Apostle of the Void

Chapter 5 - How to Succeed as an Adventurer

[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]

Chapter 5 - How to Succeed as an Adventurer

The port of this new land had a different kind of salty sea air.

Even the sound of waves crashing white against the breakwater and the cries of seagulls felt somehow different.

If anything, it was refreshing.

Everything was unfamiliar, but that made it new and exciting.

That newness was exhilarating.

“Then, brother, make sure to come back and tell me how it goes.”

“Why would I? Am I your lackey now?”

“Oh, come on.”

These scattered islands in the middle of the two continents were collectively known as the Tersh Isles.

On the largest island of these isles was the green city of Karsiko, one of the seven great cities of the Republic.

Perhaps due to its reputation as the world’s top producer of oranges and lemons, even the sea breeze carried a fresh, citrusy scent.

Karsiko Adventurers' Guild

The sea breeze fluttered the guild sign, which was hanging from chains.

“It’s quite modest for a guild located in one of the seven great cities…”

It was only natural, perhaps.

The Tersh Isles did not have a notable hub for adventurers.

There were no high-rank monsters here.

Inside the guild, the morning was bustling with a considerable number of people.

With such a diverse range of races, their equipment varied greatly.

“Looking for a mage or gunslinger for a Rank 10 quest.”

“Urgently need a dealer. Only those with at least three Rank 8 quest achievements apply.”

“Any warriors available for a frontline role on a Rank 9 quest?”

People lined up in pairs or small groups in front of the reception desk, chatting while holding their quest requests.

Arjen looked around nervously, checking for any familiar faces from the Divine Guillotine.

Fortunately, no one he recognized was there.

Taking a deep breath, he approached the large cork board set up in the middle of the lobby.

Various quest requests were pinned there.

“Currently, my rank is Steel.”

The tasks he could handle alone were the lowest-tier Rank 13 quests.

Among these, many didn’t quite qualify as “adventuring.”

For instance, there were tasks like finding lost cats. Thus, Arjen pretended to scrutinize quests like “sewer cleaning.”

“He needs to look like a clueless novice.”

The world of adventurers is interconnected.

If a new face suddenly appears and seems out of place, rumors spread quickly.

“If that happens, the survivors from the Divine Guillotine will also get my information, making me a target…”

Pretending to be a beginner and being underestimated could be dangerous in this world, right?

“Not at all!”

While that is often the case, it didn’t apply to Arjen.

“Because healing jobs are considered elite among adventurers.”

While clumsy warriors wielding swords and guns are everywhere.

A valuable healer like Arjen is someone others are hesitant to even approach.

In fact, it’s a simple problem upon reflection.

Could someone who was once a bookish scholar suddenly awaken and venture into a blood-soaked labyrinth?

“So, if I just hang around like this, a high-ranked party will eventually approach me!”


This is where it all begins.

“The grand journey of Arjen, aiming to become a Diamond-Rank adventurer, starts here!”

* * *

…Arjen once had such an optimistic phase.

“Hahaha! Do you really think it will be that easy?”

Upon returning to the dock area without receiving any attention, Arjen was met with uproarious laughter from Ulman, who had heard about his situation.

“Do you know what the most important thing is in the adventurer or merchant world?”

“What’s that, damn it?”

“Trust, trust! Right now, you don’t have a shred of it. Who would want to handle important quests with you?”

Lok also chuckled.

“Yeah. They probably don’t even know you’re a priest. Look at the shabby clothes we gave you.”

Arjen bit his lip.

“…It’s not my fault, is it? It’s the other adventurers who don’t recognize me as the top-class healer in the adventurer world.”


“I didn’t expect much from the dull-witted sword-swingers anyway.”


“Treating them so kindly just makes them even more intolerable. Get over here.”

“Sorry. Ahhh! Brother, I’m sorry! Please save me!”

While Arjen was putting Lok in a headlock, Ulman spoke up.

“Why are you so impatient? You’re not just young; you’re still a child. Isn’t it said that a thousand-mile journey begins with a single step?”


