Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 34 - Heavy Atmosphere.

After separating from Saji, Leo walked slowly towards his classroom while feeling the eyes of the other students on him. Most of them were looking at his headphones, and some witnessed him giving life lessons to Tsubaki.

Leo doesn't care a lot about these students, but to be honest, he doesn't like others staring at him like some sort of a rare animal. This made him frown as he doesn't want to blow up this place, so he walked towards a corner and made his headphones an extra ability of presence lowering.

Small abilities like this don't require so much effort from Leo, he can even create them instantly, especially if he made them before. And about the fact he's in a school filled with devils? Leo want to say that these devils are noobs and they can't find him even if he was sitting on the same desk and using his Longinus, but he can't blame them, after all, there's a difference between people trying to be strong and him who has a dream to be overpowered.

After feeling all the eyes on his body were gone, Leo walked at a faster pace towards his classroom before choosing a random desk and setting down. The teacher entered the class almost at the same time as Leo before doing the usual processes to start the lesson.

Leo stared at the teacher and the lesson for a moment before ignoring it. He isn't saying the lesson is boring even if it is, but he doesn't see a point in listening because it doesn't help him at all.

All the lessons in the high school level don't help him optimize his formula or even add value to his personal reality, which gives a light to how much advanced the Academy city. So after realizing these facts, Leo put his head on the desk and thought about an alternative plan.

{What to do now? Asking Mikoto for knowledge? No, our personal reality is so much different, which makes her formula useless for me...} Leo started to circle the possible solutions in his brain while nobody noticed him.

{Books? Nah, too much work and I don't have time to go to the library... Maybe I could use the ultimate source of knowledge, the internet, but I don't even have my phone with me... Wait} Leo raised his head from the desk slightly before activating his Longinus.

A small black fog appeared inside Leo's pocket before a smartphone similar to his old one was made from the fog. At the moment the phone was made, Leo closed his eyes as the phone screen appeared in his mind.

{Even the SIM card is the same... Sometimes I really underestimate my Longinus} Leo looked at the phone screen as he started checking all the new options.

The phone is a beast that was made to be the same as Leo's last phone even with the same SIM card, but this one is an intelligent beast that can do a lot of complicated actions easily and it's a professional hacker on cyborgs level. However, the most important thing is this phone can be connected to Leo's mind, which means it search for information on the internet and send it to Leo's brain.

{Let's start with biology, chemistry, and physics...} Leo thought of the subjects and the phone entered the internet immediately and showed the results. To be honest, Leo feels this phone ability to hack any Wifi and get free internet is the strongest ability.

{I wonder how much I need to upgrade my level...} Leo felt it'll take a while to upgrade his Esper level because his power is one of those abilities that spreads to all scientific subjects to archive its full potential, so the amount of calculation is huge and it keeps increasing the more complicated the flaws are. He didn't know how much it'll take, but he chooses to look at the Chat Room to see its price.

[ Esper LVL 2 (Vision of the flaws)... Cost: 100000 points

Ps1: This is an active Esper ability.

Ps2:... What are you fighting against?.

Ps3: A deal that'll never repeat in your life!! Pay 100000 points and fix your incompatibility with other worlds mana!! But that not all! Pay 200000 more and you can have To Aru world mana as well!! What are you waiting for!?.

"...." Leo stared at the prices and the note as he felt this Chat Room like to increase the cost on abilities before he saw the second note. That note made Leo stop for a moment before he sighed and looked at the knowledge in his phone.

{This day keeps getting better and better...} Leo looked at the ton of knowledge in his phone before reading them as he wants to see if he can get a degree in physics by the end of the day.

When Leo was studying for his physics degree, there was a debate going on in the Chat Room.

[Big Sister Lion: So, Kaguya was it?]

[NEET Princess: Yes, what do you want, Leone?]

[Big Sister Lion:... Can I get the Teigu back?]

[NEET Princess: I don't know... Can You?]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: I saw this scene repeat for over 5 times already, can't you think of another?]

Kazuma got sick from looking at those two, repeating the same phrases for 5 times with no advancement.

[Big Sister Lion: *Sigh* I really need the Teigu this isn't even a joke! The Empire fell down which means the other forces will attack us and we don't have the power to stop all of them without the Teigu]

After the Empire's destruction news become public, all the other forces will attack the land of the Empire and without the Teigu, Leone doesn't see a chance for the revolutionary army to stop all of them, so she's asking Kaguya to give them back.

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: Wow, this turned from a civil war to a world war very quickly]

[Big Sister Lion: If some guys didn't come and blow up all the Empire, this wouldn't happen]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: Sorry, but if you have a complaint about destruction in this Chat Room, then please ask Leo... Even if that is pointless]

[ Big Sister Lion:...]

[ NEET Princess: I heard your words and understood your reasons]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: Why does this feel so chuuni for a moment?]

[ NEET Princess: As a very generous princess...]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: LIES!!!]

[ NEET Princess:... As a 'very' generous princess, I can give you the Teigu back, but...]

[Big Sister Lion: But what?]

[ NEET Princess: I don't have all the Teigu. Like the Incursio and the perfector are with Leo and Kazuma, and I don't think they'll give them to you]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: The day that you'll take these gloves from me will be the day when this Chat Room becomes normal!!]

[NEET Princess: That means never]

[ Big Sister Lion:... Oh... But what about, Leo? He should be the Admin or something]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: Hah!! Good joke... Hold on, are you serious?]

[ NEET Princess: You're asking the wrong person here... Leo will definitely sacrifice that Teigu to make something broken again, so don't dream he'll give it back]

[Big Sister Lion:... Sacrifice?]

