Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 116 - Positions.

In complete silence, the dazzling light swept the world like a wave, a huge tsunami engulfing everything. It was like the brightness refused to co-exist with anything, even all the sounds in the world vanished.

Covering the world in a white blanket, the light spread quickly, sweeping the whole reality marble with it. In less than a moment, and without any explosions, the reality and foundation of the reality marble had many cracks flowing with the brightness.

Next, like water following on scraps, the reality marble was washed away by the light. Flying in the air before melting quickly and not raising any waves. With it, several figures were flushed away easily as they couldn't resist at all.

The parallel world faced the same situation. Even if Zelretch tried to stop it, the milky white light didn't stop, however, sensing no danger from the light, he chose to stop. Of course, there's also the fact that he couldn't teleport now or he'd already left the place.

Like a gentle veil covering the sky and earth, the milky white light repeated his action on the Zelretch's parallel world, turning it into scattered fragments in the air.

This light that was made completely from the Origin power that was absorbed in the 'Hook' looked like it was controlled by something to clean all these anomalies above the real world.

After sweeping the parallel world, the light dies down immediately, revealing the real world that was basically safe from the world-ending battle royal.

The snowstorm had already stopped as sunlight was piercing through clouds, melting the snow slightly and reliving the repressed feeling a little. The Holy Grail was already removed and the man-vacuuming machine stopped plundering all the vitality of the land.

Zelretch squinted his eyes because of the light, only to hear the sound of electricity clicking and a slight shattering one.

Looking at his hand, he saw some smoke rising from his Jeweled Sword and a current of electricity flashed inside some small cracks. His face darkened while looking at his almost broken Mystic code, a sword that can perform the 2nd True magic.

"*Sigh* I knew it, no matter what was the deal, or how it was performed, the one was bound to lose money if it was Alaya" Zelretch sighed at his fate while inspecting his Jeweled Sword.

He waved his hand, destroying Alex's body with a magic cannon before walking away. Maybe he can save his Mystic Code.

In the sky, Gilgamesh stood on his ship as he frowned at the white light. EA's in his hand has already stopped rotating as the mana was very, very low now. However, the most striking thing was the sword and Gilgamesh were becoming slightly transparent while some small light particles were floating.

"Hmph, they survived, huh?" Looking up, Gilgamesh saw some dark spots in the sky as he didn't care about his condition now.

He was just returning to the Heroic Throne, nothing more. Despite that, he was slightly surprised by his physical body vanishing as well. It seems this isn't a normal exit for this world.

The Chains of Heaven were also turning into light particles slowly as Enkidu 'looked' at Gilgamesh.

"....." Gilgamesh didn't speak as he observed the figures for a moment before he smiled.

"Did you see something Gil?" Enkidu, who knew about Gilgamesh's clairvoyance, thought that his friend saw something that picked his interest.

"Recovering this piece of land was the first step and the following will be beyond what happened here. Even with the help of my other self, they are just fighting a losing battle, maybe letting it die here would have been better" Looking at the orange-haired girl holding the golden sheath, Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Gil…" Enkidu couldn't help but call his friend's name when he saw his look.

However, Gilgamesh grinned as his body was almost vanishing and said " Yet, in this new future, away from my eyes, struggle with all your might, maybe your actions will prove to be worthy as an entertainment for the king, fuhahahaha!!"

Feeling that the last mana vanished and they were about to disappear, Enkidu sighed before he said " Gil!"

"Hm?" Gilgamesh stopped his laughter as he looked at the chains.

"You missed…" With those words, the chains disappeared as Gilgamesh swore he could see Enkidu smiling.

"...." Turning into light particles, Gilgamesh just remembered that he missed with an Anti-World Noble Phantasm.

With that, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who used all their mana and power, have left the war.

Slightly higher than Gilgamesh's previous location, several figures were falling from the sky.

Hearing the wind whistling around him, Leo had a blank expression while crossing his arms.

His hair was blowing with the wind while his body was rotating slowly in space as the world was spinning, the sky and earth were rotating in his vision, yet in these conditions, his face was still expressionless while crossing his arms.

