Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 46 - Roller Coaster.

"Can you explain." Brynhildr walked towards one of the Valkyries as she was boiling from anger before she said" What are you doing here? When Asgard is under attack!!"

In the 1st layer, Brynhildr was staring at most of the Valkyries in Asgard while burning from anger.

All the Valkyries were startled before they swallowed up a little because Brynhildr was scary. Especially when she's angry.

Brynhildr is a beautiful woman with long light blue hair. However, she is a very serious and strict person who will always make sure the order and rules are being followed inside Asgard, which makes the Valkyries afraid of her even if they take her as a role model.

"Calm down, Brynhildr" Vidar walked toward Brynhildr in an attempt to calm her down, but he said " You'll get more wrinkles on your face if you continue"

Vidar is a handsome man in his twenties. He has white-golden hair, golden eyes, and a beard. He also wears a fitting white suit. But Brynhildr has known this guy for a long time.

"Huh?" Brynhildr touched her face to feel the smooth skin before she understood that Vidar was making fun of her age again!.

"You..." Brynhildr clenched her fist that was flashing with divine power as she was forcing herself to calm down.

Vidar laughed slightly at Brynhildr's condition before he turned towards the Valkyries and said " Does anyone of you care to explain what's happening?"

"U-um..." One Valkyrie was sacrificed by her friends to explain what happened, which made Brynhildr take notes to train these Valkyries further in the aspect of teamwork.

Odin raised his eyebrow when heard the story about the man named Joker and the unexpected party before he said " I thought this was a surprise party *Sigh* This is disappointing"

"I know, right?" Vidar replied naturally, which made Brynhildr angrier.

"Father, look at this" Baldur looked at the Valkyries before a magic circle flashed in his hand.

Baldur is the god of beauty and the eldest son of Odin. He used his magic on the Valkyries and discovered something.

"Hm? A strange force affected their minds?" Odin touched his beard before he said " But why is it acting in this way?"

"It's almost like they put it to be removed easily" Freyr, the god of Sacral Kingship said as he noticed the way the force was affecting the Valkyries' minds.

"Remove it" Odin observed the magic circle for a while before he used his own divine power and removed all the foreign force on the Valkyries.

However, something happened that made him surprised, even if he saw a lot during his life.

"That wasn't real?" A Valkyrie collapsed to the ground while looking devastated.

"He tricked us... He tricked us..." Another Valkyrie was clenching her weapon as she almost gritted her teeth.

"Joker... Unforgivable" A dark aura appeared on most of the Valkyries as it made Odin sweat a little.

The gods stopped their actions as they stared at the Valkyries that were releasing a terrifying aura.

This is what happens when you leave the talk to an SCP, so Leo is facing the wrath of Yandere Valkyries.

"What happened to you" Brynhildr understood that something has happened to the Valkyries before she said " Start the formation and follow me"

Brynhildr was trying to command the Valkyries, but they all turned towards her with their empty eyes as it put a chill into her soul.

"W-why are you looking at me like this?!" Brynhildr didn't want to admit she was scared while trying to figure out the situation.

"What an amazing sce- I mean horrible" Odin corrected his words before he walked forward and said " Valkyries, listen to me!"

All Valkyries looked at Odin before he said " We have a situation about an intruder in Asgard and this isn't the time to act weak"

"Pick up your weapons and follow the oath you made... Protect Asgard!" Odin saw his words have some effect on the Valkyries before he said " Oh, I forgot to say... Your Joker is there too"

The Valkyries seemed to be hit by an electric shock before they all raised their weapons and rushed towards the 2nd layer. They didn't even wait for the gods to follow.

"I still got it" Odin smirked while touching his beard as Brynhildr felt she need more studies after all those years before she followed the Valkyries.

"And here they go..." Vidar sighed after he saw the Valkyries leave before he looked at his father and said " But father. you felt it, didn't you?"

"Loki, Fenrir, and... Ddraig" Odin nodded before he looked slightly serious and said " It has a while since I heard that name"

"Do you think Loki has Ddraig? Or this Joker is a helper to him?" Baldur didn't even think twice before including Loki on the intruders' side.

