Ascension Of The Failed Mage

Chapter 79 Noir's Arrest [Pt 1]

The people who were after Ciara already knew of his existence. This meant that it wouldn't be long before his Identity was fully exposed, if it hadn't already been.

Now stuck in such a precarious solution, Noir considered his encounter with 'Truth' a while back, and the fact that his cover which he had painstakingly kept hidden would soon be revealed.

'The best choice for me right now... is to leave!'

He wanted to tell Ciara about his. If he stayed any longer, Helix would finally catch up with him, and once that happened, it would be over.

Unlike the amateurs that were being sent to capture Ciara, every member of Helix was a monster in their own right. The Homunculi had their specialties, and their magic powers were already beyond the 9th Tier.

"N-Noir?" Ciara called his name, still curious about what he wanted to tell her.

Looking at her, he didn't want to leave.

'I don't know why... but there's a nudging within me to stay. Is this... the effect of [Rebound]?' He asked himself.

Not only had he promised Ciara he would stay, but if he left now, she would definitely suffer a terrible fate.

However, his safety came first, or did it? Suddenly a thought flashed in his mind. His eyes bulged in response.

'Why... why didn't I use Null to stop the glitch spell?'

The thought never even occurred to him. Yet, Noir chased the man as though he could not have easily handled the situation.

'Why...? Is this... [Rebound]?'

He still had no idea on how the status effect of [Rebound] had come upon him, but if it was interfering with him to this degree, then some things weren't right.

"It's nothing. I just realized I shouldn't be here." Noir mumbled in response.

"O-oh..." Ciara muttered, a little disappointed that that was what Noir wanted to say.

'He fooled me good... I'll give him that!'


In an instant, the golden barrier erected around the field cracked and then shattered apart.

"W-whaoh..." Ciara beamed, watching the moonlight refract on the shards of magic, allowing them to shine very brightly on them.

The fragments fell upon Ciara, like sparkles, cashing her to beam.

She was in Noir's arms, seeing such an amazing sight. However, her happy emotions were short-lived.

"They're here," Noir whispered.

Before Ciara could make sense of what was happening, uniformly dressed men popped out of every area, instantly surrounding Noir and Ciara.

The men had matching dark cloaks and possessed wands. Their glare was focused on Noir, and their faces were more accentuated by the golden glimmer that showered on the area.

"Freeze! Intruder, this is your first and final warning, do not make any sudden movements." One of the dark-cloaked men, who appeared to be their leader, said.

Ciara was stunned by the men that surrounded them. Who were they?

"They're a specialized unit of the Magic Institute. They crack down any serious matter and ensure there are no intruders entering into school grounds." Noir calmly explained.

"A-ah. I see..." She muttered.

"You bastard! How do you know about us? Do not think you're leaving here alive!" The one who appeared to be the deputy leader shouted.

"Their efficiency and security are low, though. After all, that strange man and even I managed to enter undetected." Noir added.

"You... you dare ignore us? You dare breach into the great Magic Institute? Bastard!" The impatient deputy flared up.

"There's no getting out of this now. Ciara, take care... okay?"

Ciara was still confused about the whole thing. Suddenly it struck her. Once she did, it was too late. Noir snapped his fingers, and instantly Ciara was transported back to her room, on her bed.

"W-what did you just... do you realize what you've just done to that student? You're done for!"

Noir sighed and shrugged nonchalantly.

"She's back in her dorms safe and sound, idiots. You're after me, anyway so let's get this over with."

The agents were scared a little by Noir's undaunted glare. They had a form of mystery and confidence in them that a person just couldn't replicate.

"Y-you... who are you?"

"Nevermind that. It's fine, everyone. I surrender." Noir finally said, raising his hands up.

The agents who had thought they would be engaging in combat all showed surprise by Noir's sudden decision.


Noir smiled, not at their reaction, but at a thought of his.

'It appears I'm not leaving her behind, after all...'


"W-what?! What did you just say?" Galand exclaimed upon hearing the news.

He was busy writing a thesis report when he got the news of an intruder breaking into the school. Not only was it close to the area where he taught, but the intruder apparently had an identity closely tied to him.

"He has been identified to be Noir Novo, bodyguard to your lady. He also seems to know you quite well." One of the security officers who had come for Galand spoke.

"Sir Noir came here...?"

Galand knew the young man to a degree. He was very skilled at magic, even more than he was. If not for him, he wouldn't have reached such a height in his own magic.

Noir was very smart and level-headed too. He wouldn't do anything rashly.

'He must have done it for a good reason...' Galand reasoned.

Still, even if he broke in, Noir was not so sloppy as to have gotten caught so easily. Plus, according to the security officer... he surrendered.

"Please take me to him."

And so Galand followed the security officer to where Noir was held captive.




Sir Noir? Really?" Lorna was startled upon hearing the news.

As a member of the maids serving within the Institute, she was on her night shift when another security officer also made the matter known to her.

'Why would he...?'

It was quite late, but as someone who owed her very life to Noir, Lorna didn't hesitate. She followed the security man to where they kept her savior.


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