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Apex War God

Apex War God

Apex War God

Rating: 8.9 / 10 from 29 ratings
After rejecting a royal marriage, a young viscount by the name of Yang Wu was tossed into a... Read more After rejecting a royal marriage, a young viscount by the name of Yang Wu was tossed into a labor-intensive prison. There, he made new comrades and received the aid of a mysterious, divine dog. The pup bestowed upon him the pit of an immortal peach, and after consuming it, Yang Wu’s body became undying, enabling him to change his fate. His wish? To revitalize his clan, embrace sainthood, trample villains, slay his enemies, and become the Apex War God.“If the sky should suppress me, I will split apart the sky. If the ground slows me, I will crush the ground underfoot!” — The young war god, Yang Wu. Collapse Male Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Beautiful Female Lead Only 40 chapters translated in 11 months and there's 4k+ in the raws so I wouldn't recommend starting this. I don't know anything about the story though. Unrelated to this novel but I recently finished a book where the source of powers is cats who awaken these superpowers and the humans have to borrow for a day. Are there books where the power system is based on having something mundane or common that can randomly grant abilities and therefore making almost anyone a huge threat.It doesn't have to be too specific but is something that is not really permanent and so even the mighty have the same underlying weakness as anybody. a book where the source of powers is cats who awaken these superpowers and the humans have to borrow for a day.What's the title? Am I A God? I don't have the borrowing part but there's an anime called "The Big Order" which has random people all over the world get superpowers at any time. Isn't that like a common plot? In this one it's a whole thing, with those people getting discriminated against and shit. Also the powers they get are literally whatever they want. You wanna be immortal? Here you go. You wanna have power over time? Sure. You want to be a god within a certain area around you? But of course. That's just pure chaos. there's an anime called taboo tattoo. its about power granting tattoos Sauce -_- ?how dare you write amazing story background without source "Am I A God" is the title 💀💀💀WTF Are This Dog Novels Ranobes Is Popping This Is The Second One Who let the dogs out? Woof woof woof Very Funny 😁 Holy mother*******! 4000 chapters Ain’t shit compared to many Where’s the 4000+ chapters at.? Raws Ok thanks