Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

It had been lying at the foot of the mountain sleeping, heard the call of the Tang Dynasty, it woke up and rushed to the war.

Although its speed is slow, its defensive power is the highest. Its thick shell, hard as a rock, is its best means of attack and defense.

The two commanders suddenly thought of something. They took a deep breath and yelled, "attack! Attack! Stop it! Keep it away

They have heard that people in Xia City can use wild animals as their mounts. Since they can tame wild animals, it is obvious that Xia City recruited this giant turtle at this time.

"My God, what kind of monsters have we provoked? How can such a huge creature obey these people? Who the hell are they? If there is such a terrible group of people in Tianluo, their reputation must have spread. Half a year ago, we didn't even know that there was a city here! "

The mountain giant turtle comes from the rear of the slope. It doesn't care about the attacks that try to stop its steps. These attacks are vulnerable in front of its hard shell, so its steps don't stop and keep moving forward.

As soon as he got close to him, he lowered his head and turned his body. He directly knocked down a group of soldiers. There were many people who were swallowed by him. There were screams of panic everywhere.

However, in the gate of Xia City, a voice finally came out.

It was the sound of the fine soles of the feet landing, like some kind of animal. The meat mat under the claws was very light, only the dull sound of pressing the ground, and the rustle of the tip of the claws across the stone slab.

When the magic soldiers in the front row saw what was running out of the summer city, their eyes were all round!

It was a hound like creature with the size of a war horse. They were red all over, with three heads, and a thick layer of magma on their back. They were as many as a group. They were too heavy to run forward, and what dropped from their mouth was not saliva, but magma!

On the stone brick floor where they passed, there was a "Zizi" sound of scalding, and even the stone bricks were scalded with white smoke.

They are very fierce towards the city gate, the six eyes of the flame, as if to see the prey general excited!

All the magic soldiers who saw this scene were all shivering and retreating, unable to speak.

Finally, it was the team leader who gave himself a knife to calm himself down. The first order he issued was, "retreat! Retreat! Retreat

Hearing this roar, the two commanders who were still in the rear could not see the scene in the city. They just thought that their soldiers were afraid and wanted to escape. They began to shout, "don't retreat! You must stand up to me

However, in the front of the devil soldiers, where also listen to what order, all turned crazy general run back.

"Whew, whew..."

Fire red figures darted out of the city like lightning. With strong body, they rushed to every demon warrior who wanted to escape. As long as one person was knocked down, the three heads would attack together. In the blink of an eye, the demon warrior would be bitten.

Groups of creatures, it is well-known card creatures - Hellfire dog!

Screams came one after another.

The two commanders have been shocked and speechless. Those demonic creatures are things they dare not even think about. I really don't know where these things come from.

This is not the worst. The most terrible thing is that the earth began to vibrate again. The roaring sound from far to near made the soldiers outside unstable.

Horses are more manic pace, constantly roaring, want to escape, this is their first reaction to feel the danger, but they are all controlled by the knight on their back, forced them not to escape.

Giant humanoid monsters, several meters high, rushed from the broad streets of Xiacheng.

They are too tall and strong. When they rush to the city gate, they all bend carefully and come out from the city gate, one by one. They are dripping with magma, waving their fists like hills and smashing at the magic soldiers on the ground.

Next to Hellfire dog is magma shrew. Their attack power is always fierce. A group of them at one time is enough for those demon soldiers to drink a pot.

If these are not terrible enough, then the army of the dead following the magma shrew will completely break the nerves of the millions of troops outside the city.

Looking at the withered corpses pouring out from the gate of the city, their eyes glowed green one by one. They were wearing rotten armour, holding only half of the rusted weapons, and roared out. Where the Legion of the dead passed, they were filled with dead air and blood splashing everywhere. The Legion of the dead enjoyed the bath of blood very much, and they were very happy to kill.

The scene was extremely tragic. The millions of troops who came to attack, even the gate of the city, were defeated. They all shrank to one side in fear, dropped their weapons and cried out, "We surrender! We surrender! Don't kill us! Don't kill usAt the moment, the two commanders were already pale and pale. So far, they have not hurt a person in Xiacheng, but their army has been defeated.

Too terrible, where is this city? It's a hell on earth, the gathering place of demons!

Look at the monsters rushing out of the city. Which one of them is human? They're all real monsters!

