Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

In Tang Dynasty, there are still 10 yuanneng crystals left in hand, 2 at level 1 and 8 at level 0, which should be enough for YanXu to repair the dark damage.

Without further hesitation, Tang Shi decided to go out and have a try anyway. If it's really not good, it's a big deal to wait until the end of the world with YanXu. At that time, he has no place to go and will always come with him.

Thinking of this, Tang Dynasty directly took a taxi to YanXu's community. There was a serious traffic jam on the road. Many people held up signs and marched in the street, shouting for the government to give an explanation. First, the never night city incident, and then the stadium incident. Many people died every time. Up to now, the government has no explanation. The families of the victims are angry and don't want to wait any longer, It's not enough to surround the government gate, but also to block traffic and disturb public order, so that everyone knows that they are victims.

In Tang Dynasty, he looked at his watch anxiously. There were still three hours to go before the end of the world. Damn it, is he going to die on the road?

"Master, can you turn around and take another road? I have something urgent. Can you hurry up, please In Tang Dynasty, he urged the way.

The driver took a look at Tang Shi in the rear-view mirror and said slowly, "even if I turn around, I have to be able to walk. Look at the traffic behind, I can't get through."

Tang swore, paid the money, get off and leave, even now run past, it is better than blocking here.

When Tang got out of the car, he ran quickly. He and YanXu crossed the whole city from south to north. The taxi didn't even walk half the way, so they were directly blocked on the road. In Tang Dynasty, I trotted all the way without taking a taxi. Now it's the rush hour. The road is very congested. All the cars stop on the road in a long line. If I move a step for a long time, I'm going crazy.

By the time of Tang Dynasty, he had wasted more than an hour when he ran to YanXu's community with the help of strengthened physical ability.

He held his knees and gasped. Even Superman didn't run like this. He was so tired. The gate of the community is still as usual, people come and go, and no one notices the coming doomsday crisis. Just as Tang Shi was about to enter the community, several people suddenly rushed out and surrounded him.

Tang Dynasty saw a few little gangsters in front of them. They were all green dragons and white tigers with cockscomb on their heads. They were Street gangsters who could not be mentioned.

"What are you going to do?" These people are not the opponents of Tang Dynasty, but in public, he still hopes for a peaceful settlement.

The head of a yellow hair wanderer came forward with a picture and looked Tang Shi up and down. "Tang - young master, we are entrusted by others. Please go back and come with us."

Tang asked, "who asked? Where are you going? "

Huang Mao didn't hide it. He said frankly, "you haven't been home for a long time. Your brother sent us brothers to invite you home."

Ning Qin goes to the police station to identify the corpse. As a result, there is no Tang Shi on the death list. There is no doubt that Tang Shi is not dead yet. Tang Qi can only send someone to guard YanXu's community. He thinks that Tang Shi may come here, so he asks them to wait.

Tang laughed, good temper and Huang Mao discuss, "so, you go back first, I have something to do into the community, back home, is that ok?"

As soon as Huang Mao saw the small appearance of Tang Dynasty, he was a soft steamed stuffed bun and refused very hard. "No way, your brother said that he would send you back at the first time anyway."

Tang Shi stepped forward, put his hand around Huang Mao's neck, and whispered in his ear, "you can either leave now, or lie here, and choose for yourself."

Who is Huang maosan? How can he be threatened by the soft buns of Tang Dynasty? He was about to wave his fist. Tang Shi grabbed his hand and said, "you want to die!"

The crisp sound of bone fracture came. Huang Mao was lying on the ground with his broken hand in his arms, wailing. When other people saw it, they were scared away. They never thought that a soft steamed stuffed bun was so powerful that they easily broke their boss's wrist. These people are certainly not enough for him to plug his teeth.

"Go away!" Tang chide

Several gangsters picked up their boss and ran away.

Tang Shi once again became the onlooker. Looking at the amazing eyes of the people around him, he scratched his head, laughed awkwardly and ran away quickly.

Jianghuai, with two bags full of things in his hand, saw the scene just now. Seeing that Tang Shi had entered the community, he walked in no hurry. Today is the day to buy for the major. That's why we buy so many things.

In Tang Dynasty, he ran upstairs and rang the doorbell. After waiting for a long time, no one came to open the door. If he wanted to press it again, he heard someone say, "don't press it. At this time, the major is taking a bath. He is slow. If you press it again, he won't open the door."

In Tang Dynasty, he turned to see a young man, only in his twenties, coming with two bags full of things.

Tang Shi hesitated: "you are..."

"Jianghuai." Jianghuai put things on the ground, "I'm a person sent by Yan family to take care of the major's daily life."