“Life is like farming; if you build up slowly, it will eventually bear fruit.”


“Of course, not everyone enjoys a bountiful harvest. There might be famines too. But you can still harvest something.”


“Those who do nothing will have nothing to reap.”

Ulman occasionally spoke such profound words.

Arjen immediately vowed to memorize this and use it as his own words later.

After all, a famous quote is a public resource. It will sound impressive.

Lok patted Arjen’s shoulder.

“Brother, we’ll be staying here for about a month. We’ll be trading goods and giving the sailors some rest before they cross the ocean. It will be busy, but make sure to keep coming by!”

Right, why was I so impatient?

Now, time is abundant.

Improving adventurer rank is good, but it wouldn’t hurt to train the Void power while tackling minor missions.

“Don’t worry! I’ve just thought of an overwhelming secret plan for rapid promotion!”

The staff of the adventurers' guild in this big city are very interested in adventurers.

“What if a newly arrived adventurer shows passion in taking and completing Rank 13 quests?”

Word of mouth will start to spread.

- “Oh, that new person seems pretty good.”

- “Yeah, it’s nice to see someone so eager.”

That’s how one establishes a foothold.

The first effort to root oneself here would be to enthusiastically tackle those Rank 13 quests.

Returning to the adventurers’ guild, Arjen glanced around.

‘Most adventurers are either out on quests or off to eat, so the guild is at its quietest right now. This is a perfect opportunity.’

He quietly approached the quest corkboard.

Carefully extracting the Rank 13 quest… [Find the Cat], he silently made his way to the reception.

“I’d like to take this quest…”

Arjen muttered in a voice tinged with embarrassment, his face reddening with feigned shyness.

‘Maintain those clear and delicate eyes like a fawn!’

The receptionist smiled warmly.

“Could you please present your adventurer ID?”

“Oh, sorry!”

“There’s no need to apologize. Just a moment, please.”

While the receptionist shuffled through the paperwork, Arjen gave a sly smile.

‘Just as planned. It’s all about playing the inexperienced novice.’

Using beauty and charm.

A trick that the trashy members of the <Divine Guillotine> were very efficient at.

‘Humans… they’re endlessly superficial about appearance when it comes to reason! They use everything they can!’

Arjen had a pretty face.

So, he had been brought to social events by the <Divine Guillotine> before.

Those were the only times he had worn clean clothes and looked good.

“Yes, it’s you, Arjen. Your identity has been confirmed.”

“Thank you!”

“Here’s the cat’s portrait… and be aware that the reward will be subject to deductions: 11% for withholding tax, 10% for tithing, and 18% for the guild’s fee.”

Are these highway robbers or what? So, they take 39%?

Do I have to pay triple taxes?

Withholding tax, religious tithing, and guild fees.

He felt a bit disheartened, as if he had glimpsed the harsh reality of adventurer life.

“Oh… the fee is highest at the Steel rank. It decreases by 3% each time you upgrade to Brass, Silver, and Gold ranks.”

Seeing Arjen’s distress over the 39%, the receptionist quickly added an explanation.

“And when you reach the Platinum rank, you get extensive tax exemptions from the state. For instance, in <Karshiko>, the tax rate drops to 6%, and the guild fee is reduced to 2%. By the way, Diamond rank has no fees aside from the tithe.”

Of course, being a Platinum rank means that you are at a level where people beg you to take their quests from all over the world.

“Th-Thank you, ma’am! I’ll be off now!”


Arjen completed the paperwork and left the guild.

Turning the corner, he entered an empty alleyway.

‘Finding a cat, huh…’

Such a crazy quest is usually assigned to kids in the adventurers’ guild.

‘This guy must see adventurers as mere errand boys.’

However, Steel rank adventurers are indeed less than errand boys. They have to be dealt with accordingly.

“Come forth, Void Insects! Kaz Tu Arcturus.”

The command of the apostate was obeyed by the power.

The dimension wavered, and then, from the depths of the boundary of oblivion, the Void Insects emerged.