{In my condition, falling down will probably kill me once… meh} Glancing at the ground, Leo didn't change his expression. He really didn't care if he would fall and die once, like it'll kill him completely.

Taking regular damage like this will at most kill his physical body, which isn't all that important. Although recovering the body will take some time and for it to get used to his soul power will take longer, it isn't a big problem.

His condition isn't optimistic at all. He didn't have any mana currently and his body was hollowed from strength. His brain was stinging badly and the magic crest on his shoulder was sending pain from his soul. His angel mode was deactivated. Yet, he wasn't worried at all, he wondered if the insanity in his Origin increased his own.

{Now with Heaven's Feels, even if I didn't complete it, the independence of my soul increased, which made me wonder…} Feeling the pain in his brain, Leo was lost in thoughts.

{Can I separate my head from my body and walk like a dullahan? Hmmm ... Interesting, very interesting} Leo was asking some important questions, completely ignoring the ground that was getting closer before he heard a scream in the middle of the wind's howling.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Glancing to his side, Leo saw a couple of people experiencing the wonderful free fall with him. The one who screamed was closest to him.

"Oh? Hello" Leo greeted the screaming Rin as she snapped immediately " Don't you dare 'Hello' me!! What did you do?!"

Everyone who was in the reality marble were swept like trash as they rose and rose in the sky before the milky white light vanished, leaving them in a free fall.

Rin was screaming because of the quick change in events while Archer was trying to grab her, Merlin had a helpless expression on his face while leaving a trail of flowers, Ritsuka felt weird for this double free fall, and Nero was shaking her head from the headache she just got, yet there were three new faces and a corpse falling down too.

"Why are you complicating the situation? This is nothing, at most, we'll die once" Leo said in a nonchalant manner, which gained a nod from Merlin as a follow member in the 'not dying if got killed' club.

However, his words ignited Rin's rage further " What do you mean by dying once?! We can only live once!!!"

"Heh, with that mindset, you were clearly born in the wrong world" Leo ignored the angry Rin, who was caught by Archer, and he glanced at the three new visitors.

They were also looking at the corpse with the crushed head, falling faster than everyone.

Glancing at the surprise, disbelieve, fear, anger, sadness on the face of Medea and Sakura, Leo looked at Ritsuka and Rin before sighed and said "This will be either easy or too troublesome"

"..." Feeling Leo's eyes, Medusa didn't know why, but she shuddered a little before summoning her horse, Pegasus. Despite feeling that the being in front of her is in a bad condition, her instinct told her to run immediately. She doesn't have time or mana to waste now, at least, she'll send Sakura to safety.

During this conversation, the ground was very close, but apparently, only Ritsuka seemed to care.

After all, it was a life-threatening situation, right? Glancing at all these reactions, Ritsuka didn't know if she was the weird one or she was too normal for this place.

Fou was on Ritsuka's shoulder as he patted her, like telling her to give up on these pointless thoughts.

However, with Avalon, she's the equivalent of the strongest meat shield in this world, so she's the least threatened by this situation.

Suddenly, she saw a red flash before Nero, using her mana as a thruster on her feet, was able to step on air and rush to Leo.

"I caught you!" Nero caught Leo in the middle of the air with a hug, which made him stare at her without changing expression and say" You caught me… yay"

"Fear not, with me here, there's nothing to worry about!!" Nero said with a smile while closing her eyes, like preparing for the impact.

"Nero" Leo still has his expressionless face.

"Umu! I know you're moved and grateful, however! You don't have to worry about me!" Nero hugged Leo tighter.

"Nero" Leo's tone raised slightly.

"I'm an omnipotent genius and I will su-..." Before Nero completed her word, she heard a loud voice " Nero!"

"Hm?" Opening her eyes, Nero stared at Leo before she noticed that there was no wind blowing. They were floating a few meters above the ground and their bodies had a pink aura that defied the gravity and momentum of the fall.

Medusa and Pegasus were frozen by the pink aura before ripples appeared in space. Palkia passed through the ripples and controlled his power, lowering everyone slowly to the ground, even Medusa and Pegasus, who were frozen in space.

"Ah! The ground where my flowers grow, I missed you!" Merlin breathed a sigh of relief when he finally landed.

