Apocalypse Rebirth: Beauties Surround Me

Chapter 36 Looks like she's really tired!

Chapter 36  Looks like she's really tired!

Elijah and Daisy retraced their steps back to the school gate.

The car horn had stopped, and even the driver zombie was no longer connected.

They didn't know what had happened there, but they were sure the driver zombie was gone.

They cautiously moved forward because there was a fence blocking the road in the middle, and although many zombies were attracted to the adjacent road, their route remained relatively quiet.

After walking a short distance, they arrived at the spot where the driver zombie had met its mishap, and indeed, it had crashed into a car.

But due to the dense crowd of zombies surrounding it, they couldn't see the specific situation inside.

They didn't linger, instead, using their "invisibility" ability, they safely passed through and continued forward.

After walking for about four or five kilometers and passing through two smaller intersections, which were not as congested, they managed to navigate by using the non-motorized vehicle lanes and sidewalks.

Elijah made corresponding marks on the map indicating where they needed to detour and how to do so.

After all, even the best memory couldn't beat a bad pen. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"There are so many zombies ahead!"

After walking a bit further, and seeing the coastal road just two intersections away, Elijah and his group were once again blocked, not by vehicles this time, but by too many zombies.

"I'll use my ability to take a look!"

Elijah switched to the female zombie's ability, and immediately, he saw countless glowing figures, one after another, with an unknown number stretching endlessly, like a wall of people, completely blocking the road.

Elijah's scalp tingled! He hadn't expected to encounter a zombie tide here! Judging by the numbers, there were at least tens of thousands!

"How could there be a zombie tide here?"

he wondered. It was impossible to pass through.

Faced with such a large-scale zombie tide, they could only find a way around.

"A zombie tide?" Daisy was startled. She thought it would be similar to the school gate!

"Yeah, there are too many zombies, at least tens of thousands. Let's go back and find another route!"

The two slowly retreated, only daring to make large movements when they were far enough away.

Back at the previous intersection, they turned south.

This north-south road was a four-lane road with less traffic, but it was relatively more congested.

They had to occasionally detour onto sidewalks, move aside bicycles blocking their path, and be mindful of the surrounding zombies, which wasted quite a bit of time.

By the time they reached the next intersection, they once again headed east in the correct direction.

After walking for a while, Elijah noticed a strange phenomenon: there were fewer zombies on the road.

He recalled the zombie tide he had just seen. Had all the zombies here gone there? What attracted them?

As they continued forward, they reached another intersection.

Although it was still heavily congested, there were hardly any zombies wandering outside.

"Why are there so few zombies here?" Daisy also noticed something was off!

"Who knows? It just makes it easier for us to pass!" The two quickly found a route to detour through.

Initially, Elijah planned to head north at this intersection and return to the main road near their community gate.

 But he was afraid the zombie tide might extend to that crossroad, so they simply continued east along this road.

Although it was narrower, there were indeed fewer zombies, so wasting some time on the sidewalk wasn't a big deal.

Slowly, they reached another intersection, and Daisy's stomach couldn't help but growl.

"Hungry?" Elijah, seeing her silent, felt a bit sorry.

Although this girl often complained about being hungry and was always eager to eat, she never hesitated to exert herself when needed.

He checked the time; they had left around 8 p.m., and now it was past 2 a.m. Using superpowers continuously for nearly five hours was a huge drain on their stamina.

"Yeah," Daisy pouted slightly.

"Then let's find a place to rest for a bit!"

Since this intersection was safe, and the coastal road was ahead, it would be much easier to travel from there.

After passing the intersection, they walked a short distance and, at Daisy's strong insistence, entered a clothing store.

The store's front door was wide open, and there was no one inside, no zombies either. It displayed a large number of women's clothes.

The two closed the store door and secured it with a rope. Elijah quickly inspected it and found stairs leading to the second floor.

"Let's check upstairs first!"

 Elijah called out to Daisy, who was staring at the clothes with some reluctance.

The stairs were made of wood and made a "thud thud" sound when stepped on.

Elijah kept his spear aimed upwards because he was worried there might be zombies up there.

Soon, they reached the second floor and found it to be a small resting area. In addition to a small living room, there were two rooms, one with a bed and the other used as a storage room for clothes.

"It's safe!"

After checking the rooms and confirming they were safe, the two relaxed.

"Let's eat quickly! I'm starving!"

Daisy couldn't wait and opened Elijah's backpack, pulling out food and eating it without any hesitation.

Elijah also took a marinated chicken leg, tore open the packaging, and ate it hungrily.

Soon, half of the backpack's food was devoured by the two of them.

 Only then did Daisy pat her belly and lean back on the sofa to rest.

"Now that we're full, it would be great if we could take a bath!"

The temperature dropped in the late night, and Daisy didn't need to constantly open her clothes to cool down.

But feeling sticky all over her body was uncomfortable.

"I see buckets of water here; you can use them to freshen up," Elijah suggested as he packed away the remaining food into his backpack.

However, he didn't hear Daisy's response.

When he looked again, he found she had already fallen asleep on the sofa!

Looks like she's really tired! Elijah also felt a bit weary at this point. His physical condition was okay, mainly just mentally exhausted.

After all, they hadn't rested much during the entire day, essentially pulling an all-nighter.

It was already 3 a.m., and there were still two more hours until dawn.

Elijah decided to rest directly. After replenishing their energy, they would be more energetic the next night.

The sofa was too small, and Daisy looked uncomfortable sleeping on it, so Elijah lifted her up by the waist and carried her to the room with a bed.

He gently laid her down on the bed.

Daisy had just fallen asleep and was sleeping lightly.

When Elijah moved her, she woke up, but she didn't open her eyes, enjoying the feeling of being cared for.

Elijah was naturally aware of everything.

Through the consciousness seed, he could sense Daisy's heartbeat fluctuations.

Seeing her pretending to sleep with her eyes closed, he couldn't help but lean down and capture her lips.

"Mmm..." Daisy protested softly, but because she was being held, her resistance was ineffective.

"Just consider... consider it being nibbled by pigs once!" "Well... I've already been nibbled once..." Daisy comforted herself internally, feeling her body relax as she stopped tensing up.


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