Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 48 - Wrath.

Asgard forces fell into the trap of torture dance which was lowering their sanity like a mini-Cthulhu.

Even the calm Freyr was almost on the verge of raging while Vadir already activated his Mystical Boots and he was kicking everything around him.

Honestly, this is the worst experience they had in their life. They can't believe there's someone with this devilish mind that'll make the devil a joke.

"Does this have an end?!" Vadir kicked again as a tremendous shock wave hit the pictures in the sky. However, most of the power rotated back to him which forced him to dodge.

"I don't know, but at this point..." Baldur was also attacking with magic before he screamed " I DON'T CARE!!!"

"*Sigh*" Vidar sighed as he looked at Brynhildr, who was raging across the layer and his father throwing Gungnir at the space to weaken it.

Everyone was losing it slowly at this layer as they did their best to break the barrier, but this space dragon power was very strong and complicated with its rotation.

At this moment, in the 1st layer. Thunder clouds appeared in the sky before lightning struck the space and teleported to the next layers.

The lightning was a man with blond hair, who was holding a hammer. He was rushing towards Odin's location while crashing all the space traps with a swing of his hammer.

However, when the lightning left, there was a space portal appearing inside the 1st layer.

Leo walked from the portal as he felt something from the air. It showed a very strong divinity, but he wasn't here to fight.

Palkia followed Leo while holding both Fenrir and Loki with his space power. The space portal closed after they walked as they looked at the palace in the front.

"Palkia" Leo gave the command before waves of spatial power rushed to the palace and scanned most of this layer.

A map appeared in Leo's head about the layer before he spotted his goal from all of this heist.

"I have to say that you and Odin have a similar way to hide things" Leo looked at Loki before they teleported into the palace.

The group appeared inside a hallway in the palace as Leo was looking around while trying to find a node in space with Palkia.

Loki was completely shocked at this moment. This day gave him a lot of surprises as he understood where this was going, but he couldn't believe it.

[NEET Princess: So you went to the beginning? Pretty obvious move]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Classic]

[Bri-Bri: Again, why do you guys always speak with mysteries]

[Big Sister Lion: Not that much of a mystery. He went back to the start because it has something to lead to the end, or this is what I think]

[The Strongest Man In the World: He's tracking back his footsteps]

[A Hero For Fun:... He never came here]

[The Strongest Man In The World:....]

"Yeah, like this idiot putting loopholes next to each other" Leo didn't care about Loki glaring eyes before he said " Odin did the same, but much more complicated"

"For you see, I scanned the whole Asgard with Palkia, but I felt that the signal from the last layer is weak" Leo said as he looked around before walking and grabbing a part of the space.

The space twisted and distorted before some nodes started connecting to a completely different realm from here.

The entire area was huge, but what made it special is the tree roots stretching everywhere and illuminating the space with golden spots of divine power.

This space was very different from Asgard, even the divine power in the air changed completely as it became mixed with a powerful life force.

Loki stared at this place in shock as he couldn't believe what he's looking at before his face twisted from anger {Odin, you bastard!! The 9th layer was in a completely different realm!!}

Yes, the 9th layer isn't in Asgard as it takes a place under the world tree, Yggdrasil. This layer can never be reached by anyone because no one thought Odin would build an imaginary layer and make it the most secure one of them, just to turn it into a decoy.

The only way to access the true 9th layer is by going to the palace and finding Odin's secret door, which is almost impossible because it's a secured door separating two realms. It's very complicated, but if you have absolute control over space and rotate it a little bit, then everything would be solved.

The only reason Leo is following these steps is because he doesn't want to rip out the space fabric and crash Asgard and its layers toward the human world.

"Well, this is the final stage of this journey" Leo said as he was feeling more weak as the book wrote the 5th page and entered the 6th one.

{6th page... This is getting difficult} Leo frowned as he saw how hard it was to write this page.

6 is a very important number is Christianity because it's the symbol of evil and the devil, but at the same time, it's the time taken for creating the world.

With those thoughts, Leo and Palkia flew towards the only platform in this space as they landed and looked at the things in front of them.

In the middle of the platform, there was the golden seed with the size of a football and a rock engraved by runes. Both the objects were shining as they seemed very important.

{That seed... No way} Loki took another surprise as he was in a total shock before he saw Gàe Bolg separating from him and flying towards Leo's hand.

Loki felt his divine power again even if it was weak as he wanted to stand up, but he was greeted by an angry Palkia.

"...." Loki stared at Palkia with blank eyes as he surrendered to his fate before he got shot by Palkia's tail.


Palkia hit Loki so hard that he flew very high before passing the space barrier.

Meanwhile, in the torture dance layer. Odin was throwing Gungnir everywhere before a portal appeared and Loki crashed into him.

The whole layer caught in silence. Even the music stopped for a moment as everyone was staring at Loki on top of Odin.

Loki stood up slightly as he felt the angry eyes of everyone and Odin staring at him from underneath before he heard a cracking sound.


Odin kicked Loki to his balls as he curled into a ball and fell in pain and agony. All the male gods shivered slightly as they saw a man's life ruined in front of them... Or at least until he uses magic to heal it.

"Now, Loki..." Odin grabbed Gungnir as he aimed it towards Loki and said " Do you care to explain what you are doing?"

".... I'm innocent!!" Loki looked left and right before he raised his hands and surrendered to his fate again.

However, nobody believed him as they started an interrogation, which made Loki sigh again for his luck today.

Leo saw Palkia finishing the job before he walked towards the frozen Fenrir and took one of his fangs by cutting them using space.

He didn't stop here as he put Gàe Bolg and the fang together before activating Annihilation Maker and upgrading his spear.