Why on earth are they here? If they can obediently surrender and send the city out, maybe they can continue to hold such a position, just change the loyalty of the city leader, and they will not see such a nightmare scene!

"Retreat! Retreat --! "

The two commanders screamed, and all the soldiers who were still in the rear couldn't wait to turn around and run away. The speed of the escape was incredible!

Then, when they ran away in a panic, a huge shadow suddenly covered the whole summer city.

Over the deeper forest behind the summer city, I don't know when a huge creature suddenly appeared. Its huge wings could almost cover the whole summer city. Its wings were wide open and half of its body was exposed from the deeper forest.

On his long neck, a small head roared at the moment. The deeper the sound wave hit the trees in the forest, the more undulating it was like the waves. The sound wave made everyone's ears roar, brain buzz, white light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he almost fainted.

All the escaped soldiers were scared by the huge shadow, and the earth shaking roar would be their lifelong nightmare.

They keep praying in their hearts, as long as they can leave here alive today, they will never set foot here again in their life, never come again!

Tang Shi and YanXu, riding snow colored Griffins and red pterosaurs, were flying low in the summer city. Unexpectedly, they were suddenly covered by a huge shadow. Looking back, they were shocked to find that it was YanXu's star spirit blue dragon!

Originally, it did not leave the Luna forest, nor did it go, but came to the world with them.

It has been living in the Luna forest, did not appear, at the moment, it is estimated that it is also to frighten the enemy.

Sure enough, the star spirit Blue Dragon did not leave the Luna forest, but only half of his body was exposed and gave out a roar, which scared all the dead to escape faster than flying.

This roar made Tang Shi and Yan Xu almost fall out of the air.

Star spirit Blue Dragon threat finished, also alone slanting head looked at Tang and YanXu, and then slowly back to the moon god forest, Tang looked at YanXu, can't help but wry smile, "early know there is such a patron saint, I won't start these cards, let it out roar, absolutely shake all the enemies."

"I'm surprised that it can come here."

Tang Shi said with a smile: "now, even if there is no one guarding Xia City, it is estimated that no one dares to invade."

YanXu holds Tang Shi's hand, pulls him over, lets him sit on his own red pterosaur, holds him, kisses his lips, after a lingering kiss, just opens his mouth, "the summer city is our foundation, also has the moon god forest guard, even if we unify the entire north, our capital, also decides in the summer city."

Tang Dynasty leaned on Yan Xu's arms and sighed comfortably, "well, I like it here. This year, we will try our best to make every family have ridges and enough food. In this way, we will not be afraid of the cold. We can have a lazy and comfortable winter."

"Good." Yan Xu kisses his forehead and says in a low voice: "do you have any suggestions for their arrangement?"

Tang Shi looked up at him, "don't you already have an idea?"

Yan Xu nodded, "Qin lie, Zhan Rong, long Mian and ASA are all very important. They can't stay in Xia City all the time. They need to have their own city territory. In this way, the orcs and Elves will have a place to live."

"You're right. They're very strong. They shouldn't be stuck in the summer city. They should have a bigger stage." Tang Shi reminds a way: "but you still less said one, flying eagle you forgot to say."

Yan Xu said helplessly: "it's really a bit overqualified to let the flying eagle be the commander of the guard team of Xia City. He also gave the fiefdom and let him manage it."

"What about the golden Baron? Are you going with the eagle? " Asked Tang.

"He can't. I can't live without him." Yan Xu refused.

"If so, I don't think flying eagle will leave Xiacheng. He won't leave Jinjue." In the Tang Dynasty, he said.

Yan Xu was speechless for a moment. At last, he only said: "let me take my time. When I find someone who can replace him, I will send him to the territory of flying eagle. Isn't that ok?"

"Yes, there are 27 cities in the north, including the last two four cities. How do you allocate them?"

YanXu thought about it and said, "three four level cities, one is governed by Qin lie and Zhan Rong, one by longmian and ASA, one by Feiying and Jinjue. For the remaining three third level cities, let Yanjing guard one, Yanxing guard one, and let Jinjue's brother Jinyu guard the rest. ""The remaining secondary and primary cities will be divided into big cities. According to the provinces, cities and counties in the old world, we will create political institutions. I will select excellent generals and send them to each city to strive to make our country a perfect and peaceful paradise."

Tang Shi laughs, "this is the future that we have experienced the end of the world and most yearn for."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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