Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 88 - EDGE.

In the mountain range, some light spots were falling from the sky on a huge pothole. The whole area was calm and normal, showing the power of the lance of the end as it made the whole area stabilized after being affected by this crumbling timeline.

However, if you can ignore the huge pothole, then you can't ignore the broken ship and weapons all over the place, even if they started to turn into light spots and disappear.

At the battlefield corner, the trees and vines opened up to show Enkidu and Alex, who are slightly injured from Rhyomogr's attack.

Although Enkidu didn't show it on the surface like Alex, he was weak after using his Noble Phantasm and blocking the attack.

Alex had some scratches and injuries on his body, but they were healing quickly. It seems he had a passive skill to assist his recovery.

However, he didn't care about his injuries because he was looking at his watch and checking something as his face became clouded with each second passing.

"Gil…" Ignoring his Master's expression, Enkidu looked around as he felt the familiar mana before he saw Gilgamesh lying on the ground.

However, Enkidu felt something changed. It was the dirty feeling he got before from the evil of humanity, but now, it almost completely vanished.

Gilgamesh was on the ground in the middle of his weapons and ship. He didn't say a word, even when his weapons and ship were turning into light spots.

He stared at the light falling from the sky as his face didn't show any expression. However, Enkidu felt something familiar, which was Gilgamesh's Clairvoyant being activated.

"Haha… Hahaha…" Gilgamesh's shoulders started shaking before he started laughing without any warning.

"FUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" A loud laughter echoed in the surrounding as Gilgamesh was laughing without stopping.

Enkidu looked at Gilgamesh laughing like crazy as he tilted his head because he didn't understand what was so funny. However, he also looked at the light spots as he felt something… Nice?.

Enkidu didn't know how to describe it. The light was carrying a cold stone divinity from a faraway place, but in that coldness, he felt some weird warmth. It was not the divinity, but the thing carried by it. Something bright and nostalgic that Enkidu missed in humanity.

Even if he was just attacked, Enkidu wasn't the type of person or weapon that get mad easily, however, the light made him smile a little as he felt that Gilgamesh was excited for some reason.

"Dammit!!" Alex didn't care about Gilgamesh's laughter as he smashed his watch.

He was very angry because he saw that all his guild was slaughtered, except the vice leader, which his location is unknown for now.

The situation passed Alex's calculations, but as a player, he always thought that one day something like this will happen.

Calming himself with a few deep breaths, Alex grabbed a weird item from his dimensional pocket before he said "Forget about him, Lancer. Let's go"

"...." Enkidu glanced at Gilgamesh for a moment before he walked next to Alex.

Alex saw this as he activated the device, which made them teleport from this position. He can fight Gilgamesh now, but that's just idiotic because everyone knows this location now, especially the light beam guy might attack again.

Everyone left the mountain range, leaving Gilgamesh laughing like a maniac. His laughter continued for a while before it went down slowly before he grinned.

"At this era and time, in this disgusting modern era that was rotten by these mongrels. For me to see something like this… FUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Gilgamesh said before he exploded with laughter again as he stood up from the ground.

"I thought this was a mongrel, but it's something that passed this king's eyes" Gilgamesh grinned more as what was okay from his weapons recovered inside the Gate of Babylon.

"However, no one can destroy my treasures without consequence" Gilgamesh put his hands in his pockets before he looked at the sky again.

"Very well, count this as a generosity from the king until we meet" With those words, Gilgamesh used one of his treasures and left this place.

If Enkidu was in here, he'll see instantly that Gilgamesh interest was fully awakened and he won't stop until he gets bored or satisfies with it.

Meanwhile, Leo, who on top of his mansion, got some sort of chill as he looked left and right, but he didn't sense anything weird.

{Was it Solomon?} Leo thought, but he didn't know that he became a target of another king.

"Anyway, I need to take care of something" Leo wanted to finish the last part of this operation, but then he heard Merlin's voice in his head.

{Master, I'll continue my stroll if you need me} Merlin sent that message before he left.

"...." Leo blinked for a moment before he said " He'll probably get into another accident"

Leo can say for sure if not completely certain that Merlin will get into another problem in this stroll.

"Don't you think so?" Leo said as Archer appeared from his spiritual form.

