Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 100 - Dream.

Leo felt this was the worst day in his life, except for that one time his father kept laughing at 'Don't you dare to ara-ara' for a week.

Sometimes when he asks for something, Richard will say 'Here, don't worry I won't... Pfff… Ara-ara… Hahaha!'. Those were dark days that he would never forget.

Stopping his thoughts about the dark past, Leo's expression surpassed the limits of annoyance as he looked at the platinum ribbons around his right arm and shoulder.

His right-wing and arm are becoming transparent. The former is losing its meaning and the latter is becoming a mass of energy because physical entities can't handle the said power.

His eyes colors started fading as they had a shade of platinum, even his horns started to lose their black color and become brighter. His halo wasn't spared as it also was slowly becoming platinum.

Leo couldn't help it when he felt that his black hair was becoming longer and it ends started glowing with a platinum color, even Venom became some sort of a robe. It was like he's becoming an ideal form of something.

Moreover, even his AIM field that he stopped spreading a lot was going like crazy.

"I was really trying… From the bottom of my heart to not accidentally destroy the world and guess what happened?" Leo started moving slowly as the fingers of his 'Right' arm started flinching.

"Wasn't Beast VI enough for you?! But no! You need to force me into this!!" Leo raised his left arm and caught his necklace before he entered it into the void like a key.

If it wasn't for the game friendly space here, this will really produce from big to absolutely no good effect on the real world.

"Hold on… Isn't their goal the world's destruction? I guess they are smart, huh?" Leo came to a sudden realization, which made a weird expression on his face.

More and more blood fell from Lizard's eyes while looking at this thing in front of him. His mind was almost blank, unable to process any proper idea or thought.

The platinum ribbons in the air literally made the world he's looking at lose meaning. All that is left is clear platinum space where nothing should exist, something that knows no beginning or end.

Outside of this world and domain, something that the laws of the world can't explain. The more he looked the more he felt that he's losing himself and everything he knows.

Although the platinum ribbons 'dragged' the blood god from his body, he couldn't move at all, even if he had some of his power, bloodline, and lives left.

{What is this… An angel?... What is an angel?} Lizard's thoughts were running wild in his head before he found something wrong.

{An… What was it called? What is this place? Who is that?} Lizard's expression became terrified as his eyes became more and more blank.

{What I'm doing?... Who am I?} Lizard's thoughts became weaker and weaker before the drool started leaking from the corner of his mouth.

He couldn't even stay awake as the last spark of wisdom was extinguished from his brain, which made him fall down. All his thoughts vanished as the last breath of life was spit from his mouth before his eyes lost focus completely.

The magical circuits rushed to the sky before they turned into the drawing of Qliphoth, but this time, Leo removed his hand as the drawing became brighter and appeared behind his head.

His three Noble phantoms are officially out of service when he activates his Ten Crowns completely, but at least, he stopped raising to the sky and ribbons halted.

Feeling his right arm again, Leo grabbed the book of the law as he glanced at the first page. Except for the first 7 phrases that were glowing, the 8 phrases, Wyrd, was glowing. The glow was spearing to the other phrases, which made Leo frown.

Clenching his right arm, he raised it slowly as the platinum ribbons started moving back into his body. However, they were resisting, which made Leo grab the Book of the Law and hit them with it.


The platinum ribbon that wanted to form a spiral wing on Leo's right shoulder lost their formation and spread around.

"Knowledge is the key to solve all problems, indeed" Looking at the thick book of the law, Leo nodded because he can just kill someone by hitting him with this book.

He had a weird feeling that this book(Physically) is the strongest beast/weapon he has.

"Look here, I don't want another long problem with spells and Origin today. I really had enough" Leo sighed as he closed his Origin and the book of the law.

With that, all the ribbons lost their platinum glow before they vanished inside Leo's body. His arm also recovered to normal and his AIM field was contained again, which made him sigh more.

In fact, that was what you can call the 'Scientific Angel' which is the thing that dragged Lucifer from To Aru's world. It's even the true face of Leo's Origin and power of spells.

It's what allowed him to even substitute the position of another angel like Gabriel because it already was able to substitute Lucifer before.

