Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 75 - The Future Vs The Past.

On top of the building, Leo and Solomon looked at each other. The former didn't show any expression and the latter was smiling calmly.

"Unfortunate? The king chosen by God almost killed billions and here he's saying this is unfortunate?" Leo grinned a little as he saw what Solomon was doing before he said " Your condition is even more pathetic than I thought, puppet"

Solomon didn't show any anger, even his expression didn't flicker when Leo called him a puppet because he's really moving with the strings of God. But he doesn't care because he doesn't have any freedom from the start, he didn't even care about Leo finding his little action now.

"No, it unfortunate this has happened, but it's more unfortunate for you this monster to stay alive in this world" Solomon shook his head before saying those words that he was programmed to say.

As a king, he needs to show concern for the world and the people, but when something big happens, he won't hesitate to sacrifice some humans to make sure the rest survive. This thinking is sadly, the correct choice and the most rational exactly like Alaya, two inhuman beings represent humanity.

"Well, I have to say that killing me at the cost of 99% of humans on this planet is the most correct choice, but why didn't you do it? Your Master? No, he won't be able to stop you, then it must be something else" Leo said as he glanced at his side and saw Ritsuka's group.

"You didn't even try to kill who summoned me or take hostages, but you came like this here, this isn't all that rational, puppet" Leo took a few steps on the ledge of the building as he was looking at the battlefield between the two Heracles.

"The world is too fragile to attempt any of these actions and I don't plan to mess it further" Solomon shook his head before he said " And I prefer to keep the last pillar in a safe environment for now and her condition might also make it difficult for us"

"..." Leo looked at Solomon with the corner of his eyes before he said " Safe environment and condition, you say?... You are really ruthless, aren't you?"

Those words from Solomon might sound normal, even good to hear, but someone needs to ask the question, which safe environment and condition he's talking about… He means freezing her with True magic and depriving her of thoughts and personality because he only needs the timeline to stay safe and not the person named Ritsuka Fujimura.

Leo turned to look at Solomon as his necklace was glowing with a green light before he said " Tell me, what do you want if you aren't here to fight?"

"...After looking at your Noble Phantasm(Shadows), I have been wondering about the fate of humanity, so I'm here to ask you, why do you hold such a disgusting thing" Solomon raised his hand as his rings glowed before he said " I need to know this answer before launching the ritual"

"You need to know or you have been ordered to know because you're the perfect king" Leo's words were filled with sarcasm while talking to this puppet before he frowned and said " Ritual?"

Solomon's actions never come from him as a person, but he has no choice except to hear the voice of God and act accordingly.

"Yes, I have judged that the fate of this world is hopeless, so I'll use my past mistakes to take it into a better future" Solomon said those words with a cold tone while Leo's eyes were shining as the atmosphere around him became very dreadful.

Ritual is the reverse form of Solomon's Noble Phantasm which is called the Human Order Correction Ritual.

"Grrrrr...Grrrrr…" the shadows around started to growl as eyes were looking at Solomon, this phenomenon wasn't even caused by Leo, it was Solomon who started to get on something nerves.

"You… Judge their fate? No, forget it, let me ask you something better" Leo grinned slightly as he looked at Solomon in the eyes before he said "Does the name of Romani Archaman mean anything to you?"

"Not really, I have his memories, but as a king, I find those moments very silly and irrational" Solomon shook his head while looking at Leo's necklace before he said " I prefer if you answer my question faster, so I can help this world"


Magical energy, a vast amount of magical energy appeared from Leo as all the area was shaking. All the organizations around the world felt this enormous magic energy as everything they have gone high wired because of it.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" Leo started laughing madly as his dark blue horn and eye were glowing very brightly. His shadows were also rampaging around as the growling turned into a roar.

"I was wondering why Goetia hates you that much, but honestly, you're really disgusting" Leo said as his necklace turned into a cross before his wings and halo appeared. After this transformation, the necklace green light increased as Solomon didn't show any expression, however, his rings were shining.

"Those are Romani Archaman's sins and mistakes, which were responsible for the burning of the whole humanity because of his selfish desires, however, it doesn't mean anything for you, huh… But this is funny" Leo said before the area around started to freak out.

Leo's pupils turned into slits like a dragon before he said " Do you know that all the humans on this planet have the right to judge me?"

"The bad, the good, the old, the young, even a newborn, who has just taken his first breath, have the right to judge me, raise the sword against me, and try to kill me" With Leo's words, a green light was spreading from his necklace as it was too fast, even Solomon wasn't able to run before he was included in this barrier. He even felt that his other preparations were invalid now.

"However, someone like you, the King chosen by God… Even if you're a human in flesh" Leo's voice was getting colder and colder before Solomon rings shone again as he recovers.

Recovering from Leo's power, Solomon raised his hand and waved as his magical power increased suddenly.

When Solomon waved, a very hot light appeared from his hand and melted the green light of Leo as the area completely changed. The whole Fuyuki became a vast ocean as they are sitting in the middle of the pacific ocean now.

Solomon was flying in the sky while Leo was standing on the water, but the atmosphere around him became even more dangerous as Solomon wasn't getting a good feeling from the darkness of the ocean.

