest]! The total amount of toxicity remains unchanged, but it surges up suddenly , I couldnt bear it for a moment.

It seems to be a good thing that it takes effect quickly. What about the effect of the potion?

The recovery speed of body vitality is no different from the normal version, but the side effects are indeed reduced!

What are the symptoms of the original [Maribo Forest]?

Lan Ens inquiries one by one were treated as data collection for pharmaceutical experiments.

The witcher's potion not only contains toxicity that can easily kill ordinary people, but also has side effects that even the witcher cannot ignore.

For example, to quote [Thunder], when the muscle tissue is greatly strengthened, the weak muscle bundles will break during exercise because they cannot bear the pull of the stronger muscles next to them.

The original [Maribo Forest] will cause slight cramps after drinking, causing the bodys movement accuracy to decline, making it difficult to use movements that require high precision. But now.

Berengar said incredulously.

My hand feels as steady as usual!

Lan En nodded and asked his biological brain in his mind.

Mentos, lets summarize the information just now.

"Understood, sir. Within 2.3 seconds after Mr. Berengar drank the potion, the potion began to take effect. His physical activity increased by 36% after the potion took effect. His physical condition is stable and there are no side effects."

Zhi Naoyan recorded the experiment concisely and entered Lan En's improved formula into the database.

Beside him, Berengar, who had already felt Lan En's improved potion with his own body, looked at Lan En with an unreadable expression.

The recipe that has been passed down and developed by witchers for hundreds of years was improved in the hands of a beginner? !

Whats your expression like that?

Lan En, who was being stared at, raised his eyebrows and took out [White Honey] from the alchemy leather bag and shook it.

Are you trying to eliminate toxicity?

Berengar looked at Lan En deeply, pursed his lips and shook his head, but said another paragraph.

"The idea of adding 'water' properties to the formula of [Maribo Forest] has appeared before. However, among the more than 1,700 attempts in the file, no one has seen any hope of success. . But you didnt even use a measuring cup in your hand! Just using the feel and visual inspection, you grasp the amount and timing that we cant even detect.

Lane, with your alchemy talent you should go to Kaer Morhen.

You should go there to look through the alchemical manuscripts of Arzu and Malaspina, instead of listening to the lectures of me, a demon hunter who is a practical alchemist.

The Alchemy Practical School only cares about how to use alchemical products, but with your talent, you should ask why.

Lane expressed great interest in Berengar's opinion.

If he was just satisfied with how to use alchemical products, then it would be impossible for him to achieve his goal that transcends the times.

He has been aiming to be the academic pioneer of this era from the beginning to the end.

"Kaer Morhen? I heard that is the headquarters of your Wolf Faction. Your companions, they won't let me pass by the Bear Faction, right?"

Berengar waved his hand indifferently.

As long as you make sure you are not hostile, there are not many rules among witchers. You just need to get the old mans consent.

"Old man?" "That's Vesemir."

When mentioning this name, Lan felt that Berengar's mood was strange.

Like a bad boy who has been away from home for too long and brings up his old father in his memories.

Fear, resistance, and hidden nostalgia.

"He is probably the oldest old guy among the existing witchers. If you meet him, I advise you not to use your fists like you did when you first met me. Otherwise, even you will most likely not be able to please him."

I never doubt how strong a warrior who has been active for hundreds of years is, but judging from your tone, cant you just be a middleman and make a recommendation?

Lan looked at Berengar spreading his hands.

If the worst happens, Ill pay more.

"It's not about the money, Lan. I'm a deserter from the Witcher. I have no face, and I don't want to see the old guys anymore. You have to find the old man yourself."

Lan En somewhat understood this idea, so he stopped forcing it.

And he felt that with his reputation in the foreseeable future, he also had this increasingly handsome face.

Vesemir should have no reason to reject him.


After truly seeing Lan Ens talent in alchemy, Berengar quickly put down the restriction on the teaching speed.

He understands that some geniuses spend enough time flipping through books that ordinary people can't catch up in a day's study.

So the cramming teaching of the Eight Classics for Children was quickly completed within two days.

Berengar taught all the alchemical recipes he knew. Most of his knowledge base consisted of these practical recipes, and he had very little concept of alchemical principles.

It is in line with his self-proclaimed identity as an "alchemy pragmatist".

But for another pillar of knowledge for witchersthe knowledge of monsters and curses.

Berengar found it difficult even to teach in a cram-like manner, because he himself had not constructed a knowledge system in his mind at all.

This resulted in his teaching being inconsistent with a hammer and a stick, and the scattered knowledge could not be connected at all.

It was only at this time that Berengar felt how much effort Vesemir had put into teaching them.

You should go find Vesemir now.

As a learner, Lan En did not show any fatigue. On the contrary, as a professor, Berengar kept rubbing his forehead.

I have to admit that when I was a witcher, one of the reasons why my job didnt go well was because of poor study.

Lan En has nothing to complain about. The alchemy formula Berengar gave him alone is very precious.

The old demon hunter was just out of lack of ability, rather than deliberately hiding his secrets.

His ability only goes so far.

The last course was over, and Lan invited Berengar quite naturally.

It seems that I have already drained you, this is the promised reward.

The young man first threw over a bulging money bag, and Berengar caught it.

Would you like to come over and relax during the after-school activities tonight?

When it comes to extracurricular activities, Berengars smile immediately froze as he had just received a huge sum of money in his life.

Those weird half-murlocs? Forget about those things you dealt with, I dont want to get involved.

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