Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 110 - Three Rituals.

"Brother?!" Sakura was startled to see Shinji's condition, but Medea stopped her while shaking her head.

Sakura bit her lips before focusing on the ritual again. She knew that the ritual is important and her brother is fine from Medea's look, but she couldn't help but be worried about him.

Medusa looked at this as she didn't have a comment about the situation. She was summoned to this HGW(Holy Grail War) for 3 days, so she didn't know them a lot.

The witch, Medea. Despite coming from the same place in mythology, which is Greek. She didn't know her much, but to see her somehow happy here, was a surprise for Medusa.

Sakura is her Master, so she'll listen to her, especially because she liked this Master in the past days.

Shinji... Except for looking like Perseus and having the same vibes, she didn't have much of an opinion.

When Medusa was in deep thoughts, Shinji was having trouble standing. His face was pale and his body was swaying left and right, but the smile on his face didn't vanish.

"*Sigh* My soul's wounds that I kept treating all those years were opened again..." Shinji sighed helplessly, but when looking at these command seals, he smiled again.

These command seals are special ones that can act like an authority, an authority over the world itself, but it's only on the world they were made from.

Unlike the world outside where Gaia and Alaya stand up like an angry police officer, here, in his Reality Marble that took a smaller, but similar form of something that this world doesn't like... A Lostbelt.

Lostbelts are alternate timelines that aren't supposed to exist, which is why they're lost. To be honest, all these timelines can be considered as a small Lostbelt because of the players and people that shouldn't exist manifesting everywhere.

Shinji just pushed that concept a little bit with his Origin and power from Gate of Truth, which turned his Reality Marble into a small Lostbelt away from human history, especially after using Avalon.

Avalon isn't connected to the human's history at all, it's an independent world, which gave Shinji a sharp boost in his plans.

10 years, 10 years from waiting and planning just to be able to use this world condition to achieve this feat. Shinji is at the last steps of his plan, which include treating his soul and turning this Reality Marble into a ship to leave all this madness.

{I know that I was lucky in my stay here. The world's condition gave me a lot of freedom to do things that were completely impossible in the regular Type-Moon's world. However, Beast VI and Solomon appeared} Shinji took a deep breath as he raised his arm with the command seals.

"Brother!!??" "Shinji-sama?!" in the surprised eyes of Sakura and Medea, Shinji jumped into the ritual and sank directly.

At the highest point of the reality marble, ripples appeared in the air before Shinji started a free fall towards the battlefield. Even if the reality marble became this strong, it still doesn't have something like outer space, after all, the deep dark space is a place where Cthuluh and Aliens Gods wander.

"Hm?" Leo, who was still looking at this reality marble, sensed something before looking towards the sky.

"A wild Wakame appeared, huh? Your plan is very bold, I give you that" Leo looked at Shinji falling from the sky before he raised his lance.

Feeling the change in the structure of the reality here and surprise for becoming something like a Lostbelt, Leo didn't know what to think, except for being a little lighter here. Unlike the real world and its condition, this place provides more mobility for him.

To be honest, except for annoying him all the time, having his strength limited allowed him to save mana for long fights. After all, his mana is very pure and strong, but it's limited in the end.

Therefore, he chose to attack Wakame. Frankly, Leo doesn't like this plan, and the fact it became something like a Lostbelt makes him hate it more. If this wasn't a trap or a plan of some kind, then he'll just throw his Halo away and call it a day.

With those thoughts, the holy lance glowed with a bright light before a stronger singularity appeared on its tip. The energy was compressed immediately before Leo shot a huge beam of light at Shinji in the sky.

Solomon, who was having trouble with Gugalanna striking his temple with lightning, looked at the sky to see Shinji. The light ring on his temple did a 180-degree change in its angle before aiming at Shinji.

Gugalanna or Shinji? Solomon has personal and business problems with Shinji. Like Leo, Solomon doesn't want to stay in this reality marble or even allow it to exist after seeing this transformation.

However, with this reality marble current strength, it might take two or three shots from full power Noble Phantasm to break down, so it's better to just shoot Shinji down.

Shinji, who was in his free fall, looked at the two sworn enemies ganging upon him as his lips twitched. The two beams of lights were coming from two directions while crushing everything in their ways.

Shinji sighed at this scene before he raised his command seals as their glow almost covered his whole hand.

"My first order! The world and reality will move according to my ritual flow!!" Without more hesitation, Shinji said his first order to this world.

With those words, a ritual in front of Medea and Sakura with Shinji in the middle, glowed brightly before a strange wave passed the whole reality marble.

Leo and Solomon felt the wave of energy passing them as they got chills. They couldn't see or understand what passed them. It felt like everything changed and nothing at the same time, which didn't give them a good feeling.

Shinji in the sky stopped falling down without even caring about the two beams. The two scorching beams of light reached Shinji only to revolve him. They did a few laps around him before launching towards Solomon and Leo.

