Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot

Chapter 33 - 33 Stealth Potion (Medium)_l

Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Stealth Potion (Medium)_l

Translator: 549690339

Be careful, young man! Youve got a delicate wife waiting for you at home, you cant afford to have an accident!

The bald uncle cheered Wang Tao on.

It must be said, although the bald uncle was physically weak and easily frightened, he had a kind heart.

Wang Tao didnt explain much.

Dont worry, Uncle, Im naturally not going to have an accident. But you, please dont go out no matter what, just move around inside the building, its too dangerous outside!

Haha, rest assured, Im too scared to step outside. I have to stay alive to reunite with my wife and children!

The bald uncle took out a family photo from his pocket, his eyes brimming with longing.

Then Im relieved!

The bald uncle did not delay Wang Tao any further and left after exchanging a few words.

Wang Tao proceeded downstairs and through the security doors window, he could see several zombies roaming around outside.

He waited quietly for a while and, when he saw the zombies slowly moving away from the door, Wang Tao took a deep breath and then burst through the security door.


The sound of the security door opening instantly attracted the attention of a few zombies. Wang Tao didnt even glance at them, he closed the door and sprinted towards the community wall in the distance!

Heh heh


The zombies that noticed him immediately began to twist their bodies and stagger towards Wang Tao.

Although Wang Tao was running, he didnt forget to observe the zombies around him, making sure there were none that could stealth, sprint, or had other special abilities.

Fortunately, for the time being, the zombies speed didnt seem fast, and as long as he wasnt surrounded, there would be no threat to his life.

After a dozen seconds, Wang Tao safely sprinted to the wall and then, with a foot on the bare wall, he leaped forcefully, grabbing onto the top of the wall.


Wang Taos arm muscles bulged, he exclaimed lightly, and used the formidable strength of his upper body to lift his entire lower body up.

By the time two nearby zombies sluggishly arrived, Wang Tao was already standing atop the wall, out of their reach as they waved their arms helplessly.

Wang Tao suddenly felt that if he used the one-meter-long steel pipe from behind to strike the heads of the zombies below, couldnt he slowly wear them all down? After all, the zombies couldnt reach him

Perhaps its a good method, but now is not the right time, Ill let them off the hook!

Wang Tao hadnt forgotten his purpose, securing diesel fuel was crucial, killing zombies was secondary for now.

He looked toward the other side of the wall, the situation on this street was the same as what he had seen from the rooftop; not many zombies. A few zombies were in the distance but they had not noticed him yet.

Lucky break!

Wang Tao lightly jumped off the wall.

The cracked ground, black bloodstains everywhere, newspapers and government notices scattered around, cars burned down to their frames, and moss-covered mottled walls

Viewing the post-apocalyptic desolation on the street instilled a sudden sense of loneliness.

Wang Tao took a deep breath, cast aside these complex emotions, and stealthily made his way to the Big Mouth Meat Eating diner across the street.

The glass door of the small diner was ajar, revealing a scene of disarray inside, with many chairs and tables damaged and dried blood smears on the ground and walls.

Wang Tao was not surprised by this scene; gripping the one-meter-long steel wolf fang club tightly, he slowly entered.

This time when he left the house, he brought all three steel pipesthe two 50cm and one 1-meter-long.

He had modified each of these weapons.

Of the two 50cm steel pipes, he turned one into a long-handled sheeps horn hammer, the weapon he found most comfortable to wield so far.

The other one was modified by stuffing a small sharp-tipped steel bar inside to create a short spear.

As for the one-meter steel pipe, he drilled several holes in it and inserted long nails, transforming it into a wolf fang club.

In more open spaces, its better to use this one-meter-long steel pipe Wolf Fang Club.

After entering the shop, he carefully avoided the glass shards on the floor and then quickly surveyed the hall. He mainly wanted to see if there were any zombies hiding behind the cash register.

He had been ambushed by a crafty zombie before, and if he had time, he would make sure to check carefully.

Fortunately, there was nothing under the cash register.

Looking at the change in the drawer, Wang Tao casually grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his pocket.

This trip hadnt been in vain.

Wang Tao checked the street behind him and, seeing no zombies approaching, held the Wolf Fang Club and walked into the back kitchen. The kitchen was a mess, plundered bare, but thankfully there were no bloodstains.

The small diner had two doors, one was the front door he had just come through, and the other was a side door next to a bedroom where staff could rest, leading out into an alley.

The side door was open, and outside was a domestically made white pickup truck with its plastic wrap barely torn. It belonged to Boss Li.

The truck surely had fuel inside; that day Wang Tao had seen Boss Li refueling it.

But this raised another issue; if Boss Lis truck was here, it meant he hadnt left

Wang Tao glanced at the tightly closed bedroom door.

Since their store also served breakfast, Boss Li and his wife usually slept in the shop for convenience in the mornings.

Wang Tao guessed that either they had been bitten by zombies that came from outside and turned into zombies, or they had become zombies inside this bedroom on the first day.

Regardless, they had definitely been infected.

Because their fuel-filled truck was here, and had they not been infected, they would likely have fled to the countryside in it!

The bedroom door was locked, and Wang Tao prepared to pick the lock.

He had come out well-prepared this time. Things like weapons, some lock-picking tools, food, binoculars, a flashlight, even a small radio, mobile phone, walkie-talkie, and so on were all with him.

After all, the mission was to scavenge for supplies, and having incomplete tools wouldnt do. Besides, being tall and strong meant carrying these items was no hassle for him.


After fiddling with the door lock for a while, he successfully unlocked it.

Thankfully, the door was not bolt-locked, otherwise, even the best lock-picking skills would have been useless.

Wang Tao gently pushed the door open and immediately saw a fat figure lying on its side on the bed, covered with a blanket and facing away from him.

Seeing that red HP bar above its head, Wang Tao didnt hesitate. He rushed in and struck its head brutally with the Wolf Fang Club.


Dark blood splattered.



Heh heh

The zombie let out an unpleasant hiss as it tried to turn over. Wang Tao kicked it in the waist through the blanket, flipping it back again.

Then Wang Tao pulled out the Wolf Fang Club and delivered three consecutive blows.






[Acquired: Stealth Potion (Medium) x2]

Huh? Another crafty zombie?


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