During his time with the wealthy merchant, Arjen had become capable of maintaining a stable summon of up to seven insects for an extended period.

‘Void Insects do have a certain cuteness if you look closely.’

Their fluffy, rounded bodies remind one of honeybees.

And although they have six eyes, they are horizontally slit.

When they are still, they almost look like dolls.

“First-Bee, can you see this?”

The top veteran and ace was the First-Bee, who had appeared since the time of hunting the Playing Mantis.

Under its command were the Second-Bee and Third-Bee.

However, these insects didn’t have much intelligence.

The names seemed to have no particular significance, so Arjen decided to stop naming them except for the First-Bee.

For reference, Void Insects, like those faceless demons from back then, don’t make any sounds.

“Find this cat within half a day.”


The First-Bee fluttered its wings and twitched its antennae.

The Void Insects then flew off in various directions.

‘Is there a special signal for Void Insects?’

The First-Bee was special.

It was larger than the other Void Insects and understood Arjen’s words quickly.

Moreover, it could relay the meaning to the other Void Insects.

‘Ugh… forcing them out like this is giving me a bad case of nausea.’

After the Void Insects left, Arjen strolled through the streets of <Karshiko>.

<Karshiko> was built around the subterranean springs that rose from the city center, forming 16 water channels through the urban area.

Along these waterways, riverbank paths were established, and lemon trees lined the streets, creating a striking visual aesthetic.

‘The city is filled with the scent of lemons……’

Just being able to explore this peaceful city without any restrictions or fear made him happy.

“Hey, boy over there! Try this tangerine. It’s so delicious. If you’re in <Karshiko>, you must try the tangerines. It’s a local specialty.”

He bought a tangerine from a fruit vendor he encountered on the street, and it looked so fresh that he decided to get one.

It was something he couldn’t have dreamed of in the past when he was barely making ends meet.

But now, Arjen had a good amount of money in his pocket from selling the Mantises’ hides.

As he peeled the fruit and tasted the flesh, he couldn’t help but exclaim.


The fresh and sweet juice… he couldn’t suppress his amazement.

“That’s not the taste of a boss, it’s the taste of a tangerine. Want to buy a bag?”

“Sure. Give me two bags.”

Arjen walked through the streets of <Karshiko> holding the tangerine bags.

Soon, he found a spot on the rooftop of a building overlooking the city and the sea.

‘Just like this……’

Even just peeling tangerines while listening to the sound of the waves can make a person happy.

‘In the future, I’ll have to build a villa around here and enjoy the finest wines and dishes. But for now…… I’m a bit sleepy…… maybe I’ll take a short nap……’

The motion sickness had left him feeling weary.

Arjen, with his hands clasped behind his head, fell into a pleasant sleep in the gentle, warm sea breeze.




It was around twilight, when the sea was covered with a shimmering veil of water.

The Void Insects returned to Arjen’s side.

The buzzing of the First-Bee’s wings near his ear roused Arjen from his cozy nap.

He stretched and stood up, asking,

“Did you bring them?”

The Void Insects hovered in pairs, each holding the necks of the cats in the air.

The cats, seemingly sensing the threat to their lives, were hanging limply like dolls.

‘If I were in the same situation, being held by these monstrous-sized bees, I’d probably be like that too.’

Arjen generated a light with his illumination magic and compared the cats with the portraits.

“The ones the other Void Insects brought are completely different……”

As Arjen tilted his head in confusion, the Void Insects released the cats.

The freed cats quickly disappeared.

Though all the cats brought by the Void Insects were like that, the First-Bee never failed to impress Arjen.

“Ha ha ha! As expected of the First-Bee! The one you brought is definitely the right one, even an old lady passing by would confirm it!”

The First-Bee, being unusually large, was able to hold the cat by itself.

The cat, pretending to be dead while being held by the First-Bee, was clearly the right one.

“Here’s your reward. Have some tangerines.”


“You don’t want to? They’re delicious.”


“They really are tasty.”

Void beings cannot refuse the commands of the apostate……

The First-Bee perched on Arjen’s hand and began eating the tangerine.

