Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Chapter 317 Unedited Happy Ending 1

317  Happy Ending 1

Sabrina is changing Athena's diapers and her husband came late at night and cuddle at her back. He leaked of alcohol. She exhaled and pushed him. Gabriel slumped down the bed and look at her and then to Athena. "I thought you want a baby boy?" He reached her hand but she swatted his hand away. "Go take a shower, sober up, and brush teeth." "Hmm." He closed his eyes. Sabrina exhales and smacked Gabriel on his hips. "Do it now! Don't sleep on me this time." Gabriel lazily went to the shower to take a bath while Sabrina is busy feeding Athena and coaxing her to sleep, Gabriel did what she said and then he walked to her naked and kiss her shoulders. Sabrina kissed his lips back. Sabrina brought their sleeping baby back to her crib and join Gabriel in bed, gently stripping off her clothes and smile seductively at him. Gabriel reach her and sat up kissing her middle chest and suck both of her nipples. She holds his head and stimulates each other. "Make love to me—hard." She turned back from him and bent down in the doggie style. Gabriel did all of the work until both of them are satisfied that night. *** Sabrina couldn't help but be overjoyed when she opened the box. It was a diamond locket. Her heart melted because of the customize gold lace and oval pendant with a real diamond in the middle. It didn't just melt her heart, at the back was his and her name and when she opened the locket, it was a long one to fill with photos. She was in euphoria when there's an adorable face of their Athena. "We will fill that locket of our children." He said as he wrapped his arms around her. "There are at least twelve to fill?" she pouted at him. "Uhuh, it means--I want more babies than Ethan and Enzo already have." She giggles and kissed his lips. "Oh, hubby. I love it so much." "Everything for you my love." "But why are you giving me a gift? It wasn't my birthday or our anniversary." "I don't need a reason not to give you gifts. You take care of Athena, you take care of me and you take care of our house while I am working. You deserve everything, my dear." Sabrina's heart almost burst in happiness. She doesn't know how to express it anymore. Although Gabriel was a strict husband, she knows that it was his way of caring for her and protecting her. Sabrina hugged him tightly and kiss him passionately. "Thank you, Gabriel. I am so lucky that you came into my life." "Sabrina, you and Athena are my life. I'm sorry for being strict with you... But I don't want to ever lose you or Athena. I nearly lost you both and it will never happen again. I want our family to be complete, happy, and satisfied. I promise to make everything work. I promise you. You will never be alone in everything." She was so overwhelmed with emotions that she weeps while looking up at him. Gabriel the beads of tears immediately. "Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." "I'm just so happy to have you in my life. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for everything, Gabriel. I might still be lost until now if you didn't come into my life."

"Darling, I am the one who would still look like a vampire. You are my pillow and my medicine." "Hubby." Sabrina pouted in a very adorable way that he sighed in the greatest sight. "Sabrina, the baby, don't ruin your make up, okay?" "It's waterproof." She bit her lip. "Okay." He smiled and kissed her more. It didn't take long when Athena started crying that interrupt them. She sighed and patted her husband. She strode to the bed and check Athena's diapers and then take her. She stopped crying and looked at her. "She's just probably jealous." Gabriel came to her back and hugged his beloved wife and baby. "She'll be a Daddy's Girl." She said. "Of course, she's a daddy's girl." *** Samantha was in front of the full mirror, looking at herself in a white wedding gown while the girls are around admiring her from her hairdresser to the seam of her gown. She felt anxious as time pass. Back then, she was fitting almost the same gown but the one that she's wearing now was even grander. She's getting married in a few minutes and she still felt incomplete because of the thought that she can't bare a baby anymore. "Let's go. Your groom is waiting." Sabrina said who looked dazzling in her simple outfit. "Don't be nervous Sam." Catriona took her hand. "This will be the best moment of your life." "Thank you, Cat." The venue of the wedding is in the forest that Albert and Samantha owns. It was acres and the way to the big old tree was potted flowers at both sides as traces. Everyone is amazed by the forest theme wedding. Simple yet elegant. It was like in a fairytale and as they walk in--it was almost sunset. The music started as Samantha wait on the carriage covered with curtains. Beside her is Catriona as the maid of honor. Her parents are with her comforting her and were so happy that finally--she's going to get married. Sabrina walk int he aisle with Gabriel and baby Athena on the adorable stroller. They look so dazzling together and mostly, Sabrina who still maintained her beautiful figure and beautiful fair skin that glows. They all take their seats as the real song for the wedding starts and the carriage stopped. The first one to step out from the carriage was her parents and they help her down. Both her mother and father are beside her as they lead her to the small stage. Albert was gaping as he locked his eyes on her without even blinking. His soon to be wife is like an angel. His heart was beating loudly and can't help himself from taking her away and own her. But he kept himself patient as they stride slowly to him. And when her father gave her hand to him, he knows that their love will be unconditional.

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