Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 90 Kail Family Rejection

Chapter 90 Kail Family Rejection

Cecilia's internal monologue was less than flattering as she endured Jason's attempts at conversation.

Her thoughts seemed to cut through the room like a chilling breeze.

'How long will this fool entertain me?' she pondered silently.

'Does he not realize that my interest in him is massively low? And don't tell me he's trying to pretend that we weren't attacked by his men?'

Cecilia's opinion of Jason had plummeted to depths as profound as the ocean floor.

She regarded him as a man who preferred using brute force to achieve his desires, but the methods he employed were, in her eyes, the epitome of cowardice.

Aware of his reputation for intimidation and threats, she couldn't help but disdain a person like him.

To Cecilia, Jason didn't deserve her consideration or respect.

Her heart, she knew, belonged to one person alone, Daniel, the only one who occupied a place of significance in her world.

Cecilia couldn't help but make a stark comparison in her mind.

'But comparing them both is Daniel overwhelmingly unfair' she thought, acknowledging the vast difference between him and

Michael decided to break the cold silence that had settled in the room.

"Alright, I guess that's enough Jason," he said, his tone businesslike, though tinged with a hint of disappointment.

"Lady Cecilia, how about you come over and have some lunch with us?"

He made a gracious gesture, extending an invitation to her, all the while recognizing that his son's prospects weren't looking favourable.

To Michael's discerning eyes, it was painfully evident that Cecilia harboured no genuine interest in his son, Jason.

He could only inwardly sigh, harbouring a sense of resignation as he acknowledged the futility of pushing a relationship that was clearly unwanted.

"Uncle," Cecilia finally spoke, her voice measured and resolute, "I know I might sound disrespectful, however, I don't have any interest in being his wife."

Her words hung in the air, the weight of her intentions palpable.

"My purpose of being here is to terminate my engagement with him."

Cecilia's revelation shattered the frigid silence, sending shockwaves through the room.

Jason's eyes widened in disbelief, his world was suddenly upended.

Meanwhile, Michael, while taken aback, began to contemplate the implications of Cecilia's decision.

The atmosphere had grown even colder, as the Kail family grappled with a turn of events they had not anticipated.

Jason's world seemed to crumble around him as Cecilia's words hung in the air.

"W-What! Cecilia, what on Earth are you talking about!?"

His voice quivered with a mixture of disbelief and rising anger.

He stood up abruptly, his eyes bloodshot, his earlier attempts at respectfulness now replaced by an overwhelming rage.

"Terminating our engagement!? Do you think I'd allow that!?"

His voice crackled with a fiery intensity as he confronted Cecilia, his emotions raw and unfiltered.

However, before he could utter more words that would be irrevocably influenced by his irrational anger, Michael, his father, intervened.

The patriarch of the Kail family fixed Jason with a cold, unyielding stare.

"Sit," he commanded, his tone brooking no defiance.

Jason, well aware of the unspoken consequences of defying that gaze, begrudgingly complied, retaking his seat while keeping his gaze fixed on Cecilia.

The room now simmered with tension, as the Kail family grappled with an unexpected turn of events, and Jason's seething anger was held in check, if only by his father's cold, authoritative demeanour.

Michael, with a deep sigh, attempted to make Cecilia comprehend the gravity of her decision.

"Sigh, Cecilia, do you know what consequences it will have if you ever decide to nullify the engagement that your father and I made?"

His tone was earnest, laced with concern.

"It's not something so simple that even I could overlook. It's a matter that heavily involves the outcome of both sides."

He implored her to consider the far-reaching implications of her actions, understanding that the engagement wasn't a mere triviality, but a complex web of alliances and politics that had been carefully woven over time.

"Never mind that," Michael continued, his voice softening, "Does your father even know the decision you're making now?''

''Cecilia, don't ever make decisions that you're not fully aware of."

Michael's words were laced with genuine concern, a plea for Cecilia to reconsider her grave decision.

He understood that his son, Jason, may not be the ideal match for her, but this engagement was no ordinary contract.

It held significant weight and consequences that extended beyond their individual desires and feelings.

The Kail family's reputation and future were intertwined with this alliance, and Michael hoped Cecilia would pause and reflect on the far-reaching implications of her actions.

The weight of Michael's words hung heavily in the air as he sought to impress upon Cecilia the profound consequences of her decision.

