Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Many people are aware of this and dare not even raise their eyes for fear of being targeted by this "wanted criminal". Many people think that it's no wonder that wigo, who is so powerful, has been cut off. They are certainly not good enough for him. Others have noticed a long and thin thing in their backpacks. They are all guessing what it is. Is it hard to go out again?

At this time, the never night city and stadium incident had not yet been exposed, and it was only announced when the alien origin research was carried out later. Except for the high-level officials and the military who knew the content, most people did not know the inside story at that time, so they were very afraid of the wanted criminal in the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty and YanXu didn't follow the normal route, but climbed out from the vent of the flour mill. According to the memory of the last life, Tang Dynasty knew where the three eyed demons gathered. They went in that direction. Along the way, they met many poisonous corpses and were killed by them. It's no use killing more poisonous corpses. There's no yuan Neng crystal in them.

An hour later, they sneaked into a damaged building. This is where the three Eyed Monsters often appear. In front of them is the territory of the three Eyed Monsters. Tang Dynasty didn't plan to go in. If they were besieged by three Eyed Monsters from several families, no matter how many lives he had, he would not be able to fill in. Both of them took out their knives, and one of them had a gun, but they were not allowed to spare. The sound of the gun would attract the foreigners around, so it was convenient to use a knife. They only walked around the periphery, and the three eyed monster that smelled them soon appeared.

They turned around and ran back, attracting the three Eyed Monsters to the corner of a broken building that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. A dozen of them howled and rushed forward. Tang Dynasty and YanXu didn't hesitate, so they slashed. Ordinary three Eyed Monsters only have the level of level zero in the awakening period. Even if YanXu doesn't absorb Yuan energy, he can deal with them. Besides, he has three times the physical ability of ordinary people now.

After absorbing Yuan energy, the physical strength is strengthened on the basis of the original, so the stronger the original physical strength, the stronger it will be.

For a soldier like Yan Xu, his three times physical strength is no less than five or even six times that of ordinary people. Who can make people's innate conditions better than others? Not to mention in Tang Dynasty, although his original physical fitness was not very good, he is now an awakener, and his physical fitness has been strengthened to a new height.

More than a dozen three Eyed Monsters were soon killed by the two men. At this time, more three Eyed Monsters rushed forward and surrounded the two men. They could hit one with any knife. There were too many of them. They couldn't kill them without moving. There were tall bodies around them. The air was full of pungent blood.

Just at this time, a sharp cry came, and a big fireball hit them at the same time!

Tang Shi was waiting for the moment. Regardless of the fireball, it directly activated the secret energy card in Yuanhe. With shadow step, two red lights attached to Tang Shi's feet. Tang Shi ran towards the direction of the fireball, and the speed was amazing.

From the perspective of YanXu, those who were still around one moment before disappeared the next, leaving only a red light.

YanXu flies out, and the power of exploding fireball is not small. It's not easy to be blasted at close range.

The three eyed monster leader was hiding in a ruins opposite. Tang Shi came near quickly. The three eyed monster leader was frightened, screamed and turned to run away, but Tang Shi cut his head!

The three eyed monster leader's greatest reliance is fireball explosion. Although he is very strong in long-range attack, he is very weak in close combat. He obviously knows his weakness, so he always sneaks in from a distance. If Tang Shi didn't get a secret card by accident, it would be a shadow step of blessing speed. It's not so easy to kill the three eyed monster leader .

As soon as the leader of the three eyed demons dies, the three eyed demons who have lost their minds will run away like a pack of scattered sand.

In the Tang Dynasty, he took yuan Neng Jing and alert eye from the demon leader and walked back. Although the secret energy card shadow step is very convenient to use, it also consumes a lot of energy. When you use it once, the original full grid of 24 units of energy can be wiped down by 8 units, which is a unit consumption machine!

In the Tang Dynasty, he put the alert eyes of the red three eyed monster leader into the small lattice, called Yan Xu over, and taught him how to take out the yuan Neng crystal in the alien body. This is also a skill. As long as there is energy in the body, it can be taken out. This method will soon be discovered by researchers, and the number of awakeners will increase sharply.

After Yan Xu learned, he and Tang Shi took out yuan Neng Jing from the corpse which was piled like a hill. The smell of blood here will soon attract other people. They quickly left the scene, entered a damaged building, found a fairly good room, and locked the doors and windows.

They took out all the yuan Neng crystals in their hands and counted them. There were as many as 32 yuan Neng crystals, plus one yuan Neng crystal of the three eyed monster leader. This amount is enough to help a person wake up.

Tang Shidao: "do you want to wake up now? The earlier you wake up, the better the quality of the card you get. "

Of course, YanXu agrees that the end of the world is dangerous everywhere. If you want to live, you must make yourself stronger.

Immediately, Tang Dynasty gave YanXu a guard, and YanXu was ready to wake up. There are many yuanneng crystals this time. YanXu didn't want to waste too much. He only took 15 grade-0 yuanneng crystals, which is 4 units higher than the pre measurement. When he broke through the barrier of the wall, YanXu encountered difficulties and couldn't break through for a moment. In Tang Dynasty, he put the grade-1 yuanneng crystal into his mouth, and then put a few into his mouth. YanXu relied on an inexplicable force in his body, It's a smooth awakening.YanXu didn't know what the inexplicable power was, but Tang Dynasty knew that it was the purest Yuan energy absorbed in the first half hour after the end of the world, which was of great benefit to human awakening.

The yuanneng cyclone created by YanXu's awakening startled the Tang Dynasty. If the yuanneng cyclone that broke out during the awakening of Tang Dynasty was the tail of a small tornado, then the yuanneng cyclone created by YanXu was definitely a real "tornado". The yuanneng cyclone spun rapidly to form a cone-shaped cyclone visible to the naked eye, and the tornado retreated straight back in the Tang Dynasty, which made me feel shocked. With such a large yuanneng cyclone, the life card is absolutely not simple!

When the cyclone finally calms down, a card slowly appears. Yan Xu a Leng, stretch out a hand to take over.

YanXu looks at the strange pattern on the card. Unexpectedly, he finds that he can understand it. When I read the cards in Tang Shi's hand in the morning, I thought it was just a decorative pattern. Unexpectedly, it was a kind of writing, and only the awakened people could understand it. After the awakening of human beings, many things will be clear in an instant, and the ancient Rune of the alien world is one of them.


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