Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 104: The Road To Vir (Maiya)

Chapter 104: The Road To Vir (Maiya)

Maiya fell to her knees. She looked upon the empty dune in front of her, searching for the faintest sign of familiarity. There was none to be found.

This has to be the place! Maiya said through gritted teeth. She picked up a handful of sand, allowing it to filter through the gap between her fingers.

So why is it gone? How?

Riyans abode was missing. Not destroyed, not ransacked simply gone. In its place was an ordinary sand dune, identical to all those that surrounded her.

She knew she was in the right place. Shed navigated here dozens of times on Bumpy, if not more.

It was as if she was caught in a nightmare. A reality that looked identical to the one she knew, but was slightly different. A warped, twisted reality.

Maiya mounted her Acira. The black beast flapped its mighty scaled wings and took to the skies.

No longer did she travel via AshvaAcira were many times faster and could fly straight, reducing travel times significantly, even with the bi-hourly rest stops they required. Not to mention the power they symbolized.

Acira were a luxury only the wealthiest Sawai could hope to afford, but her new station afforded her a slew of privileges unavailable to the masses. One of which was an Acira at her beck and call. While she didnt own it, she could use it as she pleased. Mostly; all flights had to be scheduled well in advance, and she shared the beast with several others.

What wouldve been a twenty-minute journey to the caves south of Riyans home took only five, and when Maiya saw the pockmarked network of holes in the side of the rolling hills, Maiya breathed easy.

At least thats still there. At least she wasnt going insane.

Maiyas Acirawhich shed named Frumpyset down gently at the opening of a cave that was all too familiar to her.

Maiya lit up a Magic Lantern and ran through the caves, tracing the path to their secret stash. Losing no time, she tossed aside the rocks that covered the hole and reached in.

Maiya let out a breath. The supplies were all gone, as was the coin. She was happy hed taken them. No doubt he needed them more than she did. But in their place was a note, hastily scrawled on charcoal.

Daha Brotherhood Sanctum. Ask for Apramor. Introduce yourself as Maiya. Mission failed. On the run, but safe. Dont know where Ill go from here, but theyll know by the time you find this. Want to find you. Riyans home burned to the ground. Riyan missing. Find me, Maiya. Miss you.

Before Maiya realized it, tears began trickling down her face. All this time, shed missed Vir. She knew she missed him. But now, as she read his note, her heart throbbed. It was as if a void in her chest had formed. One that only Virs presence could fill.

With renewed vigor, she rose, clutching the note as if it were an S Grade orb. When Riyans abode had disappeared, shed despaired. But now? Now she had a lead. And shed be damned if she didnt pursue it.

Less than an hour later, Maiya circled high above Daha, giving its hot air balloons and its Vimana a wide berth.

Whereas Vimana Kinjal was elegant and somewhat austere, Vimana Hiranya was opulent and lavish beyond beliefand larger, too. The entire superstructure glinted with gold, and Maiya suspected countless other precious materials and gems also went into its construction.

The city beneath was a different story. Even from this altitude, the garbage-ridden Warrens ringing the city tarnished the view with its ramshackle structures. She felt like she could smell the stench of sewage and unwashed sweat.

It was ironic. Just six months ago, shed have been dazzled at Daha. But now? It felt dilapidated and small. The city was only a fraction of the size of Sonam. The entire city could fit into Sonams Stadium Quarter. Perhaps her sense of scale was offSonam was the largest city in the Known World, after all. Larger in population than even The Altanis crown jewel, Alt Ashani.

But the situation inside the city was only marginally better. Maiya swooped low, looking down at its many slums. The District of Internal Affairs and the Royal Grounds were, of course, immaculate, but boasted far too much gold for Maiyas liking.

Maybe they modeled the city after their Vimana? she thought. It was as if someone had just slapped gold onto buildings to pretty them up. It felt hollow. While Sonam was more stark and bare, it had a sense of military beauty, and even its Sawai residences were built with security and strength in mind.

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Or maybe the Kinjal way of thinking is just rubbing off on me

Regardless, Maiya wasnt here to critique Daha. She landed her Acira directly in the Brotherhood Sanctums stable, flipping a silver to the stablehand to take care of her prized beast.

Good thing I packed my cloak, Maiya thought, flipping up the hood of her simple brown garment. Dahans preferred drab colors; her handmaiden outfit would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Then again, raising attention might not have been a bad thing for what she was about to try.

