Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 86: Treacherous Dealings

Chapter 86: Treacherous Dealings

He'sthe prince!? Vir thought, appraising the man. He certainly had the orbs to back that assertion up.

Vir thought back to Maiyas ramblings about the princes and princesses, regretting that he hadnt paid more attention back then. If he recalled, there were two princes and one princess in the Hiranyan royal family. Mina was the middle child, with an older and younger brother.

Shed mentioned that the older brother, Sanobar Hiranya, was noble and gallant. He couldnt even recall the younger brothers name.

Now that Vir looked closer at the black-haired, clean shaven man, he looked to be only a couple of years older than Vir. Possibly twenty at most. Vir noticed he wore makeup, though not enough to drastically change his appearance. Just enough for anyone who knew him to pass him by.

Did Riyan have connections with the prince? But even if he did, how'd the prince know Vir was Riyan's agent? It seemed like a remote possibility, though Vir couldn't easily broach the topic without alerting the prince to his motives. Not yet, anyway.

Youre Sanobar Hiranya? Vir asked, his voice nearly a whisper.

Call me San, the young man said with a nod.

Is this a trap?

Do you think I would risk coming out here alone, if it was? Betraying the Brotherhood has its consequences, even for me.

I see, Vir replied.

So, what is it about Mina you wish to know? San said openly.

Youll tell me anything?

Anything about her, yes. Dont expect me to divulge state secrets. I am here because I believe this meeting will be in the best interest of my kingdom. Do not mistake me for a traitor.

Why would he be here? Vir thought. Whyd he be willing to give up his sister's details?

On the one hand, Sanobar would likely know more than anyone what his sister was like. But would he be honest? What if Sanobar was working with Mina?

Vir realized he could spend all day questioning and postulating, but hed get nowhere. Hed ask his questions and analyze Sanobars responses later. It wasnt like he had to believe whatever came out of the princes mouth.

Youre not going to ask me why I want to know?

Oh, I have plenty of suspicions. I expect the nature of your questions will reveal all. I need not ask you for such a thing.

Fair enough. No matter how much Vir wanted to beat around the bush, he was eventually going to ask the hard questions. Questions that could land him in hot water if he wasnt careful.

Mina comes across as a generous, kindhearted princess. Is that true?

Oh boy, San said, chuckling wryly. Were starting from there, are we? Alright, if were doing this, Im going to need a drink.

He flagged down a waiter, who brought over a mug of beer.

Anything for you?

Vir shook his head. I dont drink.

A beer for my friend here, on me! San said.

Itll look suspicious if you dont order anything, he muttered after the waiter had left. At least look like youre enjoying the drink, even if you dont drink any of it.

Vir nodded. He hadnt noticed any strong prana signatures nearby, but then, spies didnt have to be mejai. Prana Vision didnt give him omniscience.

I know you didnt come here for a history lesson, but to understand Mina, we must travel back in time first. To one fateful day. The day she was kidnapped. My little sister had once been an ordinary child. Spoiled rotten, yes, but innocent and somewhat pure. She always had a devious side to her, but it was a harmless quirk.

San gazed into the distance, reminiscing on some precious memory.

Then a royal retainer betrayed us. Royal ransoms could set a person up for life, and the temptation was too great for them. They took Mina to some lets say unsavory men who had a gripe with the kingdom. Who felt as though Hiranya had not treated them well.

Isnt that everyone? Vir asked. Look around. Your capitals not exactly a paragon of wealth and prosperity. Do you have any idea what its like in the Warrens? At least your sister sneaks out of the castle. Shes seen the slums and the sewers.

Sans expression hardened. Oho? You know about that quirk of hers, do you? Impressive. But yes, I do know, Neel. I am not the sort of spoiled child you might guess I am. I fully understand the sorry state of this kingdom, and that my father is partly to blame. But you do not understand the full picture, either. You do not know how the safety of our citizens hangs by a thread with the Altani on one end and the Kinjal on the other, waging a never ending game of tug of war.

The prince cleared his throat. I digress. Mina was kidnapped, and subjected to sights no child should ever see. To trauma no one should ever bear. She watched as her captors killed innocents in front of her eyes. And in the process, something inside her broke. Something precious and irreplaceable. By the time our forces took down her captors, it was too late. When she returned to us, she had changed. Shed grown introverted and reclusive. She kept her thoughts to herself, and she never smiled.

It was a sad story, but Vir understood why the prince had narrated this tale. A knot formed in his stomach as he guessed where this was going.

Over time, she changed. She became outgoing again. She even smiled and laughed, and while my mother was only too happy to see her dear daughter healthy again, I knew better. Are you aware, Neel? That there are different smiles? Smiles for greeting aristocracy. Smiles reserved for loved ones, and smiles of genuine happiness? Minas smile was different. Corrupted. Sadistic.

A fake persona? Vir guessed.

