Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 24: To Steal From The Reaper

Chapter 24: To Steal From The Reaper

Do we really need to go so far for this? I feel like youre being a little paranoid, said Maiya, shivering against the cool deserts chill. The sun had set minutes ago, painting the sky with a bright blue hue, and already, the temperature had plummeted.

Vir held her hand and pulled her along. Itll all make sense soon. Were almost there.

The two had journeyed a half hour on Bumpy to the small oasis south of Riyans abode.

While Maiya hadnt been back here since shed mapped the place with Vir, hed visited the desert pond each night over the past week without fail.

Hed of course checked out on the rosterno need to repeat the tragedy of when hed first snuck out of the abode. Riyan, for his part, didnt seem to care so long as the two diligently challenged his draconian course from dawn until dusk Or until they suffered an injury, which happened with alarming frequency these days.

Their endless hours in Riyans dome of horrors and subsequent massages left them both sore and exhausted, but Virs days never ended there.

For that was when his real training began. Each night, he trained for hours at their spot on top of the abode, though hed upgraded his half finger gloves for thicker wool ones that kept his fingers warm, courtesy of Riyan.

Because of this intense regimen, he resembled a walking corpse. His only luxury was soaking in Riyans grotto pool in the wee hours of the morning, after hed returned from his nighttime practice sessions.

He did all of this alone, of course. Maiya had been keeping a reasonable schedule, as usual.

Shed peppered him with questions about what he was doing, but when that didnt work, she even tried to tail him in secret. Unfortunately for her, Maiyas stealth skills were downright abysmal. Vir always caught on andusually after a long argumentsent her back, huffing.

It wasnt long after hed begun dealing noticeable damage to the tree that hed taken his training elsewhere. The nearest trees lay at the oasisnow dubbed Maiyas Oasisand he needed trees for his training. Lots of them, ideally.

The oasis was perfect. Except that Maiya would be sad if she ever discovered how hed desecrated the trees at her spot.

Unfortunately for her, the only other place he knew with trees was the Godshollow, and that was simply too far away to be practical.

The trees had at least served him well. He progressed rapidly with his chakram arts, channeling his memory of when Reaper Ekanai had possessed his body. His journey had not been an easy one. Hed expected to inherit Ekanais skills after that fight against the wolf, but reality had been far harsher.

Hed remained exactly as he was. Only now, he knew what the correct form looked like. But even a few short hours after hed been possessed, his memory of the moves Ekanai had made grew muddled, leaving him to introspect and analyze each and every movement the Reaper had done.

It was more akin to copying a grandmaster after watching a move performed a single time. Not an easy task, but at least Vir had a goal and an understanding of what separated right technique from wrong.

Vir brought Maiya to an area of the oasis where the coconut trees had several hundred cuts a piece. It looked like some terrible Ash Beast had waged a minor war with the palm trees.

What in all the realms!? What kind of beast did this? Maiya asked, aghast.

Her friend laughed sheepishly. Not exactly a beast Watch this.

Vir removed the chakris that hed worn as bracelets, as well as the chakrams around his neck.

Taking a great breath, he lunged into motion, throwing the bladed disks in all directions.

He jumped and launched a chakri from between his legs. He dove into a roll and threw two chakrams in quick successionmid-roll. He lunged into the air and hurled chakris in opposite directions at trees on his left and right. That last one had taken him extra effort to master.

Vir came to a stop in front of Maiya, his hands on his hips. He wore a smug smile.

And why wouldnt he? Every single disk he launched found its target. Every chakram and chakri was lodged within a tree trunk.

H-how!? Maiya choked out, forgetting to be angry with him. Its only been a week since Riyan gave you those? How is this possible?

You know how Ive been tired all these days? Its because of this, Vir said, gesturing to the trees. Ive been coming out here to practice. Every single night until I cant stand anymore.

Thats well, I guess I suspected something like that. But even then! You cant get this good in just a week! It took Riyan years to master his arts. And he probably had Sawai nobility tutoring him. This should be impossible! Like, impossible impossible! What in Veras name did you do!?

Uh If youre shocked at that, hold on to your pants, he said, pointing to the nearest chakri lodged in the palm trees trunk.

What? Maiya asked, confused.

Walk up to that chakram for me, would you? He said, desperately trying to keep the smirk off of his face.

Maiya huffed, failing to understand what he was getting at, but she complied anyway. She walked right up to the chakram and stood under it.