Fou landed behind as he looked at Merlin, who looked like he'll kiss the ground in the next second… Does that count as kissing Gaia? Fou shook his head furiously to forget about this horrible thought.

"What was that?" Ritsuka asked Leo and Nero, who landed, with a blank expression. Couldn't he summon this beast faster? Then she looked at Gugalanna as she gone completely speechless.

"Venom, can you sustain physical activities" Leo didn't answer her as he communicated with Venom, who said {Although runes are completely ineffective currently, the normal physical aspect is possible}

A few black strips appeared from inside the slightly ragged clothes of Leo as they were moving like tattoos on his skin, they even spread slightly around his face. Moving his hand slightly, Leo found no problem in moving normally, although using a bigger strength than a regular human is impossible now.

"Absurd battle rules number three, if you use all that you have like a madman in one attack, always make sure you have a backup plan or some other hidden cards" Leo's answer left Ritsuka dumbfounded, what the hell was the absurd battle rules?

Archer put Rin down while looking at the frozen Medusa. To be honest, fighting her would be a great disadvantage for him. Even if he used UBW, he was bound to lose against Medusa in a fair fight, so he targeted Sakura to lower her movements.

"Shinji-sama… please, no…" Medea was turning into light particles while looking at Shinji's corpse with tears.

Her body was ragged and her arm was cut off by Nero's sword as she was almost pleading for the corpse to wake up again, but only the silence answered as her tears dropped from her eyes.

"Brother… brother… " Sakura seemed to be broken as her eyes stared at Shinji's corpse, like she didn't want to believe what she was looking at.

Medusa was frozen in space as she struggled but her mana was running low and Palkia's space wasn't easy to solve.

Struggling to move forward, Medea wasn't able to muster any strength as she vanished in tears, leaving Sakura collapsing on the ground while whispering " Sister Medea…"

She was once again alone. Tears couldn't help but fall from Sakura's eyes as he clenched her fists, dragging some dirt from the ground.

"Sakura…" Rin felt the words were stuck in her throat. She wanted to move forward, but looking at her sister's tears, she couldn't.

Archer sighed while looking at the clear sky as the dark clouds were scattered. Always, always there has to be a sacrifice and someone to be left suffering. This is the nature of this world, be it in saving humanity or war, like this one.

Looking at this scene, Ritsuka glanced at Shinji, who was headshotted, before looking at Sakura and Medea. Her stomach felt uncomfortable and she clenched her fist, honestly, if she saw someone die, she wouldn't react this much, but this scene… She didn't know what to do.

"Troublesome it is" Leo shook his head while looking at this scene. He glanced at Shinji's corpse and saw the breath life had left it. Shinji in his Gate of Truth mode, completed the Kabbalah knowledge, so that technically made him a god.

The bullet pulled him into a paradox and returned him into a human, but Shinji couldn't handle the power of the Gate as a human, his soul isn't enough at all. With the Gate collapsing, Shinji's soul returned to normal and couldn't survive the debuff from the 1st Noble Phantasm, shattering and vanishing.

Apparently, even without this, the traversers' souls seemed to be attached to their cheats with a strong bond. If the system left, they die. If it was destroyed, they'd also die.

"Sakura, I…" Rin gathered her courage and moved towards Sakura, almost touching her shoulder, but her hand was slapped immediately.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!! DON'T YOU DARE CALL MY NAME!!" Sakura screamed to the top of her lungs as her face was filled with different expressions. Sad, anger, fear, resentment, and pain as tears streamed from her face.

"I-I-I…" Rin was tongue-tied as she was stuttering. Sakura's face and eyes were tearing her heart, but she didn't retreat.

"Oh? What? No, no, no, I should have known from the start. This is Tohsaka's family, like always, taking everything away from me!!" Seeing Rin's face, Sakura smiled blankly like losing her soul before she said "You took my life once, now you took it again, with my only brother"

"But I'm…" Rin tried to say something before Sakura screamed "YOU'RE NOT MY SISTER!!! I HAVE ONE SISTER AND HER NAME IS MEDEA!!!"

