Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 73 - Battle At The Daylight.

In the shopping street of Fuyuki city, a building was almost destroyed as dust and smoke were rising to the sky.

A lot of pedestrians were running for their lives as rocks and rubbles were falling from the building, but some of them were frozen from fear as they only watched their death coming close before several flower petals made the rocks stop.

However, the petals pulled them in an illusion as they stood up and ran from this place.

Several petals did the same with people around, but there was some death and injuries, even if a magus raised his hand. Like all humans on top of the building are already dead.

Leo glanced at Merlin's work, Nero's staying still, and Ritsuka's reaction for a moment before he turned his attention to the partner of justice in front of him.

"Well, well, well… Isn't it a wonderful coincidence, I didn't expect you to come here, Faker" Leo took a sip from his coffee as he was grinning at Archer or should be called Emiya Shirou, the Counter Guardian.

{Fuck off!! This was clearly calculated!! And don't tell me you want to act like Gilgamesh!!} Archer looked at his position that's very close to Leo's location and how he landed just to meet his grin.

"No, I'm not acting like him, but you're a Faker who wanted to take my name" Leo shook his head as he looked behind Archer and saw something interesting.

{Who the hell wants your name?!} Archer exploded again, but he was completely normal from the outside.

Archer was having one of the biggest internal conflicts inside of him. Meeting three of the human threats in the same place isn't a happy day for someone, especially for him as a Counter Guardian.

Now, he's looking at an incubus, a Primate Murder, and fucking Satan. Archer is almost having flashbacks while Rin, who's still connected to him, heard his words inside of her head.

"Hello, I hoped we'd met in a different condition than this" Merlin smiled while waving with his hand, but Archer wasn't buying it.

{No, this is clearly what you wanted, you source of problems!!!} Archer almost pulled his blades at this moment to attack Merlin.

"Hmmm… Steel and flames? Praetor, is this guy a sword or a blade?" Nero looked at Archer as she felt the heavy metal smell coming from him.

"Well, he's someone who keeps using the power of the Bone of his Sword" Leo answered before he rested his head on his hand and said " If he dare you say it, I might or might not drop Venus on his head"

However, Nero saw Leo looking at her with a strange look, but that wasn't weird more than that little worry she felt from those eyes, which made her confused as she didn't know what happened.

{Please don't make fun of my chant} Archer wants to leave, he doesn't care about Alaya or something, he just wants to leave.

"Archer-san! Is that you?!" Ritsuka widened her eyes when she saw Archer, but the only reaction she received was a scared look from Archer.

{Is this a human? A human with these three? No, no, no, impossible. Which Evil God crawled from the void to here?!} Archer found a more scary person as he ignored his boss(Alaya) confirmation that Ritsuka is a human.

{What in the world, these guys are all… Heroic spirits?!} Rin widened her eyes at the three Servants and Master.

However, what made her almost freak out is Ritsuka, who's clearly the Master of three servants from the command seals, but she was obviously a very weak magi. Well, Leo didn't care about command seals or something when he summoned.

Rin took a quick turn and looked at Archer, who seemed to know them before she said using the link between them {Archer, who are th-...} However, Archer stood in front of her as his mana was flashing.

"I don't know what you three… Four are doing here" Archer looked at Ritsuka as he changed the number before he said " But this isn't a Holy Grail War where you should exist"

{Rin, Let's run away now!!!} However, on the inside, Archer was panicking.

{Wait, what?} Rin stared at her confident looking servant from the outside while panicking from the inside.

{We are facing the humanity killing machine and a guy, who we blamed for our mistakes is coming back with vengeance. WE NEED TO RUN!!} Archer grabbed Rin's waist and wanted to leave, but he looked down to see some dark blue eyes staring at him from his shadow before he said "... Fuck my life"

When everyone was confused and Archer was giving up, a faint sound filled the area as it made everyone with sharp sense stop what they were doing.

"Why don't you look behind you" Leo said as Archer felt a chill down his spine before he grabbed Rin and pulled her behind him.

In the empty sky of Fuyuki city, between all the tall buildings, a giant arrow was traveling with an imaginable speed. All the windows and some parts of the buildings were shattered just because the arrow passed them.

The giant arrow was charged with a huge amount of mana and can rival a normal Noble Phantasm easily and its target was… The girl named Rin.

10 kilometers, 5 kilometers, 1 kilometer, the arrow crossed a huge distance instantly before it reached the place where Leo and the others were sitting.

