Aromatic Flesh

Chapter 11.1: Young Master's Bed-Warmer (4)

After breakfast, Mu JinYu went back into the inner quarters to change into outside clothing, and when he finally came back out, Gu MingYue’s eyes lit up excitedly at the view.

He was dressed in a smart white shirt, and a dark crimson silk robe laced beautifully with golden embroidery. The leather belt tied around his waist was of a deeper red, and at the side of the belt hung a topaz amulet. He wore a pair of royal-blue embroidered brocade trousers below, together with a pair of deerskin boots on his feet.

His obsidian hair was slightly raised in the middle front, while the remaining of his long silky hair were tied up into a well-groomed bun and held in place with a red and gold filigree hairpin. His facial features were sharp, and his eyes were lacquer as he walked out of the inner quarters with a straight posture while looking forward.

What a glamorous and peerless young man! Gu MingYue sighed unnoticeably in admiration, but she vaguely guessed that he had dressed up well because he’s meeting some lady in one of the brothels.

Mu JinYu felt a scorching gaze on his face as soon as he stepped into the room, and upon realizing that it was her, he grinned secretly in his heart. Both were almost indistinguishable in their beautiful looks, but Mu JinYu felt that it was quite interesting to see her in a trance after taking a glance at his face.

“I’m going out now, wait here patiently for your master’s return.” He spoke softly to the little beauty who was still staring intently at him, before moving towards her.

A minty scent came from the man’s body, and Gu MingYue instantly felt refreshed by it.

She had lowered her head as he spoke, unintentionally revealing the bruises and love marks on her neck, triggering his senses once more. And after Gu MingYue nodded her head obediently in response, the man reached out a took a pinch out of her buttcheeks.

Gu MingYue pretended to push him away softly, her eyes filled with laughter and tenderness. But alas, Mu JinYu was no ordinary person, as he merely smirked before strolling away from SiFang Courtyard1.

There weren’t many servants in SiFang Courtyard, because Mu JinYu claimed that it irritates him a lot when the servants, no matter their gender, stared dreamingly at his looks as if they were in a stun, which was why he had chased them all away, leaving behind on the ones who were a little older and much more stable.

Even the earlier bed-warmers, all sent by the Madam, had been dismissed by him after playing with them for a few days, claiming that he had gotten tired of their plain looks.

This was why, Gu MingYue, who was now the only one allowed to serve and care for his wellbeing on a personal level, was now considered to be the one and only unique personnel in SiFang Courtyard.

Deciding that it’ll be hours before Mu JinYu would return, Gu MingYue went ahead and found some cloth and silk threads, intending to make him something to express her gratitude/

And though his man was the eldest son of a Duke, due to his late mother, who had passed away from illness since he was just a mere child, finally turning him to into a wreck and a good-for-nothing son, who was always visiting brothels and playing with women instead of working hard in life.

The Duke had been extremely worried for him, but after many years, he had finally given up on his son due to extreme disappointment. But still, because Mu JinYu was a child born by his most beloved, the Duke had not proceeded to appoint his youngest son, born to the new Duchess, the next heir, possibly still hoping that his eldest son would one day grow up and mature.

The new Duchess could not accept this arrangement, which was why she had pretended to obediently follow the Duke’s rules and care for Mu JinYu’s wellbeing, but in truth, she had always thought of killing him if all of her plans2 failed.

This was why, though the servants in SiFang Courtyard did not dare to neglect him, and were respectful to him on the surface, deep down, they actually despised this notorious good-for-nothing young master. Therefore, though Mu JinYu’s homely appliances and daily routines were fulfilled to the best, not a single person in the courtyard cared for or treated him sincerely.

As for the ladies in the brothels, most of them love him for his wealth and looks, not a single one loving him for his person.

Mu JinYu’s current situation is the ultimate situation where it seemed as if he had everything in life, but in truth, he had nothing.

Even Princess XiLiang, the girl that he would meet in his later life, where he would eventually marry and pamper, was chosen just because her feelings for him had been sincere.

This was why Gu MingYue had decided that she would cook this frog in luke-warm water3. She knew that the only way he would ever put her upon his heart was if she treated him genuinely.

Gu MingYue definitely knew more about her target than he himself.

Hence, with a new goal in mind, Gu MingYue started on her quest to make knee pads and silk socks. Normal silk socks were usually made with much lighter and thinner fabrics, while the silk she chose here was thick and dense. The knee pads, too, were different from the usual, as the brocade used was also thicker, and the kapok used was of the best quality.

You might ask, why had she chosen these two items in particular? That was because she had the advantages of reading the world’s plot beforehand. After his biological mother passed, Mu JinYu had once fallen into a pond by accident, and because he had been on guard against the new Duchess, he had not sought medical attention on time, in case the doctors mess with the medicine on the orders of the Duchess.

This was why, whenever the weather turns colder, his knees would ache horribly, and he had been enduring this for almost all of his life.

As soon as Gu MingYue finished preparing the required materials, a servant arrived from the Duchess’s courtyard on the orders of the Duchess, who wished to speak to her.

In ancient times, women were not put in an easy role at all, which was why the fights and competitions would sometimes turn bloody/cold-hearted.

Fun fact, I’ve seen people speculating that this was actually caused by men of ancient times, so that women would not think about anything else other than to stay at home and compete/harm other women, so the men’s position would not be threatened haha, but I do not know the truth in this speculation.

Anyways, please enjoy the extra chapter!


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