Ascension Of The Failed Mage

Chapter 41 Aftermath

The candidates finally concluded their speeches, and it was time to decide the winner.

As per protocol, all aspirants were told to leave the room for the rest of the class to vote. Ciara, as well as the eight others who spoke, left the lecture hall.

Thus, the voting began...




[A Few Minutes Later]

Ciara and the rest of the students were allowed back in.

This time they were all told to go to sit among the rest of the class. Ciara found her spot beside Serah and Samuel, who kept her seat for her.

"Wow, excellent speech Ciara! I was honestly moved to tears." Samuel spoke first, and while his words were cringy, Ciara could tell he was being sincere.

"Thanks, Sam," Ciara said with a smile.

"A bit too unrealistic if you ask me," Serah said bluntly.

"Serah..." Sam said in a low voice, indicating that what she just said was insensitive.

"What? It's true. It's not going to be as easy as you think. No offense Ciara, but since you're strong you don't really understand how we feel... Besides, even if you can get cooperation from us, it won't be much different from how it was with Mia. Most of us would follow out of fear." Serah said.

Ciara listened to Serah's harsh words. She knew Serah meant well and was just being her friend, which meant she had to be real with her.

But, Ciara couldn't help but agree with Serah.

Was there a way she could actually help everyone? In a way that they would all follow her, not out of fear, but their own free will...

'Is it possible?'

"I have finished collating the results." The homeroom teacher, Mr. Lawcroft said, bringing back all the attention of the class to him.

There was tension in the air, this was the moment of truth.

"In order to end this quickly, I'll only mention the top 3 people who had the most votes" He added.

"Lisa. 9 votes."

Everyone clapped their hands for Lisa, who smiled shyly.

"Kyn. 11 votes." He continued.

The applause was louder for Kyn. Even Ciara felt his presentation was extremely good. His use of words was top-notch, and while it was still lacking compared to hers, it was the closest to hers in terms of excellence.

"Finally..." The teacher said.

"Your new Class Representative..." He said again, pausing for suspense, generating a tense and uneasy atmosphere.

This was the decisive moment.

"Ciara. 15 votes." He finally announced, and a roaring applause was generated.

Ciara was so surprised at what had occurred. All eyes were on her, and while there were one or two displeased faces, everyone cheered for her. She was really moved.

"Ciara, please come forward." The teacher urged her, welcoming her with a warm smile.

She stood up, still nervous and shaken as to her victory. She couldn't believe it... She was the new Class Representative.

She walked to the stage, facing the entire class, feeling a rush of various emotions.

"It's time Ciara. Choose your Assistant." The Teacher said to her.

It was a norm that the Class Representative could choose whoever they wanted as their assistant.

This way, both of them would be of similar ideals and would work well together, creating a more efficient class system.

"Thank you, Sir. I thank all those who voted for me. I am grateful that you all believe in my ideal and vision for this class, and ultimately this Institute.

I want you all to know that I do not plan to be insensitive to anyone, no matter how irrelevant or weak you may seem. I want you all to know that I accept anyone and everyone.

To this effect, I choose Serah as my Assistant." Ciara gave her short speech.

The class went silent. They weren't expecting Ciara's choice.

But, what of it?

"Woohoooo!!!" There was a huge cheering and then clapping and applause.

Everyone joined in this time. Ciara looked at Serah's flustered face which expressed shock. Her facial expression connoted something like;

"Why Ciara?"

Ciara had realized what she needed from what Serah had told her.

She needed someone who understood the weak clearly, and had a great deal of experience in the Academy. Also someone she could trust, and would not mince words for her.

As a result of Serah's personality, she would be able to correct Ciara and advice her efficiently. Plus, she was also her friend.

'She's the perfect choice!'

Ciara smiled at Serah, who returned an awkward smile. Serah was also brought to the stage, and she and Ciara both bowed before the class. The teacher made them the class rep and assistant respectively, and so homeroom was over.

"This is only the beginning. We're going to change this school!" Ciara declared to herself.

"Galand, Lorna... Noir... I wonder how they are all doing." Ciara wondered.





Noir looked around him, he was surrounded by traps and all forms of runes. It seemed the person he was up against had already expected his presence at the location he was in and had anticipated his moves.

"Tch, how troublesome," Noir murmured to himself.

This person was most likely smart, skilled, and incredibly experienced.

"I might need to get serious..." Noir thought to himself, fading into the darkness.





There you have it. It's time for Noir to take the spotlight once more. Things should be getting more interesting from this point onward


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