Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 86 - New Solution.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Cu and Lancelot were exchanging hits as both the fighters were going all out without mercy. Each attack was aiming at the vitals as it showed how serious they are, even if Cu was enjoying this and Lancelot was… Crazy.

Cu didn't know how this happened, but he isn't complaining. He found out that maybe Servants are a naturally occurring phenomenon, so he should leave things for fate next time rather than running around like an idiot.

Rotating the spear in hand, Cu aimed at Lancelot's leg, but Lancelot easily moved his leg away and swept with his sword. However, Cu suddenly changed the target to the ground as he used the spear as a support and kicked Lancelot.

"AAAAA!!!" Raising his hand, Lancelot blocked the kick as a shock wave hit the surrounding, but this didn't stop him as his sword was aimed at Cu's head.

"Not bad!!" Cu used Lancelot's handguard as a platform as he rotated around the spear and avoided the attack, but Lancelot also acted quickly as he kicked the spear, which made Cu lose his balance.

A dark red sword filled with mana was aiming at Cu's head, this is Lancelot Noble Phantasm, Arondight, which allows him to increase his states by one, in exchange for his other Noble Phantasms.

However, this didn't make Cu flinch as he also aimed at Lancelot's head with his spear and rotated his body in mid-air.

Using the advantage of the spear length, Cu forced Lancelot to back away a little before stabbing the ground under him and jumping away.

"For a Berserker, you aren't half bad" Cu said while feeling his slightly hurt leg because of Lancelot's strength. Honestly, Lancelot's states surpassed Cu, but by using his agility and skills, he was able to match him.

"AAAAAAAAA!!!" Lancelot didn't stop as he disappeared from his place suddenly, leaving only sparks of mana in the air.

"Hm!!" Cu widened his eyes before he raised his spear and blocked the dark sword as the ground under his was cracked.

Cu let go of one of his arms holding the spear as the sword slid from the spear after it lost support. Cu used this opportunity and rotated his body and spear before stabbing with one hand, but this trick didn't work on Lancelot.

Swiping the ground with his leg, Lancelot made Cu lose his balance before he attacked with his sword again.


Cu managed to block the sword with his spear, but this still sent his flying from the bridge to the water under it.


Covering his feet with mana and simple rune magecraft, Cu stood on water as he looked at Lancelot on the bridge before he… Grinned, a grin filled with fighting intent.

"Jeez, how violent" Merlin was on top of the bridge looking at these two fighters.

When he looked with Clairvoyance, he sensed a familiar mana that belonged to the fairies, so he came here to find Sir Lance-a-lot of married women, fighting with Cu. But most of his attention was on the woman.

She wasn't able to see him because of his illusions, but he could determine from her mana that she was a servant and a Caster on top of that.

{According to your description, that is Medea, our fourth Caster in this war} Leo said from his spiritual link with Merlin.

{The an unfortunate princess who was labeled as a witch, but for this mana, she is just an avatar, which means the real one is watching} Merlin was able to see that Medea here is just an avatar and not the real servant, which allows her to act without fear of sudden attacks.

{So, say what do you need?} Leo stood up from the chair as Fou jumped on his shoulder.

{I need some time to analyze her avatar type, wait for a second} Merlin said as he started to use both illusions and magecraft to check on Medea's avatar while taking Excalibur in his hand, even if that might attract extra hatred from Lancelot.

{Fine, just don't blow this up, I need to know what happened with this new Caster} Leo nodded as he suddenly noticed something he forgot about for two days, flashing in front of him.

{Don't worry, my illusions aren't something a little girl can solve, especially with the huge amount of mana I have now} Merlin said as his eyes were shining with mana. However, Leo didn't answer him because his eyebrow was twitching now.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: 666, 666, 666, 666…]

[NEET Princess: 666, 666, 666, 666…]

The screen in front of Leo was filled with this particular number as he wanted to smash it for some reason.

[Bri-Bri: Is this some kind of a secret ritual?]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: We don't have phones to type 666, so we'll do it just here]

[NEET Princess: We are trying to summon, Satan!!]

[Lion Big Sister: I thought his number is 7]

[Advocate of Gender Equality:....]