Sure enough, her arrival had already attracted the attention of the Brotherhood officials.

A veiled greeter wearing a black cloak stepped forward. How may I help you, esteemed visitor? the man said with a small bow.

I have business with your Prime Executor. Take me to them.

Im afraid the head Prime Executor is quite a busy individual. Do you have a prior appointment?

Maiya sighed, tossing the man a handful of silvers. Trust me, Ill make it worth your while.

The veiled figure paused for a moment. This way, please.

Maiya had heard many things about the Brotherhood of Mercenaries. That they were a competent organization, known as the Keepers of Secrets in some Sonamite Sawai circles. But were they truly Keepers of Secrets? Or merely Keepers whose tongues became loose the moment their coin purses filled up?

For her sake, Maiya sincerely hoped it was the latter.

The veiled man led her through a courtyard to a small door that looked chiseled out of the stone.

The Prime Executor will see you now, the veiled man said, ushering her into a barebones, cave-like room. If this was where their highest official lived, Maiya never wanted to join this organization.

Behind a stone table sat another veiled figure, though their black robe boasted more embroidery and design than the one who had ushered her.

You have business with me? the Executor said.

Im looking for someone. A mercenary who was here recently.

Im afraid the details of our internal affairs are a closely kept secret.

Maiya produced a seric coin and laid it on the table. Until recently, such a sum wouldve made her faint, and even now, it represented all of her earnings. But no price was too heavy when it came to Vir.

The veiled figure went silent for a moment, and Maiya could almost feel his disdain.

We cannot be bought. If you knew anything about our

His name is Apramor. He came here recently and joined your group. Please. I need this.

Apramor Apramor. Why does that nameah.

The Executor rose from his desk. Wait here, he said, disappearing behind a curtain to rummage around.

After several moments, he returned with a folder. Untying the fabric that held it shut, he slowly opened it, keeping it out of eyesight.

Your name? the Prime Executor asked.


You gave this mercenary a gift when you two last saw each other. What was it?

A beaded bracelet, Maiya said immediately. I spent a lot of time making that, yknow?

It took everything she had not to smile. So he did find the bracelet But if he had the bracelet, why didnt he know where she was? The letter shed left behind shouldve pointed him to Sonam. Was there some reason he couldnt search for her?

Very well. Redheaded teen. You match the description. As I said, we take our members privacy very seriously.

But? Maiya asked.

But the mercenary in question asked us to convey their information to you if you ever came asking. Even so, I shall divulge nothing they have not explicitly asked us to say. We are extending this service as a special favor to your friend.

Maiya gulped and leaned forward, eager to soak up every word.

Your friend rose from Initiate to Acolyte here in Daha, but has since moved on.

How long ago? Where?

They departed some weeks ago in great haste. The note here says they were bound for Zorin.

Zorin? Maiya asked. The little town on Ranis western coast?

The same, the Executor said with a nod.

Why would he go there?

What else can you tell me? Is he safe?

I am afraid that is all I can tell you, the veiled man said, sliding the seric coin shed laid down back to her. We appreciate the gesture, but the Brotherhood cannot be bought. Not by you. Not even by royalty.

Maiya nodded, rising from her chair. I apologize for the offense.

None taken.

Could you relay a message to him for me? It'd be short. Just want to tell him I'm safe, and relay a time and location to meet up, if possible.

The Executor shook his head. I'm afraid I cannot. The Brotherhood has not offered courier services for centuries. Not after such practices led to war between countries.

A war!? Maiya thought. Sheesh... Well, I guess it was never going to be that easy.

Then I'll be on my way."

Happy hunting.

Spinning on her heel, Maiya left the Sanctum. Rani was fartoo far for a flight today, and her duties would not allow it. She was due back at Sonam, and she dared not be late, lest they revoke her flight privileges.

Unlike what the head handmaiden had implied, Maiya had returned to Sonam only to deal with more chores and training. But eyes were slowly taking notice. Important eyes. The day she would meet with Princess Ira drew nearer and nearer.

But she couldnt bring herself to be sullen. After all, shed found Virs trail. And, like Neel, shed relentlessly pursue it. The world wasnt large enough to keep the two of them apart for long. Not nearly.

Just a little longer. Im coming for you, Vir.


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