"You don't deserve to judge me or even be called a human by a Beast like me" Leo said as his Third Noble Phantasm was roaring across the ocean and everything was shaking.

"Did you make the area where we just stood a mistake and we are actually in this location?" Solomon understood what Leo did before he teleported towards the sky and said " Was human history really a mistake?"

By announcing to the world this place is a mistake, the world corrected itself as Leo was able to pass all Solomon preparations and teleported them here. However, Solomon understood that this was only because of Leo's necklace.

"Well, don't you think this Holy Grail War lacks a proper start?" Leo didn't answer Solomon as he walked casually on the water and took a few steps in Solomon's direction before he said " Use it… I let you prepare, don't waste my time with your voice of God"

"... Very well" Solomon was silent for a moment before his magical energy was linked to the light ring in the sky.

These words made the place silence as only the sound of waves and Leo's steps on the water were heard before he and Solomon looked at each other and said " Second Noble Phantasm, partial deploy"

Both of them said at the same time before all the area around started to change. In Solomon's side, a virtual temple appeared behind him before all the sky changed and the world was rewritten by him using his Reality Marble.

Reality Marble is rewriting the real reality with your own and cutting off all the connection to the world, which Solomon possesses as his second Noble Phantasm, but it wasn't complete because Leo teleported them here.

Leo also didn't waste time as his necklace was glowing green and a red humanoid creature appeared behind him before he said " King Crimson!"

The humanoid creature behind Leo was a Stand from Jojo, King Crimson, with the ability to erase time, but Leo is using him in a very different way this time.

*Conceptual Boost!!*

With the voice from Leo's necklace, a terrifying power engulfed King Crimson before everything started to break and cracks filled the world, but it didn't break apart because of Solomon's Reality Marble.

However, from this time, no it shouldn't be called like that because the existence and concept of time have already left this part of the world. Using King Crimson with the ability of his Noble Phantasm, Leo rejected the existence of time in Solomon's reality Marble, so they won't affect the timeline that much.

"…" Leo didn't stop walking toward Solomon as his magical energy was increasing with each step.

Solomon didn't talk as five huge magical circles appeared above his throne in the temple. Each circle represents one of the True magic and they all work according to Solomon ritual to use his Third Noble Phantasm with the least cost possible.

They both didn't want to destroy the world, but only each other as they are about to launch their Third Noble Phantasm, even if it's just the concept behind them.

"Behold, the seven necks smoldering in the roaring sea, welcoming the abandoned time" With those words, the shadows under Leo solidified as they gathered into seven colossal shadows behind him.

"Elements are in place… The Order has been accepted… The five magics are balanced" Solomon also started his Noble phantasm as the light ring appeared behind the temple.

"The planet cries of agony, humans cursed desires, the day when stars abandoned this world" the shadows behind Leo raised as seven huge black dragons with snakes bodies and appeared behind him. Their eyes were blue, each one of them had a single horn on their head, and everything around them was turning into ashes, even Solomon's temple.

When the dragons appeared, Leo's horns and necklace were glowing more before the dragons' horns glowed at the same time with Leo's Halo.

Even inside the Reality Marble, the outside world was able to feel the upcoming clash as everyone looked at the pacific ocean.

Humanity felt fear and despair suddenly from the light ring in the sky while the planet was shivering because of the seven dragons.

Enkidu, who was inside of the forest, fell to the ground as his entire body was shaking and his face was pale while looking at the seven dragons in the sky.

"The planet… Will die" Enkidu couldn't stop his shaking because even the planet was shaking at this moment from fear.

"... To think this development will happen…" Gilgamesh's eyes widened when he was looking at the two Noble Phantasms with his eyes. He even activated his Clairvoyance Noble Phantasm, but he didn't see anything about the two powers in the sky.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It started!! It started!!!" Alcides's master was laughing like a child while looking at the two Noble Phantasm in the air.

The events inside of Solomon's Reality Marbel weren't hidden from the outside world because it wasn't deployed completely and he focused on the True magic more.

Solomon finished everything as he didn't wait for Leo before he said " Third Noble Phantasm, deploy. The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All. Ars Almadel Salomonis!"

The light ring gathered at the center of the temple where the magical circles are before it shot a huge laser beam with the ability to penetrate the planet and burn humanity.

Even in this place where time doesn't exist, Leo's clothes and hair were shaking because of Solomon's attack before he said " Here is my test for you, the King chosen by God… Can you bear the humans mistakes that you want to judge?"

"Third Noble Phantasm, deploy. The Time of Death has Come, Witness the Empty Future on This Land of Steel. Abaddon!" the seven dragons behind Leo ignited in blue flames around their mouths before they rushed towards the sky.

Each dragon was colossal as they covered the sky even their length was longer than 1/3 of the earth around.

Everything was shaking as two 5th subtype True magic were clashing with full power, nothing was able to stop this collision as the farthest past and the farthest future were facing each other.

5th True magic is the ability to make the laws of conservation of mass shoulder the debts of a past without the future. Its concepts seem to revolve around consumption and extinction, using the heat values as energy in order to achieve various effects like time travel.