"YOU'RE JUST A MURDERED!! SOMEONE WHO'LL NOT SUTTLE DOWN UNtil...until they take everything away from me…" More tears appeared in Sakura's eyes as she felt her strength leaving her and her feet were weak. She is almost collapsing, the pillars that supported her all vanished in moments and leaving her alone.

Medusa's eyes became red as her struggles increased when she saw Sakura's situation.

Merlin didn't show any different expression, but he raised his staff slowly.

Rin lowered her head as she couldn't raise it any more, she just couldn't keep listening and watching.

Ritsuka listened to these words as she felt a hammer was striking on her heart. This feeling was one of the worst she experienced.

"Hm? Sorry, but I believe that I was the one who killed the dear brother of yours" Suddenly, Sakura heard an emotionless voice. She looked over to see Leo staring at her with his nonchalant eyes.

"Lucifer?!" Ritsuka didn't expect this at all as she stared at Leo in shock.

"What? You got the wrong person, I was the one that shot your brother to the head, ending his life" Without changing his expression, Leo said those words calmly. Like he wasn't talking about killing but drinking water instead, completely casual.

Leo's tone and eyes made Sakura's eyes red from anger. She was completely mad as she gathered mana in her hand and tried to rush towards Leo.

All the thoughts in her head were that she'll kill him, it was him who took her brother from her! She'll never stop until he's a corpse on the ground!!

Leo narrowed his eyes as they flashed with a chill that made Ritsuka shudder slightly.

"SAKURA!!!" Rin activated the strengthening magecraft and caught Sakura.

"YOU MURDER!!! I'LL KILL YOU!! I'LL ABSOLUTELY KILL YOU!!! LET ME GO!!" Sakura was struggling as Rin refused to let go. If she let go, she had a feeling that she'll really lose her sister completely.

"I'm terribly sorry, but please go to sleep" Merlin appeared in front of Sakura as he tapped her head with his staff.

Sakura's screams grew weaker before her eyelids became heavy and closed. She fell to sleep in Rin's arms.

"Palkia" Looking at Sakura's condition, Leo said calmly as Palkia removed the space power on Medusa.

Medusa immediately rushed towards Sakura in Rin's arms, but she didn't take her. She felt that even if her master hated Rin, she was probably the last person available to help.

Rin looked in distress at Sakura sleeping as she was wondering if she did the right thing. Joining this party, she saved her sister or she'll probably be a corpse with Shinji. This was the HGW and magi battles, but even if she knew, that still brought her more pain.

As for Nero, she just stood there, like Sakura's outbreak didn't concern her at all.

"Hm? What happened to you, 'master'?" Leo noticed Ritsuka's gaze as he looked at her eyes directly and said " Are you shocked to see the reaction from the loved ones of the dead?"

"This reaction is normal and very predictable. Don't tell me you thought of taking a life without thinking of receiving something like this one day?" Leo lifted his eyebrow as his calm look made Ritsuka bite her lip.

She knew this tone. These days, she found that Leo has several tones in his talk. This one when he says 'master' in a funny way, it means that he found this boring and he's just waiting to see her reaction.

"Just now… Were you planning on killing her?" Ritsuka stared directly into Leo's eyes while waiting for an answer.

"Without any hesitation" Leo said his answer normally as Ritsuka took a deep breath and asked Nero " Can I ask you the same?"

"I'll execute her for trying to kill the emperor" Nero's words were short like Leo as they converted their meaning instantly to Ritsuka.

Nero is an emperor, times were very different. When going to war and kill enemies' soldiers, do you think they'll not have families behind them? Also, the emperor was like a god in Rome, so the values of life were completely different from today.

This is the difference between Ritsuka, who grew up in the modern era and didn't interact with magi society, and a lot of heroic spirits in old eras.

"*Sigh*... truly, troublesome" Leo sighed again while looking at Ritsuka lowering her head.

He knew this would come one day, so he wasn't surprised or moved by it at all. His job, their job, in the Chat Room, is to hunt the system users and all the traversers for the world's wills.

The Chat Room isn't a bunch of good guys nor evil. Their job and mission are completely clear and they already choose their position. Leo is clear of this and became clearer after the first time the Chat Room was introduced.

