Another World's Versatile Crafting Master

Chapter 121 - The King Wolf

Chapter 121: The King Wolf

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“What now, what now?” Mason repeated in distress, and his face was filled with anxiety. Even if the trio was very proficient in their skills, there would still be a limit to it. Faced with a continuous stream of Three-eyed Blood Wolves, apart from the Archmage who could escape with his Spell of Levitation, any mages would have died of exhaustion from battling them.

Not to mention the level-nine Mason, his two teammates who were much stronger than him might not even have any odds of success.

After all, mages were just mortals...

“Kill the King Wolf,” said Orrin in a concise manner; his eyes were fixed mercilessly on the pack of wolves.

It was scarlet all around; thus, the grayish-white coat of the King Wolf seemed particularly glaring. In that moment, it was growling aggressively, and its eye reflected an ominous flickering red glow. Under its call, the never-ending stream of Three-eyed Blood Wolves emerged from the thickets like a sea of red blood.

“Kill them,” Lin Li said as he gritted his teeth.

Subsequently, the two men heard a hurried strong gush of recital. It was Lin Li, who was trying to channel all of his mental strength into compressing the duration of his recital. The recitation of the Spell of Frost usually required five seconds to complete, but Lin Li only used a mere three seconds. If it were other mages, they would suffer a backlash from their own spell due to the rapid recitation.

Following the last character of the recitation, the temperature of the air that was raised by the Fiery Meteors not long ago fell to the freezing point instantaneously. White fog filled the air, and the magical element of biting ice froze around 10 wolves, turning them into ice sculptures in the blink of an eye.

Although this aggroed more enemies, increasing the number of howling wolves, Lin Li did not stop reciting spells after the first Frost Spell. Just when a few wolves were about to approach him, he unleashed the Spell of Swamp. That was a level-12 spell with the ability to result in the same impact as the Decaying Spell. At once, those wolves were engulfed by the swamp.

Even after all these, Lin Li did not take any breather, but proceeded to cast the Hastening Spell onto himself.

With that spell, Lin Li moved nimbly and swiftly as though he was an agile fish. Throughout his journey, he made a few sudden turns and stops, and with the help of the thick thicket, he managed to get rid of the pack of wolves that was previously following him tightly.

At the same time, he did not cease his attack with the wind blades. With every brief stop he made, the soft sound created by flying wind blades would be followed by the death of a wolf.

At this critical juncture when lives were at stake, Lin Li exerted all of his abilities.

And it was only then that his two teammates were brought to full realization of how powerful that self-proclaimed level-seven Mage was.

Both men were totally dumbfounded by that freak after witnessing how that Frost Spell was released.

That was a recitation of a level-four spell that got compressed by half...

From the day Matthias became a cripple from fighting with Lin Li, the two men knew that their teammate had really great powers. Although they had no idea as to how capable this freak truly was, they were very certain that there were no words they could use to describe his abilities.

To them, the power to cast the Spell of Frost like that was not what a human would be capable of.

In judging the abilities of a Mage, the most important aspect was to look at how long they took to shorten their recitation of spells.

The higher his level, the shorter the time a Mage would be able to recite his spell in.

In most situations, a Magic Shooter could only compress the recitation for a spell of level-one or level-two. Once the spell reached level-three and above, any forceful attempt to compress it would no doubt cause it to deal the damage to the Mage himself. Due to the complexity of the magical elements in a spell, only an experienced and knowledgeable Archmage had the skills to compress a level-four spell.

Yet, this universal law could not be applied to a crazy Mage like Lin Li at all.

Based on the ability of Magic Shooters, if Lin Li could compress a level-four spell forcefully without any repercussions, would there be anything else that could challenge that beast?

Mason and Orrin were stupefied. Both of them sighed after glancing at each other.

The common sense of humans was not to be applied to beasts...

The wind blades that came after seemed so unreal to them.

They had never seen any Mage with such nimbleness and speed. Neither had they met one who could integrate speed with magic so seamlessly. The method undertaken by Lin Li to attack the wolves with the created distance between them seemed as though every step was a carefully calculated one.

Looking at how fast the freak killed the enemies, Mason could not help but curse with admiration. “F*ck! I’m impressed!”

He just could not help it...

Speaking about experience in battling magical beasts, Lin Li was totally an expert adventurer. Mason, who grew up receiving the traditional magic education, had no right to even try to compare himself with Lin Li.

“Idiot! Why are you still in a daze?” chided Orrin as he glared at Mason. Being a Magic Shooter himself, Orrin had a stronger mental strength to deal with unexpected situations. Although he was also stunned by his freakish teammate, he was able to recover faster than Mason.

“I’ll really turn into an idiot if you keep calling me so...” Mason sulked in guilt as he was brought back to reality. It was rare that he did not fight back this time when Orrin insulted him. After that, like Orrin, Mason started his recitation.

These three men were not weaklings. They did not need any prior discussion on their battle strategy.

Right after Orrin and Mason started their recital, Lin Li changed his tactics.

Having taken a breather amidst the pack of wolves, he did not employ his wind blades immediately, but raised his staff and started to recite the Swamp Spell.

As a ray of light shot out from the Winter Staff, air bubbles surfaced from the empty and wide field ahead of them. Next, the first few wolves that were leaping towards them were wholly engulfed by the mud—no time for cries.

In the blink of an eye, the wolves lost nearly ten of their own kind. No matter how dumb these wolves were, they would have realized the danger of the swamp. Under the threat of impending doom, almost all of the Three-eyed Blood Wolves chose to retreat.

With the help of the swamp, Lin Li finally had the time to catch his breath.

Yet, he chose to continue to recite the spell.

At this moment, Lin Li had already reached his limits.

Delirium, Mind Control, and Hysteria...

Magical elements surged turbulently like ferocious flood. The recitation that was previously flowing in cadence became rushed and monotonous, and also carried a faint sense of jaggedness. Lin Li, who never had to worry about his stamina, started to feel exhausted. He broke out in sweat, and his right hand that was grabbing tightly onto the Winter Staff also reflected the bulging green veins of his.

The three types of Mental Spells were unleashed at once. The Spell of Hysteria broke out on the King Wolf, and that was followed by the Spell of Mind Control on one of its nearest comrades. Subsequently, the Spell of Delirium broke out too...

A sound of piercing cry could be heard. The wolf that was under the Spell on Mind Control started to show aggression towards its King Wolf.

“Sizzzz...” After a ripping sound, silence filled the entire jungle. All of the Three-eyed Blood Wolf seemed as though they were in a daze.


The howling of the King Wolf reverberated throughout the jungle. It was a sound that carried rage and fury. Having lost its dignity to a small wolf, the Spell of Hysteria that hit the King Wolf started to take its effects. Its anger and aggressiveness were amplified, and the red light from the eye on its forehead began to blink like thick droplets of blood.

That grayish-white shadow moved like a sudden bolt of lightning.

To the other wolves, the King Wolf at least level-12 was an almighty existence. Its strength greatly surpassed any other wolves’. Under its rage, it went beyond terrorizing. The wolf that dared to offend the King Wolf was torn into pieces by its razor-sharp claws and teeth.

At that moment, fresh blood splattered all over, and torn limbs were strewn everywhere. The bloodstained coat of the King Wolf emitted a strong stench of blood, and this triggered its desire to kill...


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