Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Then after they confirmed Keiji's Identity they handed him a bronze card. 

"This is your card make sure not to lose it and if you want to participate in a battle make sure to sign-up two days before the battle starts." The man said and turned around.

Keiji walked towards the registration to sign-up and participate in the battle. 

"Can I see the schedule of the tournament"

"Can I see your card sir?"

Keiji showed his card and the staff handed him the list of the tournament that will happen.

Keiji read through the loss and saw that everyday there is a normal battle which you can bet something equal to the bet of your opponent and there is also a weekly battle which is a random tournament with a set of random rules. 

Sometimes the weekly can be a normal 1 vs 1 battle and sometimes it can be a team fight but there is also an all out battle that didn't care about level even the average level of the participants is gold rank a bronze rank can still participate.

The entrance is also based on what is the highest level of participant if there is someone in a diamond or higher rank that participated the entrance fee will also increase which a normal bronze rank can't afford.

The good thing is that the higher the registration fee, the higher the reward is. But no one in the bronze rank and even silver would enter those competitions.

Keiji browsed through the list and one tournament caught his attention.

It is a team battle tournament that will be held tomorrow.

"I'd like to enter this," Keiji said to the registrar.

"Are you sure sir?" The registrar said as he shot a confused gaze at Keiji.


"Ok sir, do you wish to enter with your team or random."


"I just want you to know sir that there are teams who already registered and have an average rank of gold and there is also one person who registered in diamond rank."


"Do you still wish to register sir?"


"Ok please wait a minute." The registrar said with helplessness.

Keiji for an entire minute before the registrar came back while holding a paper in his hand.

"Sir, this will be your team and I will also send your information to your group." The registrar gave him the paper in his hand.

"And this is the token to enter the battlefield you can just show this token as a proof of your Identity." 

The registrar also gave him a silver token.

"Thanks" Keiji then left after that.

After that he logged out of the game and walked out of the room. He took a bottle of tequila in the refrigerator and a handful of snacks before he sat on the sofa and opened the television.

He picked an anime series to watch and became engrossed in it. Time passed by like that, Keiji looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7 pm. 

He was now so bored that he had nothing to do and if not for the food that he was eating he would have tried to destroy the world.

Keiji have already drank 16 bottles of tequila and his immunity level was still in its lowest. He walk towards the refrigerator but found out that there were no more tequila in there he have already drank all the tequila he brought.

"Oh f.uc.k, I want to drink more," Keiji said as he closed the refrigerator but then the force that Keiji exude made it crash.

One of the sides of the refrigerator flattened in the wall. Keiji looked at it and his hands.

"You are so weak." Keiji said while pointing at the destroyed refrigerator.

Keiji got drunk and was now out of his mind although he still has some sanity left and can still control himself a little. 


Keiji was preparing to go out and buy more drinks but then the sound of a doorbell rang out.

"What's that sound?" Keiji felt confused as his mind was still not completely stable.


Then another sound rang out and Keiji now seems to remember that this sound indicates that there is a person want to enter his penthouse.

"Oh right haha ding dong sound means that there is someone who wants to enter your house. I read it already in the book. How can I forget about that. "

Keiji said as if proud of himself for how genius he is.

He walked towards the door and opened it. He saw a beautiful woman with its head lowered and while playing with its own finger. The woman was wearing a pink non-hooded jacket and a short that exposed his white smooth legs. She also wears long pink socks. 

"Wh~at..*burp*" Keiji said sluggishly.

The girl bit its lips as he mustered up her courage and said.

"This is for you and sorry for what I did before." Mia said while still lowering her head because of the embarrassment that she felt.

Keiji looked at her and asked "Who are you?..*hik..* Do I know you?"

Mia almost died out of embarrassment but she smelled the reeks of alcohol in Keiji.

She looked up and said " I am Mia"

"Oh you are *hik.* the girl who entered here."

"Yes~, and I am here to give you this to thank you that you didn't do something to me while I was drunk." Mia said as she raised what's in his hand again.

Keiji looked at Mia and said "What if I want something more? He..he.." as he smiled creepily at Mia.

"If It is within my power, I will do my best."

"Really!?, What if I want youuu~" 

Mia stepped back at Keiji's words and said "I can give you something worth of your help but not my body" she crossed her arms as she said those words.

"Who wants your body? I only want you to buy me alcohol or wine" Keiji said and handed her a credit card. "Here is my credit card. The password is six...six, all six you can buy the strongest wine you can buy" Keiji said.

Mia heard him and noted what he said but her eyes seemed to wander somewhere on Keiji's body. Keiji's perfect abs and muscle can be seen in his tight-fitting suit that he was wearing. 

Keiji didn't mind her but there is still part of him that was getting lively after all he was sleeping for a millenia and his woman left him alone for almost a hundred years before he decided to sleep.

After that he then went back to his penthouse not caring about what Mia was thinking

Mia blushed and shook her head as if she didn't want to remember what she just saw. 

'Wait, did he just trust me with his credit card?' Mia thought as she stood up in the same spot as before.

'Maybe there is not much in this card.' She thought walk out of the building and went to the nearest wine shop.

Before Mia went inside the wine shop she first went to the bank station to check how much Keiji had so that she knew what to buy or what not.

'That man is a drunkard. He only eats ramen while he wants me to buy wine for him. Why did he not buy it as a food instead.' Mia thought as she used the credit card machine.

'Maybe he thought that I would buy him drinks because of what I did and he dared to' Mia's thought is becoming out of control and she blushes slightly as she keeps doing what she was doing.

'But his muscles were so perfect but he was so strong and when I touched him his skin was so soft so how can he be that strong.' Mia thought and looked at his own skin which is also smooth and soft but pale compared to Keiji.

'I only attain this strength because of my ability. That is why the shape of my body is not that affected but does he have the same ability as mine.'

She shook his head after he heard the beep sound of the credit card machine. 

Mia's mouth gaped as she saw what was on the screen of the credit card machine.

'What!?, he is that rich?' Then why does all of his food ramen or is he so lazy to even buy in the grocery store but then there is the online shopping store why did he not buy from there?.'

'Does it really true that if you are rich you became dumb? *sigh* Let's not think of it until I become rich.'

Mia then closed the machine and pulled out the card then she walked towards the wine shop.

"Goodmorning ma'am" The man greeted her then bowed out of respect.

Mia nodded and entered the store. She looked around and saw that there was a massive collection of wine.

She walked towards one of the staff and said "where can I find the strongest wine here?"


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