Also, who said the world's wills side is good or bad? The Outer Gods are bad? Naive! There isn't a bad or good sides here. Both sides will absolutely have their reasons despite being vague. Even the Chat Room classifies them as enemies, not as absolute evil.

People change, people varieties, it's impossible for all these traverses or even a large number of them to be the so-called evil according to human's understanding.

There will be good and even very good traversers. They'll have friends, allies, even families, yet their job as hunters was to clear their existence from the world. It doesn't matter if they were good or bad, they had to be eliminated because every action they take, be it justice or evil, will bring a negative impact on the world.

Some will talk about co-exist and finding a friendly solution? For what? A war that who knew when it started in the multiverse and now you want to find peace? Will Outer Gods stop? No, they need Origin power. Will the world's wills stop? No, they won't let Outer Gods suck their Origin power like vampires. There's definitely hatred after all this time, even the Outer Gods might have it too.

For traversers like Shinji, who escaped the control of the Outer God, is there a solution? Maybe, but even if it existed, who can be sure that he really escaped the control or he's just dancing on the palm of the Outer God all the time?

These problems aren't Leo's concern at all. He'll just go with what was told in the mission and finish it. He'll avoid all the chance to form any sort of friendship with Outer Gods' agents, so he can focus without an emotional chain.

For this reason, he chose to take these types of missions at the start for Kazuma and Misaka. Currently, they just met the so-called bad guys, so the effect wasn't a lot, but if they were to meet a scene like this with Sakura or bigger than it with the need to kill a very good guy? Will they do it? Or will they freeze in their places?

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, you are not a good guy, neither a bad one. Something like good and bad is very unstable and might never exist, especially if your path was to save humanity and your dear people" Shaking his head, Leo glanced at Shinji's corpse.

"Then, what? If the path you're talking about is like this, is it really worth it?" Ritsuka was unwilling as she looked at the ground.

Leo shook his head before his expression became serious and said" They say the evil is subjective and some say it's not and people should be aware of what evil and good in this era. Hehehe, Let's assume this is correct, does it also apply to other eras? Different species? It doesn't even apply to this era, there's magi and Dead Apostles"

"Did you finally realize it? Master of Chaldea, your stage isn't a mere era, but the whole timelines, even places that were never seen in history, and your true enemy isn't your opponents! It's humanity itself! Logic and virtues imposed in a certain era will become pointless" Leo chuckled a little before he said " The path of humans' salvation isn't an easy one and it has just started. What will follow is beyond what you saw here, at that time, you'll be the one to make the choice, so before you sympathies with others, knew your position first"

"Even if I can see that you knew your position clearly from that jump" Leo's words were like an arrow on Ritsuka's heart because she couldn't deny them.

He was right. When she jumped, she was thinking about Mashu, Romani, and everyone in Chaldea. That was her goal, the true reason for fighting. She didn't give any thought to whether someone might suffer from her action and even if she did, she won't hesitate. Like Leo said, this is her position.

Archer felt like he's sighing a lot. If this was his younger self, he'll be the first to shoot him, but looking at others experiencing it, honestly, he didn't react much but it left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Hahaha, now, now, let's stop! Look at the bright side, everyone is safe and sound" Merlin came with a dry laugh as he tried to ease the atmosphere, but even he knew that this was hard.

He doesn't know these feelings Ritsuka is experiencing, he isn't human enough to know, so the best he could do was try to switch attention.

Rin raised her head and looked at this as she also sighed. This reminds her of some young and new magi, who weren't affected by the supernatural world situation.

"Oh? It seems something interesting is happening here" A voice appeared from the side as Zelretch was walking slowly.

"Hm? Didn't you run away?" Leo lifted his eyebrow while looking at the old magician before he noticed the huge Gugalanna.

"Believe me, I really want to leave, but the deal forces me to check on the situation" Zelretch said before he looked at Shinji's corpse and waved his hand.

