Another Cliché Cultivation Story

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Ji Xian worked his mind for a little longer before finally relaxing.

He let out a long sigh as he gently massaged his temples. While the simulation doesnt require a lot to use, it was still draining on his mind. A painful throb struck his head, the feeling was so intense that if it were anyone else but Ji Xian, their mind wouldve likely split into two and shattered.

But he was used to this pain, he quickly calmed himself and ignored the aching.

Ah, How much easier would my life be if I just drop everything and leave right now I wouldnt need to rush to simulate the next realm and I wouldnt be making enemies with the people from the Upper World. Thankfully, Ive discovered some uses for Heavenly Merit, otherwise, they wouldve known that its me whos been messing up their plans.

Perhaps if I just take Lihua with me and disappear

Ji Xian gave it a thought before bitterly shaking his head.

Unfortunately, shes a much better person than me so I doubt she would just drop everything and follow me, at least, not before the problem in Mortal Haven is solved.

Ji Xian and Xia Lihua, while the two of them have many things in common, their ideals were total opposites. Xia Lihua has a heart for cultivation as well as for the world. Right and wrong will always be obvious in her eyes. She will never be afraid to step in to protect the innocent because she has absolute confidence in her morals and strength.

The worlds problem was her problem.

Ji Xian, on the other hand, has grown to become detached from the world and its affairs. To him, he is merely an observer. He doesnt feel the need to play hero and at the same time, he doesnt want to. Of course, there are exceptions, if he comes across minor injustices, then he will act, but if it was on a much grander scale, then hell have to consider it. In the end, it all depends on how much trouble itll bring him and if he wants to carry the nuisance on his back. He is just as Xia Lihua once describe him to Xiao Yueyin.

He isnt a bad person, but he isnt necessarily good either.

Because of his experiences in his past life as well as his poor upbringing in this life, Ji Xian has already become weary, weary of life. He would much rather put everything behind him and explore the universe as it was the only thing that brought him relaxation. This was part of the reason why no one in Mortal Haven has heard of him until he finally made an appearance when the Celestial race descended. He was traveling the world alone, away from humanity and civilization.

As Ji Xian thought about the Mortal Haven World, he calmly ruffled his hair.

Ive already intervened so I will see the matters through. After that, I can finally leave

He lightly stretched his arms before turning to Li Yifan. She had been staring at him for half the day without so much as blinking.

He smiled as his gaze met hers.

Soul Subjugation. Hah, a perfect way to blend in with humans, indeed.

What? You afraid Im going to steal or something? He playfully asked.

He chuckled upon seeing her silence. Then, he mischievously grabbed a random book from the shelf in front of him and slowly put it in his robe. He maintained eye contact with her as he does it.

There werent any changes to Li Yifans face. It was still neutral as before, but the air suddenly became colder.

Ji Xian didnt appear to have noticed it. He took another book from the shelf and stuffed it into his robe again. Just like before, he looked her straight in the eyes as he does it.

With two obvious protuberances at his chest, he cheerfully whistled a tune as he walked to the stairs to return to the first floor.

When he was almost there, Li Yifan appeared and blocked his path.

Enough, put them back, she said without any emotion.

Youll have to make me. I dont have the habit of putting back the things I have taken. Ji Xian strangely shook his body as he spoke, causing the two square bumps on his robe to shake as well.

He ignored her, continuing to walk ahead as he kept eye contact, as if daring her to take action.

Li Yifan narrowed her eyes, Do not think you can do whatever you want just because youre a Pseudo Saint. Youre not at the point where youre invincible.

Ji Xian grinned, That is only true for other people. In the Lower World, I am supreme.

When Li Yifan saw that he doesnt have any intention of stopping, she turned solemn. The air in the room became even color.

As the distance between them shorten, her aura intensified.

Soon, Ji Xian was right before Li Yifan. When he was an arm's length away from her, she was ready to take action but that was also when he suddenly stopped.

She coldly stared at him with a hint of confusion while he returned her gaze with an amused expression.

Ji Xian opened his mouth and calmly spoke, his tone reversed the strain in the atmosphere.

You you actually care about this sect, dont you?

Li Yifan frowned, finding his question ridiculous, I am the Second Yin Pavilion Master of the Ardent Yin Sect. I have my responsibilities, so what nonsense are you spewing?

Ignoring what she said, Ji Xian continued, I noticed it a while back. You showed genuine care for Fang Yu when I fought her, and not only that, you also displayed great disdain toward me when you thought I belonged to the Nether race after seeing the Nether Armor. You mustve thought I was the one who initially injured her.

So I wonder, have you, a Graha, become attached to this world or just the Ardent Yin Sect?

Li Yifans pupils shrunk to the size of a needle.

Impossible! He knows?! Hes also aware of the Nether race

She gritted her teeth and her hands clenched into fists, but on the surface, her expression didnt change.

