Ascension Of The Failed Mage

Chapter 96 MISTAKE


A few days passed since the trial, and the Magic Institute went back to normal.

Ciara couldn't believe that she had almost been captured merely a few days ago, given how normal everything was.

She was concerned about Noir, but Galand and Lorna had spoken to her and she was relieved to hear that everything was fine.

It just felt weird that she hadn't seen him ever since... the incident.

'Noir, I hope you're okay...' Her thoughts trailed as she glanced around her.

She was currently seated in her lecture hall, and nearly every student was already present. It was about time for Homeroom, after all.

Serah and Sam were chattering about something that didn't really concern her, so she had more time to give in to her thoughts.

'It seems today will just be like yesterday and the day before...' She gave a bland thought.

Mia was, as usual, isolated in her corner. The girl was reading a book—a new habit she had suddenly picked up ever since her suspension ended.

As for everyone else, they were the same as usual. Ciara, as Class Representative, could tell that everything was basically the same.

Well, almost.

The only thing out of the ordinary was the absence of a Homeroom Teacher, though Trevor Netherlore had come over and promised one to them—saying the Institute had employed someone who would resume as soon as possible.

"He's still getting settled." He had added.

"Why can't he just come to greet us?" Ciara sighed, once again about to experience another Homeroom.

She knew the drill. was going to have a random face pop up and address the students in regarding the usual scenario in homeroom.

Attendance. Admonition. Announcements.

Ciara rolled her eyes and prepared to welcome whichever teacher would be coming in, considering it was time already.

In any case, she just wanted it over with.

"Good morning, students." A familiar voice echoed in her ears, causing her eyes to widen in shock.

She swiftly raised her head and centered her vision to the front of the class, capturing the person who made his entrance to the center stage.

"N-no way...!" Ciara's eyes bulged in shock, and her jaws nearly dropped.

The man who was currently standing in front of the whole class was someone she recognized too well.

The murmurs of the students around were silenced by the ringing in Ciara's head. She could concentrate on nothing more than the presence of the stoic man with dark hair.

His tall, slim figure was well accentuated by his lecturer's coat.

This tone of formality suited his polished appearance and piercing gaze, causing Ciara to nearly lose breath—same as the many female students who were also very surprised to see the stranger.

"My name is Noir Novo, and I'll be your new Homeroom Teacher. Pleasure to make your acquaintances."




'Alright... you've got this.' Noir thought to himself as he gazed upon his audience.

A classroom full of forty-one students greeted him, and he could see all their expressions.

The girls were gawking at him, for some reason. Their widening eyes and salivating tongues tipped off the danger signals in his head, and he did his best to keep his instincts under control.

'You've faced far worse, haven't you.' He chastised himself and calmed his body.

He had prepared quite a bit for today, and while teaching wasn't really his forte—despite what he told the Archmage—with enough practice, he got the basics down.

Appearance was key, so he had spent some time changing his wardrobe and buying more items to improve his looks.

Trevor helped him a bit, to which he was grateful... though it wasn't as though the former had any choice in the matter.

'I'll have to help everyone here with their problems, and I'll also be teaching them Runes—same as Richard, right?'

It didn't seem very complicated, but according to Trevor, a Homeroom teacher's responsibility was far more than that.

He would have to cater for the students' academic needs in every subject, and his job was to ensure they were blossoming into fine Mages.

In essence, it was a far more tasking job than he bargained for.

'I did my research on this, but...' He sighed.

Whether it be the weird expressions the girls gave him, or the shocked looks the boys expressed, Noir was determined to fulfill his duties with precision.

'I'm also getting paid more than my previous job as a peddler, so...'

After his greetings to the class, and their awkward greeting to him, the students settled down.

Thanks to Noir's superhuman senses, however, he could hear some whispers among them—making him all the more conflicted.

"That's the new Homeroom Teacher? He's hot!"

"I know, right? How old do you think he is?"

"Yeah, he looks young."

"Do you think he'll be as good as Mr. Richard?"

"I doubt it. Younger Mages are usually weaker. He's probably here as a temporary substitute..."

"But isn't Mr. Trevor also young? Yet he's very powerful."

"Mr. Trevor is a genius! Those are hard to come by. This teacher has looks to rival him, sure, but... I'm not so sure about power."

"I won't be surprised if they're equal in power, though."

"Tch. You're just saying that cus he's hot."

"Kyaaa! He's just my type. Dark and broody!"

"He's your teacher!"

"Hey, I never stopped your fantasy with Mr. Richard."

"I... I never...!!!"

Noir nearly rolled his eyes at this point.

Initially, his focus had been on the whole class, but they soon settled on two students in particular—Ciara and Serah.

'Those two are the Class Representative and Assistant. So you're this rowdy in class, Ciara?'

How was she setting a good example to the other students by arguing with her second-in-command while Homeroom was in session?

"That's enough."

Noir's voice suddenly echoed across the class, and it was followed by an unfathomable pressure that caused all the students to fall quiet.

Fear and shock were etched on their faces, and their bodies trembled before Noir's aura alone.

"Homeroom is in session... let's be quiet."


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