Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 760 T.D.O.N.B: Configuration

Without hesitation, I placed my hand on it and closed my eyes. Immediately my mind got filled with all the information to configure the device. It had all the small stuff like temperature, wind flow, the composition of the air, et cetera. All the way through more abstract things, like the possibility to control reproduction under the barrier, or the right to cross it. I could allow animals to go inside, to make them stay away.

I started from scratch by picking the recommended chemicals in the air, then adjusted the temperature, to make it a bit colder than what we had in Arc. I obviously didn't allow any animals in and blocked the reproduction to not involve any potential children in the project.

I went through several other options like the rest of the weather configuration. I kept the natural sky, with the view of the local star, and the beautiful stars and moons during the night.

Then I switched to the configuration and design of the city itself. I didn't want it to have an ancient vibe as Arc did. Instead, I went with a modern look, and made it much smaller, with just a couple of buildings surrounding the city center, and the tall wall around it all. I made four gates, that would be pushed away as the city would expand.

Finally, I reserved the configuration rights of the device to myself.

When everything was done, I took a step back.

I didn't have to wait long for the changes to apply. It started with a slight shaking of the ground, and the soil around the device collapsed, leaving a dark hole around it, which quickly got filled with brick pavement, which kept expanding, forcing me to get further away.

It became clear the whole process would look like this, so when there were enough bricks around the device I began using shadow walk to move people there because not all of them could just jump in by themselves.

Some, who noticed what I was doing, did it on their own, but a few just couldn't, as they had missing legs, or were in a wheelchair like that guy whom I mentioned before.

Eventually, we all gathered in that one place. We witnessed the stone wall, the one people put so much effort to build, collapsed and vanished underground, just to be replaced by bricks. But the change didn't stop with that.

As a massive plaza was finished, the bricks began shifting, and readjusting, creating more holes, and from those began emerging small houses with colorful roofs and walls. They created this outer shell of lovely buildings surrounding the city center.

The last change was the wall that slowly raised from the ground.

All of that was accompanied by the dull sound of stone grinding on stone, which filled our ears. It was loud, almost to the point that you had to shout at top of your lungs to communicate anything. Nobody tried that, though, they would rather cover their ears and just wait. A bit scared by the whole process.

When all the noise died down, there was a brief pause, since we all didn't know if anything else was about to happen. I noticed something during that moment, which probably went undetected by others. The air has changed.

The temperature of it, and also the way it was moving. Before you could feel a little bit of wind on the stronger side. Enough to ruffle your hair, but after that moment, it got more gentle.

- I-is this all? - Tihana asked.

- Yep. You now have a proper roof over your heads - I informed them. - Those are not your houses, but you can use them. To have your own house you need to buy a piece of land in the device, then it will be properly yours.

- Holy shit - said the guy in a wheelchair.

Some people straight up laughed, then those laughs changed into cheers, loud whistles, and other displays of sheer happiness. All that was due to quick and visible progress.

- We should name the city - Celestine said.

- How about you guys think about that, while I go get more crystals? - I proposed. - We have one hunting ground active at the moment, and we need more. I think we should get at least four or even five before...

I interrupted my own speech because I actually wasn't sure how it all would work, so I just went to put my hand on the device, to check for sure.

The current configuration gave us only one hunting ground, probably because it was a default downloaded through us from the configuration existing in Arc. I could change it, but this would result in cutting the number of crystals available in a single hunting ground for the sake of having more of them. It seemed pointless to me, since I could easily do the three first upgrades unlocking the three additional places around the city, and then get even more by making a new layer of hunting ground beyond the first one.

the more I dived into all of those possible changes, I realized that despite having access to the device in Arc, I still couldn't configure it as much as I could in this new place. Probably because there were still some layers of protection on it, which only The Great One could go through.

Checking up on everything, I stepped back.

- We need four upgrades, and then I'll gather crystals for you, so you can get everything you need to begin your journey here - I informed the citizens of MY city. - Stand by until then. I'll try to make it as fast as possible.

I didn't wait for any discussion or questions, just took off, flying straight to where I knew the goblin woods were located. Since the city itself was smaller than Arc, it took maybe a minute or two, before I landed heavily in the middle of the territory of the little green ones.

Then I summoned thousands of my minions, and send them to kill all the monsters on their way, to bring me the crystals, while I, myself, went straight towards the goblin cave.


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