Another World's Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 142 - Petrifying Potion

Chapter 142: Petrifying Potion

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lin Li could clearly tell that the weird crystal was getting hotter as the black fog started to seep in. It even started faintly burning...

Unfortunately, there was no time to investigate.

The battle between the two undead forces had already reached its climax.

There were more and more Skeletal Warriors. They were like the rising tides, constantly barraging the dam. On the other hand, the high-level undead creatures were defending against the constant barrage with their immense strength. It was as if there were countless Skeletal Warriors falling every second, yet at the same time, there were countless more crawling out from the ground.

Under the protection of the Death Knights, hundreds of Hell Ghouls released a powerful Scent of Death. The magic crystals on the skeletal staffs were constantly flashing, and the undead spells were bombarding the Skeletal Warriors like hail. A horde of low-level Vampires swooped down from the sky, letting their sharp claws and fangs loose on the Skeletal Warriors.

Lin Li was almost driven mad by them. If this battle were to continue, even hiding properly might not prevent them from getting involved.


There were undead creatures everywhere—there was nowhere to run. It was impossible to follow their original plan and move around the depths of the Shadowglen, much less escape from the Shadowglen. With the undead creatures surrounding them, and a horde of low-level Vampires observing in the skies, who dared to rush out at this moment? It would be considered a victory if they could run for ten steps, much less escape!

After pondering about it, Lin Li finally clenched his teeth, and took out six bottles of yellow-colored potions.

“One bottle per person”

Mason and Orrin knew very well what was happening. When they saw Lin Li took out the bottles, they knew what he was up to. They did not question further after taking the bottles, and gulped the potion down their throat. Contrarily, Larry, who was on the side, was hesitant. “What... What is this?”

“Petrifying Potion, it is something good that can turn you into stone.” Lin Li painstakingly explained with these two sentences. It was a life-saving item. Back in Jarrosus City, he had quietly made only a few bottles because did not have enough Stone Conifers, and even Lin Li could not bear to use them. Who knew that he would have to take six bottles out today...

He wished that he had gathered more netherblooms and made more Stealth Potions, then they would be able to brazenly walk past these undead creatures. There would be no need for such a thrill that he even had to take out the Petrifying Potions.


Upon hearing “Petrifying Potion”, the look on Mason’s face froze...

“Is... Is this a joke...” Mason was stuttering. “If... If we drink this Petrifying Potion, will we really turn into stone?”

“Of course, I never use fake potions!” Lin Li laughed with a straight face.

“...” Mason wanted to smash his head; he was hoping that Lin Li took out fake potions. What was this Petrifying Potion that would turn you into stone? It could not be something good. Why was he so unlucky... he had not questioned anything before drinking it. It was all over, there was nothing left...

“Stop fidgeting... It is nothing scary. It was a Petrifying Potion, not a Fossilizing Potion. After drinking it, you would only look like a stone. Mason would still be Mason...”

“Oooh...” After hearing Lin Li’s explanation, Mason finally calmed down.

Larry also nodded at the side, and opened the bottle, gulping it down.

“This time, we can only rely on luck...” Lin Li drank the Petrifying Potion, and glanced at the battle far away. “If we are lucky, we can last till the battle ends. If we are unlucky... we can only teleport back.”


After drinking the Petrifying Potion, everybody simultaneously felt a layer spread over their body; it was getting thicker before it had solidified into a thick layer of stone. It felt like they were wearing a suit of heavy armor. When this armor finally covered every part of their body, even their sensory organs felt dull. The sounds from the battlefield went softer before finally becoming silent. They could clearly see things that were in front of them, but it was limited to the area near the battle. Anything further than that could not be seen; it was like there was something blocking it...

The thick rotting smell disappeared. Everyone felt that they were not breathing, only hiding at the bottom of the cliff like a rock...

In reality, with the exception of the last bit of their consciousness, they were just like rocks.

Even a human, much less an undead creature, walking past would only feel surprised. “Hey, why do these rocks look like humans...”

After their sensory organs went dull, time seemed to have flown past. They drank the Petrifying Potion in the morning, but it did not feel long when the night started to set in.

The battle between the two undead forces had approached the end. The endless Skeletal Warriors, using their immense numbers, had driven back the high-level undead creatures. They marched towards the vicinity of the depths of the Shadowglen.

The black fog emitted from the countless fallen undead was seeping towards Lin Li through a route that could be seen with the naked eye. The crystal in his pocket was scorching hot. Lin Li felt that if he had not drunk the Petrifying Potion, he might have been scalded by this crystal.

When it was completely dark, the last Death Knight, accompanied by the neighs of a Skeletal Warhorse, was drowned in the sea of Skeletal Warriors.

The battle had ended...

The infinite Skeletal Warriors seemed to be driven by an unknown force. They stepped on the carcasses of the high-level undead creatures, and slowly moved towards the depths of the Shadowglen.

After witnessing the disappearance of the last Death Knight, the petrified bodies finally felt relieved. They were saved!

Lin Li took the lead in dispelling the state of Petrification. He moved his limbs that were numb due to the petrification for a while before hurriedly taking out the crystal in his pocket.

“Sss...” The crystal was indeed scorching. Lin Li had just taken it out, and he had to toss it away due to the heat. That temperature was like red-hot iron; Lin Li felt that he had been burnt.

“This piece of sh*t...” Lin Li swore before blowing at his hand furiously. That short moment of contact indeed burnt his skin seriously, but when he looked at his hand, Lin Li felt something was off. His hand did not have any signs of swelling, so how was it anything like being scalded by soldering iron or something like that?

The crystal was still the same—it seemed as though nothing had changed. It lay quietly on the ground, and continued to absorb the black fog.

“Was it just a hallucination?” Lin Li did not believe in heresy, and bent down again, trying to put the crystal back into his pocket. Just as he reached his hand out, he was burnt, and withdrew. Instantly, he became furious. “Hallucination your f*cking a*s...”

Just as he was about to use the Ring of Endless Storm to keep the crystal after he spewed those vulgarities, there was a sudden cackle from the sky.

“F*ck!” Before Lin Li raised his head, Mason screamed at the back.

It was not only Mason—everyone stood still at that moment...

A huge vampire was flapping its wings and releasing a horrifying scent in the air. With blood-red fangs and body under a full moon, it was like the legendary devil.

“Vampire...” It was as though Mason squeezed those words out from this throat. That type of dry and terrified voice had even surprised himself.

Lin Li subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and added on to Mason’s sentence. “And it’s a high-leveled one...”


Looking at that blood-red silhouette, everybody felt like asking: what sort of day was it today? Mason even thought that could it be that Larry, the unlucky moron, had infected them...

If not, why was it that the trial mission that was going smoothly had turned for the worse after meeting these three unlucky guys? It was already incongruent enough to witness that battle of the undead—there was even a high-level Vampire now. Wasn’t this pushing them into a dead end??

“Good evening, humans...” The giant bat greeted in a polite manner. Its voice was abnormally hoarse, likely due to the fact that it had not been using the local language. It was like glass grinding glass sending chills down one’s spine after hearing it.

“...” After hearing this polite greeting, Lin Li started to panic. When he was at Sunset Mountains, Andoine once told him a few stories about Vampires. According to the old man, Vampires level-15 and above would turn into blood-red bats, while level-18 and above could speak a few languages, including the local human language. Once they reached level-20, they could even become human-like. They would not be terrified of the sun or relics other than the purest powerful godly relics. There were not many things that could counter them. This type of Vampires was frequently mentioned in the legends of Anril, the Bloodlines...

With the ability of speaking the local language, it meant that the level of this Vampire was at least 18.


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