Exactly. A farce. Which isnt alarming in and of itself. As royalty, we are used to wearing different faces. But she mastered the art at an early age. She she was not normal. I began to question what it was she hid under that mask.

I take it you didnt like what you found?

Indeed, the prince replied. It was small things, at first. Id find dead rodents in her wake. Some birds. I wasnt happy, but I kept quiet about it. Perhaps it was a phase. Maybe she needed an outlet for her trauma. But as she grew older, it got worse. The bodies became more and more mangled, as if the mere act of killing them wasnt sufficient. She had to break them in grotesque ways as well. And then

Vir gulped. Hed nearly forgotten about the din of the tavern and its raucous crowd. Right now, his entire world was just him and Sanobar. And then?

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Then one day, I caught her in the middle of the act. I realized I had been wrong the entire time. Mina didnt enjoy killing those poor animals. She enjoyed breaking them. She wanted to hear those screams. To prolong their agony until their dying breath. My sister would be heartbroken when they passednot out of concern for the animals, but because her brief joy had ended.

Virs palms started to sweat. Thats

You wanted the truth about my sister? This is who she is. But these days, instead of rodents, its human slaves. She keeps a stock of them, torturing them for her own sick pleasures. Gods help anyone who crosses her. Commoner or Sawai, it matters not. She has slaughtered children using the most grotesque methods, all just to enjoy the looks of agony on their parents faces.

You sound like youre talking about a demon rather than your own kin.

Do I? San said blankly. I suppose that is true. She is no sister of mine. Shes a monster in human skin. My sister died that day, years ago, when she was kidnapped. I swear on my name, Neel. Everything I have told you is the truth, and the unembellished truth.

Vir suddenly recalled Riyans words. Of how Mina had killed his wife and child. Had she done the same to their bodies?

He purged the dark thought from his mind. No wonder the man wanted Mina dead. That said

How can I trust you? Vir asked. Mina poses a threat to your ascension, doesnt she? It makes sense that youd spin tales to paint her in a negative light.

You are right, of course. An imminent threat, actually. She plans to move against us very soon, and when Mina does anything, she does it to perfection. My brother and I live in fear of knives in our backs every day. It is not a fate I would bestow upon my worst enemy. Even with our countermeasures, I doubt I have long to live.

The prince paused, and a heavy silence fell between them.

So this is why Riyan sent me here now. Any later, and itd have been too late for the princes.

But you do not know me, Neel. I would abdicate my right to succession in an instant if I thought Mina would be a better ruler. This I swear to you. It is our future I fear for, Neel. The future of this household, and of this country. A future with Mina in it is not one I wish to be a part of. Her rule would spell the end of Hiranya as we know it.

Why are you telling me all of this? Vir asked. Thus far, he hadnt let one word slip about his plans to assassinate her.

Help me, Neel. Help me eliminate my sister.

Virs eyes went wide at the princes bold declaration.

He fell silent as conflicting emotions raged within him. On the one hand, he felt he could trust Sanobar. The prince came across as a straight shooter. Yes, it may have been a front, but Vir had some experience at the art of subterfuge himself. Either San was a master actor, or he was telling the truth.

But it wasnt just Sanobar. Riyan was many things, but on this, Vir felt he could trust the man. Mina had wronged him. Riyan himself said nearly the same thing as Sanobar.

What's her Balar Rank?

As best we know? Around fifty. But my sister excels in deception. I would not be surprised if that figure is doctored. She could be lower, or she could be slightly more. I've never seen her use anything stronger than C grade orbs.

And her affinities? Vir already knew Mina possessed Lesser Water and Lightning prana from when he'd infiltrated the castle, but it didn't hurt to confirm.

Lesser Water and Lightning. That I know. I was there when she was tested.

Well, he's honest.

Tell me, Vir continued. What is Riyan Savar to your sister?

San raised his brow. Now, thats an interesting question.

Humor me.

General Savar was one of our most decorated military commanders. Known for his aggressive, sometimes brutal, tactics. Some would say the country is weaker without him.

Do you count yourself among them?

San nodded. I do. We were never especially close, but I admired him, and I think he knew that.

Your sister took an interest in him?

Actually, for reasons you wouldnt suspect. Savar was good at his job. Too good. He was becoming a thorn in Kinjals side, and many in our government grew worried. In Mina's case, she saw an opportunity. It started amicably, at first. A win-win business relationship. Mina sent the man on her personal missions, usually in Kin'jal territory.

But now, with Mina's support, not even King Rayid could stop him. For Riyan, Mina was a blessing. She allowed him to fulfill his calling, striking blow after blow at the Kin'jal.

Never realized they had such a good relationship, Vir thought.

But then, Mina began making unreasonable demands of Savar. She reduced his forces and asked him to attack harder targets. She told him to go alone, for reasons of stealth. This made my father and the others quite happy, for it hamstringed Riyan. For years, he believed she had some plan, some ulterior motive behind these requests, and so he obeyed.