"I don't know about that, but it seems you are making… Something in all this noise" Archer looked at Rhongomyniad before looking at the light around Leo, which made him look like a light bulb.

Leo felt something wrong as he made a pair of his old glasses in his hand. Wearing the glasses, Leo pushed them to reflect the light around him before he said " Do you feel left out? Look"

Leo pointed at the mountain range before he said " There's a Gilgamesh there if you're interested"

"...." Archer looked at the mountain range before he crossed his arms and said " I'll pass"

With those words, Archer transformed into his spiritual form and left the rooftop as Leo pushed his glasses and didn't say anything.

However, another interruption happened as the Chat Room appeared in front of Leo.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): What do you want?!]

[NEET Princess: Mega swampert!!]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Your suffering!!]

[Bri-Bri: Don't mind me, I'm here just to watch]

"...." Leo looked at the sky before he stabbed the screen with Rhongomyniad, but the lance passed through the screen without even scratching it, which made him take a deep breath before typing.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): 1. Maybe, 2. I refuse! 3. You're learning and I don't know what to feel about this]

[NEET Princess: There's hope, Mudkip!!]

Kaguya tossed Mudkip in the air as Leone felt that it was a correct choice to not join this conversation. Look, even Kaguya has gone mad.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Jojo's references won't save you today!! You're going to share the pain!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Jojo's references can do miracles! Look for yourself]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin) sent a record 'Look at what you made me do']

After watching the clip, the cultured people in the chat shared the same opinion.

[NEET Princess: EDGE!!!]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: EDGE PLUS!!]

[NEET Princess: I thought Emiya, who is made from literal swords, has the absolute edge. But you're something completely different!!]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: O' the holy spear, my ass!! How did you manage to turn a holy chant into an edgy one??!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): There's no helping it, everything I do is edgy. My Noble Phantasm is edgy and my lines are edgy. I even discovered that edge=power here, which make me lose more hope for this world]

[NEET Princess: And if you want to copy something, then do it correctly! Where are the seals on Rhongomyniad?!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): IDIOT!!! My lance is the true tower at the end, manifesting as a bridge for my power! Its power can adjust according to the situation and has three modes according to my three Noble Phantasms!! You need to understand that my products are the world finest!]

[NEET Princess: Noble Phantasm? Yeah, why do you have that lance? What happened?!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Nothing much. 14 murder death kill battle royal, multiverse players, mysteries in every corner, and I became a Beast]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: And more edgy, don't forget it. It's very important]

After another deep breath and stabbing the screen with his lance, Leo explained briefly what happened in this period and the reaction was like the following.

[NEET Princess: That sounds horrible, but much more interesting than here. After this week we only managed to find one anomaly, which I'm not sure about]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): A week? Time difference between worlds? And what anomaly did you find]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Old man, Whitebeard, was walking in the town before a group of three screamed 'WHITE BEARD!!!' because the old man suddenly appeared. However, when the old man caught them, they vanished from the world after they said horror space or something like that]

[Bri-Bri: They only left something like a stick before it also disappeared, I'll send you a picture]

Leo looked at the screen as he saw something like a stick with some sci-fi vibes on the ground.

[NEET Princess: The mission also changed to 'stop these people from planting those sticks'. I'll send the full story later, but now, there's something more important]

[NEET Princess: If you're a Beast, that means you're a servant… Come here and let me sacrifice you to the Gacha!!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Do you think it's easy to be a Beast? The amount of edge I need to handle is beyond your mortal brain capacity! Do you even know what I represent, this beginning, history, and end… Dammit!! I did it again!!]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Calm down with the edge, buddy. And tell me what you got!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin) is offline]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: He ran again!!]

Leo closed the chat as he jumped down from the rooftop and entered his house.

"I wanted to ask about Saitama, but he's probably fine" Leo felt he shouldn't be worried about someone like Saitama before he looked at the room door.

Ritsuka was pale and holding the wall with her hand while muttering "I'm… I'm alive…"

She didn't last long before she fell to the ground as Leo was confused by this situation, even if he was a Beast and an Angel.

However, Leo didn't know that the embodiment of chaos was defeated by the grand singing of Rome's emperor.


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