Archer didn't waste time as he projected his bow and charged a few arrows with mana before shooting.


When the arrows met in the air, Archer detonated all of them as a huge explosion happened mid-air, but even so, the giant arrow still produced enough shock waves to push Archer back.

However, this didn't end as two more arrows arrived, one was aiming at Rin and the other at Ritsuka.

"Tch… I'm the Bone of my Sword!" Archer said his chant quickly before two blades appeared in his hand and blocked the arrow.


With a huge sound of metal hitting each other, Archer's blades shattered, but he managed to change the arrow direction to the left as it made another huge pothole.

"Attacking in daylight, are they crazy?" Rin said as she blocked the wind with her hand.

On Leo's side, it was much calmer as the shadow under Ritsuka raised like a wave and met the arrow that was aiming at her head. The arrow passed the shadow easily, but all that was left from it was ashes.

"Did he actually wait only to include us as a target?" Leo looked at a place 30 kilometers away from here before he glanced at Archer and said " For you to have problems with Archers is ironic"

"Honestly, I saw a lot of weird things, but an Archer thinking he's a Saber while he's actually a Caster is very weird" Leo said as Archer's face was twitching because he felt attacked on a spiritual level.

"But do you want to stay like this when your queen has been attacked like this, Merlin?" Leo said as Archer almost dropped his swords.

"Queen…" Rin widened her eyes while a disgusted expression appeared on her face while looking at the tall tan Servant she has, who's clearly a male.

"*Sigh* Maybe he should stop standing on the rooftops and asking to be shot by other servants" Merlin shook his head as he felt that the queen of Camelot needed more teaching.

"SHUT UP!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY A QUEEN??!!" Archer finally couldn't take it as he screamed and wanted to fight to the death with these assholes.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go and greet this Archer. Merlin, Nero, you know what to do when I'm gone, don't care about mana consummation" Leo said as Merlin and Nero nodded.

"Leave it to me!!" Nero said proudly as she felt this is her moment to shine.

"Do you think he'll really come?" However, Merlin's face changed slightly as he asked Leo.

"Of course, he'll never waste a chance for a sneak attack, especially on me " Leo shook his head before he looked at Archer and Rin.

"If you two dare to run in my absence, then I'll hunt you down no matter where you go, especially you, Alaya hound" Leo said as he raised his hand and shot down two more arrows before disappearing.

Archer gave up already and didn't have any word to say even if his Master kept questioning him in their telepathic link.

Merlin looked at this scene before he stood up, grabbed his staff, and covered the place in illusions… The first clash between Servants in this Holy Grail War is approaching.

Above a building near the previous location, the area near the edge glitched before Leo appeared there. The wind was blowing at this height as his clothes were moving slightly.


However, before Leo looked at his opponent, five arrows charged with huge amounts of mana rushed towards him and each one of them was aiming at his vital parts, even if those parts didn't count as vital with his current power.

Five light spots appeared around Leo before they shot like laser beams and hit all the arrows in mid-air.

"Arrows covered in Divine power? You've to do more than that, especially when I'm making myself an easy target for you" Leo said before some dragon's cannons appeared around him and shot beams with the heat of stars towards a mountain thirty kilometers away from Fuyuki.

Thirty Kilometers away from Fuyuki, a man with a large bow was looking at the beams crossing the sky and arriving at his location.

The man was slightly larger than the regular humans and all his skin was red while his chest had a white marking. His face was covered in a cloth as his expression wasn't shown at all.

Raising the bow in his hand, the man pulled the string quickly as numerous arrows were shot at the beams.

Arrows and beams met in mid-air as fireworks exploded in the sky and alarmed all the magi and servants around with the huge magical energy in the air.


The sounds of beams and arrows crushing each other while melting the snow in the air range all across the city, even the normal people saw this spectacular show.

Leo squinted his eyes at the man in the distance before he raised his hand and thousands of golden spots appeared around him. The spots started to rotate suddenly before they shot like bullets towards the Servant.

The cloudy sky was shining at that moment as thousands of golden meteors left a trail of light while crossing 30 kilometers in an instant.

The man didn't panic or show any emotion before his magical energy was raging as he put his hand on the bow and pulled it again. This time it was much faster as he was shooting down the bullets like nothing while shooting some at Leo, but some stray bullets passed his arrows and landed near him and exploded.

Some arrows also managed to reach Leo and landed around him as they destroyed some buildings and a part of the edge he was standing on.