Their speed doubled and energy increased as they were burning and scorching the air stronger while arriving at their target almost instantly.

Leo's pupil shrank a little before he raised his wing and applied a flaw on the vectors of energy.

To be honest, it's been a while since he used his Esper ability like this. Although his ability can work passively with his existence as a Beast, after all, the Evil of Humanity can be counted as a flaw in humanity.

Maybe it was the world's condition and the fact that Type-Moon world's flaws can be harder to look and find, so he was just bombing the place with his Noble Phantasms and skills. Besides, everyone here likes to play with concepts, so it takes a little time to apply flaws on them while nuking them is much easier.

The seven-colored dark wing stretched up before smacking the energy beam. No energy could be transmitted into the wing or pass through it as the wing acted like a mirror and shot the beam back to Shinji.

Solomon saw this as he teleported his temple away and let the beam fall on Gugalanna.


The Bull of Heaven took a direct hit from an attack that could be the hottest thing on this planet, which pushed him away and made him dizzy because of the impact. The ground was melting, so it made it hard for him to get a proper foothold as his lightning was going everywhere.

"His Origin is flow, huh?" Leo looked at the beams getting closer to Shinji before it revolved around him.

{Medea, tell Medusa to join the ritual, I might need that flow now}Shinji took a deep breath as his control over the world increased a lot.

Although he can't control Leo and Solomon's energy directly, he's almost invincible as long as the attacks can't surpass his world.

The energy beams were getting stronger and faster with each lap around him before he said his second order " My second Order! Saber will get the best Vassal and her true form will join the flow!!"

Another wave of energy passed as Leo and Solomon couldn't help but to frown before something exploded on the ground.

A tri colors light flashed like a pillar of light before it rushed into Leo immediately. Altera with her cold eyes didn't stop at all or wait for her body to adapt to change. She was cladded in a mysterious energy while swinging her sword towards Leo's eyes directly.

"Why my eyes?!" Leo said as his wing stretched and attacked Altera swiftly.

For an angel, the wings are most likely the strongest part of the body in addition to the core. Leo's wings are a concentrated AIM field and Alter Telsema catalyzation. Although they aren't invincible, they aren't something that can be easily torn or broken.

As an angel, Leo is professional in Wings-Fu! An ancient art that focus on smacking, slashing, and channeling his power throughout the wings before repeating the same steps.

*CLANG!!* *BUZZZ!!!*

The sound of metal clashing and buzzing echoed in this place as Altera stabbed Leo's right-wing, but unlike the last time, the energy on her body moved towards her sword.

The sword couldn't pierce through the wings, but it didn't stop as sparks were flying everywhere. The wing tried to push Altera away, however, the energy on the sword made her equal to the wing's strength.

"Mmm?" Leo lifted his eyebrow at this scene before stabbing with his Lance towards Altera's core.

Altera's powers and core were getting stronger with each moment. Twisting her body in an imaginable speed, Altera avoided the lance before she stepped on mid-air and attacked Leo from behind.

Leo didn't want to question when this titan was able to step on the air as his two wings slashed from behind him, however, Altera's tattoos shined on her body before she disappeared and appeared above him.


A shock wave cleared the surrounding as Leo blocked Altera's sword with his lance and glanced at the titan that put him in the biggest threat.

"Did you find that a bigger body is just a disadvantage, so you kept this one?" Leo said as he saw that Altera was pushing her body and core to keep this body and explosive power against him.

Using her skills, Crest of the Stars, she pushed her strength to the limits as she could fight Leo with strength and even push him a little with her tactics.

Altera didn't stop as her other hands, legs turned into deadly weapons while striking Leo. However, Leo easily blocked them with his other hand and wing.

{It isn't the wisest choice to touch my body without your sword...} With those thoughts, the Spin was launched from Leo's body and infected Altera's body. Her left hand, which was blocked by Leo, started twisting in a bizarre way.

Altera wanted to retreat, but her hand didn't listen to her. The left hand turned into a fist and punched toward her face directly. Even if she was slightly surprised that her body became her enemy, Altera didn't wait as he moved her head and avoided the fist.

Suddenly, Leo's leg waved like a wipe as it carried a couple of sonic booms in its way. Altera changed her position, which allowed her twisted hand that recovered a little to block the kick.


A shock wave hit Altera's arm like a speeding car, she almost lost all the feeling on her arm and it's absolutely broken now, but the energy helped her to recover immediately and returning to attack.

Shinji saw Leo and Altera getting tangled as he wanted to shoot the beam towards Leo. However, the latter, when he felt his own power, glanced at him before the beam went out of control.


The beam, with Rhongomyniad exploded in Shinji's face as it made him unable to control himself in mid-air directly.

Suddenly, Leo gathered his power on the spear as Altera's sword was getting pushed back. Altera sensed the danger as she jumped away, but the bright light from the lance knocked her away like a meteor.

