Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 14: Extra (1)

After finishing her fourth mission, Gu MingYue’s system was inexplicably upgraded, and after checking the newly upgraded system interface, she realized that there was an additional option called [Mission Worlds – Follow Up]. Gu MingYue blinked at the new option in surprise, before clicking it with great interest and curiosity.

She finally had the opportunity to learn about what happened to the story plot after her departure from the previous mission worlds, though she had deliberately avoided those people that she did not wish to recall and things that she wished to forget.

In the end, she chose to visit the first world, where she had done her first novice mission. The huge screen before her started to glow brightly, and she could feel her spirit body being drawn into the huge screen.

It was early in the morning, and Prince Qin was still attending the daily court meeting, while Lu ShuYan took a slow walk in the garden with her overly huge stomach. Her belly was inexplicably large, and it sort of frightened Gu MingYue as she watched her walk around.

In fact, this was Liu Yi and Lu ShuYan’s first child, and all of his children in the future will also be born from her belly.

For an ancient nobleman, this was tantamount to the most touching and romantic love story anyone during the dynasty could ever imagine possible.

And it seemed as if both Gu MingYue and Lu ShuYan’s hearts were connected by a thin thread of fate, as Lu ShuYan’s emotions and thoughts are continuously transmitted to Gu MingYue’s mind.

The current Lu ShuYan was already the perfect fusion between her original self and the memory from Gu MingYue’s period. The Lu ShuYan now possessed all of her own childhood memories, while also inheriting all of Gu MignYue’s thinking, speaking, and behavior characteristics. Basically, her personality now is exactly the same as Gu MingYue.

This is… Another me who continued living in the mission world…

Gu MingYue was extremely surprised with what she saw, and at the same time, knowing this fact caused a sudden warmth to fill up her tired heart.

In fact, this is because she had arrived at this world and changed the fate of the story plot’s characters, and as a result, Lu ShuYan’s data was automatically adjusted, allowing her to copy all of Gu MingYue’s attributes to the core.

The only difference between the two of them was that Lu ShuYan was truly in love with Liu Yi and treated him wholeheartedly, without any impurities. She was also much more considerate and caring towards Liu Yi, and much more gentle towards him. She had given all 100% of her heart to him, and naturally, her genuine feelings were reciprocated by Liu Yi.

As for Liu Yi, he had kept his word. He did not have any bedwarmers or concubines, and even now, when Lu ShuYan was heavily pregnant and was unable to serve him in bed, he had not touched any other woman at all.

Knowing that Lu ShuYan was living a very happy life soothed her soul, and because Lu ShuYan did not possess Gu MingYue’s painful memories and burdens from the original world, she was able to live happily and carefreely in this world.

All was well, but suddenly, halfway through her morning walk, Lu ShuYan cried out in pain and hugged her belly as a large amount of water crashed onto the ground. The handmaidens around her cried out in shock before immediately sending someone to inform Liu Yi and their parents about the news, while the others carried her carefully towards the arranged delivery room.

Within the delivery room, Lu ShuYan’s screams were sharp and constant as her pain grew. Gu MingYue’s spirit body stood next to her worriedly, while the midwives moved around her busily as they cleaned her flowing blood and encouraged her to push. At one point, worried that Lu ShuYan would waste too much strength screaming, they even stuck a piece of cloth-covered wood within her lips for her to bite on.

At this point, Lu ShuYan’s face was already drained of all blood and was as pale as paper, while her face scrunched up in extreme pain and the corner of her bloodshot eyes was filled with tears.

Gu MingYue understood clearly that giving birth to a child was not at all easy and was extremely painful, because she too, had been pregnant in one of her mission worlds, even giving birth to a healthy and lively boy. That world was filled with advanced medical technology, and even so, she almost had dystocia from giving birth to her child. Hence, in this world, where medical technology was relatively backward, maternal death rates were extremely high for pregnant women, and giving birth could equate to taking a walk into hell and back.

Lu ShuYan’s situation did not seem to look good. She was almost out of strength, but still, the child had still not left her birth canal, giving the two midwives no choice but to rub her belly with special massaging techniques, which caused her to scream out in pain again and again.

Gu MingYue was in a panic, she wanted to help but she was merely a spiritual body right now.

“Madam? Madam!?” The handmaidens screamed in shock as they called out to the dazed Lu ShuYan, who was slowly losing focus. This was a sign that she was no longer able to hold on and they were slowly losing her.

Liu Yi had left the court meeting the instant he was informed of her situation, and he was currently pacing back and forth outside the delivery room. He wanted to enter the room and give support to the love of his life, but he was refused entry because, during these times, a man should never enter a delivery room because the scent of blood would bring bad luck to a man.

After living through a lifetime in the modern world, Gu MingYue knew this to be false, but considering the bacteria he could be carrying on his body, Gu MingYue felt that it was necessary to prohibit extra people from entering the delivery room.

“Dystocia! The Madam is in danger! Quick! Ask the Lord if he wishes to save the mother or the child!” The midwives screamed anxiously at the difficult situation, in fact, every one in ten women had died from childbirth, and she was already accustomed to it.

Liu Yi, who was listening intently outside the room, felt faint as soon as he heard her words. A loud metal sound could be heard as he pulled out the saber around his waist and screamed in fury, “I choose both! If anything goes wrong, I will not leave anyone alive!” His eyes were red with distress and the hand holding the hilt of the saber trembled uncontrollably, while tears leaked from the corner of his eyes.

Gu MingYue’s heart could not help but tremble as she saw the state he was in. To think that such a cheerful and strong man could make such a distressed and pained expression without any concealment.

Gu MingYue returned to Lu ShuYan’s side silently, before whispering softly into her ears, “You cannot give up now. You can do it, you have to push harder. Think of your child and many more children in the future. Think of Liu Yi, you still have an entire lifetime to spend with each other.”

And it was as if Lu ShuYan could really hear her words of encouragement, the focus returned to her eyes momentarily and she started to push with all of her might. And before long, a loud infant cry echoed from the room and everyone was joyously crying out in surprise, “It’s a boy! Quickly, bring him outside to meet the Lord!”

Meanwhile, Gu MingYue used some of her rewards points in exchange for an item that would ensure Lu ShuYan’s safety in childbirth from now on, allowing her body’s situation to stabilize swiftly and allowing her to give birth safely to many more children in the future.

Well, it was quite expensive, but it was worth it.

Time passed swiftly, and before long, Gu MingYue knew that it was time for her to depart once again as she could feel her spiritual body getting lighter, as if the system was already calling out to her.

Just when she was about to disappear, Lu ShuYan suddenly felt something tugging onto her soul, and instantly found her position accurately. She could see the gratitude and reluctance in her tired but bright eyes. Her lips moved slightly, as if she was speaking to herself, and although no voice came out, Gu MingYue could clearly hear the weak and nostalgic words she spoke silently.

“Thank you so much, the other me…”

I remember someone asking what happen to the character after Gu MingYue is done with the specific world. Here are some insights into it, and it’s for the first world OwO


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