Feeling his wings returned to normal and his body recovered, Leo landed on the ground before he shook his head only to see the long black hair that passed his shoulders.

His clothes also became a black and red robe that matched the red Qliphoth behind him, it even had the Qliphoth drawing in the back of it.

"Venom…" Leo said with a quiet voice.

{Yes, my lord?} Venom answered immediately.

"Why did you transform into my servant's edgy clothes?" Leo's eyebrow was twitching while looking at his long hair and robe.

Forgetting about the hair for a moment, Leo felt like he had seen this robe before, except it had few changes, which means Root actually plagiarized this!.

{It wasn't me. I can't… We can't control our action, when those ribbons appeared} Venom said with a helpless voice. He and all the other beasts of Leo lost their connection when those platinum ribbons appeared, so nothing can be done about it.

"AHHHHHH!!!" When Leo was about to change his clothes and cut his hair, he heard a loud scream.

Looking at the side, Lizard woke up suddenly as he held his chest. He was sweating and his face was very pale.

His eyes were bloodshot and his entire body was shaking like he experienced a horrific thing now.

He just died, his remaining lives vanished just by looking at those platinum ribbons. It even made him go completely insane.

Suddenly, he saw Leo, who was looking at him with confusion, before he scrambled in fear " Stay away from me, you monster!!"

He started crawling with his hands because his legs lost their strength. This picture was showing like he'll do anything just to move one millimeter away from Leo.

"Uh-huh, although I am an angel, calling me a demon, or even a dragon isn't wrong either, but I've to agree that a monster might be more fitting" Leo tilted his head while looking at the crawling Lizard. His answer was simple like he didn't care about that fact at all and it was just a trivial matter.

"However, I must say that you're the first person to actually have a proper reaction to my existence" Leo felt this terrified guy, who was running for his life, was the proper reaction that someone should have for a Beast. Maybe he isn't insane, but saner than all of them.

He met Ritsuka, who didn't know what a Beast was, even when she knew, her actions didn't change much. Fou, who is a Beast. Nero, who is linked to his Beast's power in the first place.

The Counter Guardian Archer, even if he was in deep trouble, he won't scream like that. Rin, well, she fainted, but she was okay after that. Merlin… We don't talk about him here. That guy won't do this even if he saw Gaia getting killed in front of his eyes.

"Anyway" Leo raised his hand before Lizard flew from his place.

Like experiencing a huge attraction force, Lizard was forced to fly towards Leo, only to get his neck caught by an icy cold hand that didn't belong to a human.

Lizard kept struggling as he couldn't even glance at Leo another time, especially when Qliphoth was behind him and sending some sinister red gleam.

"I've to say that your Multiverse space products are really solid, maybe Root should learn from it" Leo glanced at the red space that was cracking, but still holding on, even if his true angel form showed itself a little.

"Multiverse space?..." Lizard winded his eyes before he remembered something he saw before. Aiwass and Toaru Majutsu no Index.

There was only one thought in his head... This guy isn't from this world like them.

"Impossible!!" Lizard couldn't accept the fact, but Leo didn't bother with him a lot before he said in his servant link 'Master, use one of those command seals'.

Ritsuka, who was still thinking about the Foreigner thing, heard Leo's voice before she raised her arm and said "With my command seals, I…"

She didn't know what order to say actually before she just said " Recover Caster's mana!"

However, nothing happened as the wind blew up Ritsuka's hair slightly while everyone in the church looked at her weirdly.

"..." Ritsuka, who didn't know what happened.

"..." Leo, who was choking someone while waiting.

{Um… How to do this?} Ritsuka tried a few times, but she couldn't activate the command seals.

"...." Leo's eyes became blank like he was already tired from this.

{It wasn't me! Don't they work with the sound?!} Ritsuka didn't know why, but she could imagine Leo's blank look now as she tried to defend herself.

{Maybe the connection is low. Go and put your hand on Nero's shoulder} Leo remembered that he's still in the game space, even if it was almost breaking.

{Nero, activate some of the seven crowns power} Nero heard Leo's voice before she nodded when looking at Ritsuka next to her.

