Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 78 Disruption in a Date Part 3

78  Disruption in a Date Part 3

The scene turned chaotic as the lackeys, gripped by fear and desperation, began to turn on each other.

Each man's voice overlapped with accusations and attempts to shift blame onto someone else.

It was a desperate scramble to save themselves at the expense of their companions.

"You did it! You're the one who threw the car!"

"No, it was him! He's the mastermind!"

"Please, sir, don't listen to them! Spare me!"

The cacophony of voices filled the air as they pointed fingers and tried to throw each other under the bus.

But Daniel's unwavering voice cut through the chaos, silencing them momentarily.

They fell quiet, realizing that their pleas and accusations were falling on deaf ears.

As Daniel questioned their loyalty, the group of lackeys descended into a chaotic cacophony of voices, each man desperately trying to save himself at the expense of the others.

Accusations, excuses, and pleas filled the air, creating a surreal and tension-filled atmosphere.

One man pointed fingers at another, accusing him of being the mastermind behind the attack.

Another tried to shift blame onto a third, claiming he was coerced into participating.

The blame game escalated, with each member of the group scrambling to distance themselves from the plot, even if it meant betraying their comrades.

Daniel's firm voice cut through the chaos and his eyes bore into each man, making it clear that he wouldn't be swayed by their words.

"Are you not listening?" he repeated, his tone filled with stern resolve, a stark contrast to the fear and desperation in the lackeys' voices.

"What's the point of your pathetic squabbling?"

Daniel's voice grew colder and more menacing as he surveyed the group of lackeys, who had fallen into disarray.

His crimson eyes, radiating an eerie intensity, held them in place like a predator about to strike.

The lackeys fell silent, their voices quivering, and their faces drained of colour under his relentless gaze.

They were cornered, unable to escape the dire situation they had willingly walked into.

"You thought you could harm someone I care about and walk away unscathed?"

Daniel's words were like daggers, cutting through their excuses and feeble attempts to shift blame.

His anger was palpable, and it sent shivers down their spines.

He paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in.

The lackeys could feel the impending judgment in the air, and it filled them with dread.

The lackeys continued to plead and scramble for any shred of mercy they could find.

Their faces were etched with desperation, their eyes wide with fear, and their voices trembled with regret.

One of the men added, "You have to understand, it was the Kail Family! They promised us riches, and we didn't know what we were getting into!"

Another lackey chimed in, "It was Luke Kail, the heir of the family and he's that woman's fiance! He ordered us to do this job. We had no choice!"

As the leader finally admitted their involvement with the Kail Family, his face was a twisted mask of anxiety and despair.

He had hoped that revealing the organization behind their actions would somehow spare him from Daniel's wrath.

Daniel's expression remained unyielding, his crimson eyes locked onto the leader.

He was well aware of the Kail Family's reputation and their connections to various criminal activities.

Luke Kail's involvement only added another layer of upcoming death notice to the situation.

The lackeys and their leader awaited Daniel's judgment with bated breath, unsure of what fate awaited them now that the truth had been revealed.

After hearing the truth from the leader and his men, Daniel no longer needed them to be alive.

''I see...so it was the Kail Family. I guess I have no need for all of you to live''

Daniel's words echoed and it was as if the death reaper had announced their death.

As he raised his hand, the leader and his men had a bad feeling and they panicked.

His eyes glowed darker with his finger pointed towards them.


In a chilling twist of events, Daniel seized control of the men's bodies with his Ruler's Authority.

Their screams of confusion and terror filled the air as he lifted them high into the sky, their panic palpable.

As he began compressing their bodies, their pleas for mercy and cries of pain echoed through the chaos. D

aniel, seemingly devoid of empathy, deliberately prolonged their suffering, forcing them to endure unimaginable agony with each passing moment.

After what seemed like an eternity, the men's bodies were compressed beyond recognition, the gruesome sounds of bones breaking and organs being crushed creating a horrifying symphony.

The scene turned into a nightmarish tableau of death and despair.

But Daniel wasn't finished yet.

He turned his attention to the leader's decapitated corpse, further compressing it along with the others until they all transformed into a grotesque, misty mass.