Glancing at the damage, Leo raised his hand as he did a gun sign with his hand. Golden heat was gathering on that finger before Leo said "... Bang"


A huge beam was launched from Leo's finger as it flew in the air and brightened the surroundings. The heat generated from the beam melted most of the snow in the air and surrounding. A frozen lake and puddles melted in an instant when the beam passed, even some trees ignited on fire when the beam left Fuyuki city.

The servant, who was shooting Leo's bullets, saw this attack as his magical energy exploded again, but this time… Divinity was filling his weapon.

Instead of shooting an arrow, the Servant grabbed his bow with two hands as his muscles clenched and moved the bow backward like holding a giant sword. At this moment, Leo's attack arrived.

"AHHH!!!" With a cry of war, the man slashed the hot beam with his bow as his magical energy and divinity made the beam break a little before he completed his swing.


The beam was split in two by the Servant bow and rushed towards the sky as it did two giant holes in the clouds which allowed sunshine to appear. However, this action made all Leo's other attack hit the Servant as a giant explosion happened.

"....." Leo lowered his hand as he stared at the giant dust cloud at the distance before he said " Oh? Do you want to compare divinity now?"

At the mountain range, the Servant appeared from the dust, completely unharmed, and his magical energy with the divinity on the bow was more flamboyant.

When the attacks hit the man, he suddenly moved so quickly while using his bow to crush most of them and others were stopped by the divinity or magical energy.

"Kukuku… Kukuku...Kukuhahah… Hahaha" Suddenly, Leo heard a sound that wasn't a normal one because it was carried by the magical energy in the air.

"Divinity? Don't make me laugh, those bastards(Gods) should go and burn in hell" the Servant in the distance said as he looked at Leo even if the cloth was covering his vision.

Even from this distance, Leo felt the hatred and anger contained in that hoarse voice before he said " It seems you have a quite interesting past, huh? So, do you wish to continue, great hero?"

"....." The Servant stopped for a moment when he heard what Leo called him before saying " To continue what? A shooting game with a monster like a machine? How weak, you'll never reach me with those soulless attacks".

The Servant lowered his bow slowly as he said his true feeling about all the attacks he saw. What he felt was a cold machine calculating every trajectory and position before attacking. No technique, just calculations.

"Really? Well, I didn't care about techniques before as it didn't matter a lot" Leo shrugged his shoulders before he said " Although calling me a monster isn't a problem, but for you to say it is kinda ironic"

"....." the Servant didn't answer before his magical energy blasted again as he picked his bow.

"*Sigh* From a monster to another, I guess" Leo sighed before he looked at the holes he made in the clouds.

The heroic spirit Leo is facing was one of the greatest heroes in human history. He's the human side from a hero that went mad and that hero was Heracles, but something more happened to him during his summoning.

"It seems this Holy Grail War has some players with deep influence on this world, even summoning some interesting servants and following some steps with them" With those words, Leo's Divinity ignited as all the snow and air around him was pushed away.

"Thanks to them, this Fate became a Strange one" Leo said a pun without noticing before all the light spots and cannon turned into rainbow color as the magical reaction around was going crazy.

Meanwhile, around Fuyuki city, far away from the battlefield, Merlin, Nero, Ritsuka, Rin, and Archer were walking under the protection of Merlin's illusions.

"This is crazy!! How are they going all like this during daylight?!" Rin, who was forced to follow after looking at her Servant surrendering and received a little push from Nero's sword on her neck, looked at the grand fireworks in the air.

This is basically telling the world that there's supernatural and we're having some very crazy battle royale called the Holy Grail War.

"*Sigh*" Archer sighed at his fate to be a prisoner while thinking if he could guide this disaster to his other-self.

"Don't make that face, we just want what Alaya has told you" Merlin smiled at Archer while Rin almost fell to the ground when she heard about Alaya.

"Couldn't you just ask?" Archer glanced at Merlin who didn't lose his smile before he said " No!"

"...." Archer was hating every moment he's in here before Merlin looked at the sky.

"He's sure having fun" Merlin said while Ritsuka felt that compared to Mashu, these servants are all out of control.

"Merlin, who is that Servant?" Focusing on the situation, Ritsuka asked the Caster with Clairvoyance about the situation.

"Heracles, but he was changed in some way and lost his divinity and immortality, so he should be called Alcides. His class is Archer" Merlin said before he glanced at his side. In that place, there was a long shade made from the buildings at the side.

