Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 67 Cecilia’s Thoughts Part 1

Chapter 67 Cecilia's Thoughts Part 1

[: Cecilia Pov :]

After ending the call, a surge of excitement washed over me, causing me to instinctively bring my comforter closer to my face, attempting to conceal the telltale signs of my blushing delight.

Daniel called me!

This news, seemingly ordinary to others, carried an extraordinary weight for me.

Confusion swept over me as I pondered why I felt this way about him.

What was it about him that made my heart beat louder with each thought?

It was a sensation I had never experienced before, both unfamiliar and exhilarating in its intensity.

Yet, this inexplicable connection to Daniel remained undeniable.

His presence in my life and the mere thought of him ignited a fire within me, rendering me incapable of ignoring the multitude of emotions that washed over me.

Despite my usual composed disposition, my heart seemed to have taken on a newfound life of its own.

Its rhythmic beats resonated with the longing and anticipation I felt whenever Daniel's face danced across the corridors of my mind.

This enchantment, so peculiarly exclusive to him, surpassed all prior encounters and relationships I had experienced.

The way Daniel effortlessly made me feel alive and connected, drawing me in with an irresistible magnetic pull, was an experience unparalleled by any prior encounter.

It was as if my heart had finally discovered its missing piece, and every beat resonated with the thrill of this newfound connection.

In all my years, I had never encountered someone who left such an indelible mark on my heart.

This undeniable attraction, beyond the realm of my comprehension, compelled me to explore the depths of my emotions and embrace this uncharted territory.

Daniel's call may have seemed inconsequential to others, but to me, it represented the beginning of a captivating journey in our relationship.

As I lay there, wrapped in the comforting embrace of my comforter, I marvelled at the power of a simple phone call to ignite a fire within me.

Little did I know where this path would lead.

But I was eager to embark on this adventure.

Isn't it strange that we have only met a couple of times, yet I find it difficult to resist the strong urge to get closer to him and learn more about him?

Initially, our encounters were mere coincidences, driven by my curiosity about his power to block my Sacred Eye.

However, when he held me in his arms, a sudden, electrifying jolt pierced through my heart.

Unfamiliar emotions began to ignite within me, creating an entirely new sense of warmth that I had never experienced before.

And with each passing thought of him, this warmth intensifies exponentially.

His face possesses a certain allure, but what truly captivates me are his mesmerizing, beautiful violet eyes.

They seem to draw out the essence of my soul, completely captivating my entire being.

Additionally, his striking silvery-white hair serves as a perfect complement and contrast to his enchanting eyes.

His eyes that gazed at me with neither lust nor negative intentions have made me speechless by how pure they were.

And I couldn't help but be dumbfounded since this was a first for me that a man like him had such pure eyes.

No...this isn't an interest...is it perhaps I had fallen in love?

Isn't it because at the moment he carried me like a princess?

Still, that moment was why I kept recalling and dreaming about it.

The feeling of the warmth of his hands and how firm they were were sensations I couldn't get from my head.

But what was captivating about him was his scent.

At that exact moment, my face was leaning against his chest, and his scent was addictive.

Gosh, it was so embarrassing that I even blushed and tried to hide my embarrassment by pushing my face deeper into his chest, but that made it worse!

Still, the sound of his heartbeat for some reason calms my nerves like I was in the most peaceful place with his hands wrapping near my waist, and...surprisingly...I didn't feel any form of disgust.

This isn't like me...

But the more I became interested in him, the more I craved him.

It still doesn't make any sense for me to develop budding feelings for someone I only met twice.

However...it's not so bad...I guess if it's a guy like him...it wouldn't be so bad right...?

But the most important question is why I couldn't find any information about him.

[: 3rd Pov :]

Still feeling a bit hesitant and unsure about her feelings.

As she continued to ponder about Daniel, Cecilia couldn't help but roll around on her spacious bed, hugging her favourite pillow tightly.

The joy and excitement coursing through her were undeniable.

However, her curiosity started to creep in.

Cecilia realized that she couldn't find any information about Daniel online or through social media.

This raised a red flag in her mind, prompting her to question why his identity seemed to be shrouded in secrecy.

"Is someone deliberately hiding his information?" she wondered aloud.

"And if so, why would they go to such lengths? It almost seems like he belongs to a special organization or has a high level of authority."

Despite these suspicions, instead of becoming wary or suspicious, Cecilia's feelings for Daniel only intensified.

She couldn't help but feel drawn towards him, confident that he was someone who matched her standards calibreerbreer.

"I guess that's to be expected from someone like him who piques my interest," she mused.

"He's not an average person."

Her excitement and expectations of Daniel soared even higher.

Cecilia firmly believed that he was not just an ordinary individual, and this realization only fueled her interest in him further.

"Oh! I should start preparing for our upcoming meeting," she suddenly exclaimed, jumping out of bed.

Realizing that gathering the courage to call Daniel had been a challenge, hearing his voice after a week had partially satisfied her cravings for him.

Standing in her spacious room, equivalent to the size of a small apartment, Cecilia scanned her surroundings as she contemplated how she should get ready.

"Hmm...Should I wear the dress my dad bought me? And maybe use the perfume my mom gifted me? Oh! What about those accessories given to me as gifts?" she pondered.

One by one, she carefully selected her clothes from her luxurious wardrobe.

Each piece she chose carried a hefty price tag, reflecting her affluent lifestyle.

Using the mirror in her room, Cecilia tried on different outfits to see how they suited her.

However, none of them seemed to satisfy her to the fullest.

"I wouldn't want to ruin our meeting on Earth," she murmured to herself.

"It just dawned on me that he's the only person who has made me act foolishly and shyly."

Reflecting on her behaviour, she felt a tinge of embarrassment.

It wasn't like her to behave in such a way, but in front of Daniel, she didn't find it too bad to let her guard down.

"Was that the real me?" she questioned, feeling somewhat perplexed.

She couldn't discern whether her reactions were genuine or simply because she had never encountered someone like him.

Perhaps, that was the very reason why she found herself attracted to him.

Even now, she found herself putting in extra effort to look captivating for Daniel's sake, something that her parents or friends would find humorous.

"Cecilia? Dressing up for a guy? Hahaha, that's quite a joke," she imagined them saying.

"What's next? Are you going to start asking him on dates too?"


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