Just when it appeared that the horror couldn't escalate any further, Daniel gathered the mist into a colossal, blood-filled globe before obliterating it with a fiery explosion.

The aftermath left behind a haunting sight, where once there were men, there remained nothing but a lingering stench of death, a gruesome memory etched into the minds of those who had witnessed it.

The aftermath of smashing the men's heads into liquid caused a commotion to the spectators.

They were speechless while holding their breath. All of them weren't able to handle the gore nor could they scream because all of it happened too fast.

But one thing for sure is that this will be a huge scoop for the media.

It was such a gruesome sight where their bodies were shattered into pieces and the bystanders couldn't withstand such a sight.

Spectators who had been watching in shock and silence now reacted with panic and fear.

They began vomiting and puking till tears were coming out from their eyes.

On the other hand, some of them were recording which would be uploaded any time soon.

People were fumbling with their phones, trying to capture evidence of the unfolding events.

Their hands trembled as they attempted to record the scene, their voices quivering as they narrated what they saw.

Sweat poured down their faces, and parents hastily ushered their children away from the scene, shielding their eyes from the brutality.

As the shock wore off, the reality of the situation sunk in.

Seconds later, the first cries of "Murderer!" rang out, echoing through the premises.

Panic swept through the crowd, and the realization that a crime had occurred ignited a flurry of activity.

"Quickly call for the police! We can't let the criminal escape unscathed!" one person shouted, and soon, multiple calls were made to the authorities, detailing the violent encounter that had unfolded before their eyes.

The area buzzed with chaos and urgency as the situation spiralled out of control.

As chaos ensued around the scene, the majority of people fled the area, eager to distance themselves from the unfolding violence and chaos.

However, a curious few remained, their morbid fascination driving them to see how this unexpected event would play out.

Among those who stayed, some decided to go live on their social media streams, instantly attracting viewers from around the world.

The incident was becoming viral in real-time, and Daniel's face was now a permanent fixture on the internet.

Whether the outcome of this newfound fame would be positive or negative remained uncertain.

Yet, amidst all the commotion and the potential consequences, Daniel remained unfazed.

The opinions of strangers on the internet were the least of his concerns as he confronted the group that had endangered Cecilia's life.

Daniel's indifference to the potential consequences of his actions was driven by the knowledge that the government's punishment held little weight over someone of his capabilities.

Death, in particular, was an idle threat to him, a mere joke.

In the world he had traversed, with the advent of great power accessible to all, there were always those who revelled in causing pain and suffering.

These individuals, fueled by their dark desires, were not an uncommon sight in the alternate future he had come from.

And Daniel himself was no stranger to violence, having bloodied his hands in more ways than one.

Even those players who had dared to challenge him, even if they were stronger, had faced his merciless wrath when they crossed him.

Daniel's encounter had self left him with a stark realization to confront a monster, one must sometimes become a monster themselves.

This lesson was etched into his very being, reminding him that to eliminate a human threat, he had to embrace the role of a murderer.

The underlying message was clear, he couldn't afford to show mercy to those who dared to obstruct his path.

He had suffered the consequences of such mercy in the past, and he couldn't allow himself to endure that pain again.

If he wanted to attain peace and security, he needed to demonstrate to everyone that he was not to be trifled with, establishing himself as an unwavering force to be reckoned with.

As the chaotic scene unfolded around them, Daniel turned away from the mayhem and made his way back to Cecilia.

"Cecilia, I—" she began, intending to explain the situation with the Kail family's heir, worried that he might misunderstand.

But she misunderstood his intentions entirely.

In an unexpected move, Daniel enveloped her in a warm embrace, his large hands providing a sense of security she had never felt before.

Cecilia's heart raced with questions and embarrassment, yet at the same time, she felt an overwhelming sense of fulfilment.

"Daniel...?" she questioned, her voice filled with a mixture of emotions.

"It's fine," he reassured her, his hands gently covering her ears.

His melodic voice washed over her, soothing her nerves and worries.

"As long as you're okay, that's all I need."

In that moment, amidst the chaos, Cecilia found comfort in his arms and the soothing sound of his voice, making her feel like everything would be alright.



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