Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 292 Don't Test Me

Alonso didn't like everyone else that came to join them. His companion on the other hand seemed elated.

"Learn to relax a little bit. You'll get what you want if I deem it important enough. Right now just take a few minutes to get your mind off it." He practically thrust the glass filled with cold amber liquid into the other's hands.

"Besides, it's not like anything bad will happen to you while you're here." The right-hand man hardly felt any concern for himself. Alonso didn't like the attention he received. The lingering eyes on top of his nerves made him near ready to shoot someone. He could ignore it though if he focused on the glass in his hands. At least for the time being.

"So why don't you tell me a little bit more about this person. What kind of request are we looking at? If it didn't come from you, I expect it to be something big." The man tapped the empty bottle impatiently on the table. A signal he wanted something full to replace it.

"It is a big request. Something that you might be able to profit nicely off of. If you can do the job properly that is." Alonso took a tentative sip out of his glass. He would need his wits to be able to drive back safely.

"Money is always a word that I like to hear. Very similar to you know who. Alas, pity he hasn't shown up here in a while." Despite the words, no hint of remorse lingered in the other's voice.

"I didn't come here looking for him. I came only because I need something from you."

"You think that if I imparted that information onto him he'd come around more? Jensen always did manage to find the best jobs to take. Sting bastard though never wanted to share them." Alonso huffed, shifting the other's arm that somehow managed to find its way draped over his shoulders.

He didn't want to be so close to the other but didn't have a choice. Most of the other seats were taken. By people who weren't the type to be messed with. Though they stayed quiet and observed, Alonso wasn't fooled in the slightest. One wrong move and they would deal with him. Setting in the place was akin to walking into a den of snakes.  Snakes Alonso might've known from time past but not any less dangerous.

"If you really are wanting the money, I suggest you focus. I brought this here with me. I need you to look at it and tell me what you can find out?" The other man tilted his head at the zip lock baggy held out to him.

"You got something important you want me to look at and you think that's the best way to store it."

"If you're going to pick on how I handle things, maybe you don't want the job." Before he could take it back, the other snatched it away. Setting down his glass of scotch to get a better look at it.

"I didn't say I didn't want the job. I simply made an observation." Cain clicked his tongue.

"Besides, even if you did want to give this job to anyone else, who would you go to? We both know that no one else would take you at this hour. Not after everything that happened."

"For someone who double-crossed, I'm honestly not surprised that you still think so highly of yourself. Sorry to disappoint, but you're not the only option out there. I repeat again that I am only here because I was requested to be. Nothing more, nothing less." The rising frustration was enough to get him to drink the rest of his glass.

Alonso didn't intend to drink anymore but the other man didn't seem to understand that.

"It's going to take me some time to do this. You might as well drink in the meantime. Not like you will be able to go anywhere until I am done." a tall, lanky man with a rather nasty scar on the side of his face stepped forward to fill Alonso's glass.

"Once I figure out what's on this and what you need from it, I will set my price. I expect that whoever employs you will have enough to pay? You always did go for the stable and reliable ones." Cain motioned for someone to hand him a pair of gloves. One couldn't afford to leave fingerprints behind.

"Why don't you stop pretending to not know who he is. It'll only get more annoying the longer you keep this up." The glass shifted towards the middle of the table but quickly found its way back to its owner.

"Drink. The less you have to drink, the more distracted I will." Cain returned the glare the other sent his way. The man-for-hire hardly blinked in response to the other's cold look.

"You might not like it, but right now I am the one making the calls. You need to drink to get rid of that dark aura around you. If not, I won't be able to focus on this." Cain didn't turn away as he began to put the latex gloves on.

"You can be pissed off over anything you want. Fact is, I ended up coming on top that time, you didn't. You decided to go the more stable right. I decided to stick where I am the happiest." The was carefully removed from the bag.

"You don't have to like it but you can suck it up for now. Especially if I am going to be helping you with this. So bottoms up and sit there quietly for now." Alonso didn't like the other making a good point. He didn't have any kind of rebuttal, however.

What Cain said hardly touched the real reason the right-hand man didn't like the mercenary. He knew it very well too. Not an argument worth having though it seemed.

"Fine. I am on a tight schedule though. Don't test me by wasting too much of my time." To humor the other, the glass quickly became empty. The poor quality of the scotch could be tasted as it slide down one's throat. The burn and artificial flavor were both very bitter.

"Everyone in the world is on a tight schedule. I will get it done as quickly as possible. I won't sacrifice the quality of my work though. One hour and we will both get what we want." An hour sounded like a long time. Especially since the other had yet to give the chip a proper look.

"Thirty minutes unless you can give me a good reason to change my mind." Alonso argued firmly.

"Forty-five minutes then. My reason for that is this little one already looks like trouble. Maybe you can't see that yourself. I have trained to do this for quite a while now." Cain showed the chip to the other.

"You can tell by this little spot here that it'll be encrypted. Nothing I can't handle. I will just need the extra time to do it in." Alonso pursed his lips at this. Forty-five minutes would feel like an eternity. Could it be given to spare?

"Thirty minutes and no more unless you absolutely need it. I will say again to not test me on this. Think of it this way, the sooner you finish up, the sooner you get your money."

If money was all the other cared about, those words should've been enough incentive to finish quickly. Alonso didn't have a lot of time to spare. Too much wasted time would result in someone else being in potential danger.


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