Ritsuka did that immediately before she tried using the command seals again. This time they worked as one pair of the six wings glowed.

In the game space, Leo felt the mana entering his body via the link between him and Nero before he said " Be sure to catch this, Root…"

"What are you… Doing" Lizard had difficulty in breathing as he saw Leo's body glowing with a rainbow color.

"Achieving all that you desire, this is my duty as Beast" Leo said with a monotone tone before the rainbow light intensified.

The Qliphoth behind also glowed further as the breath of divinity and authority was flying in the air.

"Here to return the favor, I shall recover the past glory… Nega-Messiah" With those words, the faint rainbow color exploded as it rushed and engulfed Lizard's body completely.

Lizard felt his vision become black as he couldn't see anything before he saw a white feather falling from the sky. In this dark world, it was the only source of light.

Then, like something dropped into a calm lake, everything changed as Lizard was forced to close his eyes.

"AHHHH!!!" At night, in a normal house, a young man screamed as he woke up. It was like he saw a very scary nightmare.

However, this young man had an expression of disbelief when he was looking around before he released these words with difficulty " I-impossible… T-this can't be h-happening"

Looking at his hands and the room decor, Lizard that his shape changed and became younger said in disbelief " T-this is the original world… My home"

The old memories that he almost forgot were rushing towards his head. Before he joined the nightmare, he was just a regular student. On an unfortunate night, some robbers entered his house and killed all his family in front of his eyes.

He couldn't help them at all as he felt something inside of him broke. Be it rage or sadness, Lizard, who should be called John now, wasn't the same anymore. Even so, he was also killed, but before he lost his life, he got the invitation from the nightmare space.

"Is this dream? What I was doing before this?" John tried hard to remember, but he couldn't recall anything except he was a player in the nightmare space.

"Wait, this day… NO!!" Glancing at the calendar in the room, he saw it was the same day that his family got killed. He felt his mind blank as he couldn't think of anything except rushing downstairs.

When he got downstairs he felt something going to hit him, his senses are still sharp, but his body was slow, so he got hit on the head before he heard an annoyed voice " Stop screaming, don't you know it's the middle of the night?"

"S-sister…" John felt his face wet. Tears were streaming from his face, this is something that didn't happen to him in a long time.

After that, his sister was surprised by his sudden crying, however, he only played it off while trying to act normal, but his shaking shoulders betrayed him.

He stayed the whole night awake, but there were no robbers and all his family was safe. Is this a dream? It must be a dream, the nightmare space and his fighting senses we… Suddenly, he forgot about his fighting senses because his family is more important now.

However, there was something in front of him glowing red, but he couldn't see it at all, like it didn't exist.

[WARNING!! WARNING!! The player is exposing information about the nightmare space!! A penalty will be given to the player if he doesn't stop!... Unable to give the penalty… Unable to give the penalty…]

[The player violated a lot of rules of the nightmare space! The execution process will start… Unable to start the process… Unable to start the process…]

At the window, there was a pair of golden and dark blue watching John's movements before they disappeared.

After that night, John lived a normal life. He gradually forgot about the nightmare space and took it as a weird dream.

This life, this simple life with his family was actually everything that he wished for before he got dragged into madness by that nightmare space.

However, there were some strange things, like the fact he and the others didn't need to eat or even to... Breath. Did the humans need those things? He strangely forgot about that before continuing his life.

He married and had kids, he felt like everything that he wished for came true and he was… Satisfied.

Sometimes, scenes of the 'dream' about the nightmare space will flash in his head, which made him grateful for his current life and doesn't desire more than this. He doesn't need to breathe, eat, sleep, even to think because 'something' will do them for him… He doesn't even need to… Live.

At this moment, after 20 years, John didn't even have the desire to live anymore as he felt something cracking before his mind and soul, which lost all reasons to exist, started crumbling.

Back to the real world, The game space, which was separated from the real world's history and reality, was cracked in an instant by the rainbow color.

Unlike what John felt, it was just a moment here as everything was crushing before it turned into light particles. The rainbow color vanished as Leo stopped his Naga skill.