Leone didn't understand how can someone sacrifice a Teigu, and she still didn't figure it out after Kaguya explained.

[ NEET Princess: He'll sacrifice the Teigu for the power of God( Longinus) and Anime( Imagination)]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: This is... This is the most accurate explanation of Leo's powers I saw until now!! Is this the reason why he's always overpowered?! Because he knew the truth!!]

[ NEET Princess: Thank you, I'm available for the entire week]

[Big Sister Lion: ....]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: But are you really okay?]

[ NEET Princess: Why shouldn't I be okay?]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: You're being targeted by someone who has the power of God and Anime at his side]

[ NEET Princess: Nothing to worry about, I mean even if Leo was an absolute jerk, he's still a reasonable person]

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: The word reasonable and Leo shouldn't be put in the same phrase, but please listen to this... If the Spin could breach multiple dimensions, then what is stopping it from breaching multiple timelines?]

Kaguya broke the controller in her hand as she stared at the Chat Room screen.

[ NEET Princess: Suddenly... I'm feeling very insecure]

[Big Sister Lion: Ummm... Can I have the Teigu now?]

Leone felt she should back down now because Kaguya and Kazuma entered a place she doesn't understand... Again.

[ NEET Princess: Sure, you can have all the Teigu that I have, except Esdeath one because getting Yamato from Leo is almost impossible]

[Big Sister Lion: Eh?... Thank you, this will be a big help!]

[ NEET Princess: You can keep them, I don't care...]

Leone stared at the Chat Room screen as she felt grateful. She knows these guys stole the Teigu, but they also don't have a reason to give them back.

[ Advocate of Gender Equality: Wait for it...]

"Hmm?" Leone didn't understand the meaning behind Kazuma's message, but she got it immediately after a moment.

[ NEET Princess: So I can steal them again after your war is over]

"*sigh*" Leone stared at the ceiling as she was wondering what she got herself into.

Meanwhile, In DXD world. Leo was putting his head on the table as the information was being transferred from the internet to his brain. His personal reality started to add more values as his calculation speed increased and his formula improved as well. But he's still far away from level 3.

The lesson was already over as the teacher left the classroom and students were talking to each other, but suddenly, a white-haired girl entered the classroom.

"Hello, is Leo Arisaltek here?" The white-haired girl asked the classroom before a moment of silence occurred between the students.

The first thought in the mind of the students was this is Momo Hanakai from the student council. But what she's doing here. And the second thought, who the hell is Leo?.

{Finally, this took forever...} Leo saw the Momo before standing up from his desk and walking towards her.

"He isn't here?" Momo stared at the confused students as she saw they really don't know the one called Leo, but at that moment she felt someone tapping her shoulder.

"You're from the student council, right? Then let's go..." Leo stared at the surprised girl in front of him as he felt this is taking so long.

"Are you Leo Arisaltek?" Momo was surprised by Leo appearing suddenly as she didn't understand how she can miss a guy wearing headphones in the middle of the class.

"Yes, can we get going?" Leo repeated his words before walking towards the classroom door, but he stopped at that moment.

"Was this guy a part of our class?!"

"I never saw him before"

"He looks kinda cute..."

"Dammit! Walking with Hanakai-san..."

Leo listened to all the student's words behind his back as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Momo stared at Leo's actions before she widened her eyes from the shock.

"SHUT UP!! YOU'RE ANNOYING!!!" Leo screamed at his classmates as the entire class with the school corridor was in the state of silence.

"*Sigh*..." Leo stared at his shocked classmates before he walked outside the classroom while Momo recovered and followed him.

"Who the hell was that guy?!" The whole classroom exploded after Leo left with angry screams, but in the middle of those screams that were some different individuals.

"That was cool..." some girls had a blush on their faces while looking at the way Leo left.

Leo felt the classroom as he didn't know that he learned a new Joestar technique, which means he really deserves that star mark on his shoulder.

"Arisaltek-san! Wait!!" Leo heard a voice behind him before looking at Momo that was following him.

"Where are you going?" Momo asked Leo before he said " To the student council room"

"But... Do you know its location?" Momo said that because Leo is walking in the opposite direction of the student council.

"I don't!!" Leo said seriously before he looked at Momo and said" However, I'll reach there eventually"

"Eh? Wait!!" Momo saw Leo walking again before trying to stop him.

After a lot of twists and turns, Leo and Momo reached the student council room while Momo was feeling tired now. Even if she was a devil.

"This is the student council room, Arisaltek-san. Please wait a moment" Momo said to Leo before he knocked at the door and received a reply. After hearing Sona's voice, Momo opened the door.

Leo entered the room as he saw all the student council members were working and Sona was sitting on the desk.

"Welcome...To the student council, Leo Arisaltek " Sona raised her head as she greeted Leo and brought all the student council members to him.

"...." Leo stared at student council members before he looked at Sona and said " You know what? After a second thought... Can I leave?"

(*Awkward silence*)

The whole student council was caught in a moment of silence as all Sona peerage was shocked by Leo's words.

"...." Sona fixed her glasses as they reflected the light before she said "... No"

"Oh..." Leo pushed his glasses as they also reflected the light before he said "... That's unfortunate"

"Very unfortunate..." Sona crossed her finger as she stared at Leo.

"Hm..." Leo stared at Sona at the same time as a very heavy atmosphere appeared in the room.

The student council members looked at each other, but they didn't dare to interfere, especially after feeling the heavy atmosphere.


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