Ridiculous! I dont know what youre talking about.

Li Yifan immediately denied it.

He must be testing me. Soul Subjugation has no flaws! Unless he is somehow able to inspect the soul of this body, theres no way that he can prove it.

Ji Xian smiled. He said nothing and only stared at her until she felt uncomfortable.

Li Yifan struggled to put up the facade. Her expression dropped.

His appearance suggests that he was certain that she was a Graha. It was useless to deny it. She let out a soft breath as she tried to study his face. Unfortunately, his eyes were clear, without any fluctuation, which made it hard to read what he was thinking.

But even though Ji Xian knew her identity, she wasnt foolish enough to outright admit it. What she worried about more were his intentions. If he decided to tell Shao Qinglian, even if she didnt believe him, the seed of doubt wouldve been planted. If that happened, she would have to leave the sect.

A part of her felt a little reluctant at this thought. The Ardent Yin Sect held a special place in her heart. It would be a shame if she had to break off all relationships just like that.

After fifteen minutes of awkward silence, Ji Xian spoke once more.

Whats the matter? Dont you want to go back home?


Li Yifan repeated in a daze. This one word left a deep impression. A mixed feeling welled up inside her. Of course she wanted to return to her world but at the same time, there were also reasons why she doesnt want to go back.

Its impossible she softly muttered.

Oh? And whys that? Ji Xian asked curiously. Inwardly, however, he already had an idea. He recalled that single complex rune that created the Formatic.

Li Yifan didnt immediately answer, instead, she looked at him, feeling confused.

You dont seem to have any hostility toward me?

Why would I? I barely know you. Ji Xian said casually.

Li Yifan found this odd. Due to the war centuries ago, the people of Mortal Desolate have nothing but hate for the Graha race. So why doesnt this man in front of her feel the same way?

You what about what happened to the two races she asked.

Ji Xian shook his head, Thats got nothing to do with me.


Li Yifan became even more confused.

Why does he seem so indifferent?

She continued staring at him, trying her hardest to read his thought. Eventually, she sighed.

Its impossible. We cant return. No one can solve the Three Tongue Gist thats guarding the Chaos Tunnels. Why do you think there are Grahas left behind?

Oh? Ji Xians eyes lit up, Three Tongue Gist?

Li Yifan nodded and explained, The Three Tongue Gist is an ancient language that originated from the Graha race. It has means to communicate with the Heaven and Earth to assist in whatever one needs. In this case, the Three Tongue Gist was used by one of our people to form a Formatic, which is similar to a Formation, to protect and hide the Chaos Tunnels from the humans.

To assist in whatever one needs? Ji Xian muttered thoughtfully.

What does this mean? Is it possible for me to use the Three Tongue Gist for other things than creating Formatic? Can I use it to make talismans? Weapons? Alchemy? Looks like Ill need to experiment with it more later

So youre trapped here in this world. None of you are capable of dispelling it? He asked after snapping out of his thought.

Li Yifan frowned, Dispelling the Thee Tongue Gist? Hah, you dont know how ridiculous that sounds. Do you think its that easy? You cant even fathom how hard it is to learn the Three Tongue Gist. Unless youre incredibly gifted, you can forget about it.

Is that right? Ji Xian chuckled but didnt say anything.

How did you know about me? Li Yifan cautiously asked.

How? Youre like a beacon, how could I not know? Ji Xian laughed.

Li Yifan frowned, What do you mean?

Uh, never mind. Lets just say I have my ways, he awkwardly coughed after making a slip of the tongue.

All right, thats enough messing around. Lihua is waiting for me.

He slipped past Li Yifan as he proceeded to head down to the first floor.

Dont worry, I wont tell anyone, he said as he raised his arm and waved.

Li Yifan stared at his back. As she watched him take a step down the stairs, she suddenly shouted.


Huh? Ji Xian stopped and turned around, What is it?

The Nether Water in your possession

Oh, that. I extracted it from Fang Yu.

A look of understanding appeared on Ji Xians face. He held out his palm and a black liquid slowly seeped out from his skin. It gathered into a ball that floated above his hand.

Upon seeing it, Li Yifans heart skipped a beat while her body grew uncomfortable. A voice suddenly resounded in her mind, warning her to stay away from the black liquid at all costs.

How is this possible? Nether Water shouldnt be able to affect a Graha, so why do I feel this way? She whispered.

The Graha race is immune to Nether Water? Ji Xians eyes flickered.

Li Yifan hesitated for a moment before nodding.

The Nether is but a branch of the Graha. While we share the same origin, the Nether is an imperfect lifeform compared to us. Other than the Eighteen Cyclic Hell that our Progenitor created for them, theyre unable to practice other cultivation methods.

All of their abilities revolve around the usage of Nether Water and it just so happens that it is useless on the Graha race.



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