[NEET Princess:....]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: 666, 777, 666, 777, 666, 777…]

[NEET Princess: 666, 777, 666, 777, 666, 777…]

[Lion Big Sister:... You two are just next to me, you know that, right?]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: 666, 777, 888, 666, 777, 888, 666, 777, 888...]

[NEET Princess: 666, 777, 888, 666, 777, 888, 666, 777, 888…]

[Lion Big Sister:.....]


The table next to Leo cracked before he took a deep breath and typed in the Chat.

[ Annihilation Maker(Admin): You guys shouldn't go to hell. Go to heaven and you can turn it into hell just fine ]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Sorry, but they told me that I can't satisfy my urges in heaven, so I prefer my mortal land]

[ NEET Princess: Oh, you appeared quickly, I thought that I need to start calling you tsundere a couple of times]

[ Annihilation Maker( Admin): Yup, I didn't miss you at all]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Same]

[ NEET Princess: Same]

The Chat Room witnessed the degenerate trio gathering together again as Misaka stared blankly and Leone left the Chat Room before it was too late.

[Bri-Bri: Are you fine after the dramatic exit, Leo?]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): My life was only pain and suffering in an abyss of despair… I hate this world]

[Bri-Bri: It seems you're still okay]

[NEET Princess: So, how is the abys-... Type-Moon]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin):... Like the abyss]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: That's Type-Moon for ya, everyone needs to suffer, one way or another]

[Bri-Bri: there's these kinds of worlds, huh]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Did something interesting happen to you?]

[NEET Princess: Nothing much, there have been something interesting, but more importantly, Kazuma became God(DIO)]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: OI!!!]

[ Annihilation Maker( Admin): Hmmm… You know that gods in Konosuba can't do anything sexual because they will lose their divine power, right? Mister, I need my urges]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: *sigh* There's no helping it, I'll reject my humanity in another day]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Pathetic, DIO's sword needs to defeat the Joestars' swords and you're a bad host!!]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Oh, yeah?! Then tell me what happened to you and let us see if you're not pathetic?!]

Leo grabbed the Chat Screen and put it in above him slightly before he took a picture and sent it in the Chat.

[Annihilation Maker (Admin): *Picture of Leo with glowing eyes and horns while Fou is sitting on his shoulder*]

[Advocate of Gender Equality:.....]

[NEET Princess: Oh, my. Did you become a light bulb now?]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: I refuse to suffer alone!! That's Fou, right?! Then you must have done the Gacha, tell me your suffering!!!]

Leo stopped in his place as he remembered Merlin and his female form trick as the table that recovered was cracked again.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin) is offline]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: COWARD!!!!]

Laving the Chat, Leo received another call from Merlin {I found it! She's trying to break Lancer contract with her Noble Phantasm, but she can't be completely sure because Lancer might never give her a chance}

{Just tell me what you need} Leo said as he was looking at the explosions from the window.

{A distraction, a big and quick distraction, so I can cut her to pieces with Excalibur and find her true location} Merlin raised Excalibur as it glowed and made his smiling face scary.

{So… Dropping a Nuke on your location?} Leo put his idea as it met an instant rejection from Merlin { No! Do you want to kill me?!}

{You're in the category of people who don't die when they are killed though. Fine, I'll just Nuke the other guys *Sigh* I need to think about damaging this world in every move I do, this sucks} Leo sighed as he grabbed his spear from space and walked away.

Moving towards the balcony and jumping on the rooftop, Leo stared at the battle in the mountain range before he said " Now, how should I calculate this? I need at least a double kill or I'll be mad"

Leo stood on the rooftop as the wind was moving his clothes and hair as his mana was rising before he entered the Chat Room again because it was flashing non-stop.

[Advocate of Gender Equality:666, 666, 666,...]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Oh, you're here, then tell me what you got, coward!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Later, I'm now busy with calculating the damage that I'll cause, so I won't blow up this timeline]

[NEET Princess: Is the situation all that bad?]

Leo tightened his grip on the spear as he was channeling mana to explode the drop a nuke.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): It's bad. Although Root didn't say it, I have all the reasons to think that she's losing control over her world in this timeline. This can explain why the Chat Room can only send one member while there's a huge number of players and enemies]

[Bri-Bri: Does that mean this world might face the same thing? I mean, the two missions are close to each other]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Don't jinx it!! But Type-Moon stuff, huh. That really sounds like a pain]

[NEET Princess:Hmmm… Problem in destruction, huh. Maybe you need something that'll destroy and fix the world at the same time]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): What?]

