Ascension Of The Failed Mage

Chapter 113 [Bonus ] The Foundation Competition [Pt 1]

"Here is the roster for the competition. Burn it into your memories, both the participants and the audience!" The Moderator said in a booming voice.

In a flash, a powerful golden light surged through the air, and a wide screen, like a sheet made of pure energy, popped up.

The screen displayed the list of students who would be fighting, and their placements in the grand scheme of things.


As expected, the crowd gave a deadening roar in cheers.

Despite their festive and obviously exhilarated mood, there was one man in particular who remained stoic and quiet as he observed the list.

"This could be a little troublesome…" His whispers echoed.


Noir watched in silence as he observed the multitude of students that murmured in excitement and expectation within the massive auditorium.

It was shaped like a gladiator arena, with seats circling the center stage which was large enough to hold whatever battle that was expected to occur. The widened eyes of both students and staff alike greeted the battlefield as they impatiently awaited the competition to begin.

In simple terms. The Foundation Competition was going to take place among the three Stages within the Foundation Class for a total of five rounds.

The Elimination Round

The Qualifying Round

The Quarter-Finals

The Semi-Finals

The Finals

Each classroom was expected to bring a total of five teams of two, making a total of ten students from the Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert Stages each.

However, considering the fact that the students were expected to maintain their team status, it felt best to address them as five units, rather than ten individuals.

Noir already knew of the rules as he watched the moderator from the corner. The issue on his mind was something far steeper.

'It's the competition roster…' He sighed.

The roaster operated by separating students into three separate matches for the first round, which was meant to eliminate the first batch of students.

In this round, only eight groups, out of the initial fifteen, would be allowed to move to the Qualifying Round.

The Qualifying Round wasn't particularly meant to eliminate, but rather to test the skills of each student as they displayed their powers without fighting their fellow students. They would simply overcome the challenge posed to them, and that was it.

The Quarter-Finals resumed the battle format, pitting the eight groups against each other in a total of four different matches. The four that won would move on to the Semi-Finals, which consisted of only two matches.

After that, of course, was the Finals.

"Based on the chart drawn, if Ciara and Mia manage to advance, they'll end up facing those two in the Semi-Finals…" Noir muttered.

Fabian Durez's prized pupils; the stars of the Beginner Stage in the Foundations Class.

"John and Jane, eh? What a nice name they've given themselves…"

They were certainly rogue elements, but at this point, his hands were tied. All he could do was watch.

'Good luck, Ciara. Mia, you too. Everyone, please do well.'

All participants were placed in a different room, so they were to come out together; apart from their instructors.

'I should go to my instructor's seat…' Noir's thoughts trailed. 'Looks like we're about to start.'


The participants filed out of the room they were all kept in, and the moderator explained the rules to them. As Noir had concluded earlier, just as the rosters showed, the fifteen groups were divided into three different matches.

Their Stages were also mixed as well, ensuring each match had a mix of all three participant affiliations.

It was, in simple terms, a Battle Royale.

Before long, it was time for the first match to commence.

Everyone held their breath and silence pervaded the hall as they awaited the voice of the moderator to kickstart it.

"You may begin!"

The students swiftly maintained their positions, each duo initiating whatever magical effects they desired to kickstart their match.

The first pair, Aria and Kael, specialized in elemental magic. Aria's nimble fingers danced through the air as she conjured a swirling tornado of flames, while Kael commanded the forces of water, forming a protective barrier around them.

Across from them, stood Marcus and Elena, experts in illusion magic. Marcus cast an intricate illusion of a labyrinth, disorienting their opponents, while Elena projected images of themselves, creating confusion and misdirection.

Next were Azura and Thorne, practitioners of Enhancement magic. Their bodies glowed with energy as they charged at their opponents to shorten the distance.

At the opposite end were Lillian and Lucius, practitioners of formidable Magic Runes. Lillian unleashed bolts of dark energy, thanks to his quick Runework on the ground, causing the air to crackle with sinister electricity, while Lucius manipulated shadows, obscuring their opponents' vision.

Finally, there were Seraphina and Orion, the duo well-versed in enchantments. Seraphina chanted ancient incantations, empowering their weapons with magical energy, while Orion cast protective enchantments, forming a shield that repelled incoming spells.

As the battle commenced, spells flew through the air like streaks of light. Aria and Kael unleashed a torrent of fireballs, causing the ground to shake and engulfing their adversaries in a scorching inferno. Marcus and Elena countered with illusory duplicates, each appearing and disappearing with a flicker, confusing their opponents and buying them precious moments to plan their next move.

Azura and Thorne charged into the fray, their enchanted bodies exuding power. Azura soared above, unleashing gusts of wind that sent their opponents flying, while Thorne brought his massive fists crashing down, shaking the very foundations of the arena.

Lillian and Lucius kept up their Runes, their attacks lashing out with malevolent force.

The battle raged on, each pair utilizing their unique abilities to gain the upper hand. The hall reverberated with explosive bursts of energy, shattering stone and shaking the arena. The air hummed with anticipation, as the audience watched, spellbound by the dazzling display of magic and skill.

As the battle neared its climax, fatigue began to set in. The students' breathing grew heavy, and their movements slowed, but their determination remained unwavering. The magic competition had become a test of resilience and strategy.

In a final surge of power, the students unleashed their most potent spells,enchantments, enhancements, and runes, pushing themselves to the limits. The clash of magic created a dazzling spectacle, illuminating the hall in a kaleidoscope of colors. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble under the brilliance of Magic.

And then…


Out of the conflict emerged flickers of light and a hail of smoke.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ After the dust settled and the match was set, only two teams were still standing. To no one's surprise, they were the winners of that round.





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