Happy? She said with her hands on her hips.

Okay, now walk up to the chakri on the next tree.

She did so and slowly began to understand. She walked to the third, and then the fourth disk.

This is incredible! No, it's impossible.

Every single disk was embedded at exactly the same height. Maiyas height.

For the first time ever, Vir saw her look at him in a way that shed never done before. With fear.

Shame ripped through his body.

Im sorry, Maiya. Didnt mean to frighten you! Just thought Id show off, is all.

Vir? She asked meekly, staying several steps away from him.

Im me! I promise. Youre overreacting!

Okay, maybe she wasnt overreacting. He had just shown her skills he shouldnt rightly have. It made sense that his friend remained skeptical.

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Okay, look. Ill admit Ive been keeping some secrets from you. So I think its time I came clean, he said, sitting down next to the oasis pond, patting the dirt next to him. I promise I wont bite!

Maiya hesitated for a moment before sitting next to him, huddling her knees together for warmth.

Vir began with the strange things hed experienced in the Godshollow. He explained how Reaper Ekanai had possessed him back then, and how his eyesight had changed. She knew about his theory that he could see prana, of course, but he hadnt said a word about his investigation into its secrets after shed dismissed his idea as nonsense.

He reiterated his idea that he could see prana, and that hed all but confirmed it at this point. He told her about the black prana within him, and how it didnt exist anywhere else.

Thats I dunno what to say, Vir. I knew something took over in the Godshollow, but wow. This is beyond amazing. It's... I don't even have words for it, she said with genuine excitement. Id never seen you move like that. I'm so happy for you, Vir! Maybe one day you'll be able to get over your stamina issues too!

Wouldn't that be something? Vir said, trying not to get his hopes up prematurely.

What you said about prana, though, it goes against everything I know, Maiya said, tapping her chin. But I'm not doubting your words or anything. If you say you can see prana, then Ill believe you.

I can. I just cant explain these extra affinities that nobody seems to know about. Its almost as if the mejai dont want people to know about these three other ones.

Shadow, Earth, and black, right? Maiya said. Earth, I can understand. It is a bit weird that we dont have Earth affinity orbs, given that theres Wind, Water, and Ice. Itd make sense for it to exist.

Right. The other two are a complete mystery to me, though.

You said that the Shadow affinity only shows up inside shadows, right?

Vir nodded. Yeah. Its a little weird, since shadows arent really a real thing. But the weirdest one is the one thats in my body, he said, looking at his hand.

I think you should be happy, Vir. Even if its different, this means that you do have an affinity after all!

I guess, Vir said. But if there arent any orbs for this affinity, it might as well be useless, right? And its not like I can use utility orbs, either. So somethings different about it.

Have you thought about telling Riyan? Maiya asked with obvious hesitation.

I have, but I dunno if I should. I dont think we should tell anyone about this, at least not until I know a lot more about how this works. No ones gonna believe me without a bunch of proof, either. I feel like this is a big deal, Maiya. At least, thats my hunch. I just need to keep experimenting to see if I can find some use for this affinity thats in me.

Maiya leaned against his shoulder. Im sure you will. Thanks. For telling me all of this, I mean. I know it couldn't have been easy.

S-sure, Vir said. But uh, to be honest, I thought youd be peeved about your trees.

Honestly? Im so shocked, I dont think I have any room left to be angry. What youve accomplished is phenomenal she said, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

U-uh, theres one more thing, he said, dreading what was coming next.

He finally told her about the encounter hed had with the wolf that night.

I dont believe this. You almost died and you never even told me!? Maiya shrieked, bolting upright.

I mean, I got Riyan to treat my wounds. Wasnt like I was in any real danger, especially with Ekanais help. I didnt want you to worry, is all, he said, immediately regretting his words.

And you thought Id be happy if you told me a week later!? What if you hadnt been possessed by that spirit thing? What if the wolf tore your throat open? I get why you wouldn't tell me about your posession. But this? I'm hurt. You know I tell you everything, right? Anything and everything!

I... shouldve come clean, he said, averting his eyes. Just that I wanted to surprise you, is all. I wanted to see the look on your face. Didnt expect youd be scared of me.

Maiya reached over and grasped his hand. Sorry. That wasI shouldnt have said that. Youve put in all of this hard work And I had no idea what youd been through. But still, I wish youd told me. I care about you Vir. A lot. Isn't that what it means to be best friends?

