Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 275 Trivial And Dismissible

Jovani clicked his tongue as he stood in one of the hospital bathrooms observing himself in the mirror.

He had slipped his shirt off his left shoulder so that he could get a better look at it.

The blood was still fresh in the area but it didn't look as bad as he had expected it to. Not like he could really tell though between his own blood being mixed with that of Zane's.

He could still move his shoulder however which he presumed meant that it wasn't as bad as anyone else might try to tell him it was.

He could wait to do anything about it until he got back home. Eva was talented enough that she would likely be able to dress it for him anyways. No need to waste time at the hospital or have others fussing about him when there were more important things going on at the current moment in time.

Jovani pulled his shirt back over his shoulder wincing slightly as it brushed over the fresh wound. Just because it was small didn't make it hurt any less for him.

He would have taken the time to clean it off except for the fact that he didn't want anyone to spot any kind of bloodied paper. He didn't have a bag or briefcase that he could hide it in.

He knew his luck well enough that if he did try to do anything and hide the paper in the bathroom trash Alonso would somehow end up finding it and then he would never hear the end of it from the other man.

That was the last thing he needed after everything else that had been going. Right now, he just wanted to check and see how Zane was doing and if the princess had woken up yet.

He didn't think that there was anyone who would do well with waking up in a hospital to what she was going to have to deal with.

The only positive that he could say about the matter was at the current point in time there were no bodies that they were having to deal with. Except for those who had started this whole mess.

Jovani ignored the looks that the nurses gave him as he walked down the hall. They could deal with him being bloody for a little while longer before he would be leaving. Nothing that they said was going to make him change his clothes.

Even if he wanted to, he couldn't risk his injury being spotted.

Before he opened the hospital room door, he stopped to listen outside for a second to see if he could hear anything going on. The only noise that greeted him however was the steady and low beeping that indicated Zane was still hooked up to the heart monitor and still alive.

Jovani had spent far too many times in the hospital when he was younger that it was something he hoped he would be able to avoid in his older years.

He knocked on the door lightly before opening it carefully.

He couldn't see much until he had the door opened all the way as Romeo was blocking the door. Acting body guard to make sure that no one who shouldn't have been there would be able to get to his boss.

Jovani had somehow hoped by one chance or another that the other mafia boss would have magically woken up now that they were at the hospital. Of course, he knew that reality didn't work that way. Especially with the condition that the other man was in.

Zane still looked awfully pale and fragile. A look that wasn't really all that fitting for a mafia boss as powerful as him.

"What are you doing here looking like that." Romeo asked in a low gruff tone of voice.

"Glad to know that you're as happy to see as I am about seeing you." Jovani remarked as he stepped into the room without answering the other's question. He made sure to close the door softly behind himself.

"I am here to see how everyone on this side of things is doing." He told the bodyguard.

He was about to look over at the other bed to see if Lena was awake. He hardly started turning his head however before his question was answered.

"Romeo's right. You really shouldn't be here with that injury. I'm surprised you haven't been stopped by anyone to get it taken care of."

Jovani had to purse his lips to hide his annoyance. It would be the one person that he didn't expect who would out him.

The ever overly observant and difficult princess would be the first one to notice something like that.

"I didn't think that you would be awake already." Jovani commented.

Lena was sitting on the bed. By the expression on her face, she had just woken up mere moments ago and still seemed to be taken in everything that was going on.

Her expression was hard to read as always but there was something different about the look in her eyes.

"I would have still been awake if it wasn't for that little trick done to me. Can't say that I was expecting that in any kind of way." She replied. She took her eyes off her father lying in the bed to turn them back to Jovani.

"You can't distract from the question though." The princess told Jovani. He wanted to scowl at the other but knew that it would hardly do any good when it came to the princess.

"It's something trivial that doesn't need to be dealt with right now. I will have it taken care of when I get back." he replied dismissively.

"Right now, the only thing that I am really concerned about is how everything is going on here." The princess stared at him a moment longer before she turned her attention back to her father.

"I think that you can see for yourself exactly how it is going." She replied.

Looking at Samuel's fiancé, Jovani had to wonder if it was something to do with the fact that she seemed so much less engaged in other things compared to usual that was bothering him.

It was only to be expected with everything that was going on but there was a big difference between expecting something to happen and then experiencing it happening.

Even though there was nothing that he could do about the situation except for what he had already done, it still didn't bode well with him.

At this point though, the only thing that he could hope for was that someone in her family would end up waking sooner rather than later.


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