Lizard or John in his hand was shattered like glass and turned into light particles flying around, leaving only a small flame in Leo's hand.

"This garden that gives everything while taking everything. Is this what it means to be an angel and a demon, I wonder?" Leo looked at the small flame, which was the core and last part of Lizard's soul as he was in deep thoughts. His necklace closed as the Great Red's dream power stopped and Leo's halo also vanished.

The game space was completely shattered as it showed the normal Fuyuki city. All its parts joined the light particles as they were falling around Leo while his hair and robe were moving with the wind.

Naga-Messiah is a skill that can only be fully activated when using the Ten Crowns, which means sealing Leo's three Noble Phantasms power to supply this skill with strength.

It allows the manifestation of a conceptual bounded field that creates a dream where all desires will be achieved. No matter how big they are, the dream will be sure to satisfy the endless desires of humanity or anyone who enters the dream.

This bounded field rejects the regular history, so it doesn't allow Leo to use his normal Noble Phantasms, however, it isn't something to be taken lightly.

Anyone inside will start to lose themselves because the dream feeds on the victims' desires while achieving them. The victim will slowly lose every desire and with it, the will to live and do something.

Humans always evolved and advanced because of their desires. What is the point of breathing if you don't have to? What is the point of eating if you don't have to? What is the point of living if the dream can even achieve it for you?

Finding there is no meaning to exist anymore, the soul and mind will crumble to pieces. This is the Forsaken Eden, the true authority of Beast VI, a dream so beautiful to be true. Yet it hides a hell that devours everything.

Manaka Sajyou tried to use this power to achieve Arthur's desire for an eternal Britannia. To make it a dream that lasts for an eternity, but in the end, you can't rely on a Beast to do these things, so her goal was a lost cause from the start.

"And… I should stop before I die from the edge now" Leo shook his head before he looked at the sky.

"Did you get that, Root?" When Leo said those words, the Chat Room appeared in front of him. It directly entered a private chat with one message.

[Root(Developer/Type-Moon will): Got it, I can finally locate it. Thank you... But I want to say that my world is very solid, except this part]

{You're really linked to Ritsuka, huh} Leo shook his head as he chose to not think about it for now before looking at the screen. He can feel that she is the one that stopped the nightmare space, so it doesn't delete Lizard before his 'Dream' finishes.

"I guess this is related to the third objective, right?" Leo raised his eyebrow when he remembered that he had three objectives in this mission and the third one is optional.

[Objective 3: Try to stop the anomaly in the world]

[Root(Developer/Type-Moon will): *Sigh* you can guess that? Why can't you be one of those slightly slow guys]

"...." For the first time in his life, Leo saw something bothered by the fact that he's smart and can guess things. He means, it'll be a shame to all angels if he can't do these simple things.

[Root(Developer/Type-Moon will): Fine]

Like she can see his expression, Root decided to stop and sent a simple message.

[Root(Developer/Type-Moon will: Do you know something called the 'Hook'?]

At this time, one of the secrets of this multiverse and world will, is going to be revealed here.


Naga-Messiah A+ :

A Skill that permits one to maintain a (Conceptual Bounded Field) that (rejects) the (progress) and (results) expressed within the proper continuity of the History of Man.

It allows all (desires) and (regrets) to be achieved within the possibilities of (power), (awareness), and (will).

It is also known as the Forsaken Eden, a sealed garden away from the history of the world.

If it is released completely a new history will be created according to the desires of the humans trapped within, if they weren't human, their desires will be achieved. But unlike humans, Beast VI will have more control over their movement there.

The Forsaken Eden will devour all the desires of the victim to strengthen itself and the dream as the victim will stop even questioning the anomaly happening around him and accept it casually.

When the victims lose their desires, they will even lose the capability to exist anymore as they will crumble into dust.

When activated, Leo will seal all his three Noble Phantasms to supply this dream with power.

Using Great Red's dream concept also strengthened Eden's power and lowered the cost for using it.

This is a place where everything could be achieved, the biggest favor to anyone who enters, yet the biggest nightmare hidden in sweet dreams.

Giving everything, which made them lose everything, as a Beast, this is his twisted love for humanity.


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