He knew that the outcome of this engagement had the potential to elevate their family's status to unprecedented heights, possibly rivalling even the most influential families like the Bell Organization.

It was a prospect that held enormous promise and power.

"This is why this isn't a light matter to overlook," Michael reiterated, emphasizing the monumental significance of their union.

The potential for their families to rise to new heights hinged on this alliance, and he wanted Cecilia to fully grasp the magnitude of what she was contemplating.

Cecilia, however, remained resolute in her determination.

She took a deep breath, her composure unwavering as she absorbed Michael's counsel.

Her response was clear and unwavering, a testament to her unyielding resolve.

"Uncle, with all due respect," she began, her voice steady and unwavering, "I don't need the permission of my father, nor should I be concerned about his opinion''

''My answer will be the same. I, Cecilia Carlson, reject the idea of marrying Jason Kail."

Cecilia responded resolutely, unyielding in the face of Michael's presence.

She exhibited no fear or hesitation, holding her ground firmly.

The atmosphere in the room turned tense and silent, as countless thoughts raced through Michael's mind. He had been hoping for a different outcome, but Cecilia's answer remains unwavering.

"Alright, if that's what you wish to convey," Michael finally conceded, his tone laced with resignation, "then you may take your leave. My servant will guide you out of this mansion."

Michael closed his eyes as if surrendering to the inevitable.

He had come to terms with the fact that Cecilia wouldn't change her answer, despite the implications it held for both families.

"But fa—"

Before Jason could finish his sentence, Michael cut him off sharply.

"You, keep quiet," he commanded harshly, causing Jason to step back.

His mood had soured due to Cecilia's disrespectful behaviour, but he found himself powerless to prevent her from leaving the mansion.

The die had been cast, and the consequences of Cecilia's decision would soon become evident.

"Thank you, Uncle, for understanding the decision I've made," Cecilia expressed her gratitude with poise.

"With that, I'll take my leave."

Guided by the servant, Cecilia swiftly exited the premises.

As she left, Jason couldn't help but clench his teeth, his face contorted with frustration as he watched the object of his obsessive desire slip from his sight.

In a fit of fury, he turned to his father, questioning his actions vehemently.

"Father! How could you let her leave just like that? And why did you comply with her request!?''

''This doesn't seem like you," Jason's voice brimmed with suspicion as he sought to understand his father's reasons for acquiescing to Cecilia's wishes.

Michael sighed heavily, his patience wearing thin.

"How in the world did you come to that conclusion?" he retorted with exasperation.

"This is why you can only think with your desires, not your brain. Can't you at least comprehend that I never agreed to her request?"

Jason found himself increasingly bewildered by the unfolding events.

"Sigh, can't you even figure that out?" Michael's frustration was evident.

"All I did was ask her to leave. When did I mention accepting her absurd proposal?"

Jason pressed further, his confusion mounting.

"Then why didn't you prevent her from leaving?"

As he posed this question, Michael's gaze turned steely, and his son's implication did not sit well with him.

"Do you not remember what happened a few days ago?"

Michael's voice carried a hint of nervousness and fear.

"Or, to be precise, do you have any idea about the fate of those men you dispatched after hearing that Cecilia was seen with another man?"

"Hm? Although I haven't received any messages for the past few days, what does that have to do with this?" Jason questioned, folding his arms in curiosity.

While he had been bothered and unnerved by his men's lack of communication, it hadn't reached a level where he was genuinely concerned about their well-being.

Michael, on the other hand, believed that the recent events held a significant connection to Cecilia's decision to annul the engagement.

He thought this but didn't voice it, instead, he decided it would be more effective to show Jason the evidence.

"What's this?" Jason inquired, puzzled by his father's actions and wondering what he was about to reveal.

"Just remain silent and watch," Michael instructed, his tone stern.

"By the end of it, I doubt you'll harbour the same desires for her." He tapped the screen, initiating the playback of the video.

-A few minutes later-

"W-What is this!?"

Jason's hands trembled, and he broke into a sweat after witnessing the events in the video involving Daniel, his men, and the entire incident.

The overwhelming impression it left on him was nothing short of fear.

"This is exactly what it appears to be, and it's not fabricated," Michael disclosed, his expression grim.

"Furthermore, I strongly suspect that the young man you saw in the video is engaged in an intimate relationship with Cecilia."

His words were delivered with a heavy heart, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.


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