[NEET Princess: You know in Gensokyo, we have a lot of stupidly broken and crazy abilities while living in a boundary, which is kinda fragile, so everyone usually uses cards to battle. However, some abilities destroy the enemies, but help the area around]

[NEET Princess: Something like your pollution-free nukes, but it's for the world in total… For example, Enkidu's Noble Phantasm can do the same thing]

"....." Leo stood on the rooftop looking at his red spear while feeling like an idiot. Why didn't he think of this before? This sounds so stupid yet reasonable that his anger against Solomon decreased slightly.

{It must be the edge. Yes, the edginess didn't let me do it} Leo blamed his edginess

[Annihilation Maker( Admin): It pain me to say it, but thank you, you have my gratitude]

[NEET Princess: Don't worry about it, it isn't so-...]

Kaguya stopped typing because she received something from Leo. It was the octopus chef as she almost fell down.

[NEET Princess: You asshole!! You finally remembered!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): I don't know what you're talking about and if you want to say something, say it now because I have a big project]

Leo said as his necklace was glowing and Ddraig woke up because they were about to make something crazy.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Yeah, she called you...Pfff…]

Kazuma was laughing for some reason, which made Leo interested.

[NEET Princess: Ah, right!! You made my Mudkip unable to evolve didn't you!!!???]

Kaguya's dream of becoming the very best was crushed as she found that Mudkip wasn't able to evolve.

[Annihilation Maker(Admin): Pathetic! We, the real pokemons' master, can solo Rayquaza with a Caterpie! You disappointed me!!]

[Annihilation Maker(Admin) is offline]

[NEET Princess:..... My mega Swampert has been ruined!!]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: You hate to see it]

"Are you going to do something crazy?" Ddraig said, even if he already knew the answer.

"You know me better, Ddraig. I'll surpass the craziness here!" Leo grinned as he called Merlin in his spiritual link and said {Hey, Merlin. Does your king hate plagiarism?}

{Hah? Which one?} Merlin was confused as he said the most logical question in this situation because there's a lot of Arthur in this world.

{..... Forgot I said anything, just wait for the distraction} Leo gave up on that question as he took a deep breath and grabbed his necklace.

Glancing at the Chat Room, Leo started a recording and named it 'Look what you made me do!' before he said " VI"

From Leo's shadow, seven dragons appeared. They weren't big like when the Noble Phantasm was activated, but Leo wasn't going to use it. The dragons didn't wait before their 7 horns started glowing

"Gold Experience, Tusk, King Crimson" Leo summoned all his stand before he said " It's time to show this world the power of Jojo references"


Leo's necklace opened up as his Halo appeared and his horns started to shine like the dragons.

"Palkia, seal us in space with all that you got" Leo said as Palkia appeared and sealed the space around.

Taking another deep breath and preparing himself, Leo raised his necklace and reached to the air in front of him.


The necklace's end entered in space like a keyhole as green magic circuits appeared around. In the middle of those green circuits, there was one dark blue and golden line that was in the far left and far right.

"It has been a while since I made a beast, let's make this an extraordinary one" Leo said as he turned his necklace the magic circuits started gathering before they transformed into a black pitch area with a drawing in its middle.

The drawing was a tree with ten spots, but it's actually a Kabbalah tree of life. However, unlike the original, this one is upside down as it released some dangerous aura. When this one appeared, Leo's Book of the Law also appeared on his own as the normal Kabbalah was shining.

"From the hidden world, the Ten Crowns are emerging" Leo said as his horns, necklace, and the seven dragons horns shine more brightly. However, when it appeared, Leo's eyes started to become empty, as most of the traces of emotions and life disappeared from them.

{No matter how I see it, I can't understand. But for the Annihilation Maker to become this thing. Just what is wrong with this and that To Aru world!!??} Ddraig was having some internal conflict while looking at the inverse Kabbalah before he remembered that he also changed slightly because of them.

