Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 815 T.D.O.N.B: The First Toy, Part III

After a quick visit to the city center, to get what I was missing, I started making the parts. Soon a few visitors came by, to have a look, because my methods were quite eye-catching. The 'Runification' process maybe not so much as the process of turning the raw material into particular parts.

I would melt the prepared materials into alloys, then mix them well together using 'Telekinesis' and with the same skill, I would take enough of the material out of my furnace, with raging fire fueled by my magic, to then form a particular part out of it.

I would then leave it hanging in the air to cool down, while I was already working on the next element. Such an approach created this swarm of glowing pieces around me, which was luring people to have a look at what was going on.

They wouldn't stay there for too long, because they still had to go hunt.

With the concentration needed to handle all of this, the time was going quite fast for me. I didn't even notice when it became dark. I just bought with the corner of my eye a few people coming by once again.

Sometime after midnight, I had everything ready, but assembling the parts was still far away since every single one of them had to be infused, and some of them needed more work, including some 'Rune-graving', and more infusions.

This part of the job took... I don't know how long. I worked hard, time was flying, and who the hell knows how much of it passed?

The effect was there. Still, I needed to return to the skeleton, because it also had to be enchanted. I didn't want it to melt while the outer shell would remind intact because of the extreme heat the fire elementals could create. Not to mention the boss.

Eventually, though, everything was ready to begin the process of assembling. I put it all together carefully by hand, only using some of my skills to assist myself.

This process didn't take too long. It was actually quite fast. I started by mounting the crystals in proper spaces. I got them during my last visit to the city center. Then I added the weapons. A water gun, which didn't look like a gun at all, was in the left hand where the spot for the damn thing was already prepared. It was more of a short metal rod, which was come out of the forearm, and shot bullets of water, or a high-pressure stream. The rod was connected to more circuits made out of gold.

I had to think that part through carefully because the connectors weren't really made to be moved too much, so it all had to be hidden in the limb, but I figured it out.

The right hand had basically the same thing with a different infusion. This one was based on ice, and could only shoot spikes.

More complicated was the barrier-generating mechanism, hidden under the outer shell. I designed the infusion to focus mainly on protecting from heat, but it could also block some impacts.

The main barrier-generating system in the chest was a piece of art. It could block most if not all attacks, but sadly it was very energy consuming.

Then I mounted the trustees popping out of the legs and thigh area for the purpose of emergency dodging, and emergency maneuvering in the air, as the legs already were enchanted to allow the golem to fly.

Then there was the shutter in the stomach area, enchanted with a pocket dimension spell. It wasn't as big as I would wish for, but enough for maybe two full clears of the fire elemental area.

Lastly, the most complicated mechanism I had to create, which would allow the casting of different types of magic, rather simple ones, but probably better than anything the hunters of Petrograd could do at that point. It needed to be directly connected with the core for the purpose of creative control of that thing, which wasn't the case for any other modular parts. Those basically could work on their own, only requiring a trigger to be pulled.

I finished deeply into the night.

I took a step back to admire my creation, and it all looked great with a small but. The head was horrendous. A freaking flower bud made out of metal. I just couldn't accept the damn thing, so I decided to create a helmet.

I even had something in mind.

I made it to be quite similar to the human face. The mouth part was slightly prolonged. Where the teeth were supposed to be I put something like a car grill, obviously in a proper size. Simple looking, with vertical bars.

Above it the eyes, which were basically small horizontal haps, slightly wider by the further ends, to make the golem look angry. I put a piece of enchanted metal behind them. The magic was simple, it was just supposed to glow blue, fueled with the power generated from the core.

Sides of the helmet I made to look like feathers, sticking slightly past the back. I made them sharp, just because.

When it was ready, I mounted it on top of the metal bud, then finally started working on the protocols. That was actually quite fast, but very attention-consuming.

I didn't notice when the whole group of hunters gathered around me once again. They had to notice that it was almost done, and just couldn't miss the moment I would activate the golem. They got past the barrier dulling the sound.

The group was slowly increasing.

The last thing left was to use 'Spark of life'. Before I finished working on that, the whole Petrograd was there, looking at me and the toy I made.

I turned towards them, smiling slightly.

- Does it work? - Leonel immediately asked me.

- Does it work? - I snorted, chuckling shortly. - Of course, it does.

I glanced over my shoulder at the machine.

- Step forward - I commanded.

The golem listened, taking a single step forward, and causing my audience to completely freak out.


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