"We don't have enough information, but it most likely Loki was a part of this" Freyr said while his idea was similar to Baldur.

Vadir didn't say anything as he was slightly sad for Loki and his bad luck to be always suspected when something happens.

"We can't be sure..." Odin didn't rush in conclusion before he looked around and said " The others aren't here?"

"Thor and the others aren't here..." Baldur replied before he said " But why don't you know, father?"

"*Cough* I was busy" Odin coughed which made them know he was doing his usual perverted hobby before they ignored him and teleported to the 6th layer, but they couldn't.

"Eh?" Baldur tried a few more times before he looked at Odin and said " The layer is... Locked?"

The other felt the confusion in Baldur's tone before they frowned and teleported to the 2nd layer as they met the Valkyries using magic in space.

"Lord Odin" Brynhildr saw Odin arrive before he bowed down slightly as she said " The whole layers are locked and we can't access them"

Freyr stared at the space leading to the 3rd layer before he said " The space was rotated and the entire system is against us now"

"This is really annoying, but brilliant at the same time" Freyr used hundreds of magic-circles to analyze space as he was annoyed by this situation.

The whole layer space was rotated by 180 degrees, which made the defensive system that was protecting Asgard from the intruders work against them.

"Are you telling me we were kicked out from Asgard?" Vidar was speechless as he looked at the Valkyries working to analyze the space blockage.

"Kicked from Asgard, huh... First, he turned most of our Valkyries into yanderes, and now he did this" Odin didn't seem all that worried as he knows how strong the defensive system in the lower layers with the tricks and traps in it.

"Lord Brynhildr!! Ah! Lord Odin!!" A Valkyrie came rushing to Bryndhill as she was holding a magic circle that was showing a map.

Bryndhill saw Odin nodded before she signaled the Valkyrie to speak.

"We found the location of Lord Loki and the intruder... Joker..." The voice of the Valkyrie cracked for a second, which scared Brynhildr slightly before she looked at the magic circle.

"Huh? Does this space exist?" Bryndhill was confused as she saw a subspace next to the 6th hidden one.

"An extra space?" Odin looked at the map before his face solidified for a second.

"I can't believe this! This is terrible!" A serious look formed on Odin's face, but this made his two sons more speechless.

"We need to stop them immediately" Odin raised his hand as Gungnir appeared on his hand before he said " Asgard secrets can't be known to the enemies"

Vidar, Baldur, Freyr, and Brynhildr stared at Odin holding Gungnir as they finally understood what was in that layer.

Meanwhile, in the extra space at the 6th hidden layer. This space is much like the last library, but it was slightly smaller.

Leo was looking at a book in his hand while reading it. He's taking that book very seriously as he made sure he doesn't miss a single detail before he closed it and looked to the sky.


Leo kicked the bookshelf as a part of the library went flying and books mixed with DVD's flew to the sky.

"IT WAS ALL P*RN AND HEN*AI!!!!" Leo screamed to the sky as he burned the book in his hand. The other books fell on Loki as he was also very speechless from the situation.

The Evil-God Loki was buried under a mountain of hen*ai and p*rn magazines.

[NEET Princess: Always has been]

[Advocate of Gender Equality: I'll go and worship Odin now]

[Bri-Bri: I don't know what to say anymore!! I GIVE UP!!]

[Big Sister Lion: What a crazy world, huh? A god hide po*n in his kingdom]

This is the result after some research in this layer by Leo and some help from Loki.

(Flashback before entering the secret space)

"Huh? Do you expect me to say something?" Loki could talk as Leo removed the web from his mouth before he said " Don't dream, human. I, Loki, searched this place for years and learned all Odin's ways and tricks before reaching this far"

" And you want to find them now? Don't make me laugh, FUHAHAH-" Loki didn't finish his laugh as Leo put the web again before he dragged him and walked towards the place he came from.

"You learned Odin ways, huh? Then you're the retard that put the stupid loopholes next to each other" Leo observed the place while Palkia raised Fenrir and followed them.

*Muffled noises*

Loki was angry as he was struggling even further, but he couldn't do anything because Gàe Bolg was penetrating him.