Tang Shi held out his hand and said, "Hello, Tang Shi."Jiang Huai said, "I know you, Mr. Tang. You are the first one who does not dislike the major. You are the first one who will come back after you leave here."

Jiang Huai said, took out the key to open the door, let Tang Shi in.

Tang Shi waited in the living room for a while before he saw Yan Xu coming out of the bathroom, dragging his stiff left leg, wearing only his big underpants, bare upper body, and dripping water in his hair.

The naked YanXu looked stronger and stronger, but there was a burn on his left shoulder and a long scar on his ribs. In Tang Dynasty, Da Fangfang was staring at Yan Xu's naked upper body. He was not afraid of misunderstanding.

YanXu right hand holding a towel, random in the head wipe, with wet towel thrown on the sofa.

Jiang Huai, who is tidying up the things in the fridge, comes over and takes the wet towel back to the bathroom. Then he goes to the room to find a T-shirt and hands it to YanXu. Yan Xu took it over, put the T-shirt on his head with one hand, put his right arm in first, and then put his left arm in his clothes. After a long time, he finally put on his clothes.

After watching the whole process, Tang Shi said, "I think it's self abuse that you don't let Jianghuai stay."

Yan Xu didn't care and then said, "let me be taken care of like a disabled person, and don't let me die."

"The dignity of men!" sighed Tang Shi

Yan Xu laughed, didn't answer words, but ask: "so late come over to have something to do?"

Tang Shi nodded, "well, something's up."

Yan Xu motioned to him.

Tang, a leg in the knee, in the eyes of Yan Xu shook, looked at the next time, said: "I haven't had dinner, want to come to rub meal."

Yan Xu picks eyebrow, "this matter?"

Tang Shi said vaguely, "there's something else to do. We'll talk about it after dinner."

After dinner, it is estimated that the real end will come.

YanXu didn't eat either. Every two days, Jianghuai would send things. On this day, YanXu would not cook by himself, but would wait for Jianghuai to come and do it.

Jianghuai saw that the major didn't hurry up. When he cooked, he naturally added one more person.

Tang then very impolitely sat in the living room watching TV, waiting for dinner with YanXu. Tang Shi's eyes are fixed on the TV, but his heart is not. He has been paying attention to the time.

When Jianghuai said "dinner is ready", Tang Shi was the first to stand up and wash his hands to prepare for dinner. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw that YanXu was still sitting on the sofa. Even Jianghuai, who was just busy in the kitchen, was standing in the living room, staring at the TV.

“…… At present, the two major cases that shocked the whole country in Lincheng are intentional homicide cases. The suspect is at large. I hope that people who have seen or know about the case will report to the police immediately. "

"The suspect, Tang Shi, male, 180cm tall, 22 years old, graduated from software development major of Lincheng University..."

Looking at the enlarged picture on TV, Tang Shi wanted to curse his mother. He felt that what he did was very secret. What was the mistake? Wu Weiguo, the leader of Lincheng military region, was in charge of this matter. He knew in Tang Dynasty that before his identity was investigated, he could always wait until the end of the world. At that time, the world would be in chaos, and no one would pay attention to him any more. He didn't expect that he would be exposed at this juncture before the end of the world, and he would also be in the news! What a fucker!

If Tang Shi knew that the cause of this incident was just because Ning Qin wanted to retrieve the 500000 bank card from his "relics", he would have even killed her heart with a slap.

When the news passed, YanXu and Jianghuai turned to look at Tang Dynasty, and their eyes were strange.

Tang Shi didn't speak and quietly waited for their reaction. Although they are both soldiers and have been trained, he now has three times the physical fitness of ordinary people, so it's no problem to deal with them. He just wants to see how these two people will react when they hear such news.

Jiang Huai didn't say anything. He just took a good look at the Tang Dynasty. Obviously, he didn't believe that Tang Dynasty had the ability to make such a big event.

Yan Xu turned off the TV, slowly stood up from the sofa, drag the rigid half of the body to the table, said, "eat."

Tang Shi went to the table to sit down, did not explain and did not speak, Yan Xu did not ask, does not mean that he had no idea.

At the dinner table, no one made a sound. After eating in silence, he went back to the sofa. Jianghuai had already left at this time in the past, but he was not in a hurry to leave tonight. Although he did not believe that Tang Shi had such strength, he was still not at ease to let the major get along with him alone.

Tang Shi waited quietly, he knew that Yan Xu would ask him for sure. Sure enough, YanXu took a sip of tea and asked, "tell me what happened."

Tang did not rush to explain, but asked: "do you believe it?"

Yan Xu took a look at Tang Shi and said with a smile, "it's not that I look down on you. Even if it's me, I can't do it."


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