I know. Definitely my fault, Im sorry, he said, but he was unable to meet her gaze. He hadnt told her about how Ekanai had almost killed her. How could he possibly tell her that? Oh by the way, youre in serious danger whenever this guy possesses me?

He knew he ought to tell her. To warn her, for her safety. But the mere thought of him hurting her made him want to puke. To speak of it would be to admit hed been overpowered by Ekanai, and he stubbornly refused to give in to the Reaper.

The words he ought to say to her just didnt come and he hated himself for it. Vir made up his mind. Hed tell her. But only after hed conquered Ekanai. Then hed be able to look her in the eyes, and confidently tell her that the problem had been solved.

So, how does it work? How do you learn these things? Maiya asked.

Believe it or not, Im still nowhere as good as he was, Vir replied. My memories are more like a set of instructions. I have to practice a lot to get even close to what the Reaper could do. And if I dont practice the skills immediately, my memories fade. Thats what happened back at the Godshollow. Its like Im always fighting through this haze that gets thicker if I dont give everything I have to push it back.

Hmmm. But, possession? Thats heavy, she said. You think this has anything to do with the four armed giant? You think this is why he was protecting you?

Wish I knew, he said, nervously touching the tattoo on his chest. When Reaper Ekanai took over, he said something to the wolf. The Akh Nara sends his regards. Have you ever heard of anything like that?

Maiya frowned. Akh Nara Akh Nara, she muttered. No. Never heard of anything like that. But it sounds old. Like something youd hear in my dads tales from the Age of Gods.

He also said something about a city of the gods.

I mean, the gods built a lot of cities. Thats not especially surprising.

Hmm. True. I wish someone had some answers, Vir said. Just feels like everything I learn only makes me more confused.

Maiya held his hand, but remained silent. There was little she could say that would console him, and she hated saying empty words.

You think Rudvik would be proud of my skills? If he could see me right now, I mean.

Maiya leaned over and hugged him. Im sure of it. Absolutely badrakkin sure.

The two sat there for another half hour, admiring the stars reflections in the pond before they both grew cold.

We should head back, Maiya said quietly.

Vir nodded. Think you could keep all this a secret from Riyan?

Maiya tilted her head. Sure, but why? Isnt he going to find out the next time you fight?

The thing is, Ive asked him several more times about what kind of favor he wants from us, but hes said nothing. All we know is that well be going our separate ways to do them. I dont know. I want to do right by him, but I feel like if we do need to escape from him, its better to have some surprises up our sleeves. I want every advantage I can get against that man, in case the worst happens.

Maiya nodded, catching on. The more we hide our abilities, the more cards well have to play. I just hope it doesnt come to that. He really has done a lot for us, Vir. But do you really think we can win against him in a fight?

Vir frowned. Maybe not today. But after weve mastered what he has to teach us? Possibly. I hate even thinking about it. Goes against everything Rudvik taught me. Without Riyan, Id be locked up in a Hiranyan jail, or worse. Just wish hed tell us what he wants out of us.

Well, first we gotta survive that obstacle course of his, Maiya quipped, turning to him with a pained expression. Vir, Im worried about this. That course hes set up is really really dangerous. I dunno if we should stay.

Vir squeezed her hand. I dont think he expects you to complete the course. And Ill guide you through the hard parts. Youll be fine. I promise.

And what about you? She said, tears welling up in her hazel eyes. Whos going to protect you? I wish youd think about yourself a little more. I couldnt bear it if you got injured, or worse.

Thanks, he said with a smile, thinking about how nice it felt to have someone care for him as much as Maiya did. Ill be careful, I promise. Not like I enjoy getting hurt, yknow? Well take it slow and steady. Doesnt matter if Riyan complains about our slow progress. Its better than losing an arm or something.

Okay. Good, Maiya said as she tried to blink back her tears.

And Maiya?


Thanks. For everything.

With great reluctance, the two returned to Bumpy and headed back to their home. Neither knew how to feel about the place anymore. On the one hand, it was warm and secure, and the hot spring grotto felt like a marvel from the Age of Gods.

But Riyans Dome of Horrors negated all of those benefits. Vir really didnt know how long theyd last before one of them met with a grievous injury. Maiya was right to fear.

He only hoped Riyans life orbs were up to the task


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