At this moment, the two 5th magic are using their power to time travel into two extreme opposite times.

"ROOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!" The dragons screamed as they left the rushed towards the laser. Even in this distance, the power between the two Noble Phantasm was very scary.

The dragons left ashes in the sky telling the story of a dying planet and light left scorching marks telling about human extinction.

Each one of them was aiming for the opposite result, the light wanted to reverse the time to reach the genesis of the planet and the time of its birth, using humanity as a fuel. The dragons were accelerating everything around them toward the helpless future and the land of steel when the planet died because of human mistakes.

At this moment, a collision that represents the birth and death of the planet happens in the sky as it announced this Holy Grail War to everyone, even in different parallel worlds.


(Spoilers for Type-Moon ahead, feel free to read or not)

So, this is some keywords about type-moon you need to know in these chapters and some Noble Phantasms explanations. You are free if you want to read or not (Most of them are from the wiki and from my novel sitting if you want more details or pure cannon go and check it)

The planet: Gaia.

Human Order: Alaya.

Land of Steel: The time when the planet died because of humanity.

The 5th Magic:

Name: Magic Blue.

Domain: Its exact domain is unknown, but it has abilities related to Time Travel, and making the laws of conservation of mass shoulder the debts of a past without future. Touko Aozaki claims there should be more to it because time travel is also governed by the Second Magic, but she declines to speculate further on the subject. Its concepts seem to revolve around consumption and extinction. Ars Almadel Salomonis is noted to be similar to what the Fifth Magic is capable of, which means that the Fifth Magic manipulate heat values as energy in order to achieve various effects like time travel.

Nine Lives: Shooting the Hundred Heads:

Rank: C~A+

Type: unknown.

This is the most trusted of all of Heracles's Noble Phantasms, a combat technique devised at the end of a lengthy battle by Heracles. It originally had the form of the bow and arrows used to simultaneously exterminate the one hundred heads of the Lernaean Hydra, an immortal nine-headed serpent that would grow back no matter how many times it was cut down. Upon slaying the Hydra at the end of a lengthy battle, Heracles devised this combat technique and became able to utilize abilities that emulate the combat technique of this Noble Phantasm with other weapons, transforming it into Style: Shooting the Hundred Heads, an all-purpose Noble Phantasm capable of adapting and changing how it appears depending on the target and the circumstances of its use.

Garden of Avalon: The Forever-Sealed Utopia:

Rank: C

Type: Anti-unit.

is the Noble Phantasm of Merlin. It reproduces onto the surrounding area the "tower" where Merlin is, even now, being confined. Flowers bloom in profusion above the ground, and no matter what sort of darkness or hell that might be, a warm sunlight shall shine upon it. Even if the space that he has been permitted with is nothing but a jail of a mere 10 meters in all directions, and the scenery that was given to him is only an isolated sky found far away in the horizon, it continues to eternally exist as a utopia.

Ars Paulina: The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All:

Rank: A

Type: Anti-World.

This is the second Noble Phantasm of Solomon. It is Solomon's Reality Marble workshop that exists outside of the universe and outside of time, located in the space of imaginary numbers. It is powered by Solomon's Magic Circuits. Death in this space does not "count" in reality, so it is possible to revive those who die in this space with enough magical energy.

Ars Almadel Salomonis: The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All:

Rank: EX

Type: Anti-Human Order.

This is the third Noble Phantasm of Solomon, planned to be used by Goetia to time travel to the genesis of the Earth. It is the "|" of the original sin. It appears at first glance to be a ring of light that encircles the Earth. A belt of light that announces mankind's demise. As something that converted the entire human history into heat values, a time travel of vast amounts of years is made possible by collecting, accelerating, and converging some hundred millions of this belt of light. Each line of light is said to carry "extreme damage values" that are comparable to an A-rank Noble Phantasm like Excalibur. Nothing on the surface of the planet surpasses the heat value of this Noble Phantasm. When Goetia charges it and focuses its energy into an attack, the beam is enough to penetrate the planet.

Abaddon: The Time of Death has Come, Witness the Empty Future on this Land of Steel:

Rank EX

Type: Anti-Planet, Anti-Human Order.

This is the third Noble of Leo, who combined with Beast VI and received everything from him. This Noble Phantasm represents the biggest sin and mistake that humanity has ever done... Killing the planet(Gaia). At first, it appears as Leo's shadow and follows him everywhere in a semi-activated style, but in fact, that's Beast VI's true body, the seven dragons with a size that could circle the planet if they tried to. Each dragon has a huge amount of heat come from all the stars that abandoned the humanity on that day, this heat allows the dragons to accelerate time around them and send it towards the Land of Steel. A place where nothing on earth can survive and because of their sins, humanity will burn before they reach it. The dragons are immortals and won't die with any normal means no matter how much they have been destroyed. Giving them enough time, the dragons can kill the planet just by circling around it.

These two Noble Phantasm are so similar even if they work in the same way, but one was trying to go to the past to erase the concept of 'Death' while using humanity as a tool and one is going to the future to remind humanity of their mistakes with the pain of the concept of 'Death'.


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