Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 134 World Artifacts

134  World Artifacts [: Daniel POV :]

Instead of delving deeper into the secrets of the Emperor, I found myself more drawn to the enigmatic ring and its potential.

Besides, I already knew what was the 'secret' that it held.

Still, looking at the ring, I was excited and never dared to dream that this moment would come true.

After all, the treasures inside were enough for Players to wage wars.

In the next few seconds, I imbued my mana into the ring, knowing that ordinarily, it could only be utilized by those with a concentrated Bloodline as told by Bella.

However, thanks to the system's influence, I had unlocked the treasures hidden within the Imperial Treasury.

The moment I unlocked it, the excitement within me grew.

What are the treasures?

It was a series of questions that I had on my mind, but deep down, there was only one treasure that I wanted.

But as I delved into the treasury, I discovered a plethora of rare items, including S-Rank Skill Books.

However, as I resolved to search further, there were treasures beyond the ranks of Transcendent that shouldn't be thought to possess at this early stage.

Each of the hidden treasures was remarkable, but there was something that I wanted and needed to have, a treasure that best suited me when it came to farming.

I continued scrolling through the vast inventory, searching for something specific that I had yearned to obtain.

 It was an item that had the potential to alter my entire course of actions, a true game-changer.

As I explored the inventory further, I grew increasingly impressed with the numerous items deserving of the title "Imperial Treasury."

 Yet, none of them matched what I had been seeking.

Nervous anticipation welled up within me as I scrolled through page after page, wondering if I would ever find it.

Eventually, as I reached the 99th and final page of the inventory, my heart skipped a beat.

 There it was, the treasure I had been yearning to acquire.

It wasn't a skill that boosted my stats, nor was it a legendary class with overpowered abilities.

 It was an Artifact, a World Artifact to be precise.

In the world of modern fantasia, there were ten unknown and ungraded treasures known as World Artifacts.

 Each artifact's uniqueness was shrouded in mystery, but legends suggested they possessed the power to disrupt the balance of things, though the truth of such claims remained uncertain.

In the alternate future, when the human continent lay in ruins, I explored the palace of a king and uncovered information about a particular World Artifact.

At that time, I deeply regretted not being able to obtain it.

Now, however, it was finally within my grasp.

This! This is what I need!

 I declared loudly, my excitement evident.

 Without hesitation, I selected the Artifact as my reward.

As soon as I clicked on it, the Artifact materialized in my hands, and I returned the ring to Bella, my heart filled with anticipation for the changes it would bring.

"So, what did you choose, Daniel?"

Bella asked, her curiosity piqued as she leaned in to examine the Artifact in my hand.

I glanced at the Artifact, noting her surprise at my choice.

"Hmm? So, you chose this Relic as your reward?" she questioned, clearly taken aback.

I couldn't help but wonder why such a valuable item was kept inside the treasury without being utilized.

"How come you kept this Artifact inside the treasury? Don't you know the usefulness of this Artifact?"

 I inquired a hint of confusion in my tone.

"It's not that we didn't want to use it, but the requirement to utilize it involves more loss than gain," she explained, clarifying the situation.

 "It requires a tremendous amount of Mana, and depending on the results, it can also consume millions of gold, which is simply absurd."

I understood her perspective, but the excessive resource consumption did seem illogical.

 "But if you find it to your liking, then perhaps the Artifact has finally found its owner," she added with a smile.

I appreciated her words and decided to give the Artifact a try. "Yeah, let me try using this," I agreed, eager to unlock its potential and see how it would be.

The Artifact appeared as a grey stone tablet, and as I touched it, its information instantly surfaced, making it easier for me to understand its capabilities.

[: Tablet Of Records :]

- An artifact passed down to the first generation. The Tablet of Records allows anyone to fuse their skills, excluding Class and Bloodline Skills, into a stronger version.

- The more and higher-ranked the skills, the greater the consumption required.

- Drop blood onto the tablet for the unification of skills.

Reading through the information, my excitement grew as I realized the potential of this Artifact.

 In the end, what I had chosen was an item that could enable me to fuse skills, albeit at a cost.

Although it couldn't merge Class or Bloodline Skills, it was still a valuable addition to my arsenal.

Without hesitation, I let a few drops of my blood fall onto the tablet's surface.

The grey tablet displayed all of the skills I possessed, excluding my Bloodline and Class Skills.

At first, I was unsure of what to do next, but I noticed a clue at the bottom of the tablet that read, 'Please Select which skills to fuse.'

 To test its function, I chose to combine Fireball(E) and Poisonous Arrow(D).

I didn't immediately fuse the skills, but the tablet presented me with a glimpse of the potential outcomes if I were to merge these two abilities.

To my surprise, there were multiple possible results, allowing me to select which one I preferred.

[: Flame Arrow(D), Poisonous Fireball(D), Poison Spear(C) :]

Seeing these potential fusion results, I was even more astonished.

 The effects appeared to be more unique than I had anticipated, and what truly amazed me was that I could preview the outcomes without actually fusing the skills.

I never expected it to offer me options like this.

But, as Bella mentioned, the requirements are not something just anyone can afford.

Recognizing the immense cost associated with these fusions, even a king would need to consider his fortune for this.

As I delved deeper into the calculations, I began to understand why Bella and her family had kept this Artifact locked away in their treasury.

Even for someone of my capabilities, the cost of achieving higher-ranked fusion skills was staggering.

For instance, just obtaining a Fusion D-rank Skill would require 10 million Mana and 10 million Gold, and the Poison Spear, a C-rank fusion, demanded a staggering 100 million Mana and 100 million Gold.

With the treasures that I had, this wasn't a problem, but for others, this artifact might as well be unusable.

Perhaps now I understand why it was stated as ungraded.

Despite the horrifying cost associated with the Artifact, I had everything meticulously planned out.

With a wide smirk, I retrieved one of the Unique Selection Class Tickets, my hands trembling with anticipation.

This was the moment I had been waiting for, the culmination of my knowledge of this world's history and legends.

Throughout the lore of this world, there were countless legends, including the Fallen Rebellions, the Heroes of Six Pillars, Old Kings, the Wanderers, the Revolutionaries, the Freedom Fighters, Elements of Fate, World Protectors, Red Genesis, Armageddon, and so many other significant events that had shaped its history.

Due to the depth of these legends and histories, there were classes that could only remain as a mere 'history' or 'legend.'

No matter how much one searched, these classes could never be found, as they were enigmatic and elusive.

But now, I was on the verge of disproving this fact.

I had a clear idea of what I wanted to choose, and if I could obtain it, the dream of becoming unstoppable and invincible would no longer be out of reach.

And if, in the eyes of others, I had been considered a cheater, then the next class I would obtain would be aptly named 'Hacker,' and it would truly be a form of hacking.

"Use the Selection Class Ticket," I declared, activating the ticket's power.

As it disappeared, a screen appeared before me, displaying hundreds of available classes.

I began searching and scrolling through the list, my heart pounding with anticipation.

The more I read the basic information about these classes, the more I found myself swallowing nervously.

The names of these classes alone were enough to transform a player's life and make them an absolute beast.

Yet, I continued to pass them by.

Classes such as Dragon Monarch, Titan Ruler, Great Black Dragon, Eternal Phoenix, World War Warrior, Thunder Max, Summoner Sin, Apocalypse Mage, Silent Killer, and Tyrant Defender flashed before my eyes, each of them holding the potential to make me an unstoppable force.

But I had something specific in mind, and I was determined to find it among the choices presented.



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