Apocalypse - Evil Shelter System

Chapter 5: The Beauty’s Plea for Help

Chapter 5: The Beauty's Plea for Help

This zombie was familiar to Alex; it was the captain of the school's fitness club, known for his love of bodybuilding and weightlifting, with a muscular build and great strength. But now, as a zombie, his physique had become even more imposing and seemed to possess endless power.

"Could it be that those with special physical traits in life get enhanced after becoming zombies?" Alex thought, somewhat shocked by this revelation.

But there was no time to ponder further. More and more zombies were gathering around, and he had to return to the city immediately!

Securing his spatial bag, Alex gripped the Sinful Blade tightly and charged towards the city gate.

After cutting down two obstructing zombies, Alex finally reached the gate. The muscular zombie had now noticed him, its bloodshot white eyes staring straight at Alex, then it let out a roar and charged.

Hiss!! Roar!!!!

This zombie was evidently much faster than the ordinary ones!

And much stronger in terms of physical strength!

Facing a formidable enemy, Alex wasn't nervous at all. Instead, he stepped back with his left leg, gripping the large blade tightly in his hand. He was waiting for a moment!

The perfect moment to strike a deadly blow!

Five meters...

Three meters...

One meter...


Heaving a low growl, Alex swung his blade fiercely at the muscular zombie!

Black blood splattered as the zombie's head fell to the ground. Its headless body, still carrying momentum, slammed straight into Alex.

Alex was knocked back by the headless corpse, tumbling onto the grass.

Hehe... hehe...

Uh... uhh...

The zombies were becoming more numerous and closer, steadily converging on him!

Alex bit his lip hard to dispel some of the dizziness in his mind and quickly gathered up the muscular zombie's body.

"Open the gate!" After slashing through several pursuing zombies, Alex didn't have time to collect their bodies and hurriedly dashed through the city gate.

Watching the gate slowly close, Alex still felt a lingering sense of fear. If there had been more zombies like that muscular one just now, with his current strength, he might not have made it back alive.

He seemed too weak still.

Pulling out a bottle of beer from his spatial bag, Alex gulped down several mouthfuls, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"Different types of zombie bodies, I wonder if they will yield different results!" Alex glanced at the headless corpse he had thrown aside. Fighting the hunger in his stomach, he threw the muscular zombie's body into the crypt.

[The body is being buried]

[Estimated time: 2 hours]


It takes twice as long to bury this type of zombie compared to regular ones!

There really is a difference!

Hopefully, this means more attribute points and Apocalypse Coins when the burial is complete.

Alex leaned against the tombstone to rest for a while, then emptied all the food and drinks from his spatial bag onto the ground. The area was now covered with snacks and beverages, and of course, there were also three peculiar headless corpses.

Alex casually picked a pack of beef jerky and a can of cola and began to eat ravenously.

In this apocalypse, while many people were suffering from hunger and thirst, he could indulge in food and water to his heart's content.

Chocolate, beef, energy bars, chips, sausages, energy drinks, mineral water...

All these snacks he used to not care much about were now at his disposal!

This was, in a way, a kind of luxury.

Alex let out a satisfied burp, basking in the sun, feeling somewhat lazy and content. This life was pretty good, but it always felt like something was missing.

A woman, perhaps?

Alex thought of the girl he had secretly admired for three years, wondering if she had survived this catastrophe.

Perhaps he should try to find her?

Maybe she was still alive?

Maybe he could rescue her and they could live together?

No! Not live together, perhaps.

But make her his slave!

Things were different now; he no longer needed to harbor an unrequited love.

If she was still alive, she was no longer the unattainable goddess.

But just a girl struggling to survive in this apocalyptic world!

Academic achievements, money, status...

None of these mattered anymore in this apocalypse!

He had food, water, a safe place to live, and a strong body – these were everything in this world now!

As Alex was drifting off to sleep, a cry for help came from a nearby girls' dormitory.

"Hey! Can you come and save us?" A girl's crisp voice carried from afar. Though faint, it caught Alex's attention.

Alex looked up towards the direction of the girls' dormitory.

At a window on the third floor, two girls with long hair were waving at him.

To save, or not to save?

Alex stood up and scrutinized the two girls calling for help at the window.

His eyes, enhanced by the physical constitution boost, could clearly make out the general appearance of the two girls.

They were quite attractive...

In the old world, perhaps they wouldn't even spare him a glance, right?

Maybe he should consider rescuing them and bringing them to his City of Darkness.

A sly smile curled up on Alex's lips...


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