Leo didn't care about him as he put his hand on the ground and started to feel something. The Chat Room went silent as they didn't want to bother Leo. This is a weird action which Leo could notice, but he was busy for the moment.

The group was still in the same state of earlier as they were thinking about Leo and why he was acting like this. They know that the conditions here are showing them a side they never saw of Leo, but they couldn't just ask him. So they choose to wait and see before taking any action.

"Found it..." Leo stood up from the ground as he looked at Loki and smiled.

"If you can't solve a problem... Blow it up" Leo raised his hand as Killer Queen appeared behind him and pulled the trigger.


With a pink flash in space, all the area around Leo and Loki was exploded by Killer Queen bombs that were powered by Palkia space power.

The collapsed space didn't last long before it disintegrated, but Leo noticed another space hidden as he ordered Palkia to fix the space.

"What the use of magic defenses and hidden arts, if you can just blow them away" Leo smiled as he floated from the ground while Loki took another blow to his pride.

"Hm? Yeah, you can do it" Leo felt his clones called him before he nodded and rushed to the subspace.

(Flash back end)

"So what to do now?" Leo stared at the mountains of po*n and hen*ai as he didn't know what to do now.

"Oh, wait" an idea flashed in Leo's mind before he walked toward a pile of magazines and pulled Loki from under them.

Loki was still in the state of the injured pride as Leo removed the web from his mouth.

"Tell me the location of the biggest magic library" Leo said directly while Loki gave him a stare and said " Human, are you serious?"

"If you don't then I'll send this video to all the forces in the world" Leo raised his hand while Loki was confused because he didn't see any video before he saw a camera in Leo's hands.

"The Evil-God Loki sleeping under hen*ai and po*n. I bet Odin will be proud" Leo waved the camera he just made while Loki's eyes went blank again.

Loki was now in a choice between his loyalty to Asgard and if he can raise his head when he sees the other gods in the future.

"Go down to the 7th layer and defeat the two giants guarding a hidden library in the middle of the jungle... I know that library because I usually work there" Loki chose his pride instead of Asgard. After all, he doesn't care anymore and they're going to die, anyway. So he prefers to die with pride.

"Good, let's go" Leo nodded before Venom shot another web on Loki's mouth and walked towards the 7th layer with Palkia.

{I really don't have much time...} Even though he was looking normal, Leo was feeling tired just from walking as he was pushing his Esper power beyond its limits.

Leo is literally fighting the divine power in the air to make it perfect for his use, and he doesn't know how much he can take. Like Kaguya said, he's really messing with some very dangerous stuff.

{I think the part of hallucinations and flashbacks will start very soon} Leo was wondering when the new stage of berserk will happen before he felt that the divine power increased when he got closer to the 7th layer.

"..." Leo looked at the jungle in front of him before he flew towards the sky. He doesn't have time to waste at all. However, all the books in the library were taken by him using Palkia as he had a very good use for them to make a god cry.


When Leo was raiding Asgard's 7th layer, the gods finally cracked Palkia's power and entered the 3rd layer.

"Scatter around and search everything" Brynhildr didn't waste time as she gave the orders, but she and the valkyries stopped, even the gods stopped after they saw the sky.

The blue sky with clouds changed completely as it became the picture of a pink humanoid cat with few words next to it... Killer Queen touched this layer.

"Killer Queen touched this rock" A sound appeared on the ground as it startled a valkyrie.

"What does that me-" A Valkyrie stepped on a rock before it exploded in her face and knocked her back.


All the objects in this place were randomly exploding as they always said the same phrase ' Killer Queen touched this or that'

The whole layer turned into a battlefield that even the gods weren't safe while Leo's clones were watching from afar in a hidden space.

"When did you do that?" The team that touched everything here asked the team that searched the magic library on the 4th floor.

"Magic... No, seriously it's magic" One clone said as they looked at him weirdly before he pulled two books about basic pictures projection magic and sound magic. They could do it because Palkia is controlling this space.

"The Lord allowed it" the other team said before they nodded and left this layer.

The clones saw this layer was successful, so they went to prepare the other layer of the roller coaster. This will be a wild ride.


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