Another World's Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 76 - Elixir of the Sages

Chapter 76: Elixir of the Sages

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There was a heavy mist in the potion lab. Lin Li was busying himself with a solemn expression on his face.

He was about to concoct the Elixir of the Sages, a true master-grade potion.

This was the first time Lin Li used a master-grade formula ever since he’d transmigrated. The previous Sobriety Potion and the Arcane Magic Potion were merely medium-grade formulas. Even the Awakening Potion that allowed Gerian to stun Old Merlin outside the Emerald Tower was only a product of a high-grade formula...

A master-grade potion that made use of the petals of the black lotus was not to be mentioned in the same breath with the other potions he had concocted before.

Even Lin Li, who was accustomed to using the Flaming Hands for heating, lit up an amethyst lamp today. This was a luxury item that a real pharmacy master was qualified to possess. The amethyst was by nature extremely sensitive to mana. By filling it with a low-level fire magical crystal, the temperature could be precisely adjusted through the use of mana.

Half a small beaker of peacebloom succus was placed on top of the lamp holder woven by the Eternal Adamantine thread.

As the temperature of the amethyst lamp rose little by little, the beaker containing the peacebloom succus gradually began to boil.

Lin Li gently swung the test tube in his hands, carefully shaking the wild steelbloom succus up. But in his heart, he was carefully calculating the time taken for the peacebloom succus to boil. The Elixir of the Sages was a fragile thing, and would not allow any room for error. If the boiling time was too long, it would lead to serious volatilization of the potion, and the effect would be greatly reduced when used. If the boiling time was too short, its mind-calming effects would not be completely achieved. A bottle of Elixir of the Sages that could predict the future would likely become a maddening lethal potion.

The wild steelbloom succus in the test tube was completely shaken up, which was also the moment when the peacebloom succus in the beaker turned from turbid to clear. Lin Li quickly poured down the succus of the wild steelbloom. The mixture of two solutions—one cold and one hot—not only fogged the potion lab, but also quieted the boiling liquid in the beaker in an instant.

The wild steelbloom grew in dark, damp places and had some medicinal properties tending towards cold. It was suitable to be used to cool the boiling peacebloom succus.

After pouring the wild steelbloom succus, Lin Li did not adjust the temperature of the amethyst lamp. According to his calculations, it would take at least 30 seconds for the liquid in the beaker to boil again.

Although 30 seconds was not long, it was enough for him to complete a bottle of the potion.

Lin Li used the silver knife in his hand and gently cut four stalks of dracaena grass into portions of equal length. And then there was another cut, and a piece of terocone was cut in half. One half of terocone and the four stalks of dracaena grass were put into the beaker at the same time, and they floated lightly in the clear liquid.

After all these, Lin Li released an Ice Blast, creating a cold mist on the potion table. The little black lotus petal was enveloped in that mist. Under the stimulation of the two distinct attributes, a hiss was heard...

The cold mist dispersed almost instantaneously, while the temperature on the potion table was still hot.

Lin Li was not flustered as he released another Ice Blast.

The black lotus, which grew only in the extreme temperatures, naturally contained massive amounts of fire magical element. It did not look any different than usually, but once the medicinal properties were released or when it collided with other magical elements, the blazing temperature could erupt in an instant. If it was put directly into the beaker without any prior processing, it could probably evaporate the whole beaker of succus in an instant.

After cooling down with three Ice Blast spells, the black lotus petal was frozen at last.

Under the light, the frozen black lotus petal exuded a glittering mystery. However, Lin Li had no time to admire it. The three Ice Blast spells had used up nine seconds of his time.

When that piece of sparkling frost fell, the liquid in the beaker that was about to boil seemed to rest suddenly. No fog arose and no magical element stirred; only a refreshing breath overflowed the beaker...

There was a deep red glow in the previously clear liquid. This was the true color of the black lotus—as red as the fire, its own attribute.

Lin Li heaved a long sigh of relief after finishing all these.

This was probably the most tiring concoction ever since he’d transmigrated.

Although the required skills were not profound, it demanded the precise control of time. Every step had to be precisely calculated in seconds, in particular the last 30 seconds where the cooling of the black lotus petal had to be completed.

However, watching the full beaker containing the Elixir of the Sages standing there, Lin Li felt that all his tiredness was worth it. It was a master-grade potion using the black lotus petal. It would take only a small bottle to produce a time-warping effect, allowing the user to know in advance what would happen within 20 meters in the next ten minutes.

Even among the master-grade formulas, the Elixir of the Sages could be considered a true high-quality product. To some extent, forcibly distorting the rule of time was near to a miraculous realm.

As long as a bottle of Elixir of the Sages was in his hand, Lin Li really did not believe that Cromwell would be able to hurt him in the following day’s duel.

The door of the potion lab opened suddenly as he was thinking of the duel.

Gerian poked his head in and asked with an obsequious smile, “Eh! Felic, you are concocting potions again?”

“Please cut the crap, President Gerian...” Lin Li rolled his eyes in spite of himself. He knew the old fellow would find his way here.

Ever since the Arcane Magic Potion, Gerian’s nose seemed to become more sensitive. As soon as he smelled something coming out of the pharmacy, the old fellow would rush in and watch at the side, waiting for Lin Li to prepare the potion so that he could fill his pockets with one or two bottles.

Anyway, the old fellow was too thick-skinned to be driven away. After a few times, Lin Li simply paid no attention to him anymore. Moreover, it was really boring, waiting for the potion to boil. It seemed that time passed faster when there was someone nearby to talk to. As for the few bottles of potions he pocketed at the end, he’d just treat them as a payment for his company...

But this time it was the Elixir of the Sages. Even he himself had to think it over time and again before finally deciding to concoct a bottle, so naturally it had nothing to do with Gerian.


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