Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 79: Bedtime story.

Case 79: Bedtime story.

Deep into the night, Kierra's bedroom was still filled with ragged breaths and hushed moans.

After immersing themselves in dual—no, triple cultivation for a few hours, the weaker Bai Qing and Kang Shuren finally collapsed from exhaustion.

It wasn't as though their cultivation body couldn't handle sex, but the process of trading qi itself was draining enough.

Even Kierra herself was a bit tired after an extended period of giving out and taking in qi. She lay in the middle of the soft and damp mattress with two women clinging to her arms.

'This is what happiness is.'

She thought. As she had expected, it was an absolute delight 'tasting' these girls. Although they were equally inexperienced, each had charms of their own, so it wasn't dull for even a moment.

Of course, she still preferred the skillful fingers of August, but that was another story.

Holding these two in her arms, Kierra quietly gazed out the window. The usual view of a magnificent galaxy greeted her. Suddenly, a wave of nostalgia washed over the archwizard.

She used to do this exact movement whenever she finished a session with August... and that woman—the one who seemed even more glamorous than the night sky...

Why was she thinking of her now?

In truth, Kierra had already realized it. She accidentally saw her through Bai Qing earlier. Bai Qing's spoiled acts—her adorable antics dreadfully reminded Kierra of her second-ever lover.

''Stay still. Sleep.''

Bai Qing had already fallen asleep, but Kang Shuren somehow prevailed. Seeing her wiggling her body like this didn't seem right, so the archwizard tried to put her to sleep.


However, the disciple herself didn't feel the need to. Even since she began practicing the method of the Heavenly Shura, her strength has increased manyfold. She was confident she could take on an opponent at the peak of the Nascent Soul right now!

''Hm?'' Kierra turned to the blindfolded woman.

''Can you tell me more about your world? More... detailed.''

Kierra didn't feel the need to hide anything, so she decided to spoil her kitten this time. As the archwizard pulled Kang Shuren closer, the girl obediently snuggled into her arms.

Since Kierra herself had invited, there was no fault in seeking solace in her boobie!

''...On the Northern side of the major continent, Linoel, situated a mystical forest.'' The archwizard began in a soft voice. ''The trees there were made out entirely of precious crystals. Hence, it is named 'The Crystal Forest.'''

''Crystal... it must look beautiful, right?''

''It is beautiful... for the first twenty minutes or so. Once you have stayed long enough, the excessive light reflected by the trees will threaten to blind you.''


''For any thief who wants to make a profit by harvesting the trees, blinding light will not be the only thing they have to face. There is a reason it is still existing.''

''Is there a guardian?''

''A bunch of them, yes. The Crystal Forest is home to the legendary phoenix race. Some might even suggest that it is the origin of phoenixes.''

''This world also has phoenixes.''

With an intrigued face, Kang Shuren quietly rubbed her chin and began fantasizing about the relationship between the two worlds. Was there a connection?

Still, she had read many history books, but none had cited the existence of another realm like the one Kierra was describing.

''The phoenixes are powerful enough to eliminate just about any target if they were to cross their line.''

''Including you?''

''Of course not. I dueled with the phoenix princess once, and she couldn't even touch my clothes.''

''Ooh... what was she like?''


At this point, Kierra really wondered if Kang Shuren saw through her memory! Why would she suddenly ask about a princess? Why randomly?

''Hm... she has fluffy pink hair and a pair of fiery orange eyes. Personality-wise, she is also... fluffy.''

''...That makes me want to hug her for some reason.''

''I know. I do, too.''




Kierra panicked inwardly. Perhaps because she had let her guard down since earlier, those words easily escaped her mouth!

''Master Kierra... did you have something with this princess...?''


She did!

The truth was that Kierra had refrained from thinking about this princess in order to forget her. She couldn't let herself be distracted by the unattained desire to hug, pet, kiss, and cuddle with that fluffy ball!

Once she remembered her name, Kierra felt this puppy-like ex of hers would appear out of nowhere.

If Kierra broke up with August because of the Sword Empress's toxic behavior, then she broke up with her second lover because of her own insecurity.

She felt she wasn't good enough for this cinnamon roll of a person.

Was someone distorted as Kierra deserved such pure love? She didn't think so.

''...So you did.''

Kang Shuren's sulky voice snapped Kierra out of her trance. She didn't even have the time to marvel at the future Heanvely Shura's unexpected side as her side chest was mercilessly attacked!

''At least... tell me who she is.'' Kang Shuren muttered, feeling salty all of a sudden. 

She didn't want Kierra to keep secrets about her past lover, who she clearly still had something for. It was a bit childish, but she didn't care.

''I already told you. She's the princess of the phoenix race.''

''What's her name?''


Kierra felt it was unfair!

Kang Shuren had watched Kierra 'get along' with Bai Qing directly, so what was there to be jealous about? Was this the real struggle of a harem owner?

The archwizard sighed helplessly. If Kang Shuren had asked August, she would have gotten the answer anyway, so she could only recite her tragic fate's name.

''Like an indestructible crystal forged in immense flame, she was a woman whose steps were firm and resolute, yet at times, she was as soft and gentle as the morning sunlight. Her name was...''

''Diamante de Soleil.''

''Ah, that little puppy?''


''Now that you mention her, I think she must have found a way to get here by now, no?''


At August's insistence, Kierra got 'overwritten' with the Sword Empress's scent after a refreshing morning bath, and they were now spending some time in her room.

''It's more surprising that she isn't here, even.'' August scoffed.

Her memory of Kierra's little lover wasn't exactly abundant since the archwizard refused to see her often, but Diamante was indeed a lovesick puppy. It was said that when Kierra broke up with her, the sun actually cried out plasma tears for a few years...

It was a huge disaster for the planet, and Kierra herself was forced to step up and slap the sun on the wrist.

''What would you do if you were to meet her?''

''Is there even a need to ask? Of course, I would...''

''Take her again?''

While Kierra looked like she had been caught stealing food from the fridge at midnight, August took the opportunity to pounce on her right away.

''W-Wait, we need to get up!''

''No, we don't.''

It was said that they didn't come out until it was lunchtime.


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