A black fog engulfed both of the objects before Leo started to give Gàe Bolg the god-slaying attribute.

[NEET Princess: Did you let him go?]

"Yeah, I finished with him, so he's going to do his last job" Leo nodded before the new Gàe Bolg appeared in his hand as he said " I don't know what will happen during my berserk state, so..."

"I need someone to stop me or at least hold me down for a while" Leo said while he cut his finger slightly using Gàe Bolg while putting some of his blood on the spear.

The red slaying god spear shone with an ominous red color before Leo felt a sting in his brain as the 6th-page writing speed increased and it was almost completed.

Leo's now is adding different factors with rich religious meaning to the book in an attempt to increase the speed and its power.

"Now, with the last pieces in place... What are those?" Leo stared at the seed and the rock as he was slightly confused by them.

He felt a connection with the seed, but the rock was very strange for him, even if his book reacted slightly for it.

[Big Sister Lion: Why don't you check them?]

"Hah?" Leo tilted his head as a look of disbelieving formed on his face before he said " Touching something completely unknown in an unknown place isn't the wisest course of action, especially if I'm doing a very dangerous work here"

"Do you know how much unnecessary troubles happen all across the world, just because someone was curious and touched something he shouldn't touch?" Leo stared at the seed and rock before he said " Pandora box, that what happened"

Once again, Leo reasoning totally baffled the Chat group as they didn't know what to say, but they couldn't admit it even if they felt some truth in his words.

"I need to check them at least once before doing anything" Leo rotated Gàe Bolg in his hand before he said " First, mana scanning and space... Scan--ning... Huh?"

The area twisted and changed like a mirage before Leo and Chat Room members saw a rooftop. A normal rooftop with a clear sky and light breeze.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Another change in the scene?]

[NEET Princess: Hey, Leo. Your hallucinations are starting again... Leo?]

[Bri-Bri: Rooftop? Do you know this place, Leo?... Leo?]

The group typed on the Chat as they noticed something completely wrong at this moment. Leo was standing still as he was looking at this place.

His face was slightly pale with shock and disbelief as he was almost solidifying from them.

The group was also surprised by a look they never saw from Leo before, but that didn't last long before the picture changed completely.

Rage and anger, or rather say wrath. These were the only things showing to the group as Leo's face twisted from anger as his eyes were almost bloodshot while clenching his fist.

Everyone can get angry at some random things because this is their personality and what makes them themselves, even Saitama gets angry at some ridiculous things like missing the sales. However, this was an anger that they never saw from Leo. He usually gets angry or triggered by some things as a joke and such, but he never showed this genuine anger.

It's truly like a volcano was about to explode from anger, and this time it'll absolutely leave casualties behind.

Leo now was feeling all his senses were leaving him, no matter how hard he was trying to suppress them as his memories were rushing in his brain.

The book inside Leo's soul finished writing the 6th page as it shone with light and a stream of power rushed to Leo's brain and his Esper formula.

The formula which stuck in Lvl2 was filled magically as a mysterious power linked all the values and add some unknown values. This was completely unscientific and it'll make all the scientists in the Academy city open their mouths from shock.

The AIM field around Leo increased and grew to an enormous degree as it was concentrating around his back and head, but it couldn't take a specific form and remain invisible. However, Leo's left eye was glowing gold, and... His eyes and ears were bleeding.

Despite that, the blood didn't flow down with the gravity as it started floating from Leo's face. The area around Leo defied physics laws as it became chaotic.

Kazuma, Kaguya, Mikoto, and Saitama can swear they saw the place around Leo glitching... Glitching like a video game before he held his head from pain.

"Y��(You)... �ou(You)" Leo held his head with one hand as his words were just high-pitched gibberish which didn't make any sense, but only Kaguya and Saitama could understand before those words turned into an unknown as Leo said " ���������"

With that high-pitched gibberish, Leo waved his hand like a normal person does before the Chat Room stood in silence to that scene.

The only way to describe that scene is chaos landing on the world.

Meanwhile, Loki was getting interrogated by Odin and the other gods.

After catching Loki, they first released their frustrations on him before they did the true interrogation after stopping the annoying space rotation.

"Will you confess now?" Baldur was cracking his fists as he looked at Loki with anger, as so did all the other gods.

"I TOLD YOU I'M INNOCENT!!" Loki was trying hard to defend himself before he became pale and started trembling, which puzzled everyone around.

"No...No,no,no!! It has started!" Loki looked down as he could see some of his divine powers in the true 9th layer which is another realm or rather be called now the 10th layer of Asgard.

"What has started?" Odin stopped his actions as he sensed that Loki isn't lying or joking this time because he never saw him like this before.

He knows that Loki was telling the truth, but he was so annoyed that he needed to release it on someone.

"Odin, there's no time to waste. That guy you call Joker is not someone we can mess with..." Loki said while he was sweating before Odin squinted and said " Explain"

"He's doing something, something very, very dangerous, and that thing involves my divine power" Loki clenched his first before he said " My divine power has a curse!!"

Odin nodded as he knows that Loki is good at curses because his divinity can curse weaker enemies than him easily, but he didn't know what this has to do with Joker.

"That person...No, that 'thing', or 'it'! I don't know what to call him anymore is using my curse and it'll affect him!!" Loki said as Odin first thought this is a good thing before he noticed the fear in Loki's tone.

"Something is coming and it'll not be pretty" Loki said his last words before the whole Asgard started shaking violently.

"The other realm" Odin widened his eyes as he felt where the vibration was coming from before he heard a voice behind him.

"So can you tell me what's this thing?" A man appeared in the layer as he was covered with lightning and holding a hammer in his hand.

This man is Thor... One of the top 10 strongest beings in the DXD world.


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