Ripples appeared in space before the corpse disappeared. Zelretch stroked his beard and said " You were going to destroy it anyway, so let me do that more effectively"

"Doing charity now?" Leo didn't care about Zelretch's moves as he looked at Gugalanna and said " Hey, big guy, do you want to go with me or return to your owner"

Gugalanna lowered it head to stare at Leo while thinking slightly. It wasn't going to return to its owner even if the timeline was fixed. It'll be stolen again from Ishtar in Babylon by Ishtar in New York.

Either way, Gugalanna will suffer from two unreasonable owners instead of one. An Ishtar, who lost brian cells and became a useless goddess, and another Ishtar, who lost brian cells and became a third wheel for Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

So, it made a decision. Go with this god that has a strong Venus' authority before making the final call.

"Okay, become smaller!" Leo said as Gugalanna tilted its head in confusion. Leo put his arm on its hoof and sent a picture to its brain.

Gugalanna felt weird, but it nodded before a bright light flashed and it started to shrink. From a mountain size divine beast to a size similar to Pikachu by using its divine power.

It became a small boar with black and white colors. It also had two small blue horns on its head.

"I'll call you, POMD(Piglet Of Mass Destruction)!" Picking up Gugalanna, Leo gave it a name that'll leave everyone speechless if they knew its true meaning.

"Gugalanna now" Zelretch shook his head as he turned away.

These interactions between them made everyone feel like these two knew each other very clearly.

"Now, if you excuse me…" Zelretch was about to leave before he saw Rin, who was holding Sakura, and said " You don't have to worry about the aftermath, let's say, it'll be cleaned"

With those words, Zelretch didn't stay another second in this place of madness as he teleported immediately.

"What does that mean… huh?" Rin was confused by Zelretch's words before she noticed several light particles flying in the air.

They appeared from everyone and everything, even she was turning into light particles, which alarmed her greatly.

"What is going on?!" Ritsuka was surprised before she felt her hands were light. Avalon turned into light and disappeared with the wind.

"Ever heard of the hard reset button? Let's say, the world has pushed it, you can also count it as your wish from the Holy Grail" Leo looked at some light particles on his hands.

Although this timeline could be destroyed and start from scratch, it isn't cost-effective, so the world will use this place as the starting point and draw the other timelines. And for that to happen, it'll be moved back to the ideal form, which means eliminating all the anomalies.

Meanwhile, in the imaginary numbers space, a temple was swimming in the void. Unlike the usual calm, it had several light particles flying around.

The Demon Gods Pillars started to disappear from the temple because the timeline is getting fixed and they played a large role in it, so they were forcibly taken by the world.

"A Beast and Human Evil saving the world…" Goetia was sitting on the throne while looking at the dark void. His face didn't carry much emotions, yet he seemed in deep thoughts.

"Using the last timeline as a seed to grow up the other timelines, an obvious move from the CounterForce. Hmph, if it were an ordinary one, they would cut it like a parasite from the tree" Laughing coldly, Goetia shook his head before he looked at the Demon Gods Pillars.

"Don't resist. The CounterForce are restarting the timelines, so to avoid a paradox, our plan will recover as well. After this finish, I'll awaken your memories" Goetia said as the Demon Gods nodded and bowed before they disappeared.

In less than a few moments, Goetia was left alone in the temple of time, staring at the empty void. After a long time, he said " Jedidiah… huh?"

Looking at the particular memory in his body's mind, Goetia closed his eyes as everything returned to silence.

Back to the broken timeline.

"Umu! Although I think you need to lower it a little, well said!" Nero waited until this finished as she saw her figure become slightly transparent.

She and Merlin are receiving mana from Leo. So, after Leo wasted all his mana, they are in the same situation as the other servant. But it doesn't make much difference because everyone is getting rejected from the timeline now.

"Maybe… just maybe" Looking at Ritsuka in deep thoughts, Leo shook his head before he saw Nero standing in front of him with her arms wide open.

Leo lifted his eyebrow, but Nero didn't change her expression, which made him sigh.

"Umu! Say it" Nero took it as yes as she pulled Leo into a big hug while narrowing her eyes.

"Really?" Leo said with a helpless voice, then he saw Nero's condition. The Spirit Core was weak, her dress was burned slightly and she lost her ribbon. There was a couple of burns on her body, even her sword was cracked slightly.

