Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Malfina ran through the forest trying to find the trace of Keiji but even after almost an hour she still can not find any traces left by Keiji.

'Where the f**k does that m*t**f**k*r go, I am go...' Her thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly felt a cold palm in his shoulder.

She clenched his fist and turned ninety degrees then raised his left arm to remove the palm on her left shoulder then bend her knees while positioning her fist them then swung her fist forward to punch the person that grabs her shoulder but it was dodged by the man just by simply moving his body sideways.

Malfina stumbled to the ground as she was carried away by the force of her own attacks. She stood up right away and prepared to attack again but she saw the face of the man she was just going to attack.

"Are you done playing?" The man asked with a serious tone that made Malfina fix her own posture.

Malfina bowed her head and said "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else"

with a respectful tone, she didn't even dare to speak carelessly because the man in front of him was one of the generals in the Union.

It is said that a General always has a high level and also is experienced, they were always looked up to by commoners. They also have a certain status and power that was supported by the Union in real life and the game.

"Ok, go on and report to me what happened," The man said to Malfina, not caring about anything else.

"So a man ranging 16-18 years old, his voice was beautiful and alluring but definitely a voice of a man, he has a perfectly shaped body and wears a mask that has an anti-appraisal effect on it. This man also has an estimated height of 6ft and yellow eyes with long black hair." Malfina reported each detail he knows about Keiji carefully and professionally.

"Then, where is this man you're talking about ?" The man looked at Malfina with a serious look.

"I'm sorry, but I lost him, he is too fast for a beginner and much more agile than I am"

Malfina said with a hint of fear in her eyes

"So you are saying that you failed to keep track of a newbie with your level which is already 20" The man looked at Malfina with disgust and surprise.

"I am sorry, general but he was so fast that I can't keep up with him, it looks like he wasn't a newbie at all.

" hmm" The man stroked his chin as if he was thinking of something he called his superiors to report clearly what happened.

'Sir, this is General. Lucas reporting' Lucas called his superiors using the system.

'Go on' his superiors replied inside his head.

'There was a newbie who was stronger than the examiner' The man replied with a respectful and serious tone.

'Are you sure?'

'Not yet sir'

'Then go make an investigation first make sure to report anything that will happen and send me more information about it'

'Yes, sir' After he replied the call got cut off then he looked at Malfina and ordered her.

"Go straight to the south, and you will saw a man wearing a black robe that came from the Union, tell him all you know and make sure to do this within an hour"

"Yes, sir" Malfina bowed even though she wasn't sure where she was going to.

"Just head straight to the south and you will be stopped by this man, make sure to check the insignia of the Union "

"Yes, sir"

"Go now and do it as fast as possible."

Lucas started looking around finding the traces of Keiji, after some time he found out that Keiji headed towards the town of Prague. He heads towards the town of Prague to find Keiji.

Keiji stopped searching for the cat anymore and looked around the area to search for more missions.

He walks inside a smith shop hoping to obtain some mission because from what he reads in some manga a blacksmith always gives missions.

He walks to the counter and the man over it ask him "Hello young adventurer, are you looking for something"

"Nope, I came here hoping that I could help you with something" 

"Oh, what a coincidence I also need some help to gather some bears pelt because of my old age I have problems with my bones and muscles, my strength has almost deteriorated and I am no longer the same when I was younger" The old man spoke without stopping and not giving Keiji a chance to speak.

"Do you wish to help me, young man" 

After the man over the counter was done talking a blue screen appeared in Keiji's retina.

[ Do you wish to accept Brad's mission ]

[ Yes/No ]

"Yes I am glad to help you"

[ Mission - Gather some Bear's pelt


Bear's pelt 

Time limit: 6 hours

Rewards:  depends on how many Bear's pelts you got.            ]

Keiji turned around and exited the smith shop, after exiting the shop he was stopped by a young man wearing a knight suit that was blocking his way.

"Excuse me, can you please move away" Keiji spoke in a normal tone and asked the man that is blocking his way.

The man wearing a knight suit was Morgan; he was popular in this kingdom because of his guild and his high level.

He was quite confident that all people he encounters will shiver in fear in front of him and said "Are you talking to me little punk, do you want your level to turn into 1"

Keiji was going to kill this man right here and right now but decided not to because he remembers that after he killed someone the guards will hunt him down.

Keiji ignores this man and walks forward to grazing Morgan's shoulder. He walked past him and Morgan was stupefied by this action and so his members because no one had dared to ignore him and act like that in front of him.

He walked to the man who just ignored him and grabbed his shoulder and said. "Hey, punk did you just ignore me".

Keiji shrug his shoulder to remove the hand of Morgan and said "Don't touch me you pervert" 

Morgan swung his fist to attack Keiji but Keiji dodge it swiftly, this action made Morgan think twice because his strength and agility were high it means that his attacks were no joke.

'How the hell did he dodge my attack, is he a high-level player, that is trolling in this town' 

Keiji smiled when a blue transparent screen appeared in his retina which didn't even hinder his sight.

[ The user was attacked by another player ]

[ Does the user confirm that the other party is an enemy of the user ]

[ Yes / No ]

' Yes,' Keiji picked yes using his mind and another notification popped up.

[ The user can retaliate or kill the other party within 30 minutes without penalty ]

Keiji punched Morgan's face who was still in the middle of confusion, this made Morgan move two steps backwards. Keijo didn't stop there and followed up another punch that hit Morgan's face again, one punch after another hit Morgan's face in a matter of seconds that made Morgan lose half of his life.

Morgan was still in a state of confusion when he received Keiji's continuous attack, not even giving him a chance to fight back.

Morgan's party were also shocked by the sudden turn of events and wanted to help their leader which is Morgan who was being punched continuously by Keiji.

After receiving another punch Morgan finally came to his senses and tried to block Keiji's attack but unfortunately failed.

Keiji attack again but suddenly his attack was blocked by Morgan and he was hit in the stomach by Morgan's fist that made him move half a step, Morgan's attack were successful because Keiji suddenly felt that someone is watching him so he uses his skill status concealment which was maxed and alter his status while fighting Morgan.


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