Altera stabilized herself in mid-air before looking up to see Leo aiming his lance with intense power at her directly, but then, he stopped.

Leo tried to move his wings, but it was slightly difficult. He couldn't swing fast, even his mana slowed down. He felt like the whole reality was trying to slow him down, which was beyond what he expected.

Shinji, who was shot by Leo's beam explosion, raised his hand as he applied a new flow to this reality, which was Medusa's mystic eyes.

At the core, Medusa's eyes were glowing while looking at the ritual in front of her. Sakura used two of her command seals to push Rider's power to her limits.


Altera didn't miss the chance as she turned into a meteor and rushed towards Leo again. Shinji wanted to support her with his Flow, but then, he got shot down again by a huge bolt of lightning.

Gugalanna looked up as it recognized Shinji. It's the bastard that stole it from its owner! Unforgivable! The Bull of Heaven roared towards the sky as the whole weather started changing.

Thunder clouds gathered in no time before rushing towards Shinji and locking him in a big storm of lightning.

In the middle of the raging storm, Shinji felt the divinity as he couldn't control it completely, so he just waved his arms open and crushed it directly.

The clouds were cleared all around the sky as Shinji was able to see again, but then, he sensed something under him.

Solomon with his temple, was aiming the whole light ring at Shinji's direction. The power and heat in that shot wouldn't be less than using the true Noble Phantasm, which left Shinji in cold sweat.

{No, not now! I just need a little bit of energy, then I'll be able to include my Gate of Truth in this world} Shinji was unwilling as he desperately pushed himself away.

However, the ring of light sparked before an enormous beam of light shot towards the sky. Unlike all the other beams, this one was faster as it reached Shinji almost instantly.

Feeling light next to him, Shinji's sweat evaporated as his right side was burned slightly, but he was able to dodge.

Solomon looked at this as he didn't care. It's a shame he didn't hit him, but his goal was never Shinji from this attack.

The light beam reached the highest point of the reality marble before it hit it directly.


Shock waves of energy filled the sky as it drew the attention of everyone. Leo kicked away Altera, who was trying to kick him.

The energy on her body was so troublesome! He can't see a flaw with his current knowledge, nor he can break it away. That energy allowed her to recover and strengthen her power to almost her true form without the titan's power.

However, he has something more important than her as he looks at Solomon digging through the ceiling of the reality marble.

Shinji's eyes widened as he saw that the beam of light was digging the sky and trying to leave the reality marble, but why? However, a mad bull dropped another bolt of lightning on his head, which made him almost fall from the sky.

"Master, use all the command seals... It's time" Solomon looked at the sky and his temple before contacting his Master.

Outside the reality marble, on top of a building in Fuyuki city. A man with white hair was in the middle of a ritual before raising his hand towards the sky.

Marisbury Animusphere's commands seals, magic circuits, and magic crust glowed before he said " With the power of my command seals, I strengthen Caster's Noble Phantasm"

Although he only said it one time, all his command seals disappeared before the ritual under his feet started.

His command seals weren't actually strengthening the Noble Phantasm, they were only a trigger to link this ritual into another.

Solomon prepared for a lot of situations in these two days, he couldn't afford the slightest mistakes in his plan, so he actually prepared three separate rituals. Yes, three separated rituals all with the same goal.

A ritual on the ring of light in space that belongs to Beast I, one in the ring of light in his temple that connected to the space ring, and one at the hands of his master to use when the other two aren't available.

His master, Marisbury, is one of the lords of the Clock Tower and the Head of the Celestial Body Department. He left the Clock Tower to participate in the HGW and summoned Solomon.

To be honest, Marisbury didn't care about winning a lot. He's a man that strives to be ordinary. Even as a Lord, he knew about the true form of the Holy Grail and Heaven Feels(3rd True Magic), but he didn't care about it.

After the ritual under Marisbury feet was activated, the ring of light in the sky started moving. All the light belts lost their position and regrouped in completely different forms.

Like stars appearing in the middle of the day, the light belts in space changed their form into different shapes of constellations according to the Astronomy.

Marisbury looked at the formation in the sky. His calm face didn't show any thoughts or emotions, which made it hard to see what he was thinking.

At this moment, the shape of the sky in the outside world appeared in Shinji's reality marble, which made Shinji's body feel weaker. His reality marble is cracking again because of the change from the outside.

From the outside, where Solomon is launching his beam of light, the reality marble started cracking.

Everyone on the planet saw the huge formation in the sky. Ordinary people didn't understand what was happening and the supernatural side was in a dilemma because this surpassed everything they saw before, even the clash between dragons that day.

Feeling his loss of connection with the stars, Leo looked at Solomon as he sighed. When the beam leaves the reality marble and reaches the formation in the sky, Solomon's ritual will start and nothing can stop it after that.


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