The Qliphoth is the completely opposite tree to the Sephiroth, covering another side of the world. (A/n: for more information, go to the end of the chapter)

"Venom" Leo said quietly as Venom extended his arm and started to throw all the 18 runes around Leo's arm. These runes will act as a stabilizer so it doesn't explode in his face.

Leo didn't say anything now as he raised the spear in his hand and pushed it towards the Qliphoth. The spear and a part of Leo's hand sank into the darkness, but Leo didn't care as he moved to the second part.

*Conceptual Boost!!*

Leo's used his Boost to increase his power two times before his stands started to work. Golden experience rushed towards the tree as the vitality and mana in the air was drawn towards him, Tusk started to rotate with the necklace, and King Crimson skipped time.

At this moment, everyone in Fuyuki noticed something wrong. The first was Enkidu as he felt the mana and vitality were gathering somewhere.

{A clear image… I want something like a bridge for my power, something that can allow me to use them without worry, even if they were weaker because of that} Leo started to imagine the correct image in his head.

He needs something to repair the world and destroy it at the same time. It needs to be strong to handle his power, so he won't be worried about destruction, also… It has to be cool.

After a while from sending a crazy amount of mana and power, a golden light was flashing from the darkness. Golden spots of light were circling around Leo as his goldeneye was very bright at this moment.


Cracks filled Palkia's barrier, but it was a surprise for Leo. Either it's this action isn't all that destructive or his beasts are getting stronger, which requires him to check on them later.

When this light appeared Lancelot stopped suddenly which got him a kick from Cu. Merlin also stopped as he almost dropped Excalibur from his hand.

"If you're the king that stood at the end of illusion (Age of gods), then I'm the one that stood at the end, when this reality and illusion crumbled to pieces" Leo said as his stands and beasts vanished.

When it lost its power, the Qliphoth started to disappear as Leo returned to normal and got back his necklace before he pulled his 'new spear' or rather say a lance.

The lance was long and had a white color, it was shining with a golden right as spots of light were rotating around it. When it appeared, Palkia's space recovered automatically, even the servants like Enkidu and Gilgamesh felt that the world is stabilizing.

"Jeez, the amount of mana and power that I used, if I was just Beast VI, this would be impossible…" Leo closed his eyes lightly before he raised the spear and said " At least, it was worth it, which means the power of plagiarism is the strongest!"

This is the lance that shines at the end of the world, an anchor that fastens the planet together, existing to ensure the world's stability. This is Rhongomyniad, the 'spear of the end', the light of destruction coming down from the heavens.

Leo is now holding his own version of the tower of the end. This was made by changing his original spear to make it the perfect weapon now, according to Kaguya's suggestion. A weapon that fixes and destroys the world at the same time.

Leo started to gather his power as the lance shone brightly, which almost made Merlin scream and Lancelot ignore Cu.

He and the lance started to be surrounded by light spots as Tusk used the spin to rotate the lance power.

"Maybe I'll make that Mudkip evolve, but for now…" Leo grinned as he pulled the lance back.

"O' the Holy Lance, shine at the end and write my reality to the world…" Leo said as his mana reached the sky, but unlike the other times, it didn't do a lot of destruction or effect on the world.

"Rhongo---myniad!!!" Leo screamed as an enormous beam of light launched from his position and rushed to the sky.

The clouds were cleared instantly, however, without any violent winds, they recovered normally. But don't let it fool you, the beam was also destroying everything in its way. Rules, laws, space, everything was getting crushed before it was fixed casually when it passed.

At the mountain range, the sky shone with a golden color, as everyone raised their heads to the death coming from above.



The Qliphoth is the complete opposite tree to the Sephiroth, covering another side of the world. Like the tree of life, the Qliphoth consists of 10 spheres and 22 paths. Unlike the upright tree of the Sephiroth which is protected by angels, the Qliphoth is an upside-down tree with a demon's name engraved in each qliphah.

Though the Qliphoth is often interpreted as a tree of evil, being the inverse of the Sephiroth and having demons as the guardians of its spheres, it's essence is not an absolute evil. With appropriate training and experience, it can assist in acquiring dangerous knowledge found in the hidden world

Just as the Sephiroth, the tree of life, is also a diagram explaining how to handle the soul, the Qliphoth, the inverse tree, can assist in the creation of something much like life if used properly.


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