However, before he did anything, a red shadow flashed as Nero raised her sword and slashed at the shadows.

Nothing was heard or any magical energy in the air was felt, but the group saw it, a skull mask appeared briefly when Nero attacked before it disappeared again.


Nero slashed again as a dagger appeared and clashed with her before vanishing again.

Another battle started here as Leo and Alcides were still going with their shooting game on the sky of Fuyuki.

Thousands of rainbow beams and bullets were flying in the sky and colliding with the divine arrows as the explosions were more violent.

Leo was still shooting his bullets which were enchanted with his divinity as Alcides was having some trouble in shooting them down now.

However, this didn't stop him as he figured out a new pattern each time and started to ricochet his arrows of Leo's bullet. This allows him to take down three or two with one arrow each time, but this still wasn't enough because Leo calculations will understand and study him and his flaws with each arrow he's shooting.

"..." Alcides kept using his magical energy which was only available because of his Master vast reserves before he felt that the rotation of those bullets is troublesome.

To keep up with this huge magical energy, Alcides felt this opponent was more than just a monster before he pulled the bowstring and shot 100 arrows in one breath.

This isn't just a skill, but it's even a Noble Phantasm called Nine Lives which can change according to the situation.

The arrows pierced through the air and hit Leo's bullets and ricochet from them before destroying more and more, so the sky was finally clear for a second.

All the Servants and Masters were watching this battle with their familiar or grabbing front seats around the city.

The huge magical energy wasn't possible to be ignored as even the magic association and church felt the huge mana and divinity clashing in the air.

However, that was only before all their radar went highwires as they raised their head towards the sky.

A star appeared in the sky as the clouds were cleared in an instance and the heat increased.

"..." Looking at Alcides, Leo felt this game had gone too far before he raised his finger to the sky and created the star.

Alcides's body shook a little when the star appeared before he released a breath and put one arrow on his bow.

Lowering his hand, Leo dropped the star as a flaming meteor was heading towards Alcides who charged his Noble Phantasm and said " Nine Lives: Shooting the Hundred Heads!!"

Nine blue-red arrows crossed the sky like laser beams and left a trail of mana. The arrows flew like homing lasers and every one of them was filled with huge magical energy before they hit the star in different locations.

With the divine power of the god of war and huge magical energy, Leo's star crumbled after a while and a huge explosion filled the sky as all the area became bright.


The explosion wind and show waves filled the surroundings, but luckily, the explosion was high in the sky so it didn't do much damage.

The magi in the city were wiping their sweat as they felt the huge damage that the explosion would cause if it hit the ground.

However, the two Archers(Archer and Caster) didn't care about the surrounding that much.

"Hmmm…" Glancing at his side, Leo saw most of the building he's standing on, and what was behind him was pierced by one of the Nine Lives.

Alcides took a breath as the heat around was too much and his spirit origin was pushed quite far now.

However, before the two of them started another round, the earth was shaking as the sky was brightened.

Alcides and all the servants around felt their spirit origin shake as the magical energy in the air increased to an impossible degree and heat was beyond Leo's star just now.

At the Earth's orbit, the ring of light moved a little before one belt separated from it and fell into the direction of Fuyuki city.

"What the hell is this?!" A random magi in the city said as his magic circuit was going out of control.

"Impossible!! How can something like this exist?!" A magi outside of the city said as he felt the huge magical energy rushing from the space towards the planet.

"Ugh… If something like this fell down, then all the city, no, even the whole japan and a part of Asia will be burned to the ground" Rin fell to the ground as her magical circuit was burning because of the mana and Ritsuka was the same, but she had more pain all around her body because that light was even burning space and time.

However, at that moment, a magical circle appeared on the ground as flower petals were flying. A field of flowers appeared around on the area as Ritsuka and Rin felt okay suddenly before Merlin said " He really did his move"

Meanwhile, Leo, who was on top of the building, looked at the light falling from the sky and frowned before he said " How ruthless… *Sigh*"

"GRRRR…" A low growl came out of Leo's shadow before something was awaking from the deepest nightmares of humanity and the planet as a whole.


Leo's shadow exploded as it rushed like a spear and left a long black line in the sky before crossing kilometers instantly.

The light and the shadow met around the Mesosphere before they clashed.


At that moment, all the humans on the planet heard a cracking sound, but every magi around the world felt something exploding in their magical circuits.

On this land, and at this time, even if it was just a subtype and in their weakest form, but the world and all the magi witnessed the clash between two 5th True magic.


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