Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 784 T.D.O.N.B: Unrest

120 days, that's how long it took me to reach the next upgrade. Mainly because at some point I just couldn't help it, and pushed the crafting classes further, to begin working on better stuff, because I had already created a whole bunch of the bests of the best pieces of armor and weapons I could.

All of those supplied the population of Petrograd. Who flourished through this time. People got their own houses and were able to clear all the tier-one dungeons around the city without my help. A lot of which was thanks to the gear I made for them.

840 552 000. That's how many points I got from hunting through those days, which combined with my account balance put me at 1 080 096 400.

Minus 66 000 000 points to max the 'Blacksmith' class and 'Infuser' class. I immediately went for their upgrades. Master blacksmith and Master infuser. They both didn't give me access to any new skills but upgraded the existing ones.

I'm not gonna lie, it did make me a little bit angry since I was actually expecting to be able to make something fancy with help of the new skills. Still, I upgraded them all to the third level for 666 000 additional points, except 'Infuse II', and 'Shape II' which both got upgraded to level fourth. Just because I wanted more magic in my items. It made me feel bad for the next couple of days since at that point I was still saving for the upgrade of the device, but I got over it with time.

A few weeks later I got enough points for that upgrade, and it left me with only 1 430 400 points remaining on my account. That was the day, which marked the full 120 days. Four months...


I had also 765 class points left after everything too. Quite a number, but since there was nothing much I could spend them on, it was understandable the amount grew so much over time.

When I dumped all those points into the device, getting that upgrade, the ground shook again, luring out the hunters from their homes to check what is going on. They experienced the same thing a few times already, so they had a good idea, but this particular time was slightly different. The earthquake was longer like it needed more time for things to be done.

I wondered why, but only for a moment since I was going to check it very soon.

- Another upgrade, boss?! - Lucas yelled after me, still from the edge of the city center, but he was approaching.

- Yep! - I responded.

- What did we get this time?! - he asked, and the same question was repeated by more people.

- Few more hunting grounds, I hope. The more the better, but what's the exact number I really don't know - I shrugged my shoulders. - Things work here a little bit differently than they do in Arc because Arc has the wastelands.

Since the was closer, I was able to speak normally, not risking being too quiet so he couldn't really hear me properly.

- I always wanted to ask what was that place about. Why did nobody go there? And you always kept guards by the southern gate? - he asked.

- That's a long story. Let's just say that place is too dangerous - I replied.

- Even for you? - his eyebrows climbed his forehead in an expression of genuine surprise.

- No, not for me... Well... It's complicated. Some parts are fine, some are easy, but there is a particular place there, where even I can't go - I explained.

He nodded.

- But we don't have a place like this here, do we?

- No - I shook my head. - As I said, it's a long and complicated story. Stuff for big boys, not toddlers like you.

My insult made him laugh.

- Ok. I can acknowledge that - he said.

- Will there be any changes to how we split the hunting grounds, now that we have supposedly more of them? - Dasha asked me.

I actually didn't notice her coming. She was in a line of more people, which I ignored, focusing on Lucas.

- You can barely clear all the tier one spots, and you are thinking of their two? - I asked rising my eyebrows.

She shrugged her shoulders. Obviously, she had no idea what she was talking about, but greed was speaking through her. They all wanted more crystals as soon as possible. It was kind of understandable, as I myself would also want access to more if I could get it.

- Look, guys... I know you want more, but the upgrades of this thing - I pointed at the sapling - are more important. Stuff gets cheaper, you can buy more, and there are new hunting grounds to explore. If we have plenty of them, there will be enough crystals for everybody, but that requires upgrades. All I spent my points on, are the basic needs of me, my family, and you. Then there are just the upgrades of the sapling. I wouldn't even upgrade myself if not to make items so you can hunt more safely, and I did get only, I repeat, only, those upgrades. Nothing more.

My explanation was kind of like a slap to the face for many, as they visibly felt ashamed. Probably because they thought I was using all those crystals or maybe something else, just for my own benefit.

At this point, I couldn't care less about upgrades. All I wanted was the fruit. The other stuff I could get easier in Loistavadvaar.

- So now, when it's all cleared up, let's move on with our day. Shall we? - I added after a moment of awkward, painfully even, silence.

I received a few nods from the crowd surrounding me, then I sighed and left to get some work done in the workshop. I was preparing some upgrades in terms of items for my family, so I had plenty of stuff to do.

This situation killed the signs of unrest in my city.


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