Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

He walked back to the room and sat again on his seat, then he picked up the book and read it, after a minute Ms. Dollente entered the room.

She looked around and found out that there are still students who are missing within his class she wait until the bell rang indicating that the break was over but there are three students who were missing so she asked.

" Does anyone of you know where the other students that are sitting there go?" she asked while pointing at the vacant seat.

The classroom looked at Reign because they saw Reign and Ron fight but no one had the courage to tell, while Ryle who just got back from the bathroom felt very nervous but he kept quiet.

{ Inside the bathroom }

Ron open his eyes and felt pain all over his neck he also saw a yellowish water and a white surrounding he stand up and saw that it was a bowl that he saw he felt vomiting and walk to a nearby sink and open the faucet then he wash his face and gurgle hs mouth as he did this he remembered something and looked at his watch he saw that it was time for their third test so he immediately wipe his face with his own uniform he was going to exit the bathroom but he saw tom and Ken and so he kick their butt to wake them up. 

After washing their face they walked back to the classroom but they only saw the angry face of their teacher. 

Ms. Dollente watched his three students waiting for an explanation.

Tom was going to talk but he was stopped by Ron,  Ron who was stepping at his feet.

" we just go o the bathroom but the faucet was destroyed so we fix it and this happen "

Ms.  Dollente accept their excuses and said

"ok you can go to the clothing hall and change your clothes and you can go to my office to to take the exam you miss  "

The class ends well. 

Klyzer heaved a sigh and lay down helplessly on the table, with her face facing Reign who was still reading.

Reign was so absorbed at what he was reading that he didn't notice that Klyzer was staring at him.

'such a handsome face' Klyzer thought this and stare at him for quite some time before retracting his gaze and stare outside the window. 

"Okay class, now that you are done with your exam our class schedule will return back to normal, oh right Reign what is your contact number so that I have a way of contacting you"

Reign heard this and put down his book and replied " Oh, I don't have contact number "

"what did you say? " Ms.  Dollente asked in a calm manner, she thought that she just misheard what Keiji had said.

" I don't have contact number " 

"Oh, then just your social media or give me a way that can get in contact with you "

"I also don't have any social media and such "

"what? " Ms. Dollente once again thought that she misheard Reign.

Klyzer who was near Reign also thought that she had misheard what Reign was talking about. 

Reign was quite annoyed by Ms. Dollente who asked questions repeatedly and the main reason is that he was currently in the climax part of the story he was reading. 

" I don't have any social media acountsand such "

"WHAT? " Ms. Dollente really can't believe that he was saying the truth.

Klyzer thought that Reign was just joking and was never serious. 

"I said,  I don't have any social media and such "

" are you saying the truth, how can you enter this school without having that"

Ms. Dollente cannot stop his urge to ask 

"Is that required to enter this school? "

Reign ask Ms. Dollente in a respectful manner. 

Ms. Dollente was speechless with Reign's reply because he was right it isn't required to have social media to enter this school. 

Klyzer thought that Reign was not serious but when she saw the seriousness of reign face and realize that Reign wasn't joking 

" oh!,  well I'll just announce the schedule for next week so starting next week we will going to have normal classes so you need to get here beforev8 in the morning then you can go home 8 in the afternoon "

Reign sat back and he now realized what his mistakes are he put the book inside his bag and prepare to go home. 

" ok,  class goodbye and thank you you can go home now"

Klyzer asked Reign who was ready to leave " do you really doesn't have social media account "

"what does that do to you" reign replied and walked past Klyzer.

KLyzer was dumbfounded by Reign's answer. She felt that she was dumped and especially her who was the family of a rich tycoon and also one of the strongest clan in the virtual world. 

Reign was really in a bad mood right now because he know that if it was in the old times he will not make such a  simple mistake and he also felt something that he can't  explain that is why he was in a bad mood right now. 

Klyzer was now in a bad mood after that she walked out of the school while fuming and she entered the car and closed it angrily that caused a loud bang, Klyzer's chauffeur was also curious about this because this is the first time he saw his boss getting a bad mood


Reign goes home using his bike as he usually does. He enters his penthouse and lie down on his bed, he was thinking if he should use his power to call Chris to buy him a cellphone or he will just gonna buy it himself.

Reign sleep for a while then wake up after it was afternoon, he walk out then cook a ramen then he ate it .

After eating the ramen he walks in the library and read some novels until late at night, then he cooks ramen again and also  ate it and then he takes a bath.

Reign walks out of the bathroom and put on some clothes then he enter the VR world 

The surrounding change again and Reign found himself in front of the teleportation array.


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