Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 269 Sirens

Zane was only vaguely aware of all the noises that he was hearing. His consciousness was fading in and out but the one sound he was certain that was sticking out in his mind was that of a siren. Was it nearby or far away? He couldn't tell that much around the throbbing headache that was he was aware of.

It was probably the headache that was drowning out everything that was going on around him. The mafia boss couldn't find anything to hold onto around the head pain and the blaring siren to ground himself to consciousness. Despite how much he wanted to do it, the thick coat of exhaustion and something else was pushing away his ability to regain consciousness and open his eyes.

Zane was fairly certain that he heard something that sounded like voices around him as well. Whether it was one or more was hard to tell as well. He just knew that they were annoying and muted because they obviously must have been talking but he had no idea what was being said.

The second thing that that mafia boss was fairly well aware of was the fact that his body felt strangely cold and light. In a way that he knew that it shouldn't have. A feeling that he couldn't remember feeling in years.

It wasn't the kind of cold one felt when a refreshing breeze washed over their body or when they got a chance to soak in a pool or the ocean on a warm summer day that allowed them to cool off.

This was more of an icy cold feeling. One that struck a person to the core and that they knew they wouldn't be able to easily shake no matter what they did. The kind that one knew meant something was wrong, they just didn't know what it was.

Zane would have probably been able to figure it out if everything wasn't so hard for him to focus on. If he could get around the strange fog holding him back and the noises going on around him, he'd probably be able to remember what was going on that caused him to feel the way he currently did.

It was annoying for him though as he wasn't even able to move his hands freely to see what was wrong with this body. Even if he couldn't see it, he was certain that touching it would be a different way to find out what exactly was going on.

His body refused to comply with what he wanted it to and with each passing second? Minute? he wasn't sure which but either way it was getting harder for him to hold on to his consciousness.

The dark felt far more inviting to him which lead him to decide that at least for the next few minutes, he was going to let it engulf him until he could figure out what exactly was wrong and how to fix it. There was no sense in fighting the darkness when his body already felt so heavy.

"You know that it took you guys damn fucking long enough. We don't have all day to wait here with the state that these guys are in." Jovani swore at the ambulance driver and the men who came out to assist in picking up those who were injured.

The Vedova Nera boss was just about out of energy by the time that they had arrived as he barely managed to get the other two out of the car and check me over to make sure that there wasn't anything fatally wrong with them.

There wasn't much he could do to tell for certain, but they were both breathing still which he took to be a good sign.

"I apologize for the delay. We would have been here sooner if it wasn't for the traffic blocking the road. We presumed that it had something to with the reason we were called here but it made it hard to get around the road nonetheless. Jovani rolled his eyes in response to this.

"Obviously not. They aren't part of my men or those laying here. If they are blocking the road, it is likely not for any good reason and we need to get them taken care of sooner rather than later." The only problem with this was the fact that he didn't really have enough people to spare to help take care of that.

"Stop worrying about those things for the time being and just get to taking care of these guys. Start with him first as he's the one who needs the most care." He indicated to Zane as he said this.

Jovani had done the best that he could to take care of the other but it was obvious even to him that the mafia boss wasn't in the best shape. The last thing that he needed at the current moment in time was for the other man to end up dying on him after he had assured Samuel and Lena he would make sure that he was safely taken care of.

Not that it was his fault for the way that everything had turned out, it still wasn't something that he wanted to have hanging over his head.

"He's likely going to need a blood transfusion considering the state that he's currently in. Are you aware of his blood type?" Jovani felt his eye twitch in response to this question.

"That isn't something I am aware of. His family would be able to tell you. He gave the medical tech the phone number to call Romeo as he didn't want to have to get distracted by such things as he was watching over everything else.

"Do you know what is wrong with the other two? Are they in any state to be moving on their own?" One of the medics asked as they went over to examine Leo and Clive.

"I highly doubt it with how long they have been passed out for now. They didn't wake up when I went to move them." Jovani replied as he watched over what the men were doing carefully.

Even though they seemed like perfectly legitimate medical workers, with everything that had been going on he wasn't so quick to let his guard down.

The question honestly sounded odd to him as to why they would be asking him if they could move since it should have been obvious that with them still being unconscious they weren't going to be able to go anywhere any time soon.

Jovani knew though that he would be feeling better soon since Alonso was on his way to his location. Some of his other men had already shown up but having his right-hand man there meant that he would be able to relax to a certain degree as the other would be able to better instruct everyone in what they needed to be doing.

Right now Jovani was just there to do damage control and ensure that nothing else negative happened.

Once everyone was at the hospital, everything would be in a much better light than it currently was.

Or at least that was what Jovani was hoping. He was ready to get out of the area and go some place that was safer. Not only because hated these types of situations but also due to the fact that the sound of the sirens were getting on his nerve.


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