Apocalypse: I Can See the HP Bar, Killing Monsters Drops Loot

Chapter 298: 151 Fusion of the New Superpower !

Chapter 298: Chapter 151 Fusion of the New Superpower !

Wei Zhenguo immediately spoke into the intercom.

“Cough cough, okay!”

Ren Jie’s voice came from inside.

This was a moment of life or death for Shuize Base, no one could escape, they couldn’t hold anything back, they could only make a last stand!

Soon, a group of people emerged from the comprehensive building.

Men and women, old and young, they carried homemade weapons, their frightened expressions mingled with determination.

Ren Jie, with a pistol in hand, walked at the forefront, followed closely by Liu He with a backpack on his back.

Gao Hua held two axes, trailing behind Ding Yuqin by a step. A fierce look on his face, he said,

“Sister-in-law, don’t worry, my life was given by elder brother, even if I die, I will protect you!”

“Thank you…”

Ding Yuqin was somewhat nervous, but she did not shrink back.

Li Qiuyu, Huo Ziyi, and a host of other women followed behind Ding Yuqin with fearful faces.

Ren Jie had ordered these women to follow Ding Yuqin’s command.

They were not the main force in combat, but were there to help prepare ammunition, medical supplies, inhibitors, etc. If they had the ability to kill zombies, they could join the fight. If not, they were to be honest and handle logistics.

Wei Zhenguo had already brought out all of the base’s trump cards; if they could not hold out for another two hours, then there was nothing more he could do.

As for whether they could be rescued after holding out for two hours, Wei Zhenguo didn’t want to think too much about it, because he needed to give himself some hope.

After the survivors came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the zombies downstairs. These poisonous fog zombies and mad demon zombies all ran toward the crowd.

“Da da da—”

However, a group from the Security Army rushed out of the building, instantly stopping the zombies’ advance with their bullets.

The green poisonous fog was getting thicker and darker, and since it was drifting upwards slowly, it severely affected the vision of the Security Army. They could no longer see the zombies clearly from above, and if they didn’t come down, their bullets were certain to hit their comrades.

There were many sandbags underneath the comprehensive building. More than a dozen members of the Security Army immediately used the sandbags as cover, hiding behind them to attack the zombies.

The survivors took up arms and also crouched behind the sandbags, ready to kill any zombies that broke through.

In the last crisis with the gorilla zombies, more than half of the people inside Shuize Base had died. Now, those who were left, with a few exceptions, all had HP over a thousand. Their physical fitness was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Although they couldn’t kill these zombies in one second, at least they weren’t unable to breach their defenses. As long as they had enough people and accurate hits, they could kill the poisonous fog zombies and mad demon zombies by working together in groups.

With the addition of these remaining people, the ability users who had come out to fight suddenly felt the pressure ease.

But they had no time to rest, because the Level Two zombies had found them!

These Level 2 Poisonous Fog Zombies, although not strong among their kind, were still very tough even for Xiang Hongbin and the others, combined with Lu Gang’s sniping.

So, when these Level 1 ability users faced the Level 2 Poisonous Fog Zombies, they had virtually no power to fight back!

In just a few minutes, several ability users were bitten to death by the Level 2 zombies.


Seeing this, Wei Zhenguo’s eyes turned red with anger.

He immediately charged forward, drawing the attention of the Level 2 zombies to himself.

Originally, Wei Zhenguo’s plan was to let others bear the brunt of the Level 2 zombies’ attacks while he and Xiang Hongbin focused their strength on a single Level 2 zombie.

After all, killing one Level 2 zombie would greatly reduce the pressure on everyone.

But the Level 2 zombies easily overpowered the ordinary Level 1 ability users. These people had almost no ability to resist and were slain after just a few blows!

Wei Zhenguo had to change tactics, becoming a firefighter, rushing to wherever there was danger.

Although this indeed saved many people, there was now little chance of killing a Level 2 zombie.

Nevertheless, the casualties continued to rise.

Wei Zhenguo’s eyes turned even redder, and he unleashed unprecedented combat power, managing to hold off five Level 2 zombies by himself!

As for the remaining five, he was powerless to do anything about them, and had to leave them to others.

Xiang Hongbin injected himself with a Rejuvenation Potion and, like a return to light, temporarily stood in the way of a Level 2 zombie’s advance.

Han Rui and Feng Ming’an joined forces to hold off a Level 2 zombie, but they were being pushed back.

Ren Jie and Liu He, along with a few ability users, held back a Level 2 zombie. Their strength was not great, and the reason they could keep the zombie at bay was purely because Liu He’s backpack was full of homemade bombs! He distributed several bombs to each person, which held off the Level 2 zombie.

This Level 2 zombie looked the most miserable of them all, its body torn and bones exposed, yet its combat power was undiminished. The group’s homemade bombs couldn’t be thrown at will, and they were afraid of hitting their own, which made them hesitant…

The last Level 2 zombie was tackled by a group of more than twenty ability users.

But compared to the Level 2 zombie, these people were falling far short. Even with their numbers, they had no advantage—they struggled to breach the zombie’s defenses, while a single blow from it could leave them dead or crippled!

“Inhibitor! Inhibitor!”

Someone who had been scratched by a zombie ran back, yelling desperately. The time for the zombie virus to cause mutation and infection could be from one minute to 24 hours, and if luck was bad, there might be no hope after a minute!


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