Only the peel, of course.

‘Look at this guy…… Last time, it left only the hides of the Praying Mantis, but now it can choose what to eat?’

Arjen ate the fruit himself.

He was quite pleased, so he gently patted the First-Bee’s fluffy cotton-like fur.

Though Void beings seem silent and emotionless, he felt a sense of friendship through the communication with the First-Bee.

Arjen took care of the other Void Insects as well.

However, they merely fluttered their wings in front of the tangerines, appearing disinterested.

After the First-Bee wiggled its antennae, it seemed to receive a signal, and the others only ate the peels.

“Well, peeling the tangerines in an instant is incredibly convenient. I’ll eat the fruit?”

Having finished collecting the peels from the Void Insects, Arjen returned to the adventurer’s guild with the cats.

The receptionist who had been friendly earlier while Arjen was trying to appear cute was nowhere to be seen, possibly having left for the day.

The work-life balance at the large city’s adventurers' guild is excellent.

Arjen handed over the cat along with the request form.

The muscular receptionist, while placing the cat into a trap, looked astonished.

“You caught this in just one day? Impressive.”


“This cat is incredibly fast, so everyone else gave up quickly.”

“Heh heh.”

“Most people who take on Level 13 requests are novices who think, ‘Why should I put my best effort into this kind of request?’ and give up quickly. But you’re already showing promise.”

Ah~ the world is so easy.

The plan worked perfectly.

‘With this, I’ve made a solid impression as an enthusiastic rookie adventurer tackling Level 13 requests!’

Now, all that’s left is to rise to prominence.

“I’ll prepare your reward, so please wait a moment.”

After completing some paperwork, the receptionist handed over 15 silver coins.

‘After a 39% tax deduction, the reward seems rather paltry…… But I don’t feel that way at all.’

It was common for Arjen to receive less than 10 silver coins for taking on life-threatening Level 4 or 5 requests.

So receiving 15 silver coins for finding a single cat felt quite gratifying.

Just as he was about to leave, happily counting the coins in his hand.

“Oh, wait a moment!”

The muscular receptionist suddenly handed him another request form.

ㆍRequest Title: Sewer Cleaning

ㆍRequest Level: 12

ㆍRequest Overview: Due to the summer season, slimes have proliferated in the sewers. The municipal sewer treatment office wants to commission this request to the adventurers’ guild.

ㆍReward: 3 silver coins (exempt from withholding tax as it’s a public office request)

Arjen stared intently at the request form.

‘Ha, ha, ha ha ha ha!’

He had to barely suppress the victorious smile spreading across his face.

‘Playing the newbie! Playing the newbie!’

So he put on a face as if he didn’t understand the situation.

‘Arjen is an expert at hiding his emotions!’

What to do to avoid suspicion?

He needed to naturally express all sorts of emotions, starting with a pitiful look.

The muscular receptionist spoke.

“I’ll recommend you for this. According to your adventurer’s identification, you’re a healer, which is a very valuable profession.”


“Since a healer like you went out of your way to find a cat, there’s no need to prove your sense of responsibility, right?”

Arjen moistened his eyes with fake tears and pretended to be frightened.

“Me? Can I really do it?”

“You won’t know until you try! There’s a party departing tomorrow. One warrior, one mage, one archer. The gathering point is at Sewer Entrance 5, and the meeting time is exactly 9:00 AM.”


“If the four of you split the 3 silver coins, it will be quite a decent reward. What do you say, want to give it a try?”

Arjen pretended to be scared, but internally, he wore a wickedly pleased smile.

‘Ah~ the world is so easy.’

What Arjen had demonstrated so far was all based on the same method used by the thugs of the Divine Guillotine to rapidly promote newly recruited members.

‘Doesn’t it bother you to use the same tactics as those trashy methods?’

Not his concern.

That’s how one survives in this line of work.

‘Pathetic slimes, just wait a little longer! I, Arjen, will use you as the first stepping stone on my journey to becoming a Platinum Rank!’

[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]


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