She didn't?

She did not. Her actions were purely to torment Savar. All to break him. When the missions weren't enough, she began killing his animals. Then his acquaintances.

Surely there were faster ways of removing him from power, Vir said.

Oh, hed been stripped of his position by then. No, this was just Mina being Mina. Ripping the wings off a butterfly just to watch it writhe in agony. Finally, she had his family slaughtered in front of his very eyes, by his own, most loyal soldiers. Then she burned his home to the ground. General Savar hasnt been seen after that. Some think him dead. Others say hes just broken, living out his days as a hermit somewhere. You asked what Savar was to Mina? Just another toy. Used up and cast aside. Thats all.

Vir fell silent. To think Mina had done all that for such a stupid reason. Hed thought there wouldve been more. Something deeper. To slaughter someones family for ones own sick desires?

Virs blood boiled. Yes, shed been subjected to trauma at a young age. And yes, Riyan had blackmailed him to assassinate her. But hed also sheltered and trained Vir. And right now? He wanted nothing more than to see Minas head on a pike.

Even so, the risk was too great. If Vir was going through with this, he needed something more. Something that would benefit himself.

Sanobar continued on. Look, I understand your position. You worry that one wrong word and I could have you executed. And youd be right. But I will not. I know not what your intentions are, nor do I wish to know. You came recommended by the Brotherhood, and that is not to be taken lightly.

That's a lot of trust on your part.

It is, but the Brotherhoods influence runs far deeper than you can imagine. They transcend the bounds of countries and are beholden to no one. And the one thing they prioritize above all else is trust. Trust and reputation. If the Brotherhood recommends you, it may as well have come from the lips of my own father. My trust in you is sound. The question is, do you trust me?

I think I might, Vir replied. But theres one thing I dont understand. Youre a prince. Surely you have access to skilled soldiers. People whod do anything to get in your good graces. Yes, I might come recommended by the Brotherhood, but dont you have people of your own for this task?

I do. And both myself and my brother have tried to take action against Mina in the past. But my little sister is more than merely sadistic. Shes unbelievably intelligent in the art of subterfuge and intelligence gathering. So much so that it shocks me at times. If I were to use one of my men, and if they were to fail, it would be the end of me. Mina would expose me to the world, and Id be done for.

And because I have no link to you, that makes me useful. It makes me disposable.

San leveled his gaze at Vir. Yes. I will not lie to you. You are disposable. You are useful to me because we have no connection. If you fail, it is no sweat off my back. But if you succeed you can ask of me whatever you wish. Money? Ill shower you with seric. Fame? Ill anoint you Sawai. If it is within my power, it shall be yours.

Seric!? Vir did his best not to gawk. That was an incredibly tempting offer, but he wasnt a fool. If its ever revealed that I killed Mina, Ill be a fugitive. I doubt even you could protect me from that fate.

I will certainly try, San fired back. And if I cannot, I can guarantee you sanctuary in the Rani Queendom.

What exactly are you suggesting, San? Vir asked.

I will arrange an ambush. Getting Mina into the Commons will be difficult, but I can

No need, Vir replied. I havent agreed to anything, but I can make my own way there.

Thats Are you certain? San asked. For the first time, he looked surprised. Can you infiltrate her quarters?

Vir nodded. I have my means. San seemed trustworthy, but there wasn't any need to divulge the details of Mina's secret passage unless absolutely necessary.

I see. Very well then. This simplifies things. You will eliminate her in her sleep, but I can assist. I can ensure she sleeps soundly, if you catch my meaning. There will be no chance for her to resist.

Poison? Vir asked, cocking his brow.

Nothing so drastic. The entire royal household has taste testers who sample food and drink. Any potent poison would be immediately detected. Besides, if I killed her that way, Id be a prime suspect. My campaign is based on honor and integrity. If the world finds out Id be done for. My sister knows this. She has contingencies in place.

Then whats your plan?

Poison might be going too far, but sedatives that take hold hours after? That can work. I can ensure Mina sleeps like a log. If you can gain access to her quarters, you could slit her throat as she sleeps.

I can do that, Vir said, nodding. But theres something else. The royal priest, Harak. Who is he, really?

San waved his hand. Appointed by my sister. Hes one of hers. A real thorn in our side, but he hasnt done anything to justify ousting him yet. Why do you ask?

Ive got some history with that man, Vir said, barely containing his anger at the man whod executed Maiyas parents and caused Rudviks death. He wanted nothing more than to end this. To end his time here in Daha. To be rid of the nightmares and sleepless nights, agonizing about Maiya. Then he'd return to his friend. To the way things used to be.

I'll do this.

He had no intention of spending months here. The prince was giving him the perfect opportunity, and Vir wasn't about to refuse. While San might've been lying, Vir's instinct told him otherwise. Riyan hadn't been deceiving him. His methods might've been borne from desperation, but Mina was a blight.

On one condition. Harak must die.


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