{You're really unreasonable, for what did you do this? Honestly, there wasn't a big reason for you to take any risk for me} Sighing, Leo, in Nero's surprised eyes, hugged her back.

"Fine, thank you, Nero. Thank you for everything. For your help and support and more importantly, thank you for your heart, really thank you" Hearing Leo's words, Nero's eyes sparkled as she hugged back with a smile "Umu!"

However, when she hugged him, she whispered in Leo's ear " Yet, a pillar of hate and revenge isn't ideal. Neither for you or that girl"

"I'm a Beast" Leo didn't care a lot. Nero tightened her hug as she said " I know"

"Ho? How sweet. I like these situations much more!" Merlin said as he brought attention to himself.

He was also turning into flower petals, scattering slowly with the wind. It's Merlin's signature form of servant's usual light particles.

"This reminds me. Ahem!" Leo coughed like he was forcing himself to say something before he said " Thank you too, Merlin. Honestly, you were the greatest help here"

"Hm?! Oh c'mon, don't say that. You'll make me blush" Merlin said while putting his hand on his face. This made Fou's ears raise as he looked at him with killing intent.

"Don't push it" Leo felt extremely helpless by this reaction.

The light particles and flower petals increased. The servants around were losing mana very quickly and almost disappearing completely. Even Leo and Ritsuka were getting rejected from this timeline.

"It seems this is the end of this journey in our lives" Merlin's looked at Ritsuka and said " I'll not say goodbye because our paths will surely cross again"

"Until then, I hope that your journey will be safe" Merlin smiled at everyone here before he turned into flower petals and scattered with the wind.

Compared with everyone here, he was under greater pressure. The timeline was returning to normal so his ability to stay here was denied, even using Leo's identity as a Beast to stay was impossible.

At first, he used a spell with Avalon's assistant to use his human side dreams as a link to Beast VI after Leo visited Avalon. This was actually a very genius way, but it left Leo in a wonder, how many times did Merlin bit his tongue?

Fou looked at Merlin's figure disappearing as he lowered his head and ears a little before moving back to Ritsuka.

"Master, I'll be going" Archer looked at Rin holding Sakura.

"I know" Rin said briefly while looking at her sister's sleeping face.

"Master, I know this was a huge blow, but look forward. As long as you keep fighting, even if it's ridiculous, maybe you'll succeed" Archer was leaving as he closed his eyes.

"Thank you, Archer. Thank you for everything" Hearing those words, Archer just smiled and said " Thank you too… Rin"

"Can I leave Sakura with you?" Medusa said as she looked straight into Rin's eyes.

She didn't need an answer. Rin's eyes told her everything she needed to know as she couldn't stay further and turned into light particles.

"Umu! It seems it's my time too. However, don't worry, even if we were separated. I'll find you even at the end of the earth!" saying some scary words, Nero smiled while looking at Leo.

Leo looked at her as he stopped any question he was about to say. Even if he asked, he'll just get an unreasonable answer, so he just smiled.

"We're absolutely a bunch of unreasonable people" Leo said with a small smile, even if his body was hurting from the hug, but that smile disappeared in the next second because of a whisper.

"Now… Show me your face" Like doing a complete turn, Nero said those words that got an instant response from Leo " No chance"

Nero pouted as she tightened her hug. Leo felt his already hurt body was screaming for mercy. But he let her hug him, counting it as his last thank he can give for now.

After some moments, Nero turned into light particles in Leo's arm and flew with the wind, returning to the Heroic Throne.

Staring at the light spots, Leo shook his head before he looked at Ritsuka, who finally sighed and looked at them with him.

Ritsuka looked at Leo directly. His clothes were slightly ragged and his horns disappeared. She wanted to say something but Leo stopped her" Any question you have isn't for a Beast like me to answer. Live and see, maybe one day you'll reach it. But here is an interesting thing, that girl just now, she killed before. So, what'll her reaction be if she had a situation like this?"

"*Sigh* Honestly, this is troublesome. I really hate to think about these things" Leaving Ritsuka to her thoughts, Leo looked at light particles flying towards the sky. This was a magnificent scene, but he didn't have any mood to appreciate it.

