Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Vladimir whose body is lying on the table felt that something is getting closer to him he look at his side only to find a beautiful face of a woman who has a very alluring lip and because of Keiji's heightened vision he can clearly see that he didn't wear any makeup, he stared into the face of the woman whose eyes are closed and getting closer to him but before it reached him he raised his open hand and grab the face of this woman and push it back.

Klyzer was searching for the source of the very fragrant scent, but suddenly she felt that her face was being grabbed by someone whose hands are so cold and soft. She blushed in embarrassment after opening her eyes and realizing what she had done.

The people who are staring at this gape their mouth because no one in their right mind would stop such a beautiful girl from being close to them but what they saw change their view of the world.

"What do you want"

Vladimir spoke with a cold voice and looks with Klyzer

"I... na.. nothing..."

Klyzer replied while blushing but after an albeit amount of time she sat up in a very proper sitting position and pretend as nothing happened but she's cheeks are still blushing in embarrassment.

'She's pretty cute'

Vladimir shook this thought and he himself doesn't know why would he think it that way, he is the lord of the vampire and he is also a cold-blooded murderer at that but at this sight, he thought something that he didn't want to think. Vladimir just lie down again on the table until the middle-aged woman entered the classroom she has a very alluring body and with one look you will know that she is a strict teacher.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning miss Dollente," the whole class said in unison

"Ok, so I hope you already know you're new classmate and get along with him"

Ms Dollente said while looking at Vladimir, the other student also look at him with different emotions in their eyes.


"Ok, please introduce your self"

Vladimir stood up and said, "Good morning I am Reign Scott" then sat down again.


Silence penetrated the room as they wait for Reign to spoke more.

"Ok, thank you, Mr Scott"


Then days passed like that after introducing himself the class start and ask a different question while Vladimir keep quiet all the time.

After exiting the room he was planning to walked around the academy but he was stopped by Klyzer.

"Mr Scott "

" What can I do for you? "

" I'm sorry for what I've done this morning "

" It's all right, you don't need to feel sorry about it and it's not like I care "

"But can I treat you to a meal"

"okay" Vladimir's replied and then he realized something 'fuck, I will said no but why did my mouth f***ing say yes'


"Oh!, I'm sorry I forgot that I have an important matter to attend to so... "

"Oh... okay, but maybe tomorrow"


"I'm really sorry about what happen "

"Okay, goodbye"


'F**k why am I acting like that in front of a mere human, why do I feel so weak in front of her did my hibernation affect the way I think or maybe the novels and the manga that I read affected my way of thinking' Vladimir's thought rummage as he walked towards the park where he parked his bicycle.

After reaching his bike he unlocked and ride his bicycle to go home, he parked his bicycle as usual and enter the elevator, after the elevator open Vladimir saw Mia in front of her penthouse, she was wearing a white oversized t-shirt and her shorts can't be seen because of it she has white long alluring legs and a cute appearance.

Keiji walked to his own penthouse.


Vladimir was going to open the door of his penthouse but he was getting called by Mia.

"Yes? "

"I am Mia, I live here and I'm your neighbour"

"..." Keiji was speechless as he thought 'F**k who the hell cares about you'

Mia extended his hand to form a handshake and said "What's your name?"

"I... am Vla... Reign Scott"

"Oh nice to meet you Reign "

Vladimir also extended his hand and shake hands with Mia he felt a warm and soft sensation when his palm and Mia's palm touch.

...(Mia's perspective)...

Mia was going to enter her penthouse after buying groceries but she heard the ding sound of the elevator and she saw the young man that she saw the other day and found out that he was also a student at Lark academy which is where she was attending. Keiji walked past her and was going to enter his penthouse.



'What what did I call him for, why'

"I am mia, I live here and I'm your neighboor"

Mia waited for his answer 'Why didn't he answer does he hate me for it oh right I didn't ask him'

"What's your name"

"I... am... Vla... Reign Scott"

'Do I look like a whore or slut why was he so scared of me, You know I don't treat anyone like this

"Oh, nice to meet you Reign"

She extended her hand and wait for Vladimir, Vladimir finally extended his hands and hold her hands, Mia felt a very cold and soft palm when Reign touch his and was startled by it.


"Why are your hands so cold"

"Oh...I... "

'sh*t I forgot to change the temperature of my body'

"Sorry, I just hold a cold bottle of water"

"No, I don't mean it like that I just felt it you don't need to feel sorry about it"


"Are you going to live here"

" Yes" Keiji replied as he thought 'Is it normal to ask someone you just got to know like that'

"Then I hope you will have a good life living here "

"Ok, and nice to meet you by the way"

"Me too "

Then they shake hands and walked into their own penthouse.

Vladimir entered his penthouse and cook ramen as his meal although he didn't need to eat every day he just needed to eat once a month because he is not a human, he still ate it because it tastes good.

After eating Vladimir take a bath and wash himself, although he didn't need to wash himself because he has the power to clean himself and his sweat smell like a perfume that has a perfect scent but he still takes a bath because he like the feeling of being wash by the water.

After taking a bath he walked into the room where the capsule is, he finally decided to start playing this so-called virtual world.

He got interested in it when he read it in the library it said that when a person who has a special ability enter this so-called virtual world they will also have this ability in the virtual world. This virtual world also serves as a device to know your own power before almost all human thought that those humans who said that they can see spirit are all crazy but when they entered the virtual world they have that ability even in the virtual world but this time they were sure that they were not crazy because when they open their status screen in the virtual world they have their skill written.

There are also people who don't know that they have that power but when they enter the virtual world they can see what power they have this ability is called innate ability.

Many scientists have tried to understand this technology but until now no one knew how this technology exists. They also tried to uncover if it tells the truth about the so-called ability and they found out that it was true they experiment many people who have an innate ability because in the game if you have an innate ability you can also use it in the real world the only difference is in the virtual world you can level up your innate ability and you can utilize it easily while in the real world you can use it but you don't know how to utilize it and level it up, but some people who have their own innate ability tried to practice it in the real-life and they found out that if you practice enough you will feel the same as when you level up the skill in the game it was a strange feeling that can't be described by words.

There are many famous people who have to succeed in wielding their power and levelling up in the real world although they don't have their status interface.


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