To be honest, if he was in a different situation and condition, he'd kill Sakura here without any hesitation. A loose end isn't a very good thing to keep, especially Sakura, who has a probability of becoming a vassal for Beast, although it's much smaller because the timeline changes.

No matter how much her past was horrible or she was miserable, an enemy is an enemy, especially after she attacked with the intent to kill. Who doesn't have his own sad story and pain?

In reality, he can kill Sakura here directly. Even if he kept Ritsuka's words, Rin only wanted to find her sister, not protect her. Yet, he let them go. He said it multiple times, this situation is very troublesome.

Even if something went wrong, he has the biggest backer in the world(Root). Without the 'Hook' interference, Root is the last person someone wants to mess with.

Leo really hates to think a lot about these things. They usually leave a bad taste in his mouth. Maybe his Origin felt him and subconsciously drove him to get a huge strength, just to throw away these schemes and crush everything with power.

"Well, it's time" Leo's body almost became completely transparent as he raised his hand and put it on top of Ritsuka's head, which surprised her.

"My words, you don't need to consider them. I'm a Beast and you're a human. Make your choice and move forward, I believe you'll have a lot of people to support you" Leo messed up Ritsuka's hair completely, which made her angry and forget about these complicated things a little.

Removing his hand, Leo walked a few steps as he was next to Palkia before he said "Now, Master of Chaldea, carry this blessing and curse, go fight, struggle! Maybe you'll be the one to pope this bubble of dreams!"

"Carry what you believe in and look for it, in a world where its only virtue is strength, find it, find the beauty that you saw once! A beauty that even I can't call it superficial!" With a turn, Leo smiled as he turned into light particles, glowing like stars in the sky.

"Why can't it be only a blessing?" Ritsuka sighed at Leo's Beast speech, which made him laugh, and say " Where's the fun in that?"

Satisfied with his racial skill as a Beast to give cool speeches, Leo nodded as he looked at Ritsuka almost disappearing completely with him.

To be honest, Leo was serious in those words. This world can't be saved with peace and friendship power or something. There'll be a lot of pain in the way, and if Ritsuka can't make up her mind. She will experience a mental collapse before her body gives in.

This master of his, even if she seemed to have experienced a lot, but she was very young and inexperienced, which was weird for him. Yet, Leo didn't want to ask.

Glancing at Leo almost vanishing, Ritsuka clenched her fist before she heard a voice and something appeared from her command seals.

Her old command seals recovered with a red glow and a screen appeared above them.

[Tutorial has been completed! Chaldea is powered up by Salt has been activated!]

Leo, who felt that he did a brilliant job as a Beast with his cool speech, tilted his head while looking at that screen.

The screen was light blue and didn't have much information. There were a couple of icons at the bottom, which were: summon, formation, and others were hidden.

In less than a second, his face became pale. He knew this, deep in his nightmares, the gates of salt opened up.

"NANI DA FUCK?!" Saying the first thing in his mind, Leo and all his beasts turned into particles of light and vanished with the wind. Beast VI, has left the war, like he saw his biggest nightmare.

Looking at Leo disappearing, Ritsuka felt weird, but clenched her fist before she turned into light and felt her vision become black.

After a few moments, her vision went back as she found herself in a city burning in flames. Ritsuka knew this place very well, how many times she saw it until it was engraved in her mind.

Without moving, several skeletons like creatures moved towards her slowly. She didn't change her expression as a girl with black armor and a large shield rushed to protect her.

"Are you okay, senior!" Hearing the familiar voice, Ritsuka felt her body trembling a little.

This is her chance, the last chance. Nothing will stop her! She'll definitely give all and succeed!

"Let's go, Mashu!" Rushing forward, Ritsuka clenched her fist as she joined the battle.

Deep in the void, the timelines were growing like a sapling, slowly forming leaves and branched to become a tree. A new start for this world, a world where the light shines like the moon, it doesn't bring any warmth, yet it shines brightly in the sky.


Type-Moon part 1 - END-

A/N: Did anyone think that